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Michael looked at K.I.T.T AND SAID YA K.I.T.T

K.I.T.T said Michael Kathleen better be getting in there Marcus is out and he is looking for her. Michael looked at her and Kathy said ok and she took a deep breath and went back in to the Boars Nest.


Kathy walked over to Marcus and he looked at her and said where were you? Kathy looked at him and said I was talking a walk. it get borning here when you don't know anyone. and Marcus said Ok and they left. KITT BEEPED IN. mICHAEL SAID ya K.I.T.T AND k.I.T.T SAID mICHAEL kATHLEEN IS IN DANGER he knows that she is a cop. we need to follow them. Michael said On it and they ran out. Daisy road with Michael and Bo and Luke got in the general Lee.


Michael looked at K.I.T.T AND SAID YA K.I.T.T

K.I.T.T said Michael Kathleen better be getting in there Marcus is out and he is looking for her. Michael looked at her and Kathy said ok and she took a deep breath and went back in to the Boars Nest.


Kathy walked over to Marcus and he looked at her and said where were you? Kathy looked at him and said I was talking a walk. it get borning here when you don't know anyone. and Marcus said Ok and they left. KITT BEEPED IN. mICHAEL SAID ya K.I.T.T AND k.I.T.T SAID mICHAEL kATHLEEN IS IN DANGER he knows that she is a cop. we need to follow them. Michael said On it and they ran out. Daisy road with Michael and Bo and Luke got in the general Lee.

Michael knew he'd put Daisy in danger maybe and he knew that right now Kathy and Daisy were the most important things on his mind.



He looked at Kathy and said I loved you and you betraied me. Your Name is Officer Kathleen Long. Kathy tried to get out of it but Marcus said there is no need to keep lying to me Hogg raged you out. and Kathy said Yes I'm Kathleen Long and I Love Luke Duke I always have and Always will and My brother was Michael Long. and My friend is Michael Knight.(looking behind then) You better pull over if you know what is good for you. because my boyfriend is on your tail. Marcus looked back and he saw the General Lee and an Black Trans-am behind him.


He looked at Kathy and said I loved you and you betraied me. Your Name is Officer Kathleen Long. Kathy tried to get out of it but Marcus said there is no need to keep lying to me Hogg raged you out. and Kathy said Yes I'm Kathleen Long and I Love Luke Duke I always have and Always will and My brother was Michael Long. and My friend is Michael Knight.(looking behind then) You better pull over if you know what is good for you. because my boyfriend is on your tail. Marcus looked back and he saw the General Lee and an Black Trans-am behind him.

Daisy said "How are we going to catch him Michael...it seems all were doing is chasing him."


Michael hang on sweetheart. and he pressed turbo bust.and they went flying and Bo and Luke was right behind them. and K.I.T.T LANDED IN FRONT and The General Lee landed in back of mARCUS. lUKE GETS OUT OF THE gENERAL lEE AND ran to Marcus and he punched Marcus and he fell to the ground and didn't get back up

Michael hang on sweetheart. and he pressed turbo bust.and they went flying and Bo and Luke was right behind them. and K.I.T.T LANDED IN FRONT and The General Lee landed in back of mARCUS. lUKE GETS OUT OF THE gENERAL lEE AND ran to Marcus and he punched Marcus and he fell to the ground and didn't get back up

Daisy got out of K.I.T.T and ran to Marcus's car and helped Kathy out of it "Hey are you okay?" she said to her best friend as Michael came over to the two women he loves the most.


Kathy said Ya I.m fine No Thanks to Bosshogg. Luke walked over to them and Kathy went into his arms. Luke said What about BossHogg. Kathy said He told Marcus who I was. Kathy could see the anger in his eye he turned and he got in the General Lee Bo was on the passanger side and he took off. Michael said Girls get in K.I.T.T they got in and headed for the Boars Nest.

Kathy said Ya I.m fine No Thanks to Bosshogg. Luke walked over to them and Kathy went into his arms. Luke said What about BossHogg. Kathy said He told Marcus who I was. Kathy could see the anger in his eye he turned and he got in the General Lee Bo was on the passanger side and he took off. Michael said Girls get in K.I.T.T they got in and headed for the Boars Nest.

Daisy sat in the front seat just thinking..she turned twoard the window to keep Michael from seeing her crying.


