Garrett Duke Posted September 20, 2008 Posted September 20, 2008 This is a story co-written by myself, Garrett Duke, and Lori Davenport. I hope you will all enjoy reading it as the story moves along. *********************************************************************Bo sat silently in the driver's seat of The General Lee, thinking aimlessly about the past couple of days while staring up at the old farm house. The old farm house that he had once called home for so many years. And now, it is a place he yearns so much to return to and yet he can't. Perhaps if he sat and begged for forgiveness, then maybe his cousin would welcome him back. Perhaps then his uncle would give him the kind smile he often times had given him throughout the twenty years he had been living there. Perhaps then they all would say, "Welcome home."But he wasn't going to apologize or to ask for any forgiveness from any one of them, he can't and he won't. He refuses to apologize for something he hadn't even done. But because he had crossed the line, so to speak, to help protect the family he cherished, he is now the outsider. The one they all are upset at. The one that his cousin had told him he would be happy if the next time they saw him was at his funeral as the pastor closed the casket. He was only trying to save them from the inevitable and he had. He had learned the hard way that sometimes in order to protect the ones you loved, you had to be the bad guy in ones eyes, that sometimes you have to let them go in order to save them."At least I got you, huh General?" Bo asks aloud to interrupt the thick silence that fills the old muscle car that he had helped build up with his cousin. If Luke had insisted upon taking The General, he would have had the support from Jesse and Daisy to do so, along with Cooter and many more towns people. Everyone would have backed Luke up, leaving Bo as the odd man out and with little choice but to give The General up. But as it is, Luke was too anxious to get rid of him than to fight over a car, as he put it, could build all over if he wanted to. And without The General, Bo would have been left out to sleep under the stars at night and no where else to turn to. He had no money for food or for bed, all he had was the clothes on his back and the comfort of The General. If he had expected all of this to happen, he would have packed. But it had happened so quickly that he hadn't even seen the fight coming or that they would rather take Paul's side over his. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 20, 2008 Author Posted September 20, 2008 Across the street, Bo watches as the front door is thrown open and Jesse climbs out with a wearied look across his bearded face, followed by Luke. Mixed emotions surround Bo as he watches his family walk along the front lawn, hidden behind a couple of trees. He's excited to see them, to feel some normality to his life, and at the same time anger and resentment fills him towards how they had treated him. Of the looks they had given him before their final fight, of the silence they all had given him, acting as if he had something contagious and wanting nothing to do with him. But at least he had been able to place them out of harms way for the time being. Their safety had to measure up to some relief and happiness, because if anything had happened to any one of them, he would never be able to live with himself.Question march through his mind of where he is going next, what will he do with the rest of his life if he never makes up with his family. How could he ever live in Hazzard if everyone remains angry and upset at him, especially his family. But mainly, questions pertaining his family safety crosses his mind. He had momentarily put them out of harm's way but Paul and his group of friends will sooner or later come back. What will he do then? He was only able to hear what was going on because he was at the farm and had overheard Paul talking on the phone. Now he won't have that advantage unless he kept spying on his family, watching them to make sure they're ok."That'd never work," Bo speaks aloud, creeped out by the silence that now follows him everywhere. Luke is too smart to be outsmarted by him, too observant to leave a follower unnoticed. Luke would notice him within the first few minutes. Which would turn into another big fight which would either leave Bo painfully hurt or in jail. Whatever came first. So it wasn't an option to follow them or to watch the farm for clues and Paul and his friends were too violent to even think of following to keep tabs of. Leaving him with the only option of perhaps going to the law and perhaps talking them into believing his side of the argument. And since he had gotten escorted out of the farm by Sheriff Coltrane himself, he doubted he'd be able to do that.(cue Lori) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 With his calloused hands shoved in the backs of his jean pockets, the eldest dark haired Duke boy, Luke, let out a long heavy sigh. Part of him resented what he had done to his cousin, to his brother, the other part of him pleased at what he had done, thinking Bo deserved what he had gotten. Too many times over the years had Bo gotten jealous over the fact that Luke had spent more time with another friend than him. When Bo had made the accusation that Paul, one of Luke's friends, was out to get them, when in fact, in Luke and the other's eyes, he was only trying to help them, Luke and Bo had gotten into one of the biggest fights anyone had ever laid eyes on. Luke felt that giving Bo the cold shoulder, and in a sense kicking him out of the house, was a good choice to make. It seemed that Bo was more apt to cause trouble and grief here lately, and Luke just wouldn't stand for it. His uncle was getting older and shouldn't be bothered with such shenanigans like Bo was causing and Luke thought he needed to put a stop to it. Though, the part that of him that resented what he had done, had said to Bo, nagged him at the back of his mind. It as like a song that was put on repeat, playing over and over again in his mind. This was his brother by choice since the age of ten, that he had basically told to grow up and to get out of their lives. Though, Luke had no clue Bo was trying to protect them from someone dangerous, Luke may have been intelligent, though even sometimes the sneakiest of con-men could fool him. Had he known he was throwing away a perfect relationship, a long-lasting relationship, a type that you could never retrieve back, he would have been by his "brother's" side as always, trying to stop Paul. Letting out the breath he had been holding for what seemed to have been an eternity, Luke closed his crystal blue eyes, shaking his head slowly, Luke could feel his conscience fighting a losing battle. He wanted so much to believe his cousin, to take back the hurtful words he verbalized to Bo, the abominating way his family members glared at him. Though, the other side still said he deserved every bit of what he got. He had brung it upon himself. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Staring through the open window, Daisy hears herself letting out a long deep breath that she had been holding ever since Jesse and Luke had stepped outside a few minutes ago. Exhaustion seems to melt over her weary body as her emotions continues to dance rapidly within her with her thoughts that revolve within her. Thoughts that angrily fuel questions deeply within her. Questions of why Bo had to leave? Why Luke was always so upset at him for lately? Before Paul had walked into town, there had been peace within the family and you would barely see the two boys apart. The past two weeks since Paul has been here, Luke had avoided Bo as if he had the plague and if they were together they were fighting. Bo claiming Paul is nothing but trouble, Luke accusing Bo of being jealous. Who is right? Luke is barely wrong and if someone were to cause trouble, it would be him who'd smell the first wift of trouble. Not Bo. But Bo jealous?Struggling back the tears of raw emotion, Daisy slowly takes a step back to sit back down at the table to stare across the table at the empty place. The empty place that Bo had ate at ever since he was old enough to sit in a booster seat at the table. Now empty. Last night had been so depressing to eat the chili she had fixed only to stare across the table at the empty seat and even more so this morning over breakfast. The boys have gotten into fights before, but nothing like this. Two weeks in a row? The longest they've been mad at each other before have been a couple of days. Their bond with one another always stronger than whatever had started the fight. But now? Could one stranger take all that away from them within a couple of weeks? Apparently so.Glancing around the room with tearfilled eyes, Daisy slowly stands back up before walking back to the sink where the morning's dishes lie dirty on the counter. With or without Bo, life must go on. At least without Bo, there will be a little less of dishes and clothes to wash. But nothing was worth losing Bo. Without Bo, life will never be the same. . . Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Grief and pain struck Jesse's heart as he trudged his way to the old worn down barn. The same questions ran through his mind as it did the others of the household. He wanted his "son" home though, that much was for certain. He understood Bo was a grown man and he could hold his own in a good scrap. But, what if he was to be out numbered in a brawl? Luke wouldn't be there to back him up, leaving Bo to be defenseless and unprotected. Letting out a sadden sigh, Jesse looked out across the acreage of land that was fenced in. A small smile crept up on his face as he reminisced a many of a time a small blonde haired boy bouncing right along in behind his oldest charge, the dark haired boy bouncing along behind Jesse as he plowed the land. Blinking his eyes, Jesse felt tears stinging the backs of his eyes. Shaking his head, he turned to go inside the old barn, watching Maudine munch on her morning hay. Jesse had came to one conclusion though, the same as Daisy's, since Paul arrived, trouble and violence had came to the family. Ripping it clean apart. Jesse had sat and pondered on the thought, would his family ever be the same? Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 "Now Rosco," Cooter impatiently begins, staring at the aging sheriff that takes an intimidating step closer to him, "I told you upfront that the cost of repairing your patrol car will be sixty-eight dollars and forty-eight sense. You either pay the bill or I'll keep your car until you do.""Jit, jit Cooter!" the sheriff stutters while eyeing the mechanic with angry blue eyes, "You can't do this to me, Cooter! Boss will only give you forty dollars for the repairs to my car. . . how'm I spose to get the rest of that with my lousy paycheck? Huh?! You tell me that, Cooter!"Shaking his head, Cooter wipes his greasy hands upon his stained shirt while eyeing the patrol car he had spent all morning working on. "Not my fault, Rosco. Learn how to drive," Cooter turns to speak to Rosco, "and you won't have to worry about that. Will you? Or," a brief smile crosses Cooter's face, "better yet, leave the boys alone and this won't happen.""Ain't no more boys to chase," Rosco says, anger quickly falls into sadness as he eyes the mechanic who stares blankly at him. "Haven't you heard?""Heard what, Rosco?" Cooter asks, his mind abruptly leaving the patrol car and falling back upon the last couple of weeks that had reeked of havoc amongst the Dukes. Sadness drowns within him at the thought of his two closest friends fighting amongst each other all due to a stranger. "I think you lost it. They may be outta sorts with one another, but there will always be the Duke boys."Rosco once again shakes his head with sadness, his thoughts falling upon the disturbance call he had received last night from the one place he had least expected it to come from. The Duke place. The call had came from the stranger from Miami, the one that Luke has been spotted with more often than Bo. By the time he had gotten there, both Dukes had blood smeared across their faces from punches recieved from the other, the floor of the living room littered with knocked over furniture and pictures. Jesse held Daisy back in the corner, their faces covered in tears of fear and worry while Bo sat half knocked out on the floor. Meanwhile the stranger and Luke sat on the couch talking amongst themselves, the elder Duke cousin had a look of anger and resentment in his eyes."Not no more, Cooter," Rosco says to break the silence, "I got a disturbance call last night. . ." Rosco slowly explains all that he had called into last night and had saw. Feeling the need to fill in the Dukes' closes friend. "I had to arrest someone or do something to break the fight. It was bad, Cooter. I'm surprised you didn't hear about by now." Once again Rosco pauses. "So, I arrested Bo. He spent last night in jail before I drove him out to the farm this morning, where he climbed into The General and drove off. Luke had made it clear when he stepped out and told Bo he didn't want to see him on Duke property, ever. He come back, he'd be filing charges of trespassing against him.""No, no, no," Cooter hears himself say aloud, though deep down he knows Rosco's speaking the truth, he'd have no reason to lie about something like that. "Damn it," he finally responds as guilt builds within him. Through all the fights the two boys had been having the past couple of weeks, he should have seen it coming. He should have been there to stop it. "Why Bo? Not Luke?"Rosco shrugs. "Daisy stated Bo threw the first punch," he slowly responds, "as did everyone else. Everyone, but Bo who wasn't awake enough to defend himself that is. I'm sorry Cooter." "Damn it," Cooter cusses again as he drags Rosco's keys out of his pockets. "Here Rosco. I have more things to worry about than your bill. Like where Bo is. . ."(Cue Lori) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Rosco shrugged his tired shoulders up and down. "I don't know Cooter, Like I said... he took off in the General Lee and that was the last we seen of him." Cooter, the anger that boiled up inside of him, was only worsening as he looked at the once child-at-heart sheriff. Climbing in his tow truck, slamming his door hard enough to jar it straight off, Cooter cursed once more, starting the engine up to life, backing out the tires squealing on the asphalt leaving marks behind.Rosco watched, letting out a troubled sigh. He looked down at his keys in his hands, clenching his fist around them. "Why'd they hafta do it?" He asked himself quietly, shaking his head sadly before climbing into his newly worked on patrol car, leaving Cooter's garage to go back to listening to Boss bark orders at him. Driving at a moderate speed, letting the wind hit him in the face, Cooter let out a frustrated breath of air, picking up the CB mic. "Breaker one Breaker one might be crazy but I ain't dumb, Crazzzzzzzzy Cooter talkin', Lost sheep two ya got ya ears on?" Cooter called, hoping and praying Bo would pick up and answer him. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 "Breaker one Breaker one might be crazy but I ain't dumb, Crazzzzzzzzy Cooter talkin', Lost sheep two ya got ya ears on?" Bo sighs heavily as Cooter's loud voice yells out at him through his CB radio, for the second time. For a long moment, Bo stares silently down at the black box from where Cooter's voice had called out at him from, silently debating whether or not to respond to Cooter's call. Feeling unwanted by all, Bo silently allows his thoughts to rewind through the last two weeks, grudgingly thinking of all the trouble that has spread across his family. Luke's strong words from last night once again yells back at him, the strong words he had spoken before Bo sent his fist into Luke's nose. The reason why it was him who had been the one dragged out of the house instead of Luke, all because of his temper and his inability to think while being mad. "Damn it," he cusses angrily as he looks away from the box to stare up through his windshield and over Rainbow Cliff where he had parked once Cooter's voice called out to him. He had thrown the car into park at the cliff in his attempt to sort everything out that has haunted him through the past couple of weeks since Paul's arrival and attempting to see which side Cooter had seemed to be on. Bo saw little reason to responding to Cooter's call if he had been on Luke's side, he'd only be calling to criticize him on the fight and all that he's putting his family through. Just as Luke had done last night. Telling Bo that his fighting and selfishness was tearing the family apart, killing poor ol' Uncle Jesse. "You're so damn blind!" Bo hears himself yell aloud as he hits his steering wheel as his anger from last night rebuilds within him at Luke's strong words he had spoke and all the accusations he had thrown at him. As if it were him causing the fights and forcing the pain into their lives instead of Paul. Luke was the smartest person he knew and yet. . .Sighing heavily, he glances back down upon at he black box that remains silent once again before he slowly grabs the handle. From all Bo could remember, Cooter hadn't taken any sides. Rather he seemed to keep neutral and had tried his best to prevent and stop any fights that had broken between them whenever he was around. He had been troubled to see the two boys fighting just as Jesse and Daisy had been."Crazy Cooter," Bo half heartedly says into the handle as old memories begin to flood back through him of the many times he had used that handle to call Cooter for help or information or just to talk. There was barely a moment he had used that CB that Luke wasn't in the car with him and had often times had told Bo to make the call into Cooter. Then