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Thanks BL :)...I had a hard time believing y'all enjoyed jail so much you were excited about decorating it for your stay. ;) Though I also believe that Hogg may have a thing or two to say about you decorating his jail.


This Coltrane has something to say about decoratin' the jail! Other than the lovely sign over the stairs that was done in needlepoint by Rosco's mama, we ain't decoratin' with anythin' else here. No frilly curtains or flowers by the window. This is a jail, not Better Homes and Gardens!

Now... *looks at Daney* I believe your bail has been set, in the form of a no-bake cookie recipie.

You wouldn't want all yer kin folk to get in trouble for bustin' you out of here when instead we could all have some cookies? Would ya? :wink:


Of course not *gestures toward the Commodore 64 and carefully types for a few minutes.*Cool the mixture five minutes before adding old fashioned oats. *muses out loud*

On the screen it reads...

2 cups granulated sugar

1 stick margarine or butter

1/2 cup low-fat milk

1/3 cup baking cocoa

3 cups uncooked Quaker oats

Combine sugar, margarine, milk and cocoa in a large saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring frequently. Continue boiling for three minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat, then stir in oats. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto waxed paper. Let stand until firm. Place in a container that could be sealed tightly.

*typing stops and glances toward the group*


Aha! Finally, the top-secret Duke family recipie for chocolate no-bake cookies! Tasty and easy to make. 'Zactly what I was lookin' for.

I'd say yer free to go, Daney. Lemme just see if MaryAnne is paying any attention.... DEPUTY! We got real estate openin' up, if you'd like to get the key for Miss Duke.


Of course I'm payin' attention, Brian. I'm standing right here!

That looks like a tasty recipie there Daney! May have to try that myself sometime. You're free to go! *unlocks the cell door*

Now....lessee who my next vict--- er selection might be... :deputy:


Thank you! *Leaves the cell and heads for the stairs. Thinking of a spiced apple beverage at the Boars Nest or farmhouse with friends and family that are there.* You're welcome! Take it easy, y'all! *smile*

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