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Here it is December 5 on the southern shore of Lake Erie between Cleveland and Buffalo and we just had our first snowfall. Normally by now, we'd have two feet of the white stuff, although much of that would have melted.

However, our first snow came today at 4pm (EST).

I saw in the newspaper that Houston got snow on Friday. I saw on the national news that Georgia, Alabama and other states in the south got snow Friday also. If not Friday, then Saturday morning.

Think about that. How often is it that the Deep South of Dixie gets snow BEFORE parts of the Great Lakes? Has that ever happened before? I don't know about you folks but I find this absolutely amazing.

Here it is December 5 on the southern shore of Lake Erie between Cleveland and Buffalo and we just had our first snowfall. Normally by now, we'd have two feet of the white stuff, although much of that would have melted.

However, our first snow came today at 4pm (EST).

I saw in the newspaper that Houston got snow on Friday. I saw on the national news that Georgia, Alabama and other states in the south got snow Friday also. If not Friday, then Saturday morning.

Think about that. How often is it that the Deep South of Dixie gets snow BEFORE parts of the Great Lakes? Has that ever happened before? I don't know about you folks but I find this absolutely amazing.

Living not very far from Houston myself (Austin, Texas) we got a little bit of snow..not much, but a little, its cold here though...really cold...its common here in Texas to get some snow during winter and I've seen some places get ALOT of snow down here but we really don't get much..and yes I agree it is amazing.


In the middle of nowhere Iowa, we normally get snow way before now. We got some Thursday, but that has been about it here. It is getting way too cold here for my liking. I really dislike the snow and ice and cold weather. But yeah it is amazing and odd on how the weather has been. We normally get hot and humid summers, but this summer it was warm but nothing like it normally gets and our fall has been decent as well. It hasn't gotten too cold until the last half of last week. BRRRR...bring snow for Christmas and then let it all melt away until next Christmas if you ask me. :D


Hey Garrett, they had a story on the local TV weather that a relatively cool summer like we had often means that we WON'T get a lot of snow. So far, they're right. I really don't mind the snow but the only thing I worry about is people (especially my loved ones) getting hurt in car wrecks. My relatives are all safe drivers but it's the other feller that I worry about. At least my kids are all older now. I really worried when they were young drivers.


I can live with a warmer winter...or at least not as much snow. I agree with you about worrying about loved ones and accidents. I feel the same way. Mine are safe drivers as well but you never know what may or could happen. Hopefully everyone and all that we know can and will have a safe winter.


We've had snow here three days out of this month already and man is it COLD! I've lived in Texas for 7 years now and this is the coldest winter I remember. But I missed the snow so much I don't mind it at all. I agree with Garrett though I would love to have a white Christmas this year. I miss that. Kansas was almost always white at Christmas. Sigh....oh well I can always wish.


I want to thank you Roger...I think you have cursed me and cursed me good you did. LOL. It has snowed off and on today...we are predicted to have six to twelve inches of snow and have blizzard like condition starting at midnight through the entire day. Plus cold weather to top it all off. Yeah...thanks a lot Roger ;). Sorry couldn't help myself, afterall, someone has to be to blame. Right? I guess Winter is unofficially here.



Well, it looks like we're going to be hit too starting Wednesday night so I guess I'm going to pay the price for starting this storm.

Well, let me help you a little bit Garrett since I'm the cause of all this. Since Cooter lives in Georgia, I live in Pennsylvania and you live in Iowa, the least I can do is relay the message to him from you on the CB if you get stuck and are out of CB range with him.


Man it was windy here today! Geez, I mean c'mon 60 mile an hour winds?!?!!?!? We have a carport in the backyard and two sides are closed off, well we have small bales stored under it, and my husband had to leave for a while and at that time it almost flew away for crying out loud. Thank goodness our neighbor and one of his relatives were able to tie it down a bit more. Not only that you would think with the snow that we've had it wouldn't turn into a dust storm, but oh no it had to turn into a HUGE dust storm. At times I couldn't see our fence that's no more than 35 feet from the back door. Whew what a mess!


BRRR TexasDaisy. I am glad that you had help with all that. Sounds like we'll be getting the wind tonight and tomorrow as well.

Thanks Roger, that would be appreciated. Hopefully I will not need Cooter, but you never know with my car. It don't do well with stopping in the snow/ice or turning. (hope you know I was only giving you a hard time). All is forgiven...especially if they cancel work due to it. We already are starting two hours late...I can surely use the extra sleep. ;) (Fingers crossed that they close...then at least one good thing will come out of this dang weather. LOL...almost as bad as I was in school hoping for a snow day.)


Well I guess I owe you a thanks now Roger since I got a free day off today :D. YAY...at least something positive came about with this snow and wind. I watched my first two Duke episodes in what seems to be forever! I watched "The Great Santa Clause Chase" for Christmas and then went back an episode and watched "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane". It was great to see the boys and Uncle Jesse once more. You almost have to laugh with Bo when he begins to laugh. Gotta love the Dukes...and now I am finally motivated to write. Now if only my muses would work with me, my day would be perfect! So thanks Roger for cursing on the snow. (Though tomorrow I may feel differently when I actually have to drive in it to work unless by some far off chance I get another day off. Which I find very unlikely)


Talk about nutty weather! Today it was so cold that I didn't dare stick a toe out the door. Man Texas weather can make you wonder! Glad to hear that you got a day off Garrett! I think my husband has got to be one a few people who don't like days off. He was at home Monday and Tuesday and he about went nuts. He installed some floor and played a new video game but it seemed like he was about to lose it because he couldn't work. Lol then today he was able to work. You have never seen a happier man. Lol oh well what are ya gonna do?


BRRRR TexasDaisy...sounds way too cold for me. Right now and throughout today I can hear the wind outside my window. It sounds like tonight and tomorrow is suppose to be cold here as well. It was today too, had to take my dog out a few times and she did not like it.

Boy who doesn't like a day off? LOL. I enjoy each day off I can get...unless it is to go to the doctors or what not, then I'd rather be at work. LOL. But a free day off due to weather, that is the only positive thing that comes from the winter. Of course all of that is my own opinion. Glad he likes his job so much...I like mine as well, though do enjoy time away as well. ;)


Which state do you live in? It's been in the 20's at night here lately. I can't believe I'm saying this but I can hardly wait for summer in so many ways! Lol never thought I'd say I was looking forward to summer in Texas because of the heat but man this is cold! Lol


We're having ferocious winds here in northwest Pennsylvania tonight (Wed) so this is a pretty big weather system. We're supposed to get hit Thursday and real hard Friday. I know a few people who are going to the Steelers/Browns game in Cleveland on Thursday night. I think I would have tried to sell those tickets.

Well, if it was a Dukes related event I would have probably gone though....LOL....a feller's gotta have his priorities.


I don't know if it's snowing in Hazzard County or not but it sure is snowing in Erie County now. Just about everything's closed down including Interstate 90. I90 runs coast to coast from Boston all the way to Seattle so I imagine it's inconviencing a few folks. Erie County was even mentioned on CNN this morning.

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