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*gaze bouncing between the two Coltranes* wait wait.. you already got him for trickery you want to get him for obstruction too? Thats two things that are basically the same, you cant try someone for the same charge twice....

He tricked me into the jail cell. He locked the door, thus obstruction. Geez, Alex, ain't you figured out Hazzard Law yet?

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You're justice?! Yer a parkin' and speedin' ticket dispenser! Like a Depu-Pez!

*gets an image of MaryAnne with pez dispenser head and turns around trying so hard not to laugh.. but shoulders are shaking*

*gets an image of MaryAnne with pez dispenser head and turns around trying so hard not to laugh.. but shoulders are shaking*

Watch it Alex, or you're gonna be next!

I'm more than just a parkin' ticket and speedin' ticket dispenser 'round here. Dang it.

... a Depu-Pez ticket dispenser. All somebody's gotta do, is tip yer hat back to git a ticket.

Ok. Fine. I'll amend the charge...

Obstruction of a Depu-Pez Ticket Dispenser.

Considerin' Boss's penchant for ticket rev-a-noo, that's a serious, serious o-ffense.

Still looks doubtful you're gonna git any bail, bud.

Watch it Alex, or you're gonna be next!

I'm more than just a parkin' ticket and speedin' ticket dispenser 'round here. Dang it.

*turns back around at the threat from MaryAnne and grins then looks at Brian* fiesty isnt she??

Ok. Fine. I'll amend the charge...

Obstruction of a Depu-Pez Ticket Dispenser.

Considerin' Boss's penchant for ticket rev-a-noo, that's a serious, serious o-ffense.

Still looks doubtful you're gonna git any bail, bud.

*holds the bars, eyebrow lifting* How serious, is serious serious? You mean, like... serious, serious o-ffense, or...SERIOUS, serious, yer-so-screwed-now-boy, o-ffense.

*holds the bars, eyebrow lifting* How serious, is serious serious? You mean, like... serious, serious o-ffense, or...SERIOUS, serious, yer-so-screwed-now-boy, o-ffense.

*takes a step closer to the bars and looks at kin, meeting the dark eyed gaze* SERIOUS, serious, yer-so-*%(#!%ing-screwed-now-boy, o-ffense.

*takes a step closer to the bars and looks at kin, meeting the dark eyed gaze* SERIOUS, serious, yer-so-*%(#!%ing-screwed-now-boy, o-ffense.

*hearing Brian is seriously in deep trouble, but doesnt seem to react to it too much, too busy gazing at MaryAnne after hearing her swear and gives a sigh*

*takes a step closer to the bars and looks at kin, meeting the dark eyed gaze* SERIOUS, serious, yer-so-*%(#!%ing-screwed-now-boy, o-ffense.


*starts doing some math on how many days MaryAnne was behind bars, how many tickets she coulda wrote each day, and the average dollar rev-ah-noo value of each ticket *


*starts doing some math on how many days MaryAnne was behind bars, how many tickets she coulda wrote each day, and the average dollar rev-ah-noo value of each ticket *

*ignores Alex's stare, keeping gaze on kin behind bars. Afterall, messing with Boss's rev-ah-noo generatin' schemes is SERIOUS, serious stuff!*

*ignores Alex's stare, keeping gaze on kin behind bars. Afterall, messing with Boss's rev-ah-noo generatin' schemes is SERIOUS, serious stuff!*

...uh, yeah. *uncomfortable beneath that steady gaze* ...well....

*glances quick to Alex, who's too infatuated by MaryAnne to be doing any decent scheming* You shoulda brought somethin' fancier than a burger and fries, buddy. Nobody's last meal should come in a brown paper bag.

*looks back to deputy cousin* Awright, MaryAnne. Ah see yer point. I've cost the county a pretty penny in keepin' you locked up. But there's gotta be some sorta terms we can come to.....

...uh, yeah. *uncomfortable beneath that steady gaze* ...well....

*glances quick to Alex, who's too infatuated by MaryAnne to be doing any decent scheming* You shoulda brought somethin' fancier than a burger and fries, buddy. Nobody's last meal should come in a brown paper bag.

*looks back to deputy cousin* Awright, MaryAnne. Ah see yer point. I've cost the county a pretty penny in keepin' you locked up. But there's gotta be some sorta terms we can come to.....

Hmmm...maybe. Now that you've realized the seriousness of the situation I may be more agreeable to discussin' some terms.

We'll see...

...uh, yeah. *uncomfortable beneath that steady gaze* ...well....

*glances quick to Alex, who's too infatuated by MaryAnne to be doing any decent scheming* You shoulda brought somethin' fancier than a burger and fries, buddy. Nobody's last meal should come in a brown paper bag.

*looks back to deputy cousin* Awright, MaryAnne. Ah see yer point. I've cost the county a pretty penny in keepin' you locked up. But there's gotta be some sorta terms we can come to.....