Kathy was to concerned about Luke to notice that Daisy was crying. Kathy said Mikey, we need to keep up with Luke, He's angery. Michael smiled and said I will.


LUKE stopped the general and then he got out and Bo was right behind him and kathy could hear bo yelling LUKE, but Luke wasn't listen.. He walked in the Boars Nest and Right into Boss's office and he looked at Boss Hogg and said You know you could have gotten Kath Killed. Kathy ran in and she said Luke calm down. Boss Looked at Luke and said I have no idea what you are talking about. Luke went after Him But Michael stopped him. and said.Luke, Boss Hogg Didn't know that Kathy is an Undercover cop. and she was doing her job and by telling Marcus who she was . was putting her life in danger. Boss Hogg just looked at him.

Kathy was to concerned about Luke to notice that Daisy was crying. Kathy said Mikey, we need to keep up with Luke, He's angery. Michael smiled and said I will.


LUKE stopped the general and then he got out and Bo was right behind him and kathy could hear bo yelling LUKE, but Luke wasn't listen.. He walked in the Boars Nest and Right into Boss's office and he looked at Boss Hogg and said You know you could have gotten Kath Killed. Kathy ran in and she said Luke calm down. Boss Looked at Luke and said I have no idea what you are talking about. Luke went after Him But Michael stopped him. and said.Luke, Boss Hogg Didn't know that Kathy is an Undercover cop. and she was doing her job and by telling Marcus who she was . was putting her life in danger. Boss Hogg just looked at him.

Daisy ran in after him and stood beside Michael "Luke calm down" trying to keep her self from crying "Boss didn't know but Kathy is safe..just calm down..please..." she wraped her arm around Michaels.

(what do you think of my Michael and Daisy romance thing...I thought'd be good to give it a try..though im still a DaisyXEnos fan just wanted to shake things up a bit..hope you don't mind.)


(NO I don't mind)

Kathy steped in front of Luke and she took his hand and said Baby, I'm fine. Daisy and Michael are right Bosshogg didn't know I was undercover. now come on and she got close to him and kissed him. and he calmed down and he said You are right (LOOKING AT BOSS) Sorry Boss. Boss Smiled and said it ok Luke, everything is straitned out. Go have a beer on the house. and everyone said thanks Boss and they left the office

(NO I don't mind)

Kathy steped in front of Luke and she took his hand and said Baby, I'm fine. Daisy and Michael are right Bosshogg didn't know I was undercover. now come on and she got close to him and kissed him. and he calmed down and he said You are right (LOOKING AT BOSS) Sorry Boss. Boss Smiled and said it ok Luke, everything is straitned out. Go have a beer on the house. and everyone said thanks Boss and they left the office

Daisy smiled "At least thats worked out..." she sighed again when she saw Enos "I knew I'd have to talk to him about this sometime."


Kathy was talking to her brother and Michael said Kit Kat you can't tell anyone I'm a live exprelly mom and dad. because I have alot of emenys now and if anyone finds out......Kathy said I understand Michael. Michael smiled and then he saw Daisy walk towards Enos.

Kathy was talking to her brother and Michael said Kit Kat you can't tell anyone I'm a live exprelly mom and dad. because I have alot of emenys now and if anyone finds out......Kathy said I understand Michael. Michael smiled and then he saw Daisy walk towards Enos.

Daisy had the same warning and sighed as she went over to Enos "Enos..this isn't going to be easy..I didn't want to hurt you..I do love you its just..." she sighes and explains about her and Michael "I'm so sorry Enos..I-..." she couldn't finish the sentence.


Michael heard a beep and he said what do you want KITT. K.I.T.T SAID Michael Devin said you need to bring Kathleen back to the foundation at once. because she still could be in danger because of Marcus Men are still out there. and she needs to be somewhere where she is safe. Michael looked at Luke and Michael said the safest place for her is right here in Hazzard In Luke's arms. Luke smiled. K.I.T.T Just tell Devin I will see him in a few days with out Kat.

MICHAEL looked towards Daisy and said Now to tell her.

Michael heard a beep and he said what do you want KITT. K.I.T.T SAID Michael Devin said you need to bring Kathleen back to the foundation at once. because she still could be in danger because of Marcus Men are still out there. and she needs to be somewhere where she is safe. Michael looked at Luke and Michael said the safest place for her is right here in Hazzard In Luke's arms. Luke smiled. K.I.T.T Just tell Devin I will see him in a few days with out Kat.

