daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 mICHAEL SMILED and said Ok Daisy, But I need to take Kit Kat back to Chicago so she could tesafie. agaist Marcus. and Devin is working on something for me before we can go to Chicago.Daisy smiled "I love you..and I understand, we'll get Kat to Chicago and then finally me and you can be together..should we go back in or...enjoy the rest of the night.." she smirks at the last part of her sentence.
dukesrule2000 Posted November 24, 2009 Author Posted November 24, 2009 Michael was about to answer her when K.I.T.T SAID dEVIN IS CALLING. mICHAEL SAID yooo Devin, Desvin said we did what you wanted and the people involved has been contacted here are the papaer and then the paper came out of KITT. AND Michael read it and then he got out and he handed it to Luke and he read id it and he smiled and said Bo and I are off probation.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 Michael was about to answer her when K.I.T.T SAID dEVIN IS CALLING. mICHAEL SAID yooo Devin, Desvin said we did what you wanted and the people involved has been contacted here are the papaer and then the paper came out of KITT. AND Michael read it and then he got out and he handed it to Luke and he read id it and he smiled and said Bo and I are off probation.Daisy ran to hug her cousins "That is awesome..Michael..how did you manage that!?" she smiled and hugged Michael and kissed him "And I still am waiting for my anwser"
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy was there also and she Kissed Luke and Hugged her brother. Michael Smiled and said Devin did all the work. he Just called in a few favors and now you boys can go anywhere you want.(looking at Daisy, with a smile) He took her hand and he said Lets go. and Michael and Daisy got in KITT and left. Kathy smiled and she took Luke's hand and said Let's go celbrate Luke smiled(looking at Bo) We taking the General) Bo said go ahead I can drive Dixie Home. and Luke and Kathy got in the General and Left.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy was there also and she Kissed Luke and Hugged her brother. Michael Smiled and said Devin did all the work. he Just called in a few favors and now you boys can go anywhere you want.(looking at Daisy, with a smile) He took her hand and he said Lets go. and Michael and Daisy got in KITT and left. Kathy smiled and she took Luke's hand and said Let's go celbrate Luke smiled(looking at Bo) We taking the General) Bo said go ahead I can drive Dixie Home. and Luke and Kathy got in the General and Left.(I'm thinking of throwing a twist in here..I hope you don't mind..I should have asked you first but I just realized you logged on..so if you read this I hope you don't mind...)Daisy smiled at him and she wanted to tell him something she just wasn't sure how "Michael..a long time ago...you know..before you became who you are now...well..after you left..." she decided to cut to the chase "We have a daughter..."
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 (THAT'S FINE WITH ME)Michael said a daughter she shoud be about 4 years old now MEANWHILE AT THE HAZZARD POND.....Luke and Kathy were getting real close. and Kathy said Baby, I never though that we would be like this again. Luke smiles and said me neather and he starts to kiis her neck.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 (THAT'S FINE WITH ME)Michael said a daughter she shoud be about 4 years old now MEANWHILE AT THE HAZZARD POND.....Luke and Kathy were getting real close. and Kathy said Baby, I never though that we would be like this again. Luke smiles and said me neather and he starts to kiis her neck.Daisy said "She is..her names Amanda Juanita Duke-Long...I thought..now that were together again..the reason I wanna come with you..I want me you and Amanda to be a family again..every day I come home to the farm to her and I see her and I think of you...she asks where her daddy is every night and I have to get Luke or Bo to tell her."
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Michael said Well lets go see our daughter. and they headed for the farm..
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Michael said Well lets go see our daughter. and they headed for the farm..Daisy smiled " Being a family again..and I think from what I've heard of Devin that he'll take to me and Amanda too."Soon the got to the farm and Daisy brought Michael in and as soon as she steped in the door, Amanda rushed up and Daisy picked her up and said "Hey Amanda, were you good for Miss Lulu?"
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Luke and Kathy were at the Hazzard Pond and they were about to go swimming when Kathy heard Hot Knight to Pretty Lady come Back. Luke smiles and he said Mikchael has to work on his timing. Kathy gets out of the watere and walks up to the General and takes the Cb and said This Is Pretty Lady Hot kNIGHT what you need. Michael Said Pretty Lady Why don't You and Lost Sheep one Met me and Bo peeb at the Duke Farm I want you to met someone. Kathy said Ok Hot Knight Lost Sheep #1 and I are on our way Oh Hot Knight Lost Sheep #1 said you need to work on your timing. Michael Just laughed. Luke and Kathy got on their close and then they got in the General Lee and headed for the Duke farm.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Luke and Kathy were at the Hazzard Pond and they were about to go swimming when Kathy heard Hot Knight to Pretty Lady come Back. Luke smiles and he said Mikchael has to work on his timing. Kathy gets out of the watere and walks up to the General and takes the Cb and said This Is Pretty Lady Hot kNIGHT what you need. Michael Said Pretty Lady Why don't You and Lost Sheep one Met me and Bo peeb at the Duke Farm I want you to met someone. Kathy said Ok Hot Knight Lost Sheep #1 and I are on our way Oh Hot Knight Lost Sheep #1 said you need to work on your timing. Michael Just laughed. Luke and Kathy got on their close and then they got in the General Lee and headed for the Duke farm.Daisy smiles when the pull up and the both come out side to greet Kathy and Luke and Daisy has her arm around Michaels waist and Michael is holding little Amanda and Daisy says when Luke and Kathy get out of the car "Meet mine and Michaels daughter, Amanda Juanita Duke-Long."
