i1976 Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 (Please, only original characters)Enos is in his patrol car, waiting for someone to fine (something he doesn't like very much).But waiting is not so bad when he can read one of his comics.After reading comics, he yawns and he closes his eyes, falling asleep.(cue anyone)
Julieduke Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Enos is in his patrol car, waiting for someone to fine (something he doesn't like very much).But waiting is not so bad when he can read one of his comics.After reading comics, he yawns and he closes his eyes, falling asleep.Julie went driving by not a care in the world and not even paying attention how fast she was going right now.Cue Anybody
i1976 Posted January 23, 2009 Author Posted January 23, 2009 Julie went driving by not a care in the world and not even paying attention how fast she was going right now.Cue AnybodyOnly original characters, Julie. Thanks.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Only original characters, Julie. Thanks. Daisy goes by and sees Enos and stops her jeep "same old Enos"
dukefan Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Daisy goes by and sees Enos and stops her jeep "same old Enos"Daisy grinned to her self and stormed off, and by doing so, woke Enos up." Possom on a gum bush..." he said to his self as he started his car and turned the sirens on, " I sure hate that it's Daisy I have to give a ticket to"With his crazy laugh, he takes off after her. Daisy looks in her rear view mirror and see red and blue lights flashing in a cloud of dust she was leaving behind.She could not help but laugh and decided to stop just the same. Enos being rambunkshious as he is, didn't even stop as he sped right by Daisy.She just stood there with her hands on her hips , speaking outloud, "Uh, poor Enos, hahahah"Just then a car pulls up to Daisy, they were not anyone she had ever seen in Hazzard before.The two guys get out of the car and walk towards her, the dark haired man askes ;"Are you Dasiy Duke Miss?"She looks at him in aww and replies, "Maybe I am , and maybe I am not, who are you?"The blond haired man says;"We don't have time for this jack(the dark haired man), let's just grab her and ask questions later."
i1976 Posted January 24, 2009 Author Posted January 24, 2009 Enos realizes he's just run by Daisy, so he stops, looking in his rear view mirror.Even if he's a bit drowsy, his cop's instict tells him there's something wrong, so he starts back to find Daisy.Finally he sees Daisy, but there's someone with her.Something's going wrong.Enos speeds up to reach Diasy and those two new guys (again, his cop's istinct tells him they're bad guys).
Cowboy Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 (Do you know theres a original Characters roll play section for stories just like this? Round Robin was made to be and open board for ALL and ANY who wish to write on it.Read the rules! ~Cowboy)
dukefan Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 (Do you know theres a original Characters roll play section for stories just like this? Round Robin was made to be and open board for ALL and ANY who wish to write on it.Read the rules! ~Cowboy)yes, but the ones making the post can decide if he or she only want original cast for the writing as well, so he isn't breaking any rules cowboy.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 Enos realizes he's just run by Daisy, so he stops, looking in his rear view mirror.Even if he's a bit drowsy, his cop's instict tells him there's something wrong, so he starts back to find Daisy.Finally he sees Daisy, but there's someone with her.Something's going wrong.Enos speeds up to reach Diasy and those two new guys (again, his cop's istinct tells him they're bad guys).Daisy is screaming at the top of her lungs and struglling with the guys
dukefan Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 All the yelling and kicking was not going to help Daisy get away from her captures in the least as they force her into the car. The two fellas jump in front and start the car with a little stress to the engine as if it didn't want to go.The grinding of the engine kept getting louder as the dark Jack tried to start it over and over again. the blond guy getting antsy and said,"Come on jack, get this thing going, that Depute is coming fast" "Huh", said Daisy," he won't stop at nothing to save little ole me"The blond guy yells; "Come jack , hit it!""Shut up Jim, almost got it....got it" As the roar could be heard for miles as Jack ripped out of there with Enos close behind. The chase was on,and Enos was closing in fast. Jim kept shooting at Enos to slow him down, but kept missing his shot.Jack, the driver was getting right annoyed and slammed the break, all you could hear was tires squealing and sliding about and poor ole Enos plowed the read end of their car.Daisy was thrown against the front seat, her head hit hard and she passed out. Enos however was not so lucky,he did not have his seat belt on and was thrown from his patrol car.Jack took off quick and he knew he would not get far with a busted up rear end like that.As he drove off, the site of Enos laying on the ground, helpless, just left a sudden tranquility none of us was expecting.