again, it was very seldom that The General only held one of the boys. A large clump of sadness builds within Bo as he slowly glances over at the empty passenger seat that sits besides him, the seat that Luke had always occupied. Now empty. And if Pauld remains in Hazzard and close to Luke, it may always remain empty. "This is Lost Sheep two." Regret builds within him as he identifies the sadness and tears deep in his voice as he made the call into Cooter Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Hearing the boy's saddened response, his plea for help and comfort, for security from the sadness and pain that clouded around him, Cooter gave a smile of relief pressing the button on the side of the mic,"What's ya 20 lost sheep two? I've been hankerin' t' talk to ya buddy-roe." He replied with a heartily chuckle. Unpressing the mic button waiting for Bo's response, Cooter leaned back in the cushioned seat of his tow truck, his castle as he called it, slowing his speed down to were the wind barely lifted his brunette hair that laid flat almost to the side of his head due to wearing his greasy cap. He was relieved that he finally managed to get a hold of one of the troubled Duke boys, but worried none the less about the youngest charge of the family. Knowing how easily Bo's heart could break, how painful it is to fight with his eldest cousin, to leave his Uncle when he needs help, to disgrace that family all because he let his actions override what little common sense he had left, Cooter let out a low whistle rubbing his forehead in thought, wondering just what would happen to Bo Duke now? Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Standing at the ledge of the cliff, Bo finds himself drowning in sadness and dispair as if he had been sucked under quick sand with no hope of getting out. The more time passes the more his thoughts and emotions build around him, controlling him as if he had been hypnotized. Hypnotized by the events of the past two weeks, of Paul's everlasting effects upon him and his family, tearing everything he stood for apart. If only he could have Luke sit down and listen, maybe. . .Though deep down, Bo knows that there is little to no hope of Luke listening to a word he says as long as Paul is there to control things. Heck, through the two weeks he had been here, he had even found himself at odds with Jesse and Daisy as they had quietly seemed to take Luke's side. Not just because they honestly confessed to Rosco of him throwing the first punch, but because they believed that he, Bo, was jealous of Paul's relationship with Luke. Claiming him to be jealous of Paul, just because Luke had been spending more time with Paul than him. Quietly, he had been a bit at odds at the fact that Luke would chose Paul over him, shoving him aside for some stranger. But that had nothing to do with his accusations towards Paul being trouble. Trouble was, was that Bo had little to no evidence to back him up; he had only overheard a conversation he had over the phone claiming he had everything in control now that Luke had fallen hook line and sinker. And when Bo had stated that to Luke and Jesse, Luke had flat out called him a liar and Jesse scolded him for spreading rumors with nothing to back it up with. Or Daisy telling him that he needs to relax and to be happy for Luke. That it all wasn't about him. Through all that, nothing had hurt him more than the hateful words Luke had spoken towards him through the past two weeks. Even his painful punches and hits didn't even measure up to the pain his words had created within him. If things weren't bad enough, Bo had no one to turn to for support.Tears sting his eyes as he glares down the large rocky cliff, eyeing the small creek below at the end that is barely noticeable at the height he stands. Behind him, the CB crackles once again and Cooter's voice calls out and Bo listens to Cooter's worried voice asking where he is at. Trying to reach out to him. 'But why?' crosses his mind at the thought that the mechanic would want to reach out to him, to climb in the middle of the mess he had dug himself into. Sighing heavily, he glances back down the cliff as questions rush through his mind. Questions of what he had done so wrong that had placed him homeless and what he could have done different? Questions of his unknown future once again haunts him as he realizes he has no where to go for the night. It will be the first time in his life he will be forced to spend the night in The General. Deep down he knows he can't live in The General alone. He'd need food drink to survive and in order to get any of that he'd need money. Money he doesn't have or means of getting.Angrily, he bends down and grabs a big rock that he had been playing with with the toe of his boot and looks at it for a moment. "Damn it!" he cusses angrily as he throws the rock as hard as he could. Silence unfolds as he watches the rock fall steadily and slowly down into the small creek. After a moment, he reluctantly steps back and walks to his car to grab the handle from inside and responds to Cooter, "First off Cooter, I appreciate you calling out to me, I really do. It's just I don't think it would be the best thing for you if you would attempt to help me or to meet up with me. Or to make my location known to whoever may be listening," Bo goes silent as tears streak his face. Tears of sadness and dispair along with fear. Fear of what his future will bring him and fear for his family whose fate lies openly to Paul who had made clear and violent threats to Bo; of course, only when no one else was around. Deep down, Bo knows that Paul is trouble and sooner or later, trouble will unfold for Luke and the rest of the Dukes that trust him. Which only leads Bo's mind quickly unwinding through several possible reasons of why he is in town and what he will do to his only family. And now that he has gotten himself kicked out and hated, there is little he can do to prevent his family from getting hurt."Thanks, Cooter," Bo finds his voice to say, "for everything. You've been a great friend. Perahps," Bo goes quiet again as his attention falls upon a big black bird soaring over the trees in the near distance, "perhaps when all of this is over and behind us," Bo's voice slowly fades as his thoughts continue to haunt him, "I mean if we can get past this, I can take you out and buy you a cold one in my appreciation. Until then, please keep an eye out for 'em. Thanks man!"With that said, Bo slowly climbs back into The General and throws the handle back onto the empty seat next to him. Sitting within his beloved car, he continues to watch the big bird soaring and allowing his thoughts to swiftly and angrily flow within him while allowing the tears to melt down his cheeks and his emotions to grab a hold of him.(CUE Lori...sorry it's so long! What can I say? Bo inspires my writing. . .) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Cooter slammed on his breaks causing the truck to slide around dust flying all around him. Cringing, he slammed his fists down on the wheel of the truck, cursing under his breath. "Dang it Bo..." Cooter muttered, not concerned if there was any more traffic on the road at the moment or not.He just couldn't understand the fact that there was someone reaching out to help Bo, to understand him, to comfort him, be there for him, and Bo declines it! It was mind boggling to Cooter he knew that much, so mind boggling it made him talk to himself as he pondered what in the world could be wrong with Bo. He himself, had no clue what was happening, and decided he'd go to the main source itself, Luke. Seeing the familiar brown rustic looking tow truck pull up into the yard, Luke smiled to himself, stepping off the porch steps to go and greet his long time buddy. "Hey Coot..long time no see..." Luke greeted him, shaking his hand once Cooter managed to step out of the tow truck, shutting his door. With a smile, Cooter returned the friendly handshake, nodding. "Yea I know, heard these past couple of weeks 'round here has been hell....mind tellin' me what's happenin'?" Luke let out a disgusted breath, the corners of his lips drawn tight. "Bo is what. He's a jealous little cuss is what he is Coot...jealous of my new friend, Paul." Cooter watched Luke's face, his expressions changing from anger and resentment to heart felt pain and anguish.Cooter nodded a little, propping a boot up on the front fender of his tow truck, his elbow rested on his raised knee, his chin in hand, his stance clearly showing that he too was pondering on what went wrong and why. "I just don't know Cooter, I mean I know Bo could stir up trouble, but cause this much over one person? Because he's jealous? I don't know what's gotten into him and frankily I don't give a damn if I see his face around here again." Luke spat the words out vehemently. Though, in a matter of seconds, his heart was being torn the other way, he regretted saying those words, regretted ever kicking Bo out of his life, his family's life. In one way he wanted so much to believe his youngest cousin, to take back what he said and make amends with him. No, he couldn't do that, then he'd turn his back on his friend Paul, he says that he desperately is in need of the family's help at the moment. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 24, 2008 Author Posted September 24, 2008 Sitting upon the Dukes front porch, Paul silently watches and listens into the conversation Luke is having with Cooter. Seeing the emotions twitch across the Duke's face causes anger and frustration to ripple through him with a sense of defeat. Defeat of shedding completely of the younger blond Duke, the only that had questioned everything he had done and suspected him. Luckily for him, he was able to win over the older Duke's trust before the blond was able convince him of anything. Though now after two weeks of creating fights between the two, the older Duke still seems to hold some strong feelings towards his cousin. From what he can hear from him and see, a small sense of regret and pain crosses Luke produced by the fight last night, by kicking Bo out of their lives. Despite the small defeat, he senses victory in knowledge that he had won the first couple tasks he had been sent to Hazzard to do. Gain trust from the Dukes and had gotten the bad seed kicked out before any real damage had been done to their plan.The plan. A small smile flickers across his handsome face as he silently goes through the well designed plan that him and his friends had worked so hard to gain perfection on. Now that they had long gone through the plan and found little to no room for any error, the plan is slowly revealed. Two weeks into the plan and everything has so far has gone as planned.With that, his small cell phone begins to annoyingly beep in his phone pouch as if on cue and Paul slowly takes it out, looks at the ID before answering. "Hey Rayes," he grins at hearing the familiar voice he had grown accostumed to ever since his initiation within the small group of dangerous men. "Everything as planned.""Great," Rayes slowly responds as a couple of voices is heard in the back ground from the other members, "we're depending on you, Paul. You mess up, you have me to deal with.""Hey, I ain't the one that's gonna mess up," Paul begins to state, resentment building deeply within him at the boss' implications, "I've done everything as planned so far and will continue to do so. By the time we are through, we'll have Hazzard begging us to stop."Silence filters through the phone for a short moment before he hears more voices in the background. "Fine," Rayes finally comes back, "I just want to make sure you're not forgetting what you are there for.""Give me a little trust here," Paul harshly snaps at him, "I've done everything you have asked, I am here, and I know why I am here - ""Damn it Luke!" the mechanic's angry voice abruptly interrupts him and Paul jumps slightly before looking up to find the mechanic stepping toward Luke, fire of anger in his eyes, "You've known Bo for most of your life, you've protected him, been there for him. And now that, that scum bag has entered Hazzard you throw him away as if he's yesterday's news!" the mechanic eyes me wildly, pointing at me before he walks back to the driver's door of his tow truck. "Bo's family, Luke. You hear me? Family." He pauses to open the door before starting back, "You know Bo better than this. He has never said anything out of jealousy or do anything of what you just told me unless he had a reason to do so!""I'll call you back, Rayes," Paul says as Cooter goes silent, stepping back around his open door, closer to Luke. Nervously, Paul closes the phone and stands up while placing the phone back into it's case."Yet when some stranger you hardly knows," Cooter begins, his voice quieter to force Paul to really have to concentrate to hear him, "walks in and says a whole bunch of fancy things, who you believe? The damn stranger from whom all you know about is from what he has told you! For someone so smart, Luke, you are being dumb and ignorant to trust a stranger over a family member that you would have done anything to do in order to protect only a few weeks ago!""You think that was easy, huh? Because it wasn't or isn't," Luke states to cause more nervousness to ripple through Paul as he steps off of the porch, "I love him like a brother, but something has gotten into him, Cooter. He's been different. Ask Jesse or Daisy. It ain't just me, Cooter." Luke's voice is almost pleading Cooter to understand him, "I had to do something. He's caused havoc in this family, he is the one that tore it apart. Not me, and not Paul. It ain't Paul's fault he's jealous or saying those accusations.""You ever stop and listen to his accusations, Luke?" Cooter shoots back, "Maybe there is something to what he is saying. Think about it Luke, you don't want to throw Bo out of your life. You have no idea what you are doing to him or what you are doing to you and the rest of your family. Bo wouldn't accuse anyone of anything unless he knew of something or thought he was trying to stop them from harming someone or something. Just stop, Luke, and think of Bo and who he really is.""I know who Bo is, Cooter! I only share the room with him! But I tell you, he's changed!" Luke continues to fight for Paul, blind to any reason, "I'm not kicking Paul out just to satisfy your friend, Cooter. He's on his own and he did this to his own sorry self. . .not me or Paul. I am just sorry it came to this. I really am. Tell your friend that perhaps if he is ready to accept Paul as a friend and a part of this family and ready to apologize to him, just maybe we will accept him back. That is a huge maybe, though."Paul slowly steps forward to stop a foot apart from the two men who eye eachother angrily, both refusing to give the other any ground. "Hey Luke," he slowly states, "can I help out? I'm sorry, I couldn't help but to over hear.""Nah Paul, it's over," Luke smiles broadly, confident now with Paul at his side, "isn't Cooter? You were just about to leave."Cooter eyes Paul angrily, clenching his fists as he fights the strong urge to attack the dreadful man that has done so much damage to his closest friends. Looking back at Luke, he slowly realizes that now that he has crossed over, he is now to decide on who's side to take. Bo's or Luke's. Take Bo's side you lose Daisy and Jesse as well who seemingly to silently agree with Luke despite the pain it causes them. They too have grown to trust and to like Paul, refusing to see how Bo could turn on them as he seemingly has. How could they be so blind?"Yeah, I'm done," he eyes Luke angrily before eyeing Paul angrily before he steps back to his truck, stepping into his truck, he calls out, "I really hope you reconcider your decision Luke, because your decision will affect a whole lot more than just you. For Jesse's, Daisy's and your sake, I hope you are right. Because if Bo is right. . ." Cooter shakes his head in disgust and frustration as he slams the door close and restarts the truck. Sticking his head out, he calls out as he begins to back up, "I'll let y'all think of all that could happen if Bo is right."Paul silently watches as Cooter backs his dirty tow truck out of the drive way, his mind richocheting from what he had just heard to his phone conversation with his true friend. If he loses Luke to the mechanic and his idiot cousin, he'll have to face Rayes and the rest to deal with his failures. Without Luke and the Dukes, he lacks the trust of the town that he'll need to execute the plan correctly if you are to believe all that Rayes has said. Though deep down questions plague him of how one family could affect the whole town. How could you gain a whole town's trust and friendship with just the trust of a family of hillbillies?"I'm sorry, Luke," Paul forces a sad smile as he puts an arm around Luke's tense shoulders, "I didn't mean to create any problems between you and -""As I said, Paul, " Luke slowly turns to Paul, "Bo did this to himself and now has Cooter. They are the ignorant ones to do this to you. I am the one sorry for their behavior. . .as I said, I don't know what had gotten into Bo or Cooter. I'm sorry, Paul."Paul shakes his head as they walk back to the porch together. "There is nothing you can do," he slowly shrugs, "you can't predict how people will react or have much control over them.""Very true," Luke forces a small smile as they walk back into the kitchen where Daisy and Jesse look up at them, tears staining their cheeks. Tears signifying that they had overheard Cooter's angry words and perhaps his own feedback towards Cooter.