DixieDavenport Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Jeb looked at his cousin for a long moment, and said quietly, "Do you have to tell Uncle Jesse?"Luke shook his head 'no'.Bo was about to flip. Luke was going to hide this for Jeb, but before he could say anything Luke said, "No I am not going to tell him. You ARE!"Both Jeb and Bo looked at Luke in disbelief. Quote
bethie88 Posted August 15, 2005 Author Posted August 15, 2005 Jeb started to talk back, but finally just turned his back to Luke, facing toward Bo. "Sorry, cousin," Bo said. "Looks like Luke's set on this one.""Yeah, I am," Luke said. "I'm sick of havin' to hide everything. And I ain't gettin' the General's keys taken from me again for you."Jeb shook his head. "Always would give your right arm for Bo, but you can't wait to dump my @$$ out of the fryin' pan and into the flame, can ya?" he mumble.Luke angrily replied, ".............Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Luke angrily replied, "Jeb you KNOW good and well it's not like that! And like with Bo, I'll give you ampel time to tell this, but believe me, if it ain't told by you it will be by me and that won't be a good thing!" Luke was glaring at Jeb, then continued, "Besides, if you think I'm trying to get you in trouble, think again or I WOULD have told him about you going upstairs with Paige."Jeb almost came across the car seat, "That's it, you are jealous because I stole your 'girl'!"Luke replied rather loudly, "There was nothing to 'steal' there Jeb and I had already turned down her 'roll in the hey' which like I told you is her 'JOB' to offer. It is kind of a bonus for getting the shine there on time without any trouble."Bo looked at both his cousins, then back to Jeb, "Jeb, he's telling the truth there. It took until this trip for them to quiet 'offering' me a bonus. I think the owner has talked to them and told them to pull back and leave me alone."Jeb looked at Bo and said, Quote
bethie88 Posted August 17, 2005 Author Posted August 17, 2005 "Da--it, Bo... Why am I so dumb? I thought...""Thought she loved you?" Bo asked. "I hate to break it to ya, Jeb, but I doubt she even knows what love means... She's a hard one, Jeb. Not like Hazzard girls. Not every girl's like Beth or Daisy.""Or Dixie," Luke added softly, so that they barely heard him, not even sure himself what made him say it."You can't believe in that, Jeb," Bo said."You need a good woman.""Like Beth and Daisy and Dixie?" Jeb asked, shocking Luke, who'd thought noone had heard him."Yeah," Bo nodded. "Like them.""Well, looks like I'm out of luck," Jeb said softly."What's that supposed to mean?" Bo asked."Well, you're married to Beth, and I don't like her like that anyhow... Daisy's my cousin... and..." Jeb was always the instigator. "And Dixie's eyes ain't on THIS Duke boy... But they might be on another one."Luke's head snapped around to look at his cousin. "Jeb Stuart Duke, you take that back!" he said, a little angry at his cousin, but more shocked than anything. Dixie didn't feel like that, did she?"I ain't lyin', Luke," Jeb said. "There's alot of things I'd do, but lyin' about Dixie ain't one of 'em."Luke replied, "..........Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Luke replied, "Jeb you have got to be crazy. She can't be more than 18, 19 at the most. She is Cooter's kid sister for Christ sake! And besides she's, ........" Luke said a lot lower hoping Jeb wouldn't take him up on what he was about to say, though he knew it was true, "more your speed any way. If I so much as talked to her about anything other than the garage or wrecker with my reputation Luther Davenport would shoot me on sight!""See you went an earned your reputation and don't even want me to have a girl friend." Jeb fumed."No, Jeb, I'd love for you to have a steady girl friend. Trust me when I tell you Paige ain't it! And that reputation of mine ain't all it's cracked up to be either." Luke stated.Bo then spoke up, "Jeb you know before I met Beth I used to try to 'compete' or catch up to Luke's reputation. I messed around enough for Beth's Dad to still hate me being with his daughter. Of course, getting her pregnant before we got married didn't help that one da-- bit either. Luke knows what he's talking about." Quote