i1976 Posted January 26, 2009 Author Posted January 26, 2009 Bo was driving the General Lee, with Luke by his side.The boys were talking and laughing, unaware of Daisy and Enos's fate.Suddenly Luke's eye caught Enos's patrol car."Ol Enos crashed again, but at least this time he wasn't chasing us", Bo grinned.As usual, the boys approached to check everything was OK and nobody was injured.But what they saw made them shiver.Enos was laying on the ground, unconscious; there was blood around him but they didn't understand where exactly he was injured.They rushed to their friend's side; Luke carefully turn him over and called him.The deputy slowly opened his eyes, whispering, "Daisy..... kidnapped", then he passed out.It was a tragic moment for the boys: their best friend was lying unconscious and bleeding in their arms, and Daisy was somewhere, kidnapped by strangers.
dukefan Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 Luke ran to the Police car and called out on the CB for an Ambulance, then looked at Bo who was now holding Enos's head up and putting his Jacket under so he could lie his head on it.Not long after, the sheriff's car sirens could be heard over the hills, as they passed by the stangers who were now hiding in the bushes. As the sound of the sirens faded from them, Jack turned to jim and said;"There is a truck just below, let's grab Daisy and get out of here."They steal the truck and head for Boss Hogg's abandoned sawmill factory.Once there , they lay Daisy on the hay loft, wondering what to do next. They had to wake her up, she was the key to their plan.Back at the tri county Hospital, Luke , BO And Rosco are seen waiting in the hall, pacing the floor when Uncle Jessie walked in."Boys, what happened, Where is Daisy, I could not reach her, What in Tarnashen is happening ...?"
Julieduke Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 Luke ran to the Police car and called out on the CB for an Ambulance, then looked at Bo who was now holding Enos's head up and putting his Jacket under so he could lie his head on it.Not long after, the sheriff's car sirens could be heard over the hills, as they passed by the stangers who were now hiding in the bushes. As the sound of the sirens faded from them, Jack turned to jim and said;"There is a truck just below, let's grab Daisy and get out of here."They steal the truck and head for Boss Hogg's abandoned sawmill factory.Once there , they lay Daisy on the hay loft, wondering what to do next. They had to wake her up, she was the key to their plan.Back at the tri county Hospital, Luke , BO And Rosco are seen waiting in the hall, pacing the floor when Uncle Jessie walked in."Boys, what happened, Where is Daisy, I could not reach her, What in Tarnashen is happening ...?"Jeb had stopped in at the hospital and says "Uncle Jesse where's Daisy I don't see her anywhere something had gone wrong I just know it right now. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to see what's happened just now and I'll have my cb on as well."Cue Anybody
i1976 Posted January 26, 2009 Author Posted January 26, 2009 Daisy opened her eyes. Her head was hurting, and she had a buzz in her ears.Suddenly she remembered those men, the kidnapping and Enos chasing them.Now those men were looking at her.The young woman looked at them, her eyes full of anger, "What do you want from me? You are in trouble, guys. My cousins are surely looking for me, and when they'll find you, and they'll find you for sure, they'll kick you. Moreover my friend his a cop, and when he'll find you, after my cousins have kicked you, he'll arrest you. And....""Shut up", the blond man looked at her with cold eyes, "You're friend WAS a cop. He's dead after the crash".Daisy turned pale and remained silent, remembering the crash.The dark man looked at the blonde one a bit surprised; how did he know 'bout the cop? Then he looked at the girl, pale and with a vacant look on her face, and he understood: now Daisy was totally incapable to react; she was totally in their hands.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 Daisy opened her eyes. Her head was hurting, and she had a buzz in her ears.Suddenly she remembered those men, the kidnapping and Enos chasing them.Now those men were looking at her.The young woman looked at them, her eyes full of anger, "What do you want from me? You are in trouble, guys. My cousins are surely looking for me, and when they'll find you, and they'll find you for sure, they'll kick you. Moreover my friend his a cop, and when he'll find you, after my cousins have kicked you, he'll arrest you. And....""Shut up", the blond man looked at her with cold eyes, "You're friend WAS a cop. He's dead after the crash".Daisy turned pale and remained silent, remembering the crash.The dark man looked at the blonde one a bit surprised; how did he know 'bout the cop? Then he looked at the girl, pale and with a vacant look on her face, and he understood: now Daisy was totally incapable to react; she was totally in their hands.the words 'he died after the crash' scared Daisy and she blinked back tears hoping it wasnt true, she couldnt live without Enos if she ever escaped these two
dukefan Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 By this time, Bo and Luke went for a walk and stood by the General as they explained to Jeb what happened, just as Jeb was about to speak, they hear a familiar voice coming from inside the General Lee air waves."Crazy cooter , I might be crazy but I ain't dumb, any ya old boys on the hazzard net, come on, crazy cooter coming at ya...."Bo quickly grabs the cb to answer cooters call as he sighs from the pain he was feeling, thinking about poor Enos, and how they were going to find Daisy." Ya got Bo on this end Cooter, what's on ya mind?""Sweet Daisy is on my mind Bo, and I haven't any luck finding her so far, How's Enos old boy doing, is he alright?""Huh, Cooter, he is hurt real bad, he is still out cold, but the doc says he is going to live, but his memory might be lost"All you heard was the sound of the air waves crackling as no one said a word, the silence was deafening and nothing more was said.Daisy on the other hand had just heard the two talking from the cb that was in the truck that Jack and Jim had stolen. She was still feeling awfully week, but she gave out a sigh of relief to hear that Enos was still breathing.