(CUE LORI) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 As Cooter pulled away from the Duke "war zone", he slammed his foot down on the gas pedal accelerating down the dirt road. He was too ticked and too angry to even think straight at the moment. It seemed as if only one man made the decision in that family, not the whole clan. Did Luke even consider the opinions of the others? Or did he just act out on rash feelings and decisions and do what he thought best for himself and his friend. Clenching his fists tight around the steering wheel of the fast approaching tow truck. He cringed at the thought of the outcome of this situation, and he feared it to be the worst. There was no tellings now, where Bo was or where the poor blond haired man was headed to. It was pitiful. It was down right vexatious at how gullible and blind Luke was with his "friend" Paul. Paul was a stranger and Luke considered him family as it was! The whole situation was just as perplexing as it was frustrating. Luke had been in 'Nam, which he of all people should have been the one to sniff out Paul! Not Bo! And the fact that this time it was the youngest of the bunch, the least expected, it shocked more people than it did anger them. Which is why they only figured he was acting out of jealousy. Now, if it had been Luke, the family would still be together.Cooter let out an exasperating sigh. He couldn't win for losing. He wanted to be on both boys' side, could you do that when both of them pushed you away? Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Tears signifying that they had overheard Cooter's angry words and perhaps his own feedback towards Cooter. "Luke...what is wrong with you???" Daisy questioned him, tears stinging the backs of her eyes again. "You're not listening to a thing anyone has to say, only what you want to hear or what..." She flicked her gaze to Paul for a second to long,"Or what someone else has to say." Feeling as though she could walk over to her cousin and slap him, though she didn't. She simply, turned her cheek to him, not being able to look him in the eyes. Jesse stared at Luke for a long moment, blinking the tears from his saddened eyes. "Daisy's right Luke, I just hope that you know what you're talking about...and I pray that you don't split this family wide open." His eyes danced between the two men, before narrowing in suspicion himself. Jesse had no clue what Paul was all about, or for that matter, who he was! All he knew is that Luke trusted him, so was he really all that bad? Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 27, 2008 Author Posted September 27, 2008 The elder Duke sadly watches Luke and his new friend angrily turn from Daisy to storm out of the kitchen and towards Luke's room. Luke's room that he once shared with Bo before that violent fight that had gotten his youngest child kicked out of the farm and off of Duke property. Luke's room that he now shares with Paul. Chills angrily cross Jesse's exhausted body at the thought of Paul sleeping on Bo's bed, wearing Bo's clothes, and using anything else that Bo had been forced to leave behind. Of all Jesse could see from Paul there isn't anything to be disliked about the guy. He was honest and hard working, he was smart and funny, sympathetic and caring. All at the same time. Yet there was obviously something about the guy that had gotten Bo so upset to have said the things he had said about him. Bo clearly knew something about Paul that no one else knows about, something he feared as dangerous to us or the rest of Hazzard. Bo has never been the type to say something so strong and negative about anyone without a cause or reason. He has never shown jealousy towards another person for missing out on something he wants to be a part of. Yet, when Luke had signed up for the Marines and had went off to war, Bo had been upset and angry at the whole world for taking his cousin away from him. Or as a child when Luke went with friends or did things he wasn't allowed to go with him to, he was upset for missing out and being left behind. So could Luke be right about Bo? Would Bo accuse Paul of such dreadful things in attempt to yank Paul away from Luke? Bo and Luke had been pretty much inseperatable ever since Bo came to live with us as a young baby. Luke had been over protective and had made sure to be there for Bo. Perhaps now that he has cut that bond between them for Paul. . ."Bo wouldn't have accused Paul or have acted so negatively about Paul. . ." Jesse speaks aloud and as Daisy looks confusedly up at him, he realizes he has finished his thoughts aloud. Smiling slightly he finishes his thought aloud, "Bo had gotten upset in the past when something or someone had taken Luke away from him or if Luke decided to go on without him. But Bo never accused that person or whatever it was that tore Luke away from him of anything as dreadful or negative as he has of Paul." Jesse goes silent as dread heavily floods over him, dread in realization that his youngest nephew had to have known something bad about Paul. Something so dangerous and fearful about Paul that he was willing to shatter the strong friendship he had with Luke in order to protect his whole family. For a long moment, Jesse stands paralyzed by fear that his strong realization has installed within him and the numbing imagination of all that it could be about. "I've got to," he hears himself saying as he grabs his keys on his way to the door, "I've got to go find Bo."Daisy sadly eyes him as he stops at the screen door, fear spreading across her pretty face as Jesse's realization seems to be contagious and she has finally caught on. "I'll go with you," she slowly states."No, I think I better go by myself," Jesse slowly says as he eyes through the empty door way to the living room, fearing for the future or of leaving Daisy behind with Paul. Or leaving Luke alone with Paul, the friend he deeply trusts. "I want you to run into town and alert Cooter." Jesse goes silent, keeping an eye upon the empty living room. "Perhaps go to work early. . ."She nods as a tear runs down her cheek. "OK," she goes silent and whispers, "What about Luke?"Jesse shrugs. "I don't know. Bo warned him and it didn't do anything but seperate the two boys. Luke's tough," Jesse whispers. "But I have to run over to help a friend with his fence and to help out. They're going through a hard time right now. Say hi to Cooter for me, Daisy. Good luck at work." Jesse says it loudly so Luke, if listening, would know they were leaving and wouldn't get suspicious."Will do," Daisy sniffles on a smile as they walk out the door together. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 Exhaustion melts over Bo's body as he settles within the backseat of The General while watching the evenning sky slowly and gently fading from light into darkness. As he settles down, more questions explodes within him as his mind returns to the fight that he had with Luke last night. All afternoon he had kept himself busy by lending a helping hand to Zecheriah and his faulty fence along with several other chores that had been in need of taking care of. When asked, he had told a white lie stating Jesse had told him to run over to help him out since he was busy back at the Duke farm. But now as he lies back in the backseat of The General, his mind once again, returns to Luke and the situation he has now found himself in."Lost sheep two, you out there?" The CB crackles as his uncle's voice calls out at him through the CB radio to send more emotions racing down his back. At the sound of his uncle's voice intense guilt rushes through him at the thought of how much he has disappointed him, let him down, and of placing him in the middle of all of the fights between Luke and him. "This is Shepard looking for his Lost Sheep number 2. You out there?"Bo slowly sits up in the middle of the seat, staring at the CB radio in awe and in question. After all that he has done and created, why would Jesse be calling out to him for? To lend more criticism and advice? More punishment? After all, Jesse had admitted to Bo being at fault and had often times defended Paul when Bo had attempted to warn them of the danger they are in. Criticizing Bo for accusing Paul falsely without anything to back it up, that he should be happy for Luke, instead of jealous. "Lost Sheep 2, this is Shepard!" his voice grows urgent over the radio to force Bo to jump and instantly grab the mic as he would have done only days ago. Now he is filled with hesitancy and doubt. "C'mon Bo, it's Jesse." Jesse's voice seems to drown into a plea, "I need to talk to you. See you. See if you are OK. I want to help you."Bo eyes the mic once again as his uncle's words flow through him continuiously to send his emotions rocketing within him. Pressing the buttons on the side of the mic, Bo leans in to say something only to be choked up by the emotions ripping apart within him. Giving up, he lets go of the buttons and looks up through the windshield to be surprised to find the sky to have gone purely dark. "Damn it," he cusses aloud while outside the sound of a vehicle becomes audible. Tears begin to roll down his cheeks at the thought of never seeing his family again, of spending the rest of his life alone and hiding from the only family he knows. And why? To avoid endangering them more from Luke's new friend.Tires squealling to a halt behind him abruptly catches his attention and shock rushes through him at the sight of his uncle's dirty truck parked directly behind him. Excitement, surprise, and dread all rapidly race through him as he watches his uncle slowly step out of the truck to begin walking towards the parked General Lee. Throwing the mic down, Bo slowly climbs back over the front seat and through the driver's open window. "Uncle Jesse," Bo hears himself saying as he wipes away the tears that falls down his cheeks. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 "You deaf? Why didn't you answer me when I call you?" Jesse's voice is stern but a smile flashes across his face as he tightly hugs onto his nephew, glad to finally see him. "You look alright." Bo nods. "Zecheriah said you helped fix his fence for him. That was nice of you."Bo shrugs. "I had to do something," he slowly responds."How about we go for a ride?" Jesse slowly states, motioning to his truck, "I think we need to talk. The General will be fine parked in the bushes as you have it."Bo goes to protest before thinking better of it. Nodding, he silently follows Jesse to his truck and climbs into the passenger seat. Driving away, Jesse once again breaks the silence, "First off, I need to apologize to you for not listening when you had attempted to warn us. I guess it is just easier to believe and listen to the positive rather than the negative," Jesse goes silent as he steals a glance over at his nephew, "secondly, after listening to Cooter's and Luke's argument this afternoon, I slowly came to the conclusion that you must know something or something had made you to feel that strongly against Paul. You have never accused anyone of anything unless you had a damn good reason to do so."Which to think you are right, about Paul, only sends fear thickly through me of what the bleak future ahead holds for all of us," Jesse goes silent again, watching his nephew out of the corner of the eye while old memories flood deeply within. Memories of him driving a younger Bo around, of the few and small chances he had been able to spend with Bo alone without Luke or Daisy around. "What's going on, Bo? What all do you know about Paul, that we don't?"Bo eyes his uncle somberly as his emotions turn into raw fear at what his uncle is asking him of to send his thoughts back two weeks. "I can't say anything," Bo finally states to receive an angry look from Jesse, "I'm sorry. Paul said that if I. . .""If you, what?" Jesse quickly questions as Bo slowly trails off, catching onto what he was saying, "He threatened you?"Bo shakes his head. "Luke," he says, his voice softens into a whisper as tears melt down his cheeks once again at the thought of the threat."That's great. He's alone with Luke," Jesse slowly states."If I don't say nothing, he should be fine," Bo softly responds, "which I won't.""Yeah you will. To me," Jesse says, his words are spoken firmly and sternly, "between you and me."Bo eyes Jesse with fear, this thoughts wrestling roughly within him of whether or not to do as he is told to do by Jesse. If he says something and Paul finds out. . . Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 "Paul and his friends are in Hazzard to get at Hogg and Coltrane," Bo hears himself explaining despite his common sense yelling at him to shut up, "Coltrane arrested Paul's dad over twenty years ago and Hogg had helped make sure he were to receive the death penalty."Jesse comes to a halt at a stop sign to eye his nephew in the dark once again, his story slowly sinking in. "Now he's back on revenge on his dad's behalf?"Bo shrugs. "Something like that I am guessing," Bo goes silent, looking down at his hand that begin to shake in fear and worry, "but they think that by gaining y'all's trust, that they can get closer to Hogg and Coltrane without them suspecting them of anything.""How's that?" Jesse asks as the fear increases within him, "Or what they gonna do to Hogg and Coltrane?"Once again, Bo shrugs. "I. . .I don't know," he pauses longly, "I had walked into the barn to find him talking on his cell phone the second day he was at the farm. He was arguing loudly over something and had mentioned through it that the plan was to get close to the Dukes to get closer to Hogg and Coltrane to be able to execute their plan." Bo goes silent as he turns away from Jesse to stare out the window, "Then he turned around to see me standing there. He pocketed the phone, shoved me in the corner and placed a gun to my head. Said if I said one word to anyone or anything that I'd be the key witness to Luke being tortured to Luke's slow and painful death."It goes silent in the truck for a couple of long moments as the both men are lost in their dreadful thoughts of what is locked up at the farm with Luke."I found out about Paul's dad by going to the library and looking through old articles," Bo slowly continues, answering Jesse's unasked question, "there was an article about his dad, Paul Thomas Sr. killing a Heath Sleddger over a lost bet that led into a fight at The Boar's Nest. Paul Jr was seven years old at the time and had adored his the article put it. Paul Sr. was arrested by Rosco himself and sentenced by Hogg here in Hazzard who never liked Paul Sr due to a dispute they both had years before that. Hogg asked for the death penalty over Sr and Sr got the death penalty."Jesse nods in the dark, his memory bringing back what Bo has just recounted. "I remember that now that you spoke it. Most Hazzardites begged for Hogg's forgiveness of Thomas and to give him a little mercy and Hogg refused. Said he wasn't about to have murderer alive and well just because he went a little soft," Jesse slowly responds, "and on Thomas went to the pen to sit behind bars for years in wait for his own death." He turns to eye Bo accusingly as it all slowly sinks in, "You knew Hogg and Coltrane was in danger due to Paul and his friends and yet you didn't do nothing? They could be dead right now!""I tried warning y'all he was trouble, that someone was going to get hurt if he were to stay. Y'all told me to keep my thoughts to myself if I didn't have nothing to prove it by...that I shouldn't be jealous of Paul, but to be happy for Luke. I tried warning y'all," Bo angrily throws back at him, tears streaking his cheeks once again, "I couldn't say anything. . .he'll kill Luke."(Cue Lori) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Jesse looked at his troubled nephew. The boy was as much scared and worried as he was angered. "He's not going to do a thing to Luke..." Jesse reassured Bo, hoping that he himself was right. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat thinking of Luke and Daisy both in the same house as that vile man. Jesse cringed his teeth in anger for a moment, wanting to go against everything he had raised the boys and Daisy, and had been raised on himself, and tear into Paul. He only thought that one man in Hazzard could sink so low as to try and swindle his way into someone's heart. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Jesse ran a tired hand across his wrinkled face, contemplating. "Why hasn't Luke caught on to Paul yet? Could he not sense that he was trouble?" Jesse thought to himself, only to end up shaking his head, shaking the thoughts away. He couldn't understand why Luke couldn't see the trouble that Paul was....Or could he? Could it be possible that Luke had caught on to Paul's act after a short time, and is waiting to put his own plan into motion? Maybe the fight was apart of Luke's plan...Jesse grumbled a little, looking at Bo, watching the young boy. He doubted it was the last couple of thoughts that had ran through his mind. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 5, 2008 Author Posted October 5, 2008 Watching his troubled uncle, guilt swarms heavily through Bo's exhausted body as he struggles with the thoughts and emotions that seems to have a tight control over him. Guilt at the worry and fear that he had installed within his aging uncle by telling him the truth. The truth he had been threatened not to tell anyone. And now that he has, the heavy consequences to his actions looms heavily ahead of him.Bo gulps heavily as his imagination vividly grabs a tight hold over him, imagining vivid scenes of watching Luke get tortured to death. Of the blood that is lost and of the pain and fear that Luke would endure within the past few moments of his life. "No, no," Bo hears himself mumbling as fear once again washes over him at the thought of his consequences. A large bound of emptiness quickly seems to grow within him at the thought of a life without his cousin there. He has always had his older cousin to turn to for help with the large exception of when he had went off to boot camp and off to war. And now once again he no longer has him in his life to turn to; to talk to or to ask for help. But now he may never have Luke to turn to now that he has done the unspeakable and has told the truth about Paul. If only I could ask Luke for help, he'd know what to do. Bo takes a deep breath as the thoughts and questions roll through him, silently telling himself to shut-up. It is too late, nothing he can do now but to prepare for the worse."How. . .how can you promise that?" Bo stutters, looking up at his uncle for the first time as he feels another tear melt down his cheek, "Especially now that I told someone." Bo pauses, continuing to fight the emotions within himself. "I. . .I just might have gotten Luke killed." Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 22, 2008 Author Posted October 22, 2008 Staring out through the small window that hangs over the small night stand that seperates his bed from Bo's, Luke allows the harsh and intense emotions to swell heavily within him. His thoughts flow roughly within him only to reignite the powerful emotions that he has submitted to. Emotions that has ran through him the past couple of weeks, emotions that he has fought hard to hide from the world around him. Just as he has always done. Hiding his emotions had always protected him while allowing him to be strong for his cousin; just as he had always been told to do while growing up. Be strong, be there for him, protect him. He hid his emotions while Bo showed his emotions clearly through his emotion-filled blue eyes and how he acted, always reacting to how he feels before thinking. Leaving him open and vulnerable.Now that Bo was gone and he was left alone at the old farm, he saw little sense of hiding his pain and anger that rages within him or the questioning and anger thoughts that flood within. Taking a step back, he stares sadly down at Bo's bed that Paul had so greedily accepted upon Bo's departure. Guilt once again soars through Luke as his mind wonders back to yesterday and the powerful and hateful words he had spoken towards his cousin, his best friend. Guilt as he silently re-pictures the blood flowing from Bo's nose after he had punched him squarely in the face and the tears swelling in his cousin's eyes. Guilt towards teh emotional and physical pain he had inflicted upon Bo."Damn it," he cusses out loud to break through the eery silence. He had fought Bo unfairly in the fact that he had used strong and powerful moves he had learned while in the Marines towards him. Bo had fought back as much as he could and with all his practice he has had over the years of the fights he had been in, it was nothing compared to Luke's fighting skills. Luke knew he was stronger and smarter than him and he had used it against him to inflict as much pain as possible to him. The only thing saving Bo from being seriously hurt or killed was Daisy and Jesse yelling at him to stop, when he did, he had forced Bo out of the house. Forcing him out as if he was the one in charge and not Jesse.And why?Because he had threatened to invade upon the friendship he had with Paul of only a couple of weeks. He was suppose to be strong, be there for Bo, to protect Bo. Yet it was him who inflicted the most pain. Physical and emotional. He had hurt Bo for the sake of a stranger, a stranger who seemed fun and adventuresome. Open and welcoming. Honest and friendly. But most of all, Paul was the same age of Luke. Had been in the military and had been to war to see the violence and hatred. The blood and death. He listened and understood to Luke and how he felt. He's been there, done that. They had spent hours up at night comparing war and military stories.Bo listened and understood the basics of what he went through, but not the whole thing. Not like Paul.More anger and guilt swells within him as realization slowly sinks in as his thoughts continue to unravel within him as he rewinds through the past couple of weeks. Has their similar war pasts forced him to be so blind? Make him turn towards a stranger and inflict so much pain on the person who he had cared teh most for? Bo may not understand the four years he had spent at war or the time preparing for war, but he was always there for him. Always. Bo was always there to for him to listen, to laugh with, to help out any way he could; even if he didn't always understand.Once again, Cooter was right. Luke of all people should know Bo the best. Afterall they shared the same room for most of their life, spent nights up talking about their problems, spent most of their time together. Now staring down at Bo's bed and going through the past and sorting out his hidden emotions, he strongly realizes that Bo wouldn't warn him of Paul or accuse Paul so strongly without knowing something. "Damn it," he repeats as fear builds within him as he hears Bo's warnings in his head once again of Paul. Fear of the damage Paul has already done or is about to do with Hazzard and his family. Most of all, his fear builds within him as his strong gut feeling yells at him that Bo's in serious trouble, the same gut feeling that seems to warn him each time his cousin gets in some kind of trouble. Closing his eyes for a short moment, he says a silent prayer for his cousin before he reopens them and runs out to the phonee to dial in Cooter's number. "Crazy Cooter," his friend drawls on the other side of the line, "You've reached Hazzard County Garage, how can I help you?""Cooter!" Luke yells desperately into his friend's ear, "I know I am not the person you probably want to talk to right now and I understand why.l I was a total you and to everyone! But. . ."Luke cuts himself off to catch a breath, "I need a favor. I need a car or a truck. Something I can drive."Luke glances around the empty farm as fear builds desperately within him, hoping that Paul stays away for at least a half hour and that he's far away from where ever Bo is. "Well," he hears Cooter slowly begin to answer to force Luke's nerves to sky rocket within him, "OK.""Thanks Cooter. I'll explain when you get here," Luke sighs heavily as he hears Cooter hang up and he slowly does the same before he begins to walk nervously back and forth.(CUE LORI) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted January 25, 2009 Posted January 25, 2009 "How can I promise that?" Jesse repeated the question Bo had asked him. Scratching his beard lightly, he gave Bo a reassuring smile, placing a warm hand on the helpless boy's shoulder. "We're Dukes Bo...have a little faith....we will think of one in this family will get hurt if we all stick together and act as one..." Jesse had only hoped that his words would help Bo understand that Luke was a grown man, if he got himself into trouble he could surely figure a way out of it...he always had. He just prayed he could this time around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hanging up the phone, Cooter sighed to himself. "Something must be troublin' Luke for him to call and sound so desperate..." Cooter thought aloud to himself, a look of concern growing on his dirty face. Getting up from the chair, Cooter went out to one of the rentals he had sitting out front of his garage. Starting it up, he slowly backed it up to his tow truck to hook it up. Getting out of the car, Cooter jogged to the truck's train latching it to the bumper of the car, he then lifted up the lever to pull up the car. Once all that was done, Cooter walked briskly to the driver's side and climbed in. The engine roared to life as he pulled out and away from his garage. He only prayed the worst hadn't happened yet. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted January 25, 2009 Author Posted January 25, 2009 Time seems to slowly tick on for Luke as he sits at the table, nervously staring through the open front door. More questions explodes within him as his thoughts bounces from his past to the present. Of how close he had been to Bo before Paul had shown up, of how protective he had been. And then Paul shows up. . ."Damn," he angrily says to interrupt the silence, the silence that only builds tension and deep emotions within me. Standing up from his seat, he once again begins to pace the floor, his thoughts fixated upon Paul and the time he has had in Hazzard. Only to send more questions rippling through him. Where is Paul now? For someone who had only arrived in Hazzard a week or two ago and for someone who claims to never have been to Hazzard until now, Paul seems to be gone alot. And without a reason or a notice. Yet he acts so clueless about Hazzard and where to go. Asking questions of Hazzard's past, of Hazzard's traditions. Of who's who in Hazzard. Yet for someone who is supposedly only passing by, a couple of weeks is a long time to stay, even if you find a friend to hang out with. "Don't add up," Luke hears himself say aloud, letting out the breath he had been holding in.After a brief moment of more twisted silence filled with questions and emotions, the sound of tires hitting the dirt drive way breaks his attention and his pacing comes