bethie88 Posted August 19, 2005 Author Posted August 19, 2005 Jeb sighed. He knew his cousins were right, but that only made him more upset. He didn't want to be bossed around by Bo and Luke, but they were right, and there was nothing he could do about that.He sighed. Why did Paige have to be a 'working girl'? And, if that was what she was, couldn't she get in trouble, since he was 16. And... Well, she could get in trouble anyway, but... He had thought that maybe... maybe she cared about him.Luke was sitting silently, trying to let things sink into Jeb's mind. "Jeb," he finally said. "I'm just telling you this because I love ya, and I don't won't you to make a fool of yourself... I want you to find somebody you really love, and who really loves you. Not just some girl on the rebound, or a girl who gets paid for 'loving' you."Jeb sighed. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He had nothing more to say.~*~*~*~*~The next morning.....Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 The next morning found Jesse Duke up early as usual. When Luke came out of his room into the kitchen, "Morning. Uncle Jesse." He said sleepily.Jesse replied, "Morning Luke. I know you aren't awake yet but Daisy had company last night and I need to talk business."Luke listened, "Ok."Jesse continued, "I have a big order. Actually, a couple places are wanting to start early for the holidays and get stocked up so we'll need to run several loads this month with multiple stops. Now, I need you to handle things here. I was thinking on taking Bo with me to work the still today.""Sure, I'll handle things here. No problem." Luke thought for a moment, "Uncle Jesse ya know Bo doesn't like to be too far from Beth and all. I think I can get more work out of him here than you can there. Besides, I think Jeb will be wanting to talk to you about last night." stated Luke glumly.Jesse studied Luke, "I don't suppose you'd like to tell me about it?"Luke looked Jesse in the eye, "No, Sir. I promise this is nothing that can't wait a little. It's nothing like Bo's situation. I'm not going to lie for him, but I figure he may need a little time on this before he can tell it."Jesse smiled at his nephew and said sternly. "I"m trusting you on this, son. I hope you use better judgement on this than in Bo's situation.""Yes, Sir." Luke replied heading to the coffee pot in only his jeans as Daisy and Dixie entered the kitchen.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the still site.............. Quote
bethie88 Posted August 21, 2005 Author Posted August 21, 2005 At the still site, after breakfast, Jeb and Jesse were hard at work, making sure that everything was in order to keep the best shine in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi flowing...Balladeer: Not to mention North Carolina, South Carolina, AND Tennesee.Jesse spoke softly to Jeb, who was checking a copper pipe. "Now, Jeb... I was just wonderin' what made you decide to run away last night...""I'm a jack@$$, Uncle Jesse, to put it quite bluntly," Jeb said.Even old Jesse had to fight laughter on that one, but he firmly said, "Jeb, tell me what's goin' on.""Uncle Jesse... Can I just say I thought I was in love with the wrong woman, and I caused a little trouble and leave it at that?"Jesse looked at his young nephew. "No, we can't. I need to know what happened.""OK..." Jeb hung his head. "I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse.""Why don't we establish what's bein' apologized for before we apologize?" Jesse said in that tone of his that made it hard for Jeb to decide whether to smile or cry."Uncle Jesse, I made a big mistake," Jeb said. "There was this girl, and... well... I thought she liked me, but it turned out that she was just a 'working girl,' and she really didn't care about me at all. But, unfortunately, I didn't figure that out until I had gone to make a fool of myself tellin' her that I cared about her... and I got in alot of trouble, and the owner said for me not to comeback on the next run."Jesse sighed. "Jeb, ........................."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 21, 2005 Posted August 21, 2005 "Jesse sighed, "Jeb, I have tried to teach you boys right. Now, I know that those two down there," he said pointing to the house and Bo and Luke, "have chased girls since they were 13 years old. And look what's it's gotten them. Bo's expectin' and Luke has such a reputation not a Father in three Counties will ever be happy that their little girl wants to date him. I also know that there are 'fringed' benefits at some places for delivering these loads and I know that those two have taken advantage of their fair share of them. I ain't sayin' its right. And I have discouraged it as best I can but I can't hold their hands every minute -- neither can I yours. Jeb, I wasn't a saint in my younger days anymore than those two down there and I know you're going to try things but do it with a girl you care about and she cares about you. A 'workin' girl' ain't going to teach you nothing but how to get your heart broke.