Julieduke Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 By this time, Bo and Luke went for a walk and stood by the General as they explained to Jeb what happened, just as Jeb was about to speak, they hear a familiar voice coming from inside the General Lee air waves."Crazy cooter , I might be crazy but I ain't dumb, any ya old boys on the hazzard net, come on, crazy cooter coming at ya...."Bo quickly grabs the cb to answer cooters call as he sighs from the pain he was feeling, thinking about poor Enos, and how they were going to find Daisy." Ya got Bo on this end Cooter, what's on ya mind?""Sweet Daisy is on my mind Bo, and I haven't any luck finding her so far, How's Enos old boy doing, is he alright?""Huh, Cooter, he is hurt real bad, he is still out cold, but the doc says he is going to live, but his memory might be lost"All you heard was the sound of the air waves crackling as no one said a word, the silence was deafening and nothing more was said.Daisy on the other hand had just heard the two talking from the cb that was in the truck that Jack and Jim had stolen. She was still feeling awfully week, but she gave out a sigh of relief to hear that Enos was still breathing.Jeb says "Bo, can you imagine what their telling our cousin right now. Why they probaly told her that Enos is dead right now."Cue Anybody
i1976 Posted January 27, 2009 Author Posted January 27, 2009 The Dukes didn't know where to find Daisy.They didn't know who kidnapped her and in particular they didn' know why."Enos told us only that someone kidnapped Daisy, but we don't anything else. What we can do, Luke?"Bo looked his cousin; Luke was wiser than him and he usually didn't loose his temper. Actually Bo wasn't able to think because of the shock of seeing his best friend almost dead, and because of fear 'bout Daisy's fate.It was the first time they really feared everything's going wrong.Luke took a deep breath, "Look for her. She's somewhere, and we'll find her", he put a hand on Bo's shoulder, trying to calm his young cousin."Come on", so they got in the General, leaving Enos's life in Doc's hands: now there was another life to save.
Julieduke Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 The Dukes didn't know where to find Daisy.They didn't know who kidnapped her and in particular they didn' know why."Enos told us only that someone kidnapped Daisy, but we don't anything else. What we can do, Luke?"Bo looked his cousin; Luke was wiser than him and he usually didn't loose his temper. Actually Bo wasn't able to think because of the shock of seeing his best friend almost dead, and because of fear 'bout Daisy's fate.It was the first time they really feared everything's going wrong.Luke took a deep breath, "Look for her. She's somewhere, and we'll find her", he put a hand on Bo's shoulder, trying to calm his young cousin."Come on", so they got in the General, leaving Enos's life in Doc's hands: now there was another life to save.Jeb Says "Bo, we got to be calm I'll take my bike and go east and I'll let you know and she must be scared for her life right now. Imagine yourself in her situation right now, I wouldn't want to be in right now."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 (edited) Jeb Says "Bo, we got to be calm I'll take my bike and go east and I'll let you know and she must be scared for her life right now. Imagine yourself in her situation right now, I wouldn't want to be in right now."Cue AnybodyJeb was riding his bike around and accidently found the shack and a truck and he looked in the window and was watching the guys talking with Daisy. He went to go back to his bike got on but it backfired and he knew the two guys heard him as well, he was concerned so went and tried to start it up again but it was stalling right now so he went and grabbed his radio and says "Mayday, Mayday I found Daisy with two guys at and old Shack but my bike won't start right now."Balladeer: Unfortunely this wasn't who he was looking for she just looked like Daisy, and apparently Jeb's bike started up again for him.Cue Anybody Edited January 27, 2009 by Julieduke
Julieduke Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 Jeb was riding his bike around and accidently found the shack and a truck and he looked in the window and was watching the guys talking with Daisy. He went to go back to his bike got on but it backfired and he knew the two guys heard him as well, he was concerned so went and tried to start it up again but it was stalling right now so he went and grabbed his radio and says "Mayday, Mayday I found Daisy with two guys at and old Shack but my bike won't start right now."Balladeer: Unfortunely this wasn't who he was looking for she just looked like Daisy, and apparently Jeb's bike started up again for him.Cue AnybodyA Sexy young lady come out and says "Hey Jeb, remember me I'm your ex-girlfriend and fancy you coming around here again I heard your bike backfiring out there why don't you come back in. Oh hey listen this is my brother Milo and Pa as in Beaudry is very often when a Duke comes around and why exactly did you break up with me again."Jeb says "Beaudry, now you didn't say you was related to them and I really got to going and I can't be staying right now Agnes and listen a nice rest of your life."With that Jeb ran to his bike and it started again, and Bo and Luke would find it funny that he dated a Beaudry of people he didn't think she was one and he knew they was famous for there shotguns weddings now.