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To Keep On Keepin' On


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"Yeah...it is...we may not have Uncle Jesse anymore...but we still have each other...we still have the lives that Uncle Jesse helped us to start to continue on with like he would have wanted. It hurts the he can't guide us along our paths anymore...but if you think about it...really for so long, we've been growing more and more to wander the path ourselves and make our own mistakes...Jesse's been there to tell us what we did wrong but we knew that really...all we did was confirm what we knew with him..."

Daisy explained softly, trying to reason out why it would be okay.

"He knew we'd be alright...once we got past our grief...otherwise he would have hung on for longer..."

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"Doesn't...feel..like it'll ever...be alright...feels...so...so..." began Luke trying his best to talk...just talk. Sara had said he needed to be more vocal...even when he didn't have the words to just make a response and that eventually the words would come. He wanted to make things right...and somehow he wanted to prove to Sara too that he could do it...not really knowing why he so much wanted to please her. Nonetheless, he was trying his best.

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Daisy smiled softly up at him, unable to believe that Luke couldn't see it.

"Luke...you've always lead us...always. You've always kept us safe, always guided us down the right path right alongside Jesse...I know that it seems like its gonna be harder to do it without him there...but you still got all his teachings...nothing's really changed...and we're here when you need help...your not alone. Bo's always willing t'help ya, that's why he put you here...so you can get better. You are more capable than you believe you are of looking after yourself....looking after us...you survived 4 years in Nam without Jesse there t'hold yer hand and guide ya...you made your own way...and you made your own way back...that's the biggest test life can throw at ya in regards to leadership and looking after yerself...and you passed with flying colours Luke..."

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\"But what you feel and what\'s actually true are two different things Luke...I know that you blame yourself for what happened t\'Uncle Jesse...but there was nothing you could have done...not even the doctors who are trained to deal with this stuff could help him...it was just his time to go...his body couldn\'t continue on anymore...even if you hadn\'t froze up like you did, it wouldn\'t have changed anything. You cannot stop aging...you can\'t stop weakening of body parts...no body can. Its life, something that happens to all of us...You haven\'t failed Luke, you\'ve just fallen at a large hurdle...you just have to, along with Sara, learn now to pick yourself back up..\"

Daisy reasoned softly back.

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\"I believe you can Luke...and Bo believes you can...cause your stronger than you think you are...\" She said gently, running a hand through his dark curls softly...it was something their Auntie used to do and something that, while Luke would never admit it, would always help to soothe him when he was upset or frightened when they were little.

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