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile back at teh farm. Luke and Bo had figure to split up and get twice the work done. Bo had went out to the back forty and started repairing fences there while Luke had started closer to home. They figured they would work towards each other. See Luke wanted to stay close to make sure that Coy and Vance did their share too. The sun was getting really hot with all Luke's effort while digging wholes and setting new poles for the fence. His shirt was long gone. Beth, Dixie and Daisy had taken this time to paint the new room for the baby. Daisy said wiping the sweat from her head, "I could sure use some lemonade."Beth agreed, "Me too. I can't believe its this hot this late in the season. Remind me next time to plan a little better, I dread being really huge next May and June."Both Daisy and Dixie asked, "Next time?"Beth laughed, "Why sure! I mean this time may not have been planned, but Bo and I have a long life ahead of us and I sure don't figure to only have one child." She said wiping her head.Dixie said, "I'll go get us something to drink ya'll talk and cool off." She went out of the room and was filling glasses when she looked out and saw a bare chested Luke Duke digging a whole for a post near the end of the drive way. "Oh, man now that's a sight!" Dixie tooktwo glasses back to Daisy and Beth, "I'll be right back. Think I'll take the boys something cool, too." She said. Indeed she took Coy and Vance something to the barn where they were working on her way to the end of the drive way where Luke was drenched with sweat as he continued to work not seeing her. She asked "Thirsty?"Luke looked up seeing a large glass of lemonade with a lot of ice in it. "Ya' know, you might have just saved my life." He said not as serious as it sounded. "Come on let's find some shade."Dixie said, ............. Quote
bethie88 Posted August 23, 2005 Author Posted August 23, 2005 Dixie said, "Sure... We can sit over there under that tree."Luke grinned. "Couldn't have picked a better spot myself, Dixie."Dixie noticed that he'd called her "Dixie" instead of "kiddo." She smiled as she sat down, being as graceful as possible.Luke plopped down beside her with a "Hmmph..." making Dixie gasp, quite sure that he was going to spill his lemonade. Somehow, he didn't, though, and Dixie looked at him in disbelief.He just grinned and winked at her. "Years of experience at ploppin' down with a glass of... somethin'..." he said, grinning a goofy grin.She half-smiled as she thought about the fact that what he was speaking of probably consisted of plopping down in the hay with a girl and a glass of beer or some such thing.He leaned against the tree and said, "Y'know, Dix, I never really asked you all that much about things... Like, what made you decide to come back to Hazzard?"Dixie sighed as she answered, "............Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Dixie sighed as she answered, "Well, I love my Mother, but I haven't gotten to be around my Dad since I was really small. Each years she has had the excuse that I was too little. Well, since my last birthday I've had a little leverage in that department. Besides, I've seen her boring world of dresses and tea parties. Yuck! It's kind of strange she takes great pride in Dad being the best mechanic in the tri-state area, yet, two minutes later she might say something about, 'that filthy garage and him being a grease monkey'. I guess I'm tried of heels and pearls and decided to try living in Daddy's world. I mean how hard is it to fix a sink or mow the yard? Besides, I like hanging out down at the garage, you get to meet everyone and I know its sounds silly to a guy from a girl but I like knowing how a car works not just add gas and turn the key." She found herself feeling a bit embarassed.Luke looked at her and saw more than just a teenaged girl setting there. "Well, being a Davenport I can see where you get the interest in how things work. Your Dad and brother have taught me a lot of what I know. If you are interested, I'll teach you to do something that drives me crazy next time I'm there."Looking up interested, "Sure, what?""Most of the time when a car comes in we will need parts. Sometimess its just to reorder what we've used. But, other times its to get the car back in service. Well, to call several places looking for the part and the best deal can ta some time. If you were 'running down' parts I could be taking off the old one and save some time?" Luke said questioning Dixie to see if she'd be interested.She smiled shyly, "It sounds like something I could do. But how do I know what to ask for?"Luke replied, "I'll write the information down for you until you start learning more about the cars.""Cool!" she replied, "Luke do you know what happened with my Mother and Dad? I know they just split up but never divorced."Luke sighed, "Honey, I was pretty young when that all came about too. All I know is what I've heard Jesse say. It was something about your Dad working on cars for police and revenuers in the day then at night working on the moonrunners. It seems that though your Dad never ran or made any shine he has a 'soft' spot for the moonrunners around here and alway seemed to make sure they had the upper hand as far as the cars were concerned. Your Mother thought it was dishonest for him to take money from the moonshiners who made the money 'illegally'. It was something they both felt very strongly about and the only compromise they could work out was for you to stay with her and Cooter to stay with your Dad. That's about all I know."Dixie looked confused, "But Luke, that was a long time ago! They surely don't run moonshine here now."Luke looked at the most innocent face he'd ever saw. He hoped he could say what he was about to say and her not read right through him. His family and his freedom counted on him doing so. He said, "Well, now I've heard there are some people who still make and run shine around here but I don't think it's as popular as it once was."Dixie realized she had been outside for quiet sometime and Luke's lemonade was long gone. "Thanks, Luke. I guess I better finish helping Beth and Daisy or they are going to fire me!" she said getting up. Luke also stood, "Yeah, if I dont' have that fence done Jesse is sure to skin me alive! And I don't think I want that."Dixie replied over her shoulder as she headed for the house, "Me either! Sounds painful!"