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When I was first told of hazzardnet. I thought how cool and wondering if this hazzardnet would have the same family feel as the dukes of hazzard. I just had to check it out. But I can say no that is not true. I'm deeply disappointed on how people here treating other people here. I think that if Uncle Jesse where to see this he be just as disappointment as I am.:(


Kay you have not been bullied. We've asked you several times to stop bothering people about their stories, to just cut back on the amount of times you ask people to update and you just dont get it. We've tried helping you out with your writing, with coming up with ideas but you just keep on and on and on and on and it frustrates the heck out of us until eventually we just end up ignoring it or saying something to you. Its like your obsessive with the character of Luke and with some people's stories. There is a difference between being excited about a story and being obsessive about it and you need to find the line you've stepped over.

And Jaime Lee, I'm sorry that you feel that way! Personally, I've never spoken to you, but I'd like to. Just real life has been catching up with me. What you catch sometimes in the chat and maybe on the boards is a result of many years of us all being together, sometimes its banter but sometimes its genuine problems that we are all having with each other that we're thrashing out. We've had problems with behind the back talking and the like before and so most of the time we just face each other and talk straight. Even families have fights, its life, its human nature. Bo and Luke never went a season without an argument of some sorts ;)

Also, in the chat, some people talk in Character - I'll name some people because I know they wont mind lol. Cowboy or Chet is a character that an author has made up and when they talk in chat they talk or rp with other people as that character not as themselves. I know I do as well, talk as Bo sometimes, and it gets confusing as to who your actually talking to lol. Most of what you'll see in chat is just rp or banter, if your confused about it just ask one of us and we'll be happy to explain any situations or any problems that are going on so you can know what's happening.

Its daunting coming onto a new site and seeing all of this and I know that sometimes what you can see can be harsh and stuff, but you have to understand there's a back story most of the time and there's reasons for what some people say. :) Hope this clears a little bit up and I'm sorry personally if you've seen me post something you feel is unfair or unreasonable.

Hope to talk to you soon :)



Very well put BoJames I couldn't have said it better myself probably not as well as you said it. I'm sorry you feel the way you do Jami Lee but to me the site is like being in a really big family everyone has to find their place within the family and as Bo said all families fight and banter.

Very well put BoJames I couldn't have said it better myself probably not as well as you said it. I'm sorry you feel the way you do Jami Lee but to me the site is like being in a really big family everyone has to find their place within the family and as Bo said all families fight and banter.

ive talked to Jami Lee before, and Jami if i have said something to offend you, im sorry, so if i have, please feel free to tell me


I probably can't put it all that much better than BoJames has. HazzardNet ain't perfect but we try hard to keep this a place that people enjoy coming back to.

No public forum board is immune to the problems that can arise. We have a lot of users here and stuff happens. After 10 years online, I think we have a pretty decent record of keeping things pretty cool around here. I've seen it worse on other boards. I've seen some pretty nasty crap in other venues for Dukes fans. But HNet really does try to keep things in the spirit of Hazzard County here.

Now, having said all that, any great expectations you may have had about HNet, I apologize. LOL. We never set too high of a bar for ourselves anyway so when somebody's disappointed with us, either we've done something really sucky or the expectations coming in were set waaaaaaaaay too high. LOL.

Also, as a moderator I want to make clear that whenever any problem is brought to my, Mufn's or Brian's attention we try to do everything we can to resolve the issue. Alas, we can't confront something if we don't know about it and I'm kinda disappointed that I have to hear about stuff via a public post. It kinda makes us mods and admins look bad. (If that's possible. LOL)

Anyway, I'm sorry Jami Lee if you're not happy with what you've found here at HNet. I've learned over the years that sometimes all it takes is one bad incident or one misunderstanding to drive somebody away. As hard as we try, we can't always prevent those one moments. I hate to see somebody voice their immediate displeasure with the place and even I worse I hate to see somebody up and leave but....all I can say is, I'm sorry.


Its not the mods faults MaryAnne, you Meadow and Brian do a great job around here and I know you cant be in several places at once. I have great respect for the mods here, and I dont think you should blame yourselves at all, you three work hard....well...most of the time ;)

Its not the mods faults MaryAnne, you Meadow and Brian do a great job around here and I know you cant be in several places at once. I have great respect for the mods here, and I dont think you should blame yourselves at all, you three work hard....well...most of the time ;)

We do work hard! We work hard at not working very hard.... KHEE! :D


I kind agree with Jami. It has nothing to do with the mods. There's only so much you guys can do. I agree that every member has to find there place in the family. But for one group to sit there and tell another that they shouldn't act that way and them basicly make them feel like crap then in that same breathe do what they just put the others down for is wrong. I just don't understand how it's ok for one to do it and someone else it not.


I think everyone makes good points. It is certainly no fun being talked about behind your back or being bullied or harrassed...especially as a newcomer. I don't know what the situation was for you Jami but I am sorry you feel that way.

Like Bo said, sometimes it might be banter that went too far...and though it sounds mean to say, sometimes there are existing friendships that go beyond Hazzardnet. When that happens (as is the case with Bo and I) we can get away with more stuff with each other (I'd gladly hit him over the head with a frying pan for no reason at all in a chat room and not fear that I'd be loved any less..while some people on here would get very upset if I even thought about doing the same to them).

Also, if there is a problem, try to address it with the person first, and if that doesnt work tell the mods- they really are not that scary and are very helpful. By putting it on a public forum, it implies that everyone on here is like those you mentioned, and we aren't.

I think everyone makes good points. It is certainly no fun being talked about behind your back or being bullied or harrassed...especially as a newcomer. I don't know what the situation was for you Jami but I am sorry you feel that way.

Like Bo said, sometimes it might be banter that went too far...and though it sounds mean to say, sometimes there are existing friendships that go beyond Hazzardnet. When that happens (as is the case with Bo and I) we can get away with more stuff with each other (I'd gladly hit him over the head with a frying pan for no reason at all in a chat room and not fear that I'd be loved any less..while some people on here would get very upset if I even thought about doing the same to them).

Also, if there is a problem, try to address it with the person first, and if that doesnt work tell the mods- they really are not that scary and are very helpful. By putting it on a public forum, it implies that everyone on here is like those you mentioned, and we aren't.

I agree with everyone, ive gotten into a few arguments with some people in the chat room but some how the next day weve put it behind us, like we said, sorry you feel the way you do Jami


This is the most family oriented site I have ever been on, and like family we fight, sometimes we shouldn't , but what family don't!

As for being bullied, well that's what the mods are for, if you feel bullied, discuss it. Of course there is the thing called, misunderstanding, some people take things the wrong way and it gets out of hand, it happens.

If you don't talk out your problems, then how we gona solve them? As some have said in this topic, some people were asked nice to stop whatever way annoying, and they didn't, so these people take it as being bullied, when actually they were not.

I have had a few scawbbles too, but sometimes I was in the wrong, and openly said I was sorry to the person involved.

Nobody is perfect, and you will never find a more family oriented dedicated hazzard fan site than this one, I have always felt like home here, and so what, we fight sometimes, but we always stand up for each other.

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