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"Dais that's what i've been trying to tell you....this aint just a funk...he is actually depressed enough he's trying to comit suicide. Sweetheart when I found him, he was sitting on the edge of Widow's Peak with the rocks just crumbling away underneath him...I asked him to come away from the edge and he wouldn't...I pulled him away just as the bit he was sitting on gave way...and he still fought to get away from me and get back there..."

He explained sadly...he didn't want to have to do this to Luke either but right now there was no other thing he could see working.

"I'm gonna talk to Uncle Jesse, see what he thinks...but we just cannot watch him 24/7 Dais...and that's what its gonna take t'stop him doing what he's trying to..."

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Daisy looked at him too shocked for words. She had seen the sadness in Luke's eyes lately- they all had the same. And she had known what Bo told her about him being on the cliff, but for some reason it didn't sink in...until now. Tears started to roll don her cheeks. "Oh Bo Im sorry...I'm sorry...I didn't understand..."


Bo sighed and hugged her close as she cried, rubbing her back.

"I know Dais...but you gotta trust me okay. I'm gonna talk to Uncle Jesse and see what he thinks, I need someone's advice and right now his is the best I can get...the best I can trust...who knows, maybe he can give me some kind of solution to help Luke..."


Bo nodded softly and gave her the soft instruction to get her things before going in and checking on Luke. He was definitly out for the count and with the strength of the sleeping tablets it would be another 24 hours or so before he would wake no matter what happened.

Making sure he was tucked in, he turned and went outside, climbing into the General and starting him up as he waited for Daisy. The engine noise was soothing to him.


The two spent the rest of the trip that way, neither of them speaking instead just letting the General work his magic and soothe them just a little. However it wasnt too long before they were being snapped back into reality as they pulled up at the Atlanta General Hospital where Jesse was staying. Tri County just didnt have the facilities to give Jesse the help and comfort he needed.


Bo took a deep breath, swallowing hard before he stepped into the room, always hating to see his Uncle looking so bad. Quietly, intent on letting Jesse sleep, he crept into the room with Daisy and took up his usual seat at his Uncle's side.


Bo smiled a little, not able to stay frowning when his Uncle spoke...when he spoke it meant he was still here and he wanted to savour every word Jesse spoke before he could hear him now more.

"I know...m'sorry...had a lot of things t'deal with.."


Bo swallowed hard again, his throat and mouth suddenly inexplicably dry...wondering what kind of an effect this news was gonna have on Jesse and also now thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea to talk about it with him after all.



Biting his lip, knowing eventually his Uncle would drive it out of him, Bo slowly recounted what had happened with Luke that morning.

"I just...I...I don't know what to do Uncle Jesse...i've gone as far as to think about having him admitted..."

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