DixieDavenport Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 As the Dukes and friends quickly headed to class hoping not to cause anymore attention the only teacher in the immediate area was Mr. Crouse. He just smiled a slight smile as they passed. Everyone, especially Dixie expected her to be called to the office before the day was over. Music class ended and Dixie thought surely that Lyndsie would have gone straight tothe office but she had not been called in yet. She would have Mr. Crouse this class with Jeb . Dixie hoped to slip into class with a crowd. No such luck. Crouse tapped her on the shoulder and motioned her to the side on the doorway, "Not that I saw A THING, but what happened back there?" Dixie said in a quiet voice, with Jeb right behind her, "She said something I didn't like about Beth and Bo.""You were lucky I was the only one who didn't see anything. But, watch your temper and Tell Cooter to quit teaching bad habits!" he smiled a bit before walking into his class.Jeb and Dixie took their seats. Jeb leaned up and whispered, "Kool-aid is cool. If she doesn't spill the beans he won't.""I hope not Dad would have a calf!" she said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word must have spread about Dixie and Lyndsie's 'meeting' in the hall because Beth heard no whispers at all in her third class. She would be glad to get to English class with Bo. Three period was alway longer than any other class but today it was particularly long. The History teacher went on and on about Greece which he had went over and over before. Beth opened her notebook and followed the notes she had long since quit taking as it was the same information so she ended up day dreaming and thinking about Bo and the baby she was carrying. She was startled by the bell ringing. She quickly gathered her things and headed for English class.In English the teacher said, "We were going to start reading our essays today but I'm too easy. I have had several requests for one more day to complete them. Well, I'm going to give you this class and tonight to work on them. Rest asured that we will start reading them tomorrow. They will count for a quarter of your grade so I suggest you all who have not completed them get busy."Beth pulled out her essay and was reading it over. She looked a Bo who had opened his notebook to a blank page. She looked at him in shock, "You haven't even started it?"Bo looked innocently, "We have been kind of busy." "If you don't pass this class you won't graduate. If you don't graduate it will upset Jesse badly after all we've put him through. Just start something and I'll help you tonight."Bo smiled that smile she loved at her, "Thanks Honey."Class ended and lunch period began. The weather was still a bit warm and the Dukes and friends ate outside instead of in the lunch room as often as possible. They all ate on the outside steps near the 'old' gym where music was played during lunch. They all liked the music but didn't like being inside all day. Making up the group was group was Bo, Beth, Daisy, Jeb, Brody, and Dixie. While eating Mac Jones walked up to congratulate Bo and Beth and also to give Dixie a hug and said with his hand still on her shoulder, "I'd never hit a girl, but if I was the type to I would have been so temped to have cleaned Lyndsie's clock for her. I only wished I'd have been there when you did it" he laughed."I'll make sure you are there next time!" said Dixie. They were all laughing when who should walk up BUT....................... Quote
bethie88 Posted March 17, 2005 Author Posted March 17, 2005 They were all laughing when who should walk up but Lyndsie. "You would have cleaned my clock, huh, Mac?"Mac grinned. "If I was the type to hit a girl... or if I was a girl... why not? You hadn't done nothin' to nobody, but mess them up. You're just a mean hateful snob, and I don't know why you think you're so big."Lyndsie glared at her ex-boyfriend. "Just because your friends are..." A look at Dixie made Lyndsie think better of what she had been planning to say. "Nevermind."Dixie nodded, and whispered to Beth, "That's what I thought.""You need to go on, Lyndsie," Mac said. "We've had enough trouble for one day.""I'll say," Lyndsie agreed.As the tall thin blonde walked away, Bo shook his head. "That girl... I swear."Beth took Bo's hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. We've got alot more important things to worry about. I mean... What people say and all..."Bo smiled as Beth trailed off. "I love you, honey."She smiled back. "I love you, too." She leaned over, and he kissed her gently. Daisy, Dixie, Brody, and Jeb all had to smile at Bo and Beth.Beth leaned over, and Bo put his arm around her.The bell rang, and Bo groaned. His next class was World History... which he was passing, but still hated. The only bright side was that Brody and Mac were in that class with him.Beth, Dixie, and Daisy all had the same class next. Mrs. Carson's Algebra. They were just glad that they were all together. Bo took Beth's books, Mac took Daisy's, since he had quite the crush on her, and Jeb carried Dixie's just to be polite. Jeb and Dixie were friends, but they were hardly each other's type. As they reached the math classroom's door, Bo kissed Beth. "Love ya.""Love you, too," Beth replied, as she took her books."Bye, Daisy," Mac said, with a grin, handing Daisy her books.Daisy smiled her sweetest smile. "Bye, Mac."Dixie took her books from Jeb, who said with a grin, "Hey, Dixie, no more bustin' people's noses."Dixie grinned her best Davenport grin. "Not if I can help it."The girls walked into class together, where Daisy took her seat beside Enos Strate. Beth sat behind Daisy, and Dixie behind Enos. They settled in for another boring day in math class.CUE DIXIE Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Surprisingly mention of the fight never got back to Luther Davenport, Dixie's father. It did reach Luke Duke's ear and happened to impress him.NARRATOR: You don't think old Luke happened to get the call from the school do ya?After school Dixie carefully approached the garage for signs that the school had called. She got no indication that they had called from her father. Several minutes later Luke said, "I've got to go to Atlanta for those parts. Anybody want to ride?"Cooter replied, "I've got this job to finish or I would."Dixie took her chances at 'escape', "I'll ride if no body cares?"Luther was in hearing distance but didn't voice an objection, neither did Cooter.Luke replied, "Well, I guess it's just us Kiddo, come on."Several miles outside of Hazzard Luke asked, "So tell me what happened at school today?"Dixie looked at him unbelievingly, "What are yo talking about?"Luke replied, "Let's just say I don't tell everything I know, especially when it may have been the right thing, though it broke a RULE or two. So give!"Dixie looked at him for a few minutes before saying, ..............."Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 20, 2005 Author Posted March 20, 2005 "Well, this girl said something she had no business saying. So I...kinda... bloodied her nose."Luke looked at Dixie, then busted out laughing. "I'll bet she never expected that one.""I doubt she did," Dixie said with a grin."So, Kool-aid was the only one who saw it?""The only adult.""Well, I'd say you're safe, then. Kool-aid ain't one to rat on somebody. If he gets asked about it, he'll probably just say he didn't see nothin' worth mentionin'."Dixie smiled. "I wish my old school had had somebody like Mr. Crouse. I would have stayed out of alot of trouble."Luke grinned. "Can't argue with that."Dixie looked at Luke a few minutes, finding herself lost somewhere in his bright blue eyes, as he rattled off the different parts they had to pick up.