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 kATHY smiles and said My Neace and Amanda just smiles and held out her hands to Kathy and Kathy took her. Michael said So(Looking at Luke) Bro What this I hear about my timing? Luke smiled and said Ya you.need to work on the timeing part.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 kATHY smiles and said My Neace and Amanda just smiles and held out her hands to Kathy and Kathy took her. Michael said So(Looking at Luke) Bro What this I hear about my timing? Luke smiled and said Ya you.need to work on the timeing part.Daisy smiled "Me and Amanda and Michael will be a family again...and we'll always come to visit ya'll."
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy looked at them and siad I 'm Happy for you. Luke Put his arm around Kathy Who was still holding Amanda and Luke looked at Amanda and said How you you like to be flower girl at me and Your Aunt's Wedding.(Lokking at Kathy) That's if she will have me? Kathy smiled and said Yes. and they Kissed. Amanda cheered. She was excited cause she was going to be flower girl.
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Michael haw can we explain this to Mom and Dad. Michael said Oh Me and Daisy. WE dON'T. All they know is Im Michael knight and I'm dateing Daisy Duke who is the mother of their Granddaughter.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Michael haw can we explain this to Mom and Dad. Michael said Oh Me and Daisy. WE dON'T. All they know is Im Michael knight and I'm dateing Daisy Duke who is the mother of their Granddaughter.Daisy smiled "And thats all they need to know."
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Ok. and she handed Amanda to Daisy. Uncle Jesse came out of the house and he Lokked at Kathy and Luke and said Did I hear right? We are having a Wedding. Luke Looked At Uncle Jesse and said Yes We are Kath and I are getting married. and Uncle Jesse said Well It's About time. Amanda seen Uncle Jesse and She Held out her Hands and said
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Ok. and she handed Amanda to Daisy. Uncle Jesse came out of the house and he Lokked at Kathy and Luke and said Did I hear right? We are having a Wedding. Luke Looked At Uncle Jesse and said Yes We are Kath and I are getting married. and Uncle Jesse said Well It's About time. Amanda seen Uncle Jesse and She Held out her Hands and saidDaisy turned around and saw Michael down on one knee in front of everyone and she held her breath knowing what he was going to ask.
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Amanda said Uncle Jesse and she went into his arms. Michael said Daisy Duke Will you marrie me?
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Amanda said Uncle Jesse and she went into his arms. Michael said Daisy Duke Will you marrie me?Daisy said "Yes!, yes I'll marry you!"
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Just then Bo showed up in Dixie. and he parked Dixie right by the General Lee.and he got out and he walked over to them and he was filled in on what was happening. and he said Yeeee-Haw. and then Kathy's Cell Phone rings and she looked at it and said It Dad. and she picked it up and said Hello......... No Dad I'm Not........Cause I'm getting Married.........Ya To Luke. Who else would it be........ Dad No..... Dad you need to.....DAD. And she closed her phone and she looked at Luke and said well my parents are on their way to Hazzard. Michael Just smiled.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Just then Bo showed up in Dixie. and he parked Dixie right by the General Lee.and he got out and he walked over to them and he was filled in on what was happening. and he said Yeeee-Haw. and then Kathy's Cell Phone rings and she looked at it and said It Dad. and she picked it up and said Hello......... No Dad I'm Not........Cause I'm getting Married.........Ya To Luke. Who else would it be........ Dad No..... Dad you need to.....DAD. And she closed her phone and she looked at Luke and said well my parents are on their way to Hazzard. Michael Just smiled.Daisy looked at Michael "What will they think of me...Amanda...what are we gonna do Michael?"...little did they know that K.I.T.T had just filled Devin in on everything from Amanda to both Michael and Luke gettimg married.
dukesrule2000 Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Daisy Remember, They don't know that Michael is Michael. Michael Laughed and said Kit Kat is right. They don't. Luke said Mike you wouldn't want to call Kath That around your parents or they will figure it out and Michael said Your right Luke, I BETTER get use to calling you Kathy. Kathy smiled and said and said you can call me Kit Kat when we are alone. Michael Just smiled, KITT Said Michael Devin is Calling...
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Kathy said Daisy Remember, They don't know that Michael is Michael. Michael Laughed and said Kit Kat is right. They don't. Luke said Mike you wouldn't want to call Kath That around your parents or they will figure it out and Michael said Your right Luke, I BETTER get use to calling you Kathy. Kathy smiled and said and said you can call me Kit Kat when we are alone. Michael Just smiled, KITT Said Michael Devin is Calling...Daisy smiles and said "I'm gonna go give Amanda a bath and cook supper, I'll see ya'll all inside in a little bit."
dukesrule2000 Posted December 2, 2009 Author Posted December 2, 2009 They all went inside.2 DAYS LATER..Kathy was at her house she just bought. Luke was with her helping her to get it straitened out. . When she saw a car Pull up. and she walked out to the drive way and she smiled when she saw who it was. and she ran to him. and yelled Dad. Randy Long stopped and he smiled and he hugged his daughter. Randy said it's been a long time my dear. Kathy smiled and said I know and I'm officaily out of the Undercover part of police work. Linda Long said good. and she hugged her daughter. and then they walked over to Luke and shook his hand. Linda hugged him. and then they went into the house. And Kathy said Mom Dad there is something you need to Know. You remember Daisy Duke. Randy smiled and said Ya she dated your brother and they were going to get married before he was killed. Kathy said Ya, Luke came up to Kathy and put his arm around her waist and he contuned Well Sir You have a granddaughter, Her Name is Amanda and she is 4 years old. Michael is her father. Linda put her hands over her mouth and she looked at Randy and said Randy a granddaughter.
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