*snaps out of the stupor hearing Brian then nods* well if youre gonna be in there for awhile we have time to... *clears throat not wanting to be so obvious about a scheme* time to make you as comfy as possible...

*snaps out of the stupor hearing Brian then nods* well if youre gonna be in there for awhile we have time to... *clears throat not wanting to be so obvious about a scheme* time to make you as comfy as possible...

If you only knew how that sounds to others *thinks to self* Roger, that's a great idea! I gotta see if the General Store has 'em in stock. *pause and smiles at everyone else* Y'all have fun. Best wishes on makin' bail, Brian*whistles a familiar tune off key, while going outside*


Hey, MaryAnne *Smiles*

Since Brians gonna be in jail for a while I'd like to help out...

Could I be 'acting' "Lord of the Outlaws" until he gets out? Its big shoes but someones got to fill em'.




Hey, MaryAnne *Smiles*

Since Brians gonna be in jail for a while I'd like to help out...

Could I be 'acting' "Lord of the Outlaws" until he gets out? Its big shoes but someones got to fill em'.




*turns to looks at Cowboy* YOU acting Lord of the Outlaws? *cocks an eyebrow* I dont think theres a need for you to fill in anything Chet...

Hey, MaryAnne *Smiles*

Since Brians gonna be in jail for a while I'd like to help out...

Could I be 'acting' "Lord of the Outlaws" until he gets out? Its big shoes but someones got to fill em'.




*turns to looks at Cowboy* YOU acting Lord of the Outlaws? *cocks an eyebrow* I dont think theres a need for you to fill in anything Chet...

*looks at Chet, then looks at Alex* Well, ya know, he's got a point. Bein' Lord of the Outlaws is a big responsibility and I'm not anywhere near qualified to carry the title myself, despite the fact that Brian hijacked my badge while I was in jail.

See, I'm different. Instead of taking on new responsiblities, I'd rather outsource.

*looks at Chet* Let me think it over, Chet...

*looks at Chet, then looks at Alex* Well, ya know, he's got a point. Bein' Lord of the Outlaws is a big responsibility and I'm not anywhere near qualified to carry the title myself, despite the fact that Brian hijacked my badge while I was in jail.

See, I'm different. Instead of taking on new responsiblities, I'd rather outsource.

*looks at Chet* Let me think it over, Chet...

WHAT?! *grabbing the bars, protesting loudly* No!! If Chet was in charge of the bad guys around heah, we'd be overrun with mediocre badness! If you want quality trouble, you can't give that title away! I know Chet can do bad thangs, like put his head through the jukebox, and spit for a half-mile, but that ain't finesse! That ain't the caliber of bad ah've worked so hard to cultivate around heah!

WHAT?! *grabbing the bars, protesting loudly* No!! If Chet was in charge of the bad guys around heah, we'd be overrun with mediocre badness! If you want quality trouble, you can't give that title away! I know Chet can do bad thangs, like put his head through the jukebox, and spit for a half-mile, but that ain't finesse! That ain't the caliber of bad ah've worked so hard to cultivate around heah!

*gives a nod crossing his arms over his chest* Damn straight Brian... Chet wouldnt do anything but give that title a bad name and frankly as one of the bad guys in this town, Id be forced to lead a revolt against him if hes put in charge...and to be more to the point, theres only one Lord of the Outlaws and its him... *points to Brian*

*gives a nod crossing his arms over his chest* Damn straight Brian... Chet wouldnt do anything but give that title a bad name and frankly as one of the bad guys in this town, Id be forced to lead a revolt against him if hes put in charge...and to be more to the point, theres only one Lord of the Outlaws and its him... *points to Brian*

A ree-volt is a noble idea, Alex, but you won't do that to MaryAnne.

WHAT?! *grabbing the bars, protesting loudly* No!! If Chet was in charge of the bad guys around heah, we'd be overrun with mediocre badness! If you want quality trouble, you can't give that title away! I know Chet can do bad thangs, like put his head through the jukebox, and spit for a half-mile, but that ain't finesse! That ain't the caliber of bad ah've worked so hard to cultivate around heah!

I'm sorry, cousin, but I may have no choice. Somebody's gotta fill the position while you're in the clink here. And it'll probably be for a spell, unless you and I come to some sorta terms, which I haven't thought of any terms to present yet.

*gives a nod crossing his arms over his chest* Damn straight Brian... Chet wouldnt do anything but give that title a bad name and frankly as one of the bad guys in this town, Id be forced to lead a revolt against him if hes put in charge...and to be more to the point, theres only one Lord of the Outlaws and its him... *points to Brian*

*looks at Alex* Lemme see if I got this straight...

Giving Chet the Lord of the Outlaws title would give that title a bad name? Isn't it already bad? Am I missing something? I could see if you said that giving the title to Chet would give it a good name but...I'm not following the "bad" arguement.

As for the revolt...now, if I were to let Chet have the title for a bit, you'd revolt against my decision?


You would revolt against me?

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