~*~*~*~*~*~Back at the Dukes, Beth and Bo were in the room that was going to be the nursery when the baby was born. Beth was planning out everything, and Bo was just watching her. Beth wanted the room to be perfect. Bo grinned at her and said, "Sunshine, you are somethin' else."She smiled at him lovingly, as she walked over to him, letting him hold her. "So are you."Bo pulled her close and kissed her. "Honey," he said. "As much as I'd like to stay here and enjoy this, I've still gotta get my essay set for tomorrow."Beth snapped to attention, "Good Lord! You're right!"She and Bo hurredly grabbed Bo's notebook and went to the kitchen. They sat at the table side by side, and got to work. Beth helped as much as she could, and after a couple of hours, Bo was done with an essay he could truly be proud of.~*~*~*~*~*~When Luke and Dixie got back from Atlanta, Dixie was on top of the world. But Luke unwittingly sent her to rock bottom when he hugged her from the side, and said, "Well, Kiddo, I better get to the Boar's Nest. I promised Anna May I'd be there at 8."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Luke had dropped Dixie off at the Davenports as the garage was now closed. As Dixie watched Luke leave in the wrecker she felt like Cooter's 'kid' sister they used to amuse by taking her out for ice cream when she was five. 'Well, I'm not five anymore!' she thought stomping into the house.~~~~~~~~~~~Beth had known yesturday being her first day back would have been hetic so she saved her trip to the main office to change her name on the official records until today. She laughed to herself, 'Beat this will mess up some grade books!' as she entered the main office marriage license in hand. "Ms. Cook." she sighed, knowing something this simple was going to cause a lot of hassle. "What exactly do I have to do to change my name on my permanant record?"Ms. Cook had only briefly looked up and still managed to juggle today's paperwork. "Well, now, Honey, you can't just change your name. It would have to be changed legally. What kind of change did you have in mind?" she asked not having a CLUE what Beth was talking about. Even though this was High School it wasn't like they had never had students marry before graduation but it just didn't happen often and it was still rather early in the morning for Ms. Cook to be thinking totally straight. Beth sighed. She was being talked to like she was five. She held up the marriage license and said, "It has been changed legally. Now, I just need my school records to be changed to Beth Duke."Ms. Cook looked up a bit surprised and even more confused. "From Beth Smith to Beth Duke? Honey, I'm not sure I understand."Beth thought, 'I'm talking really slowing here. I guess drawing a picture might help.'"Ms. Cook, I married Bo Duke last week. I have the marriage license for you to copy. What else do I need to do?""Married, ....... Bo? Duke?" studdered Ms. Cook while she thought, 'Another Duke? Just what I need!'"Yes, Ma'am." Said Beth."Let me see. I just need to make a copy of the marriage license then you can go on to class and I'll do the rest." said Ms. Cook. She still showed signs of surprise.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Daisy! Wait up!" called Dixie. She caught up to Daisy. She needed Daisy's help but didn't want Daisy to know her total reason for wanting the help. "Hey, Daisy. I was hoping to talk to you today. Could you come over maybe tonight and spend the night?"Daisy smiled, "Sugar, I don't know you know I have chores to do at home after school and with Beth and Bo things are still trying to get organized. We are still moving her things out of my room and the other night we moved Bo's things out of his and Luke's room. Then, we called ourselves helping Luke by straightening his room out. He came in late and forgot the bed had been moved!" Daisy couldn't help but laugh. "He ended up in the middle of the floor on his back." Dixie thought, 'Serves him right!' but said, "Well, do you think Uncle Jesse would mind if I come over and help then? I really need some girl talk."Being the only girl in the house until Beth moved in Daisy knew what Dixie meant. "Well, come on over for supper and we'll ask. You can ride home with us.""Great! Thanks. Got to run." said Dixie as she headed off to class. 'Maybe Daisy can help me change the bait a little so EVERYONE doesn't treat me like I'm five!' Not even to herself did Dixie admit at least one of the people she didn't want to be treated like a five year old by was Luke Duke.~~~~~~~~~~Other than the teachers well wishes and grumbles about re-writing almost new grade books, the day went uneventful as ever until English class. Bo had to read his term essay. They had written it on his favorite NASCAR driver. Beth was next to give her essay that she had written about Bo. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 23, 2005 Author Posted March 23, 2005 Beth stood up to read her essay. She had never been so nervous in her life. She had read essays in class often, but never had she read one that was so close to her heart.She walked to the front of the room, where the teacher smiled at her. "Go ahead, Beth," he said, patting her arm kindly.Beth smiled as she stood up straighter and began to read."When asked to write about someone very important to me, I thought of many people. All of the people I thought of are special. They are all dear to me. But above all of these people, I could think of one who has sacrificed and worked very hard for me. That person is my husband, Bo Duke."Bo is only seventeen years old, but already, he has faced his share of heartache and disappointment. We found out, not long ago..." Beth began to tear up a little. "That I am pregnant. Bo could have left me. It..." she stopped again to wipe her eyes. "It would have been easier for him to have left me. My father did not want us to be together. He wanted to give our baby up for adoption. But Bo refused to let that happen. He stood up for me, and my mother allowed us to be married. But the hard work and love hardly ended there."Bo works hard to earn our keep at the Duke farm. He works hard to make our part of the house a home for me and the baby. He helped to build the rooms on the back of the Duke house so that we would have our own little area just for us."Bo is not just my husband. He is my best friend. Noone has ever given so much for me, worked so hard for me. And I will always be grateful for all he has done."By this time, Beth had tears streaming down her face. Bo was fighting them back himself. And he felt kind of bad about writing his essay about Cale Yarborough when Beth had used hers to say such loving things about him. But he knew that she loved him, and that she knew that he loved her. As she moved back to her seat, Bo took her hand and whispered, "I love you."~*~*~*~*~*~After school, Beth, Bo, Jeb, and Dixie met at the General Lee. Jeb asked Bo if he could drive the General. Bo wanted to say no, but something in his cousin's eyes wouldn't let him. "OK, Jeb. Go ahead. But be careful. If you hurt the General, it'll be my hide Luke tacks on the wall, not yours."Jeb grinned. "I'll take care of him, cousin. Besides, you're the one who taught me how to drive."Bo shook his head. "That's what I'm afraid of. Now you just remember that it ain't just you and me in this car. You've gotta take care of Dixie, Beth, and the baby. And Daisy in a minute, too."Bo helped Beth into the General. She was quite capable of getting in herself, but since he'd found out about the baby, Bo had become extremely protective of Beth. Dixie climbed into the other side. Bo swung into the passenger's seat, something he wasn't used to, and sure didn't like. Jeb climbed into the driver's seat, then held out his hand for the keys, which Bo reluctantly gave him.Jeb cranked the General, and pulled out of the parking space. Bo told Jeb to pick Daisy up at the gym door, so Jeb headed out that way. Daisy climbed in, and settled in between Bo and Jeb.As they pulled out of the school parking lot, Brody in his Camaro, Enos in his Olds 442, and Mac in his Fairlane. As they got to the dirt road that led out of town toward the Dukes, Brody signalled to the others that he wanted to race. Enos accepted the challenge, and pulled up beside Brody. Mac accepted as well, and pulled in beside Enos. As Jeb pulled up on the other side of Brody, Bo turned to look at him. "Jeb Stuart Duke, don't you dare..."But Jeb had already signalled back Bo protested, "Jeb, my wife and baby are in this car, and..."Jeb and the others drowned Bo out, as they simultaneously stomped the gas, running 4 wide on a road that was meant for 2.