~~~~~~~~~~~At the still sight Jeb replied to Jesse, "Thanks for understanding Uncle Jesse. I will remember that. I'm sorryabout the trouble I caused the other night."Jesse sized up his middle nephew and then asked, "Jeb, what kind of trouble are we talking about?"Jeb felt lower than he had felt since he was 10 and broke a window in town with a baseball. He said, "........ Quote
bethie88 Posted August 24, 2005 Author Posted August 24, 2005 "Uncle Jesse, I'm sorry... I went in there, trying to get her to come with me away from there. I'm standin' there, tellin' her how much I care for her, and trying to show her. Lord, I kissed her, begged her to come with me, told her I'd take care of her. And she starts screamin' at me, callin' me stupid, tellin' me that 'takin' care of her' ain't nearly what it'd cost me. I just kept beggin' and pleadin', and she slaps me in the face. Next thing I know, the barkeep's on me, and I'm tryin' like all he-- to keep my teeth in my gums. Then, the owner calls the cops on me, and Bo and Luke show up, and it's lucky for me, 'cause they kept me from spendin' the night in jail. The owner told 'em not to bring me back." He sighed.Jesse looked at the boy for a moment. "Jeb... I'm glad you were honest. It sure couldn'ta been easy."Jeb replied, "No sir."Jesse shook his head, and said, "We need to check site 3."~*~*~*~*~Meanwhile, Dixie had returned to the girls...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 When Dixie returned the finish helping paint, Daisy asked with as evil grin, "Where did you get off to?"Dixie found herslef blushing for no reason, "I told ya I was going to take the guys a glass of lemonade."Beth joined in the fun, "I could have walked to town and back by now!"Oh, I wasn't gone THAT long! Besides I had to bring the glass back in." Dixie said."Oh, you took the guys a drink and brought back ONE glass? Who's ....... glass ....... was ....... IT?????""Leave me alone!" Dixie fused. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As everyone gathered for supper the familiar sound of the wrecker could be heard soon followed by Cooter knocking on the door.Luke spoke up, "Come on in Cooter. Care to join us for supper?" "Well, if ya don't mind? I'd love to!" Cooter repliedJesse spoke up, "Sure Cooter there's plenty help your self."Cooter being almost as big a part of this family as the others went to the cabinet and got a plate and took a seat beside Luke and said, "Thank ya Uncle, Mr. Jesse. I was really coming out to see if you were tired of your other guest."Jesse spoke up in the young girls defense, "Now Cooter you know the more the merrier here. 'sides, if I was tired of her I'd have brought her home, but from what I'm hearing she has more than earned her keep today." They all laughed and after grace was said everyone enjoyed Jesse's fine supper. While clearing the dishes Cooter motioned for Luke to follow him. Once out the back door, Cooter said, "Hey, Lucas, how's the General Lee running?""Why?" asked Luke."Well, I hear that there's gonna be some good racin' a the lake tonight." Cooter said quietly. Knowing that Jesse didn't want the boys racing off the track.Luke smiled, "Well, he's running real good. Might need a quick tuning up, but I've got fifty bucks worth of part money I made driving the wrecker that says I can take anyone out there.""Well, come on son. Let's get to work. There's gonna be a band at the Boar's Nest until about 10 then everyone is going up to the lake." Cooter explained."Sounds like fun!" Luke said.BALLADEER: "Sounds like TROUBLE to me!" Quote
