BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo bit hia bottom lip as it quivered, knowing there was no time to cry now...there was no time to bawl and scream to the world even though he felt like doing so, so very badly. Watching to make sure his Uncle was really asleep, he finally sat back down in his chair, still holding onto his Uncle's hand, before offering an arm to Daisy for a hug. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Daisy took the hint and went readily into his arm leaning her head gently against his. She was so scared, confused, hurt by what Luke was doing to himself, worried for Bo who was temporarily the "man of the house" and sad for her uncle, who it seemed got weaker by the second. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 **TJ to Next Day**Yawning, Bo stretched in the chair by Luke's bed. He had stayed up most of the night in case Luke would wake earlier than he anticiapted - which was most likely for Luke - but had taken some time out to do the chores. He was worn out to say the least, but he couldn't risk falling asleep in case Luke did wake up and he refused to let Daisy stay up all night too. The family needed her to keep bringing in the money from the Boar's Nest...what little they could. So she needed to be as on her toes as possible.And so, 10 cups of coffee later, here he was still at Luke's bedside, praying that Luke would be aimiable and come see his Uncle and that maybe - just maybe - he wouldn't have to do what he and Uncle Jesse were thinking they might. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke let out a soft moan as he gradually started to wake up. The dark fog surrounding him gradually began to lift and he blinked up rubbing his head a little. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo bit his lip softly as he looked to Luke, watching his older cousin carefully, feeling like a cat ready to pounce at the slighest sign Luke was going to do something stupid. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke looked up at him weakly. His lip quivered as he realized he was in his bed, Bo watching over him like a hawk. Reaching up he rubbed his head slightly, still not saying anything, not sure what to say if he did. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo swallowed softly and reached out, running a hand softly through Luke's messed up dark curls lovingly. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke looked up at him confused. He couldn't understand why Bo would continue to be by his have the look on his face that showed how much he cared. Luke didn't understand how anyone could still care about him. He didn't care about himself. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo continued to just try and silently soothe Luke's mind some, hating the confused look that Luke weas giving him...wishing that his Luke would just bounce out of bed, hug him close and tell him everything was going to be okay now..that they would work all this out together as they always did. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 "Bo...Bo I dunno what t do....I...I don' feel good," whimpered Luke looking at Bo. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 "I know ya don't buddy...but...we'll help ya feel better...just lay back and let yerself wake up had some pretty heavy dosage of sleeping pills is all so the after effects gotta take some time to wear off..."He explained softly, taking Luke's hand and holding it gently. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke did as he was told settling back into his pillow staring tearily up at Bo. "Bo...I...I'm scared." Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo nodded softly back to him, fighting to keep his own tears back."I know cousin...I am too...but..but we'll get you the help you need...but first...Luke there's something you gotta do..." Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke looked up at him as salty tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't feel he could do anything, but knowing how much he continued to hurt Bo, able to see the pain he caused in his cousin's eyes, he thought he might try, if he could. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 " gotta come and see Uncle Jesse...if you don't you aint gonna get another chance...he's holding on to see you brother...but he can't wait much longer. We have to let him go...but we cant because he's waiting for you...he dont wanna go and not say goodbye to us..."He said as softly and as gently as he could. He didn't want to upset Luke more but it needed to be said and he didn't think there was ever gonna be a good time to ask Luke that. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 "But I don't want to," said Luke, in more of a soft whimper than the defiant growl he had given Bo last time. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 "Its not that you don't wanna see him is it...its more you dont wanna say think the longer you leave it, the longer you got to hold onto him...but Luke its gonna happen...and if you don't say goodbye might not get to at all...its hard to see him like this, I know it is, but its better for him to go to Auntie now..."He said softly with tears in his eyes, having felt like Luke was now so many times at night when he used to cry alone in his room when Luke refused to sleep in the house but would sleep in the barn. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Tears dripped from Luke's eyes too. "I don't wanna," he pleaded softly. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 "Please....Luke please just once..."Bo begged equally back, he didn't want to have to see his Uncle search the room again...he didn't want his Uncle going through more agony than he already was in."He needs to leave usd peacefully Luke...he cant do that right aint fair on him to make him leave us worrying..." Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke swallowed hard. He didn't want to see his uncle. He didn't want to face up to what, in his mind, he had allowed to happen. But he also didn't want to hurt Bo more than he already had. Silently he nodded his head. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 "Y...You'll come?" Bo asked gently, unable to quite believe it in his mind. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke sniffed not looking at him but nodded again. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 "Thank you...." he said in relief, leaning down and hugging his older cousin close, knowing how hard it would be. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Author Posted August 14, 2008 Luke just hugged Bo in return, tears still dripping down his face. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 Bo hugged his older cousin closer, sitting him up and rubbing his back softly, rocking him just a little like their Uncle and Auntie used to do when they were little. Quote
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