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 25, 2005 Posted March 25, 2005 Daisy, Dixie and Beth had all ridden fast with all the boys. They all drove fast themselves. None of the three girls would have thought much about Jeb racing if it weren't for Bo's protests. As Jeb concentrated on driving the General Lee he wasn't paying Bo or his protests any mind. Bo reached across Daisy, turned the key off and took it out of the ignition bringing the General to a grinding hault. Once the car stopped Bo was out of his side of the car and at Jeb's window. Jeb asked, "What did you do that for?"Bo was now yelling, "Jeb get out of the car!"Daisy didn't like this picture she picked up the CB mic without Bo or Jeb noticing while they continued to argue. "Brody, Enos, Mac I need you guys back here now!" As she talked loud voices were heard in the background.The three had noticed the General Lee dropped off the pace but had rounded a curve so they couldn't see why then they heard Daisy's call on the CB about the time Brody had crossed the finish line ahead of the other two. Something had to be really wrong for the General Lee to drop back so quickly. Brody just turned to head back to them as did Enos and Mac. What they saw was NOT what hey expected to see. By this time Jeb was out of the General and he and Bo had squared off. They were both yelling at each other as Daisy and Dixie had now gotten in between them and Beth was near by yelling at the four.As luck would have it, coming back from a wrecker call Cooter and Luke were heading up the same road behind the General Lee. They got the same view that the guys had from the other direction. Cooter stopped the wrecker in the middle of the road and he and Luke were out of it almost before it had stopped. They quickly got in between Bo and Jeb letting Brody, Enos and Mac deal with the girls. Though they weren't sure what was going on Luke and Cooter's main concern was getting the two cousins away from each other until they could figure this mess out. Everyone one was yelling at someone when wouldn't you know it here comes Rosco unseen by any of them until he's at the front of the wrecker. Luke is struggling to keep Bo away from Jeb, Cooter is doing his darndess to keep Coy moving away from Bo. As the guys are having just as much trouble keeping the girls from 'helping' Luke and Cooter.From Rosco's view it looks like one heck of a fight. He begins to yell, "Freeze! Just freeze it right there! I said quit!" He fired into the air which got everyone's attention. "You know fighting in the middle of the road is illegal!"Luke kinda had Bo by the shirt collar as he turned toward Rosco. Luke hoped for two things; one, that Cooter had a good hold on Jeb, and two, that Bo had the good sense to keep his mouth shut and let him do the talking. "Rosco, this ain't no fight." said Luke calmly.As Luke had managed to turn Bo around and he saw Rosco there, Bo had swallowed hard. Though he wasn't 18 yet he didn't need any trouble with Rosco right now either. He was a bit relieved to hear Luke speaking calmly to Rosco.Rosco said confussed, "It ain't no fight? Then what is it?"Luke replied, "See Bo and Jeb here were just having a family discussion. Cooter and me were just trying to get them to quit discussing it until we could get back to the farm."Rosco, replied, "Khee khee! Well, that there's a good idea. Now, you all get in them cars and finish this at the farm!" Rosco watched as they started heading for their cars. Both Bo and Jeb headed toward the General Lee. Luke asked, "Who's got the keys to the General?"Bo replied, "I do. And he's not driving my wife anywhere.""Ok, Ok, Now would you just get in before Rosco changes his mind?" said Luke.Cooter took the hint and headed Jeb towards the wrecker. "Come on Jeb you can ride with me." Luke helped Dixie and Beth into the General Lee then took the passenger side. Enos told Daisy, "You can ride with me.""Thank you Enos." she said as she walked back to his car. Rosco was satisfied as he saw the cars on their way.~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Duke farm Jesse was just thinking that the 'kids' should be home soon as he was repairing a screen on the back porch. He heard the General Lee and looked up to see not just the General Lee heading down the drive but also Cooter's wrecker which was followed by three other cars.Luke was getting out his window before Bo could stop. Bo was out his own window a half a second later. Luke stood in front of him, "Bo, I still don't know what's going on between you two but you'd better start rethinking it now! Dukes don't fight Dukes!""They do today!" said Bo.Jesse walked over to Bo and Luke. "What in tarnation is going on?" Quote
bethie88 Posted March 26, 2005 Author Posted March 26, 2005 Bo didn't reply to Uncle Jesse. He just waited until Jeb got out of the wrecker, and started toward him. He wasn't the only one ready for a fight. Jeb was headed his way, just as mad. They met between the wrecker and the General Lee. Luke and Cooter headed that way, but before they could get to them, Bo was yelling, "What did you think you were doing back there?""What did it look like I was doing?" Jeb shot back. "I was just racing the General Lee. Just like you and Luke have done a blue million times.""First off, the General Lee BELONGS to me and Luke! We can race him if we want to. And second, you had MY wife, and MY baby in that car, and you had NO right to put them in danger.""Bo, you bull headed thing! Beth and that baby were just as safe as they are any other time.""Jeb, it ain't up to you to make that decision! When I gave you the keys, I told you to drive safe and take care of everybody in that car.""Bo, calm down! Good Lord, what's wrong with you?""What's wrong with ME? You're the one who's racin' a car with a pregnant woman in the back seat, just so you can look like Mr. Big."Jeb glared at Bo, then angrily took a swing at his cousin.Bo, who was caught completely off guard, took the punch right in the jaw. When he came up, he took a swing with his good left hand, hoping that Jeb's face would be easier on his fists than the tree and the dresser. Bo's fist connected with Jeb's lower lip, as Daisy, Dixie, and Beth looked on in horror, trying to figure out what to do.By this time, Luke and Cooter had made it to the boys, and Luke had grabbed Bo's arms. Cooter had a hold of Jeb, trying to keep him back from Bo. "What is wrong with you two?" Luke asked angrily."Jeb's actin' like a kid. He put Beth and the baby in danger.""ME?" Jeb protested. "Bo's tryin' to be my father. And he's not!""No, I'm not," Bo said. "But I am Beth's husband, and our baby's father. And I'll be danged if I let you hurt them."Jeb's eyes were bright with anger as he replied, "......"Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 Jeb's eyes were bright with anger as he replied, "I had no intention of hurting anyone!" By this time Jesse had reached the four. "HOLD IT! Hold it right there, all of you! I don't know what's going on between you two but I WILL NOT have you both acting like fools!" Jesse paused to let his words sink in, then said, "Ok, from what I saw you are both even in the fight department so neither of you had better jump the other." To Luke and Cooter he said, "Turn them loose. You two want to act like you are two then I'll treat you that way. Both of you have a seat on the opposite sides of the porch until you are calm enough to tell me what happened. Now move!"Luke and Cooter both let Bo and Jeb go. They both headed to the porch with their heads hung. Luke and Cooter also headed to the porch just in case someone still felt 'froggy'. Dixie and Beth had never seen Jesse riled. They were still standing back at the cars with Daisy, Enos, Mac and Brody. It took them, as well as the others by surprise to see the man they knew as loving, caring and peaceful so upset. The words he spoke to Bo and Jeb weren't neccessarily loud but they were spoken with authority and gained the respect that Jesse Duke had earned by all that knew him. Within a minute of Jesse speaking the his two nephews who were more than ready to fight each other were now setting on opposite ends of the porch like a couple of whipped Tom cats. Bo would most likely have a black eye tomorrow and Jeb was nursing a bursted lip. Beth wanted nothing more to go and check on Bo but she didn't dare just yet. Dixie hadn't been in town long and hadn't seen her brother or Luke so willing to jump into a fight. It seemed to her that the 'fight' was over but Cooter and Luke still stood at the 'ready' in case either moved toward the other.When Jesse walked over to Luke he asked, "What is going on?"Luke held his hands up in front of him, "Beats me! Cooter and I came up on this, on the straight stretch, just out of town and got them separated out there. I probably should add, ....... we got there about a minute before Rosco did.""Rocso, Humm." Jesse sighed, "I guess I should take it that you two had things under control since you all ended up here and not in jail." Jesse being his ever fair self figured if Luke didn't know then he'd hear Bo's side next since he was the next oldest. Before he called Bo into the kitchen he said to Luke and Cooter, "Thank you boys. Bo let's go have us a talk in the kitchen. Luke come get some ice for Jeb's lip.""Luke replied, "Yes, Sir," NARRATOR: Looks like its one of those days when Old Luke there is just glad he's not in trouble, Now, don't it?"After sending Jeb ice by Luke, Jesse handed Bo a dish towel with some for his eye before he began, "Now, do you want to tell me what in Sam's Hill has gotten into you two?"Bo was still looking at the floor knowing he was in trouble for hitting Jeb but still felt he was more than right. "Uncle Jesse, I know things got out of hand out there and I am sorry, but Jeb had no right!""Ok, Bo, just calm down and tell me what he did that has you this mad." said Jesse in a clam voice."Jeb asked to drive home today. I let him. I told him before I ever gave him the keys I expected him to be extra careful since Dixie, Daisy and Beth were riding with us. I especially reminded him that I expected him to be extra careful with Beth since she is pregnant. Not long after we left the school Brody signaled us all to race. I warned him not to race but he signaled back anyway. When he jumped on the gas we were four wide on Rt. 3. We were on the outside. Now Jesse you know Rt. 3 it ain't wide enough for two cars let alone four. All I could think about was the possibility of Jeb rolling us. All he had to do was hit one rut the worng way or the other guys bump him and we'd been on our top. Now, mind you I never intended for Beth to get pregnant, but as much sh-- as we've both been through I the last little bit I'm not taking any chances of losing either her or my baby NOW! Daisy was in the middle so I reached over turned the key off and took it out of the ignition." Bo sighed before finishing, "Then I jumped out of the car and asked him 'What he thought he was doing?' he jumped out mad as a wet hornet about the time everybody else showed up.""So that's all that went on out on the road?" asked Jesse."Yes, Sir." replied Bo."Ok, go on out the back. I'll deal with Jeb."Bo walked out the back door as Jesse called Jeb into the kitchen, saying, "Let's hear it, Jeb. "Uncle Jesse, I didn't do anything wrong. I swear."Jesse looked at him hard, "What didn't you do Jeb?""I was driving home. Brody signaled to race. I accepted. I couldn't NOT accept driving the General Lee and all! I'd have been the laughing stock of the tri-counties!" explained Jeb. "You know how I worry about you boys when you race? You know how I worry when I send you on a whiskey run. But, Jeb, you upped the anty with Beth and the others in the car." explained Jesse."He--! Jesse I've raced Beth in that Camero of hers before!" exclaimed Jeb.Jesse gave his nephew a cold look, "Was it after she found out she was pregnant and were you running four wide on a road barely made for two cars?""Uh, well, um, no, ...... but" studdered Jeb."But nothing! Jeb Stuart Duke I know how Bo feels. Me and my Martha tried for years to have us our own children." Jesse voice fails him just a bit as he says, "The Duke family cemetary shows that! No matter how careful we were or how hard we tried it didn't happen. I guess the good Lord above knew I'd have my hands full raising you all without children of my own." Jesse wiped a tear from his eye before continuing, "Now, I know to you all it may seem Bo is overreacting. He MIGHT very well be. But the point is you had no business racing with Beth in the car. For the next two weeks the only thing I had better see you drive is a wheel barrel. I want you to apolgize to Beth and Bo. Then, to save your pride you can tell the others that you or no one else will race then in the General Lee or anything else as long as Beth is with you and pregnant. AND that goes for after the little one arrives too. GOT IT?"Jeb hung his head, "Got it." He sighed as he went outside.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 Jeb grudgingly walked over to Enos, Brody, and Mac. "Fellas, I... I can't be racin' y'all if Beth's in that car with me."Brody grinned, and his grin was so friendly that it made Jeb feel a little bit better. "Sorry, Jeb," Brody said. "It was all my fault. I shoulda thought about Beth and the baby before I signalled y'all."Jeb nodded. "Thanks, Brody.""No problem," Brody said. "I'll see ya."Brody climbed in his Camaro. Mac patted Jeb on the shoulder before climbing into his Fairlane. Enos, too, said good-bye and left.Cooter took Dixie off to the side of the house. "Hey there, Little Sister," Cooter said with a grin."Hey, Cooter," she replied."OK, so here's the pressing question of the moment. Just what happened back there?"Dixie began to explain, and by the time she had finished her story, Cooter was about to die laughing."Cooter, it's not funny!"Cooter grinned. "It is when you've known the Dukes as long as I have.""Cooter, Bo and Jeb are cousins. It's not funny when cousind are fighting.""Listen, now. They'll be over it in a day or two."Dixie smiled. "Well, I'll take your word for it. But anyway... can you tell Dad I'm staying at the Dukes tonight?""You got it!" Cooter said. Dixie hugged him, and he was off.~*~*~*~*~*~Late that night, Dixie and Daisy were in Daisy's room discussing Dixie's desire to "change the bait."Dixie shook her head. "I'm just tired of being Cooter's little sister."Daisy nodded. Whether or not most people believed it, she had long been known as Bo and Luke's tagalong cousin."Well, honey," Daisy said, "First thing in the morning, we'll get you all dolled up. But we better make it worth it. No point in doing your hair and makeup when there's nowhere to go. So we'll call up all the fellas and some other girls and go to the Boar's Nest tomorrow night."Dixie smiled. "I'd like that."