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BRAVO!!! *Claps loudly.* VERY VERY NICELY DONE. Now see isnt that easier to read, edit and work with? It was even sooo much more flowing. Excolent, VERY NICE JOB! THREE CHEERS FOR "WATERMELON CRAWL".

Keep it up! And if you ever need a proof reader or an editor Im never very far away!


  Cowboy said:
BRAVO!!! *Claps loudly.* VERY VERY NICELY DONE. Now see isnt that easier to read, edit and work with? It was even sooo much more flowing. Excolent, VERY NICE JOB! THREE CHEERS FOR "WATERMELON CRAWL".

Keep it up! And if you ever need a proof reader or an editor Im never very far away!


Thank you Chet...I guess now I should take back all i told ya


*Blushin worse then ever.* Uh... yeah maybe, but dont spread the word, I got a reputation to uphold ya know. *Tucks my black Stetson down alil tighter.*

But I reckon after all these years it was time I paid something back to Hazzard. I admittedly broke the rules of the RR board, I knew what they are and have known for years but.... well you know the rest MaryAnne.

I know some good has come outta all this, even though it started out, like you so nicely put it MaryAnne, destructive, but turned out very nicely productive. I hope to see more improvements in the furture and I will continue to offer any help I can to these greenhorns that are willing to learn it right.

My only regret is it took me so many years to learn it myself.


  Cowboy said:
*Blushin worse then ever.* Uh... yeah maybe, but dont spread the word, I got a reputation to uphold ya know. *Tucks my black Stetson down alil tighter.*

But I reckon after all these years it was time I paid something back to Hazzard. I admittedly broke the rules of the RR board, I knew what they are and have known for years but.... well you know the rest MaryAnne.

I know some good has come outta all this, even though it started out, like you so nicely put it MaryAnne, destructive, but turned out very nicely productive. I hope to see more improvements in the furture and I will continue to offer any help I can to these greenhorns that are willing to learn it right.

My only regret is it took me so many years to learn it myself.


LOL Chet...like i said....being hard headed runs in my family...all of my family....from my grandpa, my great grandpa...my dad, me ....an a few others were all stubborn as hell lol

as Hank Jr. would say "Its a family tradition"

THAT'S why ya'll had such a tough time gettin through to me

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