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 A Sexy young lady come out and says "Hey Jeb, remember me I'm your ex-girlfriend and fancy you coming around here again I heard your bike backfiring out there why don't you come back in. Oh hey listen this is my brother Milo and Pa as in Beaudry is very often when a Duke comes around and why exactly did you break up with me again."Jeb says "Beaudry, now you didn't say you was related to them and I really got to going and I can't be staying right now Agnes and listen a nice rest of your life."With that Jeb ran to his bike and it started again, and Bo and Luke would find it funny that he dated a Beaudry of people he didn't think she was one and he knew they was famous for there shotguns weddings now.Cue AnybodyDaisy was crying now "why did Enos have to die!" she was angry, she didnt know it was her fault
i1976 Posted January 28, 2009 Author Posted January 28, 2009 Slowly Enos woke up.He looked at the ceiling, a ceiling he didn't know.He had pain everywhere in his body. He tried to take a deep breath, but he had to stop because of pain in his chest."Enos? How do you feel?", he heard a voice near him.He swallowed, "Where am I?", he said with a throaty voice."You are in the hospital", the same voice answered him."Hospital? Why?", he wispered.Uncle Jesse stood up and came closer him, "A crash. You had a bad crash, but you're still alive".Enos was confused, "Crash? Where? Why?".Uncle Jesse took Enos's hand, "Don't worry, and try to rest". The old man didn't want to tell him 'bout Daisy (he was too week to stand Daisy's kidnapping).Enos closed his eyes, and uncle Jesse sat down with a sigh, praying for Daisy's safety, "Please guys, find her, please".
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Slowly Enos woke up.He looked at the ceiling, a ceiling he didn't know.He had pain everywhere in his body. He tried to take a deep breath, but he had to stop because of pain in his chest."Enos? How do you feel?", he heard a voice near him.He swallowed, "Where am I?", he said with a throaty voice."You are in the hospital", the same voice answered him."Hospital? Why?", he wispered.Uncle Jesse stood up and came closer him, "A crash. You had a bad crash, but you're still alive".Enos was confused, "Crash? Where? Why?".Uncle Jesse took Enos's hand, "Don't worry, and try to rest". The old man didn't want to tell him 'bout Daisy (he was too week to stand Daisy's kidnapping).Enos closed his eyes, and uncle Jesse sat down with a sigh, praying for Daisy's safety, "Please guys, find her, please".Uncle Jesse said "were all trying and well find her even if it kills us doing it"
dukefan Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Once Enos closed his eyes, Uncle Jesse went out to the lobby, just then Rosco and Boss walked in and headed towards him." J.D.,Rosco," Jesse said," Enos woke up, how about that?""Oh, goody goody gum drops, ole dipstick opened his peepers!!!" Then he got serious and asked Jesse,"Jesse, did Enos say anything, anything at all?""well, He don't rightfully know where he is at, he didn't even recognize me Rosco" Jesse voice was scruffy when he said it ,full of worry, when Boss spoke up."OH my, that is not a good sign to say the least." Turning to Jesse,"Where are Bo and Luke? Are they having any luck finding those responsible for this?""First of all J.D.," replied Jesse," It should be Rosco who is out there looking for them hoodlems, not the boys."Rosco just looks at him and says,"Well, I been trying..."With A sideway look Jesse gave him , was enough to say yeah right...,"Anyway, I am gona get the boys on the cb, ya coming?"Meanwhile, back at the shack, Jack and Jim are getting ready to leave, they have a meeting with an arms dealer and plan on starting their own little black market weapons. Daisy was tied up against a post beam, and was having trouble staying awake.Then she heard this motor Bike going by, her first thought was ,"One of the boys", but she quickly got disappointed when the sound of the bike kept fading further and further away." Sheppard to lost sheep, Sheppard to lost Sheep, got your ears on?"Bo and Luke could hear uncle Jesse, but their cb was acting up again, they were searching the sawmill barn right now, and feeling angry for not being able to find Daisy so far.
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