bethie88 Posted August 27, 2005 Author Posted August 27, 2005 After the girls had cleaned up, Luke and Cooter took Bo, Daisy, Beth, and Dixie aside. Luke said, "Y'all get dressed up tonight. We're gonna go to the Boar's Nest and have a little fun.""Yeeehaaa!" Bo exclaimed, hugging Beth to him.Beth smiled weakly. She was really tired from painting the nursery, but she wanted to go."Honey, are you OK?" Bo asked, looking at her with concern in his eyes."Yeah, I'm fine.""Maybe we should stay home tonight," he suggested. "No!" Beth said. "I wanna go!""Well, all that smokin' can't be good for the baby OR you, and you...""Bo..." she interrupted. "It'll be OK... I'm going!" She pulled his head down and kissed him.Cooter, always the one with a comment, said, "................Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 27, 2005 Posted August 27, 2005 Cooter, always the one with a comment, said, "Yep, she's going!"Everyone laughed.~~~~~~~~~Bo insisited on taking Beth's car in case she wanted to come home early. Which worked well with Luke's plans to go racing after the band. He didn't think Bo would take Beth out to the lake to see the races but he could be wrong. Cooter was taking the wrecker figuring on maybe making some change from the loosers or the racers who broke down tonight. He called to Daisy who had the night off, "Want to ride to the Boar's Nest with me?""Why sure Cooter!" she said climbing in the wrecker. Daisy was one of few girls who'd ride that truck and not worry about getting 'dirty'."Oh, good, that means I can ride with you? I just love riding in the General Lee." Dixie said playfully.Luke replied, "Well, come on. Last one to the Boar's Nest buys!" Bo shook his head, "Count me out of this guys. Beth's with me."Luke threw up his hand acknowledging what Bo had said. He fired up the General Lee and was out ahead of Cooter in a blink.The General Lee might be fast but so was Cooter's sooped up wrecker! Cooter jumped out behind Luke, hoping to find some place to make a move around the orange Charger.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Several hours later the band had began to pack up. Luke asked Bo, "Are you all coming to the lake for a bit?Bo replied, "You know I'd love to, but...."He was cut off by Beth saying, "Honey, go on. Have fun with the guys. I'll meet you at the farm." She saw the look from Bo. "I mean it. You haven't been out without me since we got married. Go." She said kissing him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Daisy again rode with Cooter to the lake, while Bo, Luke and Dixie took the General Lee. At the lake Luke popped the trunk of the General and took out a beer. Several other cars were pulling in to either race or watch the races. BALLADEER: "Now ain't it amazing how many people show up for an illegal race that's suppose to be a secret?" Luke had no sooner took the lid off the beer when his ex-girl friends new boy friend, Ralph, said to Luke, "I feel real lucky tonight ......."Luke replied, "Well, you ain't!" While staring him down.Bo nudged Cooter when he saw the exchange, "Oh, Sh--!""Hey, I got to be luckier than you! I already have the price!" Ralph said."If you are so lucky, prove it!" Luke said pulling a $50.00 bill from his pocket. He took just one long drink of beer and turn to Dixie and said, "Hold this for me. I'll be back before it gets hot."Dixie smiled. She had often held the guys beers at the garage while they worked on a car. She knew they knew she would 'snitch' a drink or two, maybe three here and there.Luke and Ralph lined up the cars. Daisy waved the starting flag and they were off.......................... Quote
bethie88 Posted August 28, 2005 Author Posted August 28, 2005 Luke took an early lead, leaving Ralph way behind. But the other man would not be put off so easily. He upshifted, and closed in on Luke a little. Dixie was yelling like crazy. "Go, Luke! Come on, Luke, don't let 'im getcha!"Bo was standing at her side yelling for his cousin.Ralph kept closing in on Luke, but he didn't know just how much power the General Lee had. Luke put it in high gear, and by the time they'd gotten to the "turn around," he was flying. Ralph didn't have a chance for anything but watching Luke slide across the finish line.Luke climbed out of the General's window, and smiled at Dixie. "Can I have my beer back?" he asked."Sure," she handed it to him and smiled. "Great race, Luke.""No kiddin'," Bo added, patting his cousin on the back.Unfortunately, Ralph didn't seem to think it was such a good race....................Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 Unfortunately, Ralph didn't seem to think it was such a good race he was out of his car and heading toward the General Lee.Luke took his beer from Dixie and said just loud enough for her to hear , "I remember this being a bit fuller." She smile impishly and shrugged her shoulders. From her view she saw Ralph heading that way. Luke back was toward Ralph so she said, "Luke we may have a problem?"Luke turned to see Ralph very unhappily heading towards him. He waited.Ralph said, "That was REAL CUTE Duke! Care to try that again and see if you can keep from jumping the (starting) line this time? And give me a chance to win my money back."Luke smiled. "I'll give you a chance to win your money back or loose another $50.00." He said handing his $50.00 to Cooter to hold. Everyone trusted Cooter and everyone also knew not to buck him for the money IF you didn't win. "But, Ralph, I ain't NEVER jumped a line." Luke said flatly as he finished the last of the beer that he'd only had a drink of. He would sip on a beer between races but if he came to drink he wouldn't race. Luke and Ralph were strapped in and lined up. Daisy threw the starting flag. Ralph took jumped off