~*~*~*~*~*~Bo and Beth were lying in bed. Beth looked up into Bo's eyes. Or, the one eye he could actually open now. "I appreciate Jeb apoplogizing to us. But, Bo...""Yeah?""Honey... I'm sure the baby and I would have been just fine."Bo pulled her close. "Maybe so. Maybe so, but still. I told Jeb to be careful. You're my wife, and that's my baby. It's not his choice."Beth took Bo's chin in her hand and brought his face down. She pressed a kiss to his lips. "Honey, I know you're just trying to do what's best for us. But don't be too hard on him. Bo, do you see how he looks up to you and Luke? He wants to be just like you two."Bo smiled. "I always wanted to be just like Luke.""Jeb looks up to you. That's why he raced the General."Bo kissed Beth. "Sometimes I just can't believe I ended up with such a beautiful woman."Beth smiled as Bo pulled her close and kissed her.~*~*~*~*~*~The next morning...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 It being Saturday morning, as soon as the morning chores were done and the breakfast dishes done which weren't many as Bo, Luke and Jeb had all headed to the garage to dine on dounuts and beer, Dixie and Daisy got busy. They called several of their girl friends and had them ready to talk their fellas into going to the Boar's Nest that night. Dixie's hair tended to be totally straight so their first line of action was to go get a home perm and put in her hair. On the way back to the farm Dixie asked, "Are you sure about this?" "Sure, we'll just put a lot of curl in it then use a curling iron or rollers to straighten it a bit and it will look like it's naturally curly." said Daisy confidently. "So you never mentioned which fish you're aiming to catch.""Daisy I just want a change. I'm tired of everyone treating me like I'm five. You, Jeb and I are all about the same age yet they think I'm five." said Dixie frustrated.Daisy smiled, "You just don't know how hard it is to be the guys cousin! Some of the guys around here treat me like I'm a kid, then some are afraid of the boys, and the others have eight hands!" "Sometimes I think I could handle the ones with eight hands better than the ones who think I'm five!" exclaimed Dixie. They both laughed.Jesse usually took Saturdays to work the stills so with the guys gone Daisy and Dixie had the house to themselves except for occassionally Coy and Vance who soon gave up and left from the smell of the perm in the house. Daisy trimmed Dixie' s hair to get the dead ends off then the perm made it look several inches shorter after it was fixed. Daisy and Dixie had half her closet out to find something eye catching but within reason as Dixie knew her Dad may drop into the Boar's Nest. They settled on Dixie wearing her dress cowboy boots instead of high heels, a pair of Daisy's black jeans which was a size or two smaller than Dixie's regular size, a haulter top which left little to the imagination, and a western shirt of Daisy's unbottoned and tied a the waist over the haulter top. Add a long necklace, a little make up and a little body spray and the girls were ready to go 'fishing'. ~~~~~~~~~~~Saturdays usually proved very long for the Duke males, but being young they never complained. They worked all day Saturday tuning Black Tilley and welding a few secret compartments in her to hide shine if needed. They all also took changes of clothes to shower and change at the garage instead of going to the farm before heading to the Boar's Nest. Luke knew he and Bo could drink some tonight since the 'run' wasn't scheduled until Sunday night. Beth had called earlier to say she'd met Bo at the Boar's Nest. Her and Daisy for a change had the night off so Bo knew Beth could drive him home when she got ready to go. Since Jeb was grounded to driving only wheel barrels Luke figured to ride home with Daisy if he didn't get a 'better offer'. Evening found Cooter, Bo and Luke at a back table sipping on a cold beer. Jeb had a cold root beer and joined the conversation. They were soon joined by Brody, Enos, Mac, Mark, and Dobro. The conversation level was almost as loud as the juke box. Daisy, Beth, Dixie and Kathy walked into the Boar's Nest together. Kathy had had her eye on Cooter Davenport for sometime and figured trying her luck tonight. When the girls walked in the conversation at the back table stopped at first glance in the lighting none of the guys knew who Dixie was. When he saw the four ladies walk in Luke almost choked on his beer before ......... Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 Luke almost choked on his beer before realizing that the young woman he was looking at looked very familiar. Who... It was then that the girls walked over to the table. When the pretty girl Luke couldn't tear his eyes away from said, "Hey, Cooter, is Dad OK with this?" Luke nearly fainted dead away. It was Dixie!After he regained his composure a little, Luke smiled. "Hey, girls!" he said. "Y'all sure are lookin' nice tonight.""Thanks, Luke!" Daisy said, playfully elbowing Dixie.Beth had immediately gone to sit with Bo, who had put his arm around her with a smile. "Hey, Sunshine. You look real pretty tonight.""Thanks, honey," Beth said, as Bo kissed her.By this time, Mac had asked Daisy to dance to "If You've Got Leavin' On Your Mind" . Next on the floor were Cooter and Kathy. Bo lead Beth out on the floor, and then Luke and Jeb were sitting there looking at each other. Dixie walked over and sat down between them. Luke and Jeb looked at each other again, then Luke turned to Dixie. "Miss Davenport," he said. "Can I have this dance?"Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 Luke turned to Dixie. "Miss Davenport," he said. "Can I have this dance?" he said just being friendly. He didn't think too much about it.Dixie's heart skipped a beat being seen dancing at the Boar's Nest in front of her friends with one of the Duke boys! She found her voice and replied trying to sound calm, "Sure, Luke, I'd like that."As they went to dance Luke still couldn't believe the difference in Dixie. She looked so grown up. This couldn't be the 'Tom Boy' he had taught to drive her father's wrecker. He said as much, "You look really nice tonight."Dixie said, "Thank you." She had heard all the stories about Luke so she still thought, 'He just ask me to dance so I'd feel like I fit in. Just be calm this is nothing.' She tried to convience herself. 'He's just being nice.'A short while later Jeb asked Dixie to dance. 'My luck might just be chaging she thought. Two Duke boys.'Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 Jeb was very polite, which almost made Dixie laugh, knowing what he was like on a day to day basis. "Well, Dixie," he said. "Didn't none of us have an idea who you were when you walked in."Dixie smiled. "Is that good, or bad?"Jeb grinned that Duke grin, and it might have melted any girl had her mind not been on another member of the Duke clan. "It's a real good thing if you ask me," Jeb said with a laugh.Beth was dancing with Bo, when he smiled and said, "Honey, you don't think Dixie's got her eye on Jeb, do ya?"Beth looked into her husband's blue eyes and smiled. "I don't know. All I know is, she's got her eye on somebody special. But you better keep that to yourself."Bo grinned. "I will." Beth looked up at him and smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. "You are really something," she said, pressing even closer to him.He smiled. "So are you."Beth was so tired. But she didn't want the night to end. It had been such fun seeing the looks on the guys' faces when they'd all walked in. Bo could tell she was tired, and so in his ever-protective manner, he said, "Honey, we need to get you home and in bed. You look really tired.""Bo, I'll be fine. Just a little longer, please."Bo grinned. "Just a little," he said, as he felt her head lean onto his chest. He smiled, and rested his chin on top of her head.