MICHAEL looked towards Daisy and said Now to tell her.

Daisy nodded and Enos who somehow completely understood and went back to Michael and smiled..she still didn't know but she had a feeling she knew Michael from somewhere and sighed and just stared at her feet in front of him.

Kathy looked at her brother and said He really Loves her Luke put his arm around Kathy and said ya he does Like I love you and they kissed. Bo said Oh come on Guys. Cooter just laughed.

Daisy said "I have the feeling you wanna talk to me Michael...what do you wanna tell me?"

Posted (edited)

Michael looked at her and said Lets Dance. Daisy smiled. and Michael lead her to the dance floor. and It's your love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. was playing on the Juke Box While they were dancing.

Kathy said he's going to tell her her has to leave soon. Luke said yup. and she is going to be hard to live with. Kathy said at least she knows he's alive. and all she has to do is pick up the phone and call him. Luke said ya. then he looked at her and said your going with him arn't you? Kathy looked at Luke and said Devin was right about one thing. Marcus's men will come after me. Luke looked at her and said Kath, Michael was right also. the safest place for you is right here. Kathy smiled and said Luke, I don't want to but you and your family in danger. I love you. and Pluse you can call. and she handed him her cell number. he took the peace of paper and but it in his shirt pocket. and then he leaned over and kissed her.

Edited by dukesrule2000
Michael looked at her and said Lets Dance. Daisy smiled. and Michael lead her to the dance floor. and It's your love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. was playing on the Juke Box While they were dancing.

Kathy said he's going to tell her her has to leave soon. Luke said yup. and she is going to be hard to live with. Kathy said at least she knows he's alive. and all she has to do is pick up the phone and call him. Luke said ya. then he looked at her and said your going with him arn't you? Kathy looked at Luke and said Devin was right about one thing. Marcus's men will come after me. Luke looked at her and said Kath, Michael was right also. the safest place for you is right here. Kathy smiled and said Luke, I don't want to but you and your family in danger. I love you. and Pluse you can call. and she handed him her cell number. he took the peace of paper and but it in his shirt pocket. and then he leaned over and kissed her.

When Daisy heard Michael had to leave she said "Michael..." she made a split decision "Take me with you...yeah your alive..but I don't want to be away from you again...and if you go I may never see you again...please let me come with you."


Michael looked at her and Said Daisy... The line of work I'm In is dangerous.....and you could get hurt.. Michael went to Kiss her but she backed away..


Kathy could see that her friend was upset. and Kathy turned to Luke and said I'm gonna go talk to Daisy, you talk to Michael...and she left but not before Luke Kissed her.

Michael looked at her and Said Daisy... The line of work I'm In is dangerous.....and you could get hurt.. Michael went to Kiss her but she backed away..


Kathy could see that her friend was upset. and Kathy turned to Luke and said I'm gonna go talk to Daisy, you talk to Michael...and she left but not before Luke Kissed her.

Daisy said "Michael I'll be careful..please let me come," steping back twords him "I love you, please give this a chance and take me with you" she sighed as Kathy came over to her "Please let me come, I love you."


Michael looked at her and he was fighting back tears and said Baby... I can't. and then he walked away.

Kathy ran after him.


Kathy Yelled MIKEY... Michael stopped and looked at her and said Kit Kat go back in there. this is where you belong. Kathy looked at him and said No Mikey you belong here too. Michael said No.. I did once.... bUt not anymore... Kit Kat go to to the man you love and never let him go. and then he got in K.I.T.T.

Michael looked at her and he was fighting back tears and said Baby... I can't. and then he walked away.

Kathy ran after him.


Kathy Yelled MIKEY... Michael stopped and looked at her and said Kit Kat go back in there. this is where you belong. Kathy looked at him and said No Mikey you belong here too. Michael said No.. I did once.... bUt not anymore... Kit Kat go to to the man you love and never let him go. and then he got in K.I.T.T.

Daisy ran out to K.I.T.T and caught Michael "Michael..I love you..just..take me with you for a little while...please..I can come back here later..I just wanna be with you for a little while please." and went over to the passenger side and got in "Lets talk this out, we love each other and I just wanna be with you..and with you and Devin..ya'll can both keep me safe, no one knows your secret yet and they won't find out, please Michael."

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