the line. Luke sat there.Bo looked over worried that something had happened to the General Lee, then saw Luke smiling. He looked up the road, Ralph was half way to the turn around spot. As Bo looked back Luke took off like greased lightening!Luke was on Ralphs tail as they turned to come back to the line. He soon passed Ralph and had a good lead. When Luke was about twenty five feet from the starting line it was obvious that he took the General Lee out of gear and crossed the starting line ahead of Ralph in Neutral!Bo looked over at Cooter and shook his head, "Oh, man! Did you see that? This is not going to be good!"Dixie asked, "Why's that Bo? Luke just won.""No, Honey, Luke didn't JUST win he beat the socks off him and rubbed it in Ralph's face that he beat him!" Cooter explained. Dixie had never been with them when they raced. Bo added, "And back when they played football there has never been any love between thosse two.""Yeah, they even broke each others bones in a couple of those games!" Cooter added."What? You are kidding ain't you?" Dixie asked shocked.Cooter said, "Nope, I was on the field when it all went down.""No wonder they don't like each other." Dixie replied.Bo said, "That's not the half of it. Luke dated a girl. She was pushing him for a promise that they would get married. Well, you know Luke, he bolted! He has even said if she hadn't pushed it was likely he would have asked her to marry him sometime in the future. But the girl had a 'time' frame. She went out and got engaged to none other than Ralph!""Wow!" was all Dixie could say. Then she asked, "Are they still together?"Bo scanned the crowd, "Yeah, they are still together. See the shorter girl with the light brown hair over there with those girls? That's her."Dixie checked out Luke's former girl friend and began comparing herself against the other girl.Luke was out of the General Lee and around the car front before Bo could get to him, "Da-- it!" Bo said, then added, "Luke don't be a jack a$$."Luke was beside Ralph's car before he got out. "Well, did you think that was 'cute' too or did I show you that my car is just plain faster than yours?"Ralph replied by ........................ Quote
bethie88 Posted August 28, 2005 Author Posted August 28, 2005 Ralph replied by punching Luke right in the jaw. "Is THAT cute enough for ya, Duke?" Ralph yelled.Luke tossed his beer bottle aside, saying, "Listen, Ralph... I don't wanna fight... Not here and now especially.""Why, you scared to have your @$$ kicked in front of your newest little challenge?" he sneered, gesturing toward Dixie.That was enough of that. Luke hauled off and punched Ralph, the other man's nose spurting blood. "That's enough, Ralph," he said, trying to calm down.Ralph still wasn't ready to quit. "I'll say when it's enough," he said.When he came back at Luke, the dark haired man was waiting for him.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 When he came back at Luke, the dark haired man was waiting for him he drew his fist back and landed a good solid blow right in Ralphs stomach, effectively taking his breath away just as headlights lite up the place. Luke was still standing over Ralph who still was trying to remember how to breath as Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane said, "Freeze! All of you just Freeze it right there!" Quote
bethie88 Posted August 28, 2005 Author Posted August 28, 2005 "Da--it," Bo moaned as Luke straightened up."What's goin' on here?" Rosco asked, holding his pistol on them."Uh... Nothin', Rosco," Luke said. "Ralph and me was just havin' us a little... discussion of sorts..."Rosco turned to Ralph, "Is that what it is?"Ralph was in no hurry to spend a night in jail, but he wasn't ready to let Luke off so easy either. After a moment of indecision, he said, "........Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 Ralph was in no hurry to spend a night in jail, but he wasn't ready to let Luke off so easy either. After a moment of indecision, he said, "Well, yes, Sheriff. I, ah, mean, no, that's not what happened. He Just walked up and knocked the he-- out of me. I think he's still jealous that I have his girl.""Yeah, and I suppose I also punched myself in the jaw!" exclaimed Luke. If he was going to set in jail and hear Jesse in the morning then Ralph could Da-- well join him!"Rosco being a good law man looked the two over. He had seen Luke punch Ralph, but Luke did have quite a bruise forming on his jaw and heading toward his eye. Rosco had originally been called because people were supposed to be racing out here. He didn't see that kind of evidence but did see that a two party fight had happened. "Ok, both of you put your hands on the car."Luke complied, then with a sigh and a nod towards Dixie, "Bo?"Bo nodded back from where he stood, "She'll be fine. I'll take her home. Ya, want me to wake Jesse tonight?"Luke said as Rosco cuffed him and put him in the car, "There's no need tonight. Tell him at breakfast."Daisy looked over at Dixie. She saw a look of horror and knew exactly what it would do to Luke if he saw it. Quickly stepping between Dixie and Rosco's patrol car, she said, "Dixie, don't. It will make things worse for Luke." She placed her arm around Dixie and headed her away from the scene as Rosco in an attempt to separate the two placed a handcuffed Ralph in the front of his cruiser. "And you said I was being 'cute'! Cut off your own nose to spite your face, right Green? All you had to do was go along and we could have settled our differences after Rosco left."Rosco said, "Kew, Kew, Kew. That's where your wrong Duke. I saw you hit him! All you both did was confirm he hit you too. I love it! I love it!"Luke sighed.It was going to be a LONG night.