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 16, 2005 Posted April 16, 2005 It was starting to get pretty late when Bo and Beth decided it was about time to head home. The girls had brought Beth's car so they'd take it home and Luke could bring the General Lee. As they left the table Cooter, his girlfriend Kathy, and her friend Lisa took seats with Luke, Jeb and Dixie. Cooter said, "Whew, just handed the keys to the wrecker over to Dad. You know I've fished Rosco out of the crick four times this weekend? Maybe Dad can get some use out of his new waders and give me a break if old Rosco's luck doesn't change."Luke laughed, "Well, as long as that car learns to swim by tomorrow night I'll be OK." he said sarcastically, as he'd be driving the wrecker tomorrow night for Luther Davenport. Luke sometimes drove to give Cooter and Luther a break and to earn extra money usually for car parts. Cooter nodded for Luke to walk over to the bar. As they walked over, Cooter said, "Luke, we had planned to ride home with Lisa and her now ex-boyfriend. Do you think we can catch a ride home with you?"Luke replied, "Sure Cooter. No problem."Dixie asked Cooter, "Since Daisy just got roped into working and Beth is gone can I ride home with you and Kathy to keep from riding home with Dad?"Before Cooter could answer, Luke replied, "Sure I'll give you a ride since Cooter is riding with me."Dixie thought to herself. 'This could work out really well.' Lisa had just finished telling them how big a jerk. Though Lisa was more Luke's age she was eyeing Jeb. She said, "Thanks Luke."Jeb hadn't missed the looks from Lisa. He knew that he and Dixie were friends, though she had impressed him, he was planning on trying his Duke charm on Lisa. He said, "You know Luke if we leave now we could ride out by the lake before taking everyone home.""Good idea Jeb." Said Luke all for it. Dixie replied, "Just let me let Dad know. I'm sure he'll be fine with it." she lied. She wan't at all sure he'd let her go but hoped since Cooter would be there it would be OK. During the conversation with Luther she implied that she was just catching a ride home to be home earlier than her father. He asked if she was talking to a boy. She replied, "Me? Dad, I'm a 'Tom Boy' besides me and Jeb are like cousins." she said telling the truth.They all headed to the General Lee. Both Cooter and Jeb got in the back seat. Kathy climbed into the back also setting on Cooter's lap. Lisa asked, "Where do you all want me? And why are you climbing in the windows?"Luke replied, "Because the doors are welded shut. Here I'll help you. You can ride up front or in the back."Jeb said, "Luke it might be crowded up there with all three of you in the front. Lisa you can set back here with us." Jeb offered.Luke shook his head. They road three in the front all the time but he'd go along. "Yeah, you're right Jeb." He said helping Lisa into the car where she found herself on Jeb's lap. Luke also helped Dixie into the front seat before climbing in the driver's seat. He fired up the car and they headed toward the lake.......Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted April 16, 2005 Author Posted April 16, 2005 Before they had gotten there, Lisa and Jeb had pretty well decided what THEY were going to do during their trip to the lake. Jeb, being a Duke, was quite the charmer. And Lisa had quickly set her eye on him. Luke was keeping an eye on them, knowing that Lisa was at least 19, most likely older, and that Jeb was only 16. Jeb was a little annoyed at his cousin, knowing that Luke was keepind an eye on them.Dixie was having fun with Luke, since Cooter, Kathy, Jeb, and Lisa were paying them absolutely no attention. They talked about cars, and things, and then Luke had the strange urge to tell Dixie, "Hey, you look real nice tonight."Dixie smiled at Luke's comment, but was a little confused about the butterflies in her stomach. "Thanks," she said.~**~**~**~**~**~Bo and Beth were headed home in Beth's Camaro, when all of the sudden...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 16, 2005 Posted April 16, 2005 A couple miles out of town Luke started playing with the dome light trying to catch (More so Jeb) Jeb or Cooter snicking a kiss by flipping the dome light on. It was a game the guys had played with each other often and just hoped the girls were good natured about the whole thing. Once at the lake everyone got out. Cooter being the oldest of the three males quickly found a reason to separate. "Kathy have I ever showed you the trial that leads up to the cliff over yonder that looks down on the lake?" Cooter asked."No, I dont' believe you have." she replied innocently.Cooter smiled, "Well, come on. Luke keep an eye on Dixie huh?"Luke knew what Cooter was up to as they had double dated often. "Sure, go ahead."Dixie gave Cooter a dirty look. Luke just nodded. "Let him be.He didn't mean anything by it."Jeb soon suggested a walk by the lake. He and Lisa went one way. Luke and Dixie went the other. Luke hoped his cousin knew what he was doing. He knew that he could have fussed all night long and like Bo Jeb wouldn't have listened at this point.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bo and Beth were headed home in Beth's Camaro, when all of the sudden... there was a loud pop and the Camaro suddenly pulled to the left. BEth was driving as Bo had been drinking some. She did her best to slow down the car while keeping it in the road. With the front tire blowing she had little control over the car so she was lucky to get slowed down before putting the car in a deep ditch on her side of the car. The Camaro stopped with a thump when it hit the ditch line.Being that the car was her baby Beth said some very unlady like things. "@)@&@$&_&_!*_ !!!"Bo responded thinking she or the baby were hurt, "Honey what is it?"Beth knew she and the baby were find but was worried she'd torn the whole side of the car out. "Bo move! Let me out I want to see what I did to the car!"Bo sat stunned for a whole minute before saying, "What?""I can't get this door open. I've had to have wiped out the whole side of the car!" replied Beth."Just hold it! Are you OK? What about the baby?" he asked almost ready to panic."Bo Duke I've hit hard tripping over my big toe! Let me check out the car!" she exclaimed.Bo was still not happy, but let Beth out of the car. The Camaro was fine other than the flat. She just couldn't get the door open because of the side of the ditch. yet, Bo knew he couldn't get the tire changed like it was setting. He tried to get it out of the ditch. No use. It was going to need to be pulled out then the tire changed. He went to the CB and radioed, "Breaker, anyone home on the Hazzardnet?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the lake Luke nor anyone else heard Bo's call because they were away from the car.Luke and Dixie had walked about a quarter way around the lake when they stopped. Dixie asked, "Luke why does everyone treat me like I'm ........"Luke answered her unasked questioned, "Like you are Cooter's little sister? Because you are."She replied, "Luke!""Well, I'm being honest. Look Daisy has the same problem. Sugar, you keep this up (referring to her appearance) you'll not have that problem long. I promise." he squeezed her hand for effect.Dixie smiled. She couldn't figure out the butterflies that kept flying around her stomach.