to a halt at the door. Slight relief slithers through Luke at the sight of Cooter's dusty tow truck pulling to a halt in front of the porch, an old car hitched to the end of the tow. Relief that is quickly replaced with guilt at the sight of Cooter stepping out of the truck, guilt toward all that he had said to Cooter only hours ago. How he had treated Cooter. Only because Cooter had stuck up for Bo and was demanding answers."Hey Cooter," Luke casually says as he opens the screen door to meet Cooter on the deck. "Thank-you for coming out as quickly as you did and for loading me up an extra car. I'l make sure to take real care of her for you.""I'm sure you will," Cooter replies dryly before placing a stern hand upon Luke's shoulder, "but before you go, I think you owe me an explanation." Luke eyes his friend for a long moment, the words he had spoken to Cooter still piercing within him while remembering Cooter's threats and answers. Chills spread through him, Cooter was right. Bo wouldn't accuse Paul or anyone of anything without a reason. . ."Look Cooter, what you want me to say? You were right? Heck," Luke pauses for a long moment, "we all know you were right. Or how wrong I am or was." Luke goes quiet for a long moment, realizing that if he were to side with Bo and Cooter, that he'd be turning his back on his newly aquinted friend, Paul. "You are right. Bo's family, no matter what mistakes or choices he makes. He's family. And Paul," Luke sighs as he looks off into the distance, questions of where Paul may be at and what Bo knows about him once again hits him. "All I know about Paul," Luke turns back to Cooter, "is what he has told me, how he has acted."Cooter nods. "That's a start," he offers a stiff smile."Though that doesn't make him a bad guy, but once again you are right, Bo has yet to accuse anyone wrongly without a reason. I have spent the past hour or so by myself thinking of what you said, what I said, and about everything," Luke pauses for a long moment as his thoughts falter upon Bo, wondering where he is and how alone he must be feeling, "to realize how dumb I have been. Paul is not worth losing Bo over and the more I stop and think, the more I realize how wrong I've been and how correct Bo is. And as you said earlier, if Bo's right, that means our whole family is in trouble." Luke stops to allow silence to filter between them to look out over the dark sky and chills of fear crawl across his body. The chills of fear that normally take over when Bo is about to get in some sort of trouble or danger or is in trouble. "Cooter!" Luke alertly says to force Cooter to jump in surprise, "I've got to go find Bo. You know where he is?"Cooter shakes his head no as the intensity within Luke's blue eyes build fear deeply within him, fear in knowledge from the past behind what the look usuaully means. Bo's in trouble. "I tried calling out to him before I came to the farm," he slowly starts, "he refused to tell me his location over the radio. Said he didn't think it would be best to say his location over the air.""He's probably right. Damn it," Luke slowly says as he places his hands out to impatiently grab the spare set of keys from Cooter from the towed car, "I need to go. I need to find him before. . ."His voice trails off and Cooter blankly nods before snapping into reality and runs back to his truck with Luke right behind him. Together they un-tow the car a moment before Luke hops in and starts the car to leave Cooter standing alone in their driveway, watching Luke quickly speeding out onto the dirt road.(Cue Lori - great post, glad to see the story getting another restart ) Quote
dukefan Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 I just wanted to drop by and say what a great story this is so far, I am enjoying reading this a lot and can't wait for the rest of it, especially how they all come together to fight one common enemy, Great Job you two. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted January 31, 2009 Author Posted January 31, 2009 "He's probably right. Damn it." Luke slowly says into Paul's ear piece before silence resides into his ear piece and through his high tech binoculars, Paul silently watches Luke quickly snatching something from the mechanic's greasy hands. Sitting high in a thickly covered tree, Paul tiredly watches the old farm house as well as listening into the many bugs that he had planted within and outside of the old farm house. And within the vehicles. All in a precautious move in case they were to begin to suspect anything. "I need to go. I need to find him before. . ."Luke's trembling voice cuts into the thick silence that had momentarily moved into his ear piece while he watches Luke climb into the vehicle the hick mechanic had towed into the drive only moments ago.For a long silent moment, Paul watches Luke backing out of the farm's dirt drive way to be followed by the mechanic in the old tow truck. Watching them driving away, Paul relaxes against the thick trunk of the tree as fear and panic abruptly hits him; panic and fear as realization quickly settles in. Realization that Luke has now caught upon the scent of the truth, thanks to his troublesome cousin to place him as a danger to him and his old friends. Sighing heavily, Paul glances down at the small cell phone that he had set out before him in case he were to get a call or if he would need to make an emergency call. An emergency call alerting Reyes and the gang when and if Luke caught whiff of the truth, when Luke became a threat to him.Problem is, is that despite their plan and the truth behind his reasons of being in Hazzard, Paul has grown to like Luke. He had welcomed himself into Luke's life by meeting up with him at the local bar in town, supposedly on accident, where he had played Luke magically. Played him by crying out his false story he had made up months ago when they had worked out the plan, cried to Luke about love and money lost due to fighting for his country. He had earned Luke's trust through the common thread his false story had with Luke's true story of fighting in a war filled of horror and violence. He earned Luke's trust by pretending to have common goals, common interests, and a common back ground. Somewhere along the way he had grown to like the small town hick, the small town hick who had fought his own cousin and old friend to protect and defend him; a stranger he had welcomed into their life. A stranger who had planted himself into their life to bring damage upon their local law and who ever happened to get in the way. Such as Bo and now his old uncle who he has now confided in. And now Luke and Cooter once he makes the call to Reyes and the gang to relay all he had just heard the two say inside and outside of the old farm house.Unless he doesn't make the call. For a long moment, Paul sits upon the small tree stand he had built days before he had made himself known to the old Marine sargeant and his family. Built in advance to fulfill their plans as he had planted the bugs within and around the house and within their vehicles while they were out throughout his stay at the farm. His mind wanders aimlessly around what he had just heard and of what he should do now that Luke has now caught on to him. At least enough to believe what his cousin had attempted to tell him before Luke had kicked him out of the house. Abruptly his thoughts are interrupted as the soft vibrating noise from his phone catches his attention and he quickly grabs it up to find Reyes number listed upon the screen. "Reyes," Paul slowly states, "I'm still in the tree stand. The mechanic just left the farm.""What he want?" Reyes snaps, "I think the mechanic is getting too snoopy. Is Luke-""No, no. Nothing like that," Paul hears himself saying, "Luke called him in a few minutes ago. He wanted Cooter, the mechanic, to drop off an extra car since his stupid cousin took the car they shared with him when Luke kicked him off of the farm. So he dropped off an extra car and left.""Just dropping off an extra car?" Reyes speaks skeptically before saying, "Well OK. Well," Reyes pauses for a long moment, "Bo and the old man is about to have a dreadful and painful accident. Hope you are around to babysit Luke while it happens, hate for him to get in the way of the accident, now wouldn't we?""Yeah we would," Paul complies, silently wondering how things had gotten so complicated. It was only suppose to be Hogg that got it after they had kidnapped him and spread a little fear into him for what he had done to his dad. But now Luke's cousin and beloved uncle will come to their painful fate all because Bo couldn't keep his mouth shut as he was threatened to do. Paul sighs, thankful that Reyes has decided upon Bo's and Jesse's planned accident, instead of killing Luke over Bo's big mouth. For now at least. . .(CUE LORI...I hope you don't mind that I posted out of turn Hope it isn't too long for you) Quote
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