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 Rosco said, "Kew, Kew, Kew. That's where your wrong Duke. I saw you hit him! All you both did was confirm he hit you too. I love it! I love it!"Luke sighed. It was going to be a LONG night. There was nothing worse than spending the night in the Hazzard County jail except to watch Rosco gloat that you were spending the night in the Hazzard County jail!At the jail Rosco put Ralph in the 'holding' cell upstairs as he had Luke to set down still cuffed at his desk while he asked very slowly several pages of booking questions that Rosco knew 90 % of the answeres to. Finally Luke's 'torture' was over and Rosco took him downstairs. Only to begin to 'torture' Ralph with the same questions and process, then take Ralph down and place him int he cell next to Luke..............."~~~~~~~~~~At the lake Boasked Daisy and Dixie, "Are you all ready? There's been enough trouble out here for one night???" he was sure Beth would not be happy in the morning even though he hadn't gotten in toruble! Quote
bethie88 Posted September 4, 2005 Author Posted September 4, 2005 Bo and Daisy took Dixie back to the farm with them at her request. Both of them were just glad that Rosco hadn't shown up earlier and caught Dixie with Luke's beer bottle.Beth and Uncle Jesse heard the General's powerful engine in the driveway. Beth was up and headed toward the front door before she even had time to know what she was doing. She knew something was up. It was instinct. She saw Bo, Daisy, and Dixie headed toward the house and knew that there had to be a reason Luke wasn't with them. She met Bo on the porch and asked, "Where's Luke?""He's payin' Rosco an overnight visit," Bo said softly, trying to keep Dixie calm. "Come on in, and I'll tell ya about it. First we need to get Dixie settled in."Beth nodded silently, taking Bo's hand and walking inside.Daisy volunteered to go to bed, mostly to keep Dixie from staying up and worrying about Luke. Dixie followed Daisy to her room.Bo told Beth, "Go on to bed. I'll be there in a little while, and we can talk then."Beth nodded, knowing that Bo needed to talk to Jesse.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 Bo gently turned the door knob to Jesse's room and stuck his head in. "Uncle Jesse? Are ya, awake?"Jesse Duke replied, "I am now.""Figured ya heard us come in." Bo stated, "Luke ain't with us."Jesse was setting up fully awake now. "Rosco got him for racin' a bit ago. He told me to tell ya at breakfast, but I figured ya heard us come in.""Racin'?" Jesse asked, "Just who was he racin'?"Bo sighed heavily, "Ralph Green and he beat him. Beat him good, twice. Then Rosco showed up right after Luke had to teach him some manners.""Manners?" Jesse asked, though he knew it had been an on going thing with Luke and this Ralph Green since they had played ball against each other and especially since Luke and Robin had broken up and she was dating Ralph. "Come in. Care to elaborate?"Bo went in and shut the door. "Luke was challenged and beat him fair and square. Then, Ralph started running his mouth that Luke jumped the starting line and wanted another chance to wn his money back. Luke handed Cooter another $50.00 and said he'd give him a chance to win it back or loose another $50.00. Well, the flag dropped, " Bo left out the part about Daisy throwing the starting flag. "Ralph took off like greased lightening. Luke set there at the staring line. When Ralph was half way to the turn around Luke pulled out. He caught him at the turn around and passed him coming back. When he got about 30 feet fromthe finish line he took the General out of gear and drifted across the finish line.""Ralph was pissed?" Jesse asked."Oh, yeah. Luke went to his car before he got out of it. I just knew there was going to be trouble but I couldn't get there in time. Ralph swung first. Luke bloodied his nose, then Ralph came at him again. Luke had had all he could take and put him on the ground. It was about that time Rosco showed up.""So they got Luke for fighting, not racing?" Jesse asked.Bo stated, "Right."Jesse nodded. "Go on to bed. There's nothing we can do tonight.""That's what Luke said. He didn't even want me to wake ya tonight. Dixie came home with us and is staying with Daisy." Bo added as he turned to leave the room. "Night Uncle