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted April 18, 2005 Author Posted April 18, 2005 In the meantime, Bo was trying to radio Luther to bring the wrecker. "Old Shotgun, this is Lost Sheep Two. We got a towin' job we need done, come on."But no answer. Beth was getting more and more annoyed as the time passed. "If Jeb and Cooter hadn't had to go to the lake..." she began.Bo nodded. She didn't have to finish her thought. He knew what she was talking about."Shepherd," Bo said over the CB, "This is Lost Sheep Two, come on."No answer. Bo shook his head. And then, he resorted to something he'd never wanted to do. "Sheriff Coltrane, this is Lost Sheep Two. Come on."Beth smiled when Rosco replied, "This is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, come on." Neither she nor Bo ever thought they'd be so happy to hear Rosco's voice."Rosco," Bo said, "Me and Beth got a flat on Atlanta Highway, headed back in toward Hazzard from the Boar's Nest. Can you see if you can find Luther Davenport? We're in a ditch, and there ain't no way we can change the tire without gettin' it out."Rosco spoke quickly! "Alright! I'll go get Luther... right now. Khee!"Bo heaved a sigh of relief as he and Beth settled into the soft grass to wait for Luther and the wrecker.~**~**~**~**~**~Meanwhile, at the lake, Jeb Stuart Duke was having the time of his life....Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Meanwhile, at the lake, Jeb Stuart Duke was having the time of his life.... It was becoming less and less clear who was the chaser and who was the chasie. Things were definitely heating up on both sides of the lake. The only thing that stopped Jeb from 'scoring' tonight was the fact that he knew Lisa had just broken up with her boyfriend. He wanted to, really wanted to, but not just because she was doing it to get back at her ex-boyfriend and the fact that Jeb was sure Luke would be completing his walk around the lake and would walk up on them anytime.On the other side of the lake though Luke wasn't in any hurry. He and Dixie were talking. They were talking about her school, music, cars, and racing. Yeah, Luke knew Dixie was Cooter's little sister, they were talking because he'd never try any thing with her and jeprodize the friendship the two families had had through the years. Yet, he hadn't had this good a time since he and Robin broke up. Luke couldn't help but remember some of the things Bo had thrown up in his face about going out with every girl in the Tri-Counties for only one reason. Bo had been right. It had taken Luke awhile to realize that he had been doing this to get back at Robin but basically was only lessening his chance of getting to have what he'd had with Robin with any girl that he'd take home to see Jesse or that their parents would let them go out with him. The more he talked to Dixie the more he got to know her as herself not as Cooter's little sister. He was planning on looking to find someone that he could talk to and get to know better. He decided right then and there that he'd stop, well, OK, he'd slow his 'running around' down. Cooter and Kathy were the first back to the General Lee. Cooter sounded the General's horn to get the others attention. He and Kathy continued to 'neck' unti they returned to the car a few minutes later. Quote
bethie88 Posted April 22, 2005 Author Posted April 22, 2005 Meanwhile, Beth and Bo were relieved to see Luther Davenport's wrecker coming around the curve. He came over to them, and hooked the car up, pulling it out of the ditch. Beth was relieved to see that, other than the tire, and a few scratches, the car was just fine.Bo changed the tire, and thanked Luther profusely. Luther just smiled. "I thought you two were going with Luke and Cooter and them," he said"No sir," Bo said. "I need to get Beth home. She needs her rest."Luther smiled. "Oh, I see how it is. Well, I better git."Bo nodded, grinning.~**~**~**~**~**~Meanwhile, at the lake...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 24, 2005 Posted April 24, 2005 Luther worried about Dixie being out like this but felt it was Ok since Cooter was along too. He also felt sure that Luke being so responsible with his wrecker, tools and garage was responsible enough to keep an eye on Dixie and Jeb. Luther always thought Jeb was a good kid. Course all 'Jesse's kids' were good kids.(Luther was thought Dixie liked Jeb.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke drove to the ladies houses to drop them off. First to Jeb's disappointment was Lisa, then Kathy and finally Dixie. Luke spoke up, "Cooter, we're all going to the garage at first light in the morning. Want to stay with us?"Cooter replied, "You got it!"So after seeing Dixie home they guys left for the Duke farm.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dixie stood in the doorway watching the General Lee go down the driveway. She had just had the time of her life. She was thinking about all the 'stories' she'd heard when people thought she wasn't listening about Luke Duke, though to her he'd been a perfect gentleman. She was having a hard time believing that he could 'use' girls like she'd heard. Dixie liked the attention she'd gotten tonight, thinking, 'Yes, I will keep this up.' She smiled as she headed for the shower.~~~~~~~~~~~~Luther was relieved to see the lights on at the house when he returned from getting Bo Duke unstuck. It meant that the kids were home. Dixie came out of the bathroom in her robe as Luther came in the house, "Dad, Cooter is staying at the Dukes tonight so they can all be at the garage in the morning."Luther replied, "Ok. I just had to pull Bo Duke out of a ditch ......"Dixie looked concerned, "What happened? Is Beth OK?""They are both Ok and so is the car. Looks like the front tire blew and Beth put it in the ditch. The way it was setting Bo couldn't change the tire or get it out of the ditch without a pull. I'm heading to bed now." said Luther.Dixie replied, "That's good. Good night, Dad."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next day at the garage. Luke said, "Cooter can we get this set up by this afternoon?" I need to be out of here early this afternoon. Jesse has a long trip set up today."Cooter smiled, "Relax, Lucas and let the 'Master' work." He fired up the torch and started working on Black Tilley.Luke took a step back and laughed at his friend. "Whatever you say! I think I'll just check out the plugs and wires while you do your magic on the trunk."Bo replied, "Luke, that false panel in the trunk should work wonders for hiding at least 12 gallons of shine."Luke looked up, "Bo, while you were doing those odd jobs last week. We measured it I can get 12 to 16 gallons in there easy. And better yet we'll be able to get to it from up front in case we have to ditch it in a hurry."Bo replied, "That should do the trick then. Who's running blocker today me or Jeb?"Luke had been thinking about just that very thing. He knew Bo knew the roads better than Jeb and this trip would be taking them out of State through some 'bad' Counties. He and Bo had always been a team and though Jeb was good it was hard to get used to someone else riding 'shotgun' yet he needed a good blocker. Jesse had been letting the boys plan their own runs lately, but Luke was going to run this by Jesse before he made a final plan. With Beth being pregnant, it upped the stakes for Bo if he got caught so Luke had tried to put Bo in the safest position -- if there was such a thing on a moonshine run. At least if Bo were the blocker he could pull off and head home if things went wrong for Luke and Jeb, yet, Luke was pretty sure that Bo would not leave even if Luke told him to. The only thing Luke knew to do about that was to do what they had always done --- Just don't get caught!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted May 1, 2005 Author Posted May 1, 2005 And that was just what all the Dukes planned to do.When Beth found out about the run, she was a little angry, but she tried to understand. But understanding didn't keep her from worrying. She loved Bo, and the last thing they needed then was for him to go to jail.The night before the run, Bo and Beth lay awake in bed talking for hours.As Bo explained to her where the run was going to go, Beth suddenly....Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 5, 2005 Posted May 5, 2005 As Bo explained to her where the run was going to go, Beth suddenly sat up in bed and exclaimed, "Bo Duke! Have you lost all your senses? I know I'm new to this 'moonshine' stuff but even I know that Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Lumous of Hitapee County doesn't tolerate moonshine in his County!" Then you're going through Osage County? Bo everybody has heard how dirty Colonel Cassius Clayborne and his chain gang road prisons are. Bo you can't be serious about making this run now? What if you should, God forbid, get caught? What about me and the baby?"Bo put his arms around his very upset young wife, "Beth, Honey. You have known almost from the start of us dating that Luke and me ran moonshine for Uncle Jesse. Why are you so upset now?" Bo gave her a confussed look.Beth had to stop herself and think. Bo was right. She had known about him running moonshine for quiet awhile now. He had told her pretty early in their relationship because she thought he was going to met another girl when he had to take her home early one night. So without Jesse's permission he'd told her the truth, but she had never known the details like she did tonight. It had to be knowing the details, she was thinking as the other thought hit her 'OR it was the being pregnant that was putting her on edge.' Putting her on edge -- that was an understatement -- it was scaring the he-- out of her!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile on the front porch, Luke had unfolded a worn map. As he sipped his coffee he studied and restudied every possible route. This map was 'special' Jesse had marked it with years of alternate routes and escape avenues. Luke was in deep concentration when Jesse stepped out of the house.Jesse took in the scene before him and asked simply, "More coffee?"Luke looked up with a smile, "Sure. Thanks Uncle Jesse.""Have they changed the road since last month?" asked Jesse.Luke smiled, "I hope not! Just making sure....."Jesse stopped him, "You can never be 'sure' and if you think you are then your just looking for trouble.""Thanks." Luke said sincerely. He understood what Jesse was telling him. "Its just that...." He paused, "With Beth .......""Luke." Jesse started, "I've been in your shoes with your own father and Bo's father. I was the oldest, it was my responsibility to see we got back home. I knew if we didn't what your and Bo's mothers would be going through alone. Luke don't let those thoughts distract you from the job or you are sunk before you start. You three make a da-- good team. You know what to do and what needs to be done. The cars are ready. The shine is ready. Being underconfident is as bad, if not worse, than being over confident. Now show me your route."Luke showed Jesse the route that they normally took. He also showed him two more he was considering just to change up of the opposition. Jesse asked, "Who's running the shine? And who's blocking?""Well, there is no way I'm going to stick Bo in the runner without me so I plan to drive. I like running with Bo but I need a good blocker and Bo does know the roads better than Jeb....."Jesse interupted, "And if Bo's in the blocker he could just pull off? Now, Luke....""Now, Jesse, that's just part of it! And, yes, I know that it isn't likely he'd pull off and leave Jeb and me holding the bag, but he could." said Luke thoughtfully."Luke, would you pull out for any reason and leave any of the boys to take the wrap without you? No matter what the reason, would you?" asked Jesse."Of course not! That's why I always make sure I'm in the runner. But, Bo has a lot more to loose than either Jeb or me. So I figure for several reasons I'll let him run blocker for Jeb and me. Cooter fixed that false panel in Tilley and it works like a charm." stated Luke.Jesse replied, "Well, that's real good, as long as you don't get stopped by a car enthuisist you should be alright and no one should notice the addition. You and Bo just need to keep calm and put all thougths of Beth and getting caught out of your minds like you always have. Got that?""Yes, Sir. Got it. Thanks, Uncle Jesse." replied Luke. "Got any ideas about the route?"Jesse replied, "Tried and true is always the best. If you change up, you don't know if they are staking it out for someone else. You have various routes to loose them on the old route, should you pick up a tail.""Thanks Uncle Jesse. I'm going to grab another cup of coffee then get Bo and Jeb." replied Luke.Jesse reminded, "The shine is behind the Oak tree below still site number 4."Luke nodded as he headed for the kitchen.~~~~~~~~~~~~In Bo and Beth's room, Luke knocking on the door got both Bo and Beth's attention.Cue Beth Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted May 8, 2005 Posted May 8, 2005 Keep going this is really good.What happens with Dixie? Luke? Bo and Beth?By the way genius who ever started this. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 In Bo and Beth's room, Luke knocking on the door got both Bo and Beth's attention.Bo simply answered, "Be right there." He turned to Beth. She felt her stomach come up in her throat as Bo slide on his jeans. As he pulled on his boots and picked up his shirt she realized she was holding her breath.Bo leaned over her side of the bed and kissed her saying, "Love you Sunshine. Go to sleep and don't worry."Beth smiled at him weakly, and managed to get out, "Love you too. Boreguard Duke, YOU...., had better come home to us!"Her plea almost made Bo think twice about this run. As he turned the door knob he answered, "Yes, Ma'am!" As he stepped into the living room and closed the bedroom door he heard Luke, Jeb, and Jesse talking on the porch. Bo had to take a minute before crossing the living room to the porch to fight back the tears that had threatened to fall at Beth's plea.In her room she let out the breath she'd been holding as the tears began to fall down Beth's cheeks. She heard both cars start their powerful engines as she whispered, "God, let him come home to us."~~~~~~~~~~Luke slowed the car, shut off all his lights and backed into the wide spot below still sight number 4, giving Tilley more gas than most would have in the small area. He backed up an invisiable path going up the bank to a level spot that was out of sight of the road.Jeb laughed as they got out of Tilley, "I know where that path is Luke, but it amazes me how you know exactly where it is and hit it like that when you can't see it. Between several of those trees you couldn't have more than an inch on either side of the car and you backed in here in the dark!"Luke hit the trunk to open it, saying, "Practice son! Practice." They both laughed as they loaded up with sixteen gallons of Jesse's finest shine. The usual load was twelve gallons but they were trying hard to make extra money for their growing family anyway they could. They loaded the shine in the trunk behind Cooters false panel. Luke put the panel in and covered it with a large section of carpet. Then he added a large bag of seed. As he walked around to the front of Tilley he noticed with the extra weight of the shine even with the overload shocks Tilley was still riding kind of low. "Da--!" He said as he went back to the trunk and took the seed out. It didn't raise the car a bit. He shook his head and slammed the trunk and then got in. Bo had pulled over about a quarter of a mile back to watch for Luke. He didn't want to give Jesse's still location away by setting in the spot below unseen path to cause attention to the area. As Luke dropped off the hill he turned on the head lights. Bo saw the lights and fell in behind Luke. He sighed, "Point of no return." They were loaded and heading for the County line. He tried hard to push back thoughts of his new wife and child and the thoughts of the possibility of getting caught!Cue Beth Quote
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