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Who Do You Want to Win Super Bowl XLIII? (43)  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Do You Want to Win Super Bowl XLIII? (43)

    • Pittsburgh Steelers
    • Arizona Cardinals
    • Don't Care

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Howdy Y'all! Well I was wonderin if anyone was interested in football? Since tomorrow is the Super Bowl...GO STEELERS!!! anyways I was wonderin if y'all are goin to watch it...if ya are rather you are goin to watch it fer the actual game or for the commercials? Who do you want to win of the two teams? Or don't you like either? Are you gonna have a super bowl party? Or is it just nother day? lol...I know I want the steelers to win...n me n my parents are gonna have a small super bowl party...w/ chips n soda n mini pizza, french fries and that kind of stuff...I sure hope the steelers win! lol.


I'm with you Redneck Girl.


I was a Steeler fan before they even won their FIRST Super Bowl (Yep, I'm that old) Plus I only live two hours north of Pittsburgh)

I'm predicting a 27-3 Steeler win.

Antbody else want to make a prediction?


Well, since my team isn't playing, I really don't care who wins. But, since both Roger and Redneck girl are rooting for the Steelers, I hope they win, but it would still be better if the Packers won!!

Hope the Super Bowl is enjoyable for you!

Well, since my team isn't playing, I really don't care who wins. But, since both Roger and Redneck girl are rooting for the Steelers, I hope they win, but it would still be better if the Packers won!!

Hope the Super Bowl is enjoyable for you!

I bought myself on friday a Yellow Steelers T-shirt and Baseball cap and I live in Cleveland,Ohio.


Woo! Only bout 2 hours till the big game!!! WOO HOO! Thats great Roger and that is cool you live that close...Hey a life long Steelers fan! lol. I've been one fer as long as I can remember...I just hope they win big time...nu uh general grant...Steelers not packers...lol...sorry I couldnt help myself...n thats good Julie!





Well...I am not all that big into football since it is still kinda hard for me to understand the rules and all. I am more into racing and baseball...a couple more weeks until Daytona :D. Anyways...but since Kurt Warner is from the same state and around the area I live/grew up at, I will go for his Cardinals. :D (Even if it does make me the only one here to go for the Cardinals;) )


STEELERS WON THE SUPER BOWL! YEE HAW!!!!! I feel bad fer the Cardinals though they look so sad...but anyways...hmm 27-23...well Roger you got the 27 right...n well the three take the 2 off the 3 n it's right...lol...Anyways I thought it was a good game cept where Harrison puched that one Cardinal dude fer no apparent reason...But his 100 yard touchdown was pertty good...but when he punched that dude...made me shake my head....there was no reason fer it n it was uncalled for. Other than that it was a good game...it kept my attention...n I bit my nails down n yelled at the tv and jumped up n down...but thankfully Holmes got the winnin touchdown n they intercepted it....n some of the commercials were good too...lol...WOO HOO THEY WON!! lol...sorry Garrett! Whose yer favorite baseball team Garrett? anyways I really happy the Steelers won but still feel bad fer the Cardinals...well time to hit the hay I have school tomorrow...lol...


Well I wanted the cardinals to win I am a cowboys fan and I am from ohio. But the only reason I wanted arizona to win is b/c now pit has 6 superbowl titles broke the 3 way tie with most all time with dallas, sanfrancisco and pittsburgh. Very good game though everyone thought that pit would blow them outa the water and that didnt happen. They earned it though


Well, congradulations Redneck Girl and to everyone else who was going for the Steelers to win last night. :D I am happy for you that your team had won for you last night.

As for my favorite baseball team, it is the Chicago Cubs. I have been a big Cubs fan since I was four years old and will be until the day I die. Go Cubs! ;)

Well, congradulations Redneck Girl and to everyone else who was going for the Steelers to win last night. :D I am happy for you that your team had won for you last night.

As for my favorite baseball team, it is the Chicago Cubs. I have been a big Cubs fan since I was four years old and will be until the day I die. Go Cubs! ;)

I loved the last minute Touchdown myself what a win, Go Steelers.

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