Jesse. Sorry I had to tell ya everything."Jesse smiled at the young man. Knowing that a few months earlier he'd be bailing out two nephews in the morning not one. It looked like Beth had given Bo some scense. Now if Luke would just get some! Jesse turned over, pulled the covers back around him, yet, he knew he'd not sleep with Luke not at home. ~~~~~~~~~~~Finally alone with Daisy in her room, Dixie began to cry. Daisy knew it was coming from the moment she saw her reaction at the lake. "Honey, Luke knew what he was doing and the risked he was taking before he left for the lake."Dixie looked surprised."Any time they race up there they risk going to jail. It is just lucky Rosco showed up after the race not during it. Each time they go up there they are risking not only going to jail but their drivers license too." Daisy explianed."And Luke still went and raced?" Dixie asked surprised."Yeah." Said Daisy, "And he'll be right back there next time too."Dixie had to ask, "Why?""Its just his way. Those boys have raced up there even before they had a driver's license to loose." Daisy added, "Honey, I saw the look on your face as Rosco was cuffing Luke, I saw how bad it hurt you. Don't let Luke see that. Instead on just know that you care he's likely to come to you which would get him in more trouble for resisiting arrest."Dixie looked at Daisy confussed."I'm serious. If he know it hurts you, then he's likely to come to you. Are you ready for bed?" Daisy asked. Dixie couldn't believe she was being so calm. "Ah, ..... yeah, ...... but I'm not sure how much sleep I'll get."Daisy saw the concern on Dixie's face, "Honey, Jesse will have him home by lunch.""I guess it's pretty silly me worrying about him when he probably will never give me a second look ......" Dixie left the rest of her statement unsaid."Sugar, you may be just what Luke needs, if he'd just get his head out of the sand and see it."Trying to cover her feelings Dixie said, "I just mean, I'd like to be freinds with Luke and all the guys. I know they'd never think of me as more than a kid sister."Daisy turned the covers back on her bed, "Come on. Let's not keep Jesse up. If Bo told him about Luke tonight, he's sure not to be in a good mood."~~~~~~~~~~~After being questioned by Rosco, Luke had been put in a cell downstairs. This wasn't his first time in jail but it was his first without Bo there. He stretched out on the steel cot with a way too thin mattress. Silently he wished he'd drank more so that he might be able to get some sleep, as it was Luke knew he'd be luck to fall asleep by morning. The cell that he was in couldn't be much bigger than a 6 by 8 with bars on three sides with the outside wall making up the fourth side. Small spaces had never bothered Luke before but being locked into such a space had always been a trying experience but usually he was trying to keep Bo calm. Luke seemed to handle this much better when concerntrating on keeping Bo from thinking about being locked up like this. Just as he was about to calm himself from the evenings events, Rosco brought Ralph Green doewnstairs and locked him in the cell beside Luke.................. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Luke swore to himself. Just what he needed was to in jail over night and have to reason he was there right beside him. Luke turned over on his side hoping that Ralph would just keep quiet, but if he knew him he'd have something 'smart' to say which would just peeve Luke off more.......~~~~~Bo opened his bedroom door gently, hoping that Beth was asleep. He eased in the room and quietly shut the door.Beth said, "I'm awake. You can quiet tip toeing around."Bo sat down on the bed taking his boots off. Beth sat up and hugged him. "Not that I'm complaining or anything but what's that for?"Beth was choked up as she said, "For coming home tonight." She swollowed, "Instead of being with Luke."Bo turned to his wife and saw her very upset, "Honey. Shhh. It's Ok. I knew there was going to be trouble but I couldn't stop it. Luke did not need my help with Ralph or with getting into trouble." Bo sighed. Beth knew the answer before she asked but had to ask anyway, "And had he, you would have been right beside him. Wouldn't you?"Bo bite his lip as he looked into Beth's eyes before answering ........~~~~~~~Luke's ex girlfriend and Ralph's current girlfriend, Robin looked on as Rosco put them both in the cruiser. She knew her friends were looking at her. She felt her face turn beat red with embarrassment. She had been lucky up unitl now not to have witnessed these two acting like idiots, usually she just had to hear about it. She didn't have a clue how to go about helping Ralph. She turned to look into the car, yes, he had left the keys. All she knew to do was to take his car to her house and call his parents for him. She was sure they would not be happy about her calling them nor would they be happy about having to come to Hazzard to get Ralph, if they came. Quote
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