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Luke chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Oh trust me, I know. I have be on that end before. Plenty of times. Me and Bo use t' come in from playing football all the time muddier than pigs Daisy had just finished moppin' up the kitchen, we tracked mud all through the house she chased us from here all over the back forty."


Then Luke replied " yep I remember alright that was so funny", then for some

reason Luke started feeling sleepy he was having trouble keeping his eyes open

so Jesse said " hey y'all how about we let little Luke get some sleep ".

So after the Dukes left Luke's nurse came in and noticed that the sleeping med

in his IV had taken effect she poked him a couple of times to test his nerves,

she checked his IV and noticed that it was a little low so she put up a new one.then she left and reported to Luke's doctor as to which he said okay .

Meanwhile Luke was still asleep but unfortunetely he started sweating ,

then he started going into convulsions and the button for Luke's room went off at the Nurses station the nurse quickly went to Luke's room saw that he was shaking on his bed , his eyes were going back in his head ", so the nurse

quickly called for Luke's doctor who was enjoying his lunch then suddenly

his beeper went off so he got up made his way to Luke's room " .

Cue Jessi or Lori


Then Luke replied " yep I remember alright that was so funny", then for some

reason Luke started feeling sleepy he was having trouble keeping his eyes openso Jesse said " hey y'all how about we let little Luke get some sleep ".

So after the Dukes left Luke's nurse came in noticed the sleeping meds

in his IV had taken effect, she poked him a couple of times

test his nerves, she checked his IV and noticed that it was a little low so she put up a new one.then she left and reported to Luke's doctor as to which he said okay .

Meanwhile Luke was still asleep but unfortunetely he started sweating ,

then he started going into convulsions and the button for Luke's room went off at the Nurses station the nurse quickly went to Luke's room saw that he was shaking on his bed , his eyes were going back in his head ", so the nurse quickly called for Luke's doctor who was enjoying his lunch then suddenly his beeper went off so he got up made his way to Luke's room ".

By the time Luke's doctor had made it to his room he was already unconicous

was running a high fever of 101 so let's just hope Luke will be okay.

Cue Lori or Jessi


Lori came back though, later that night, in urgent need to talk to him. It was a good thing that she did too, or else she herself would have gone unconscious. She didn't care if the doctors told her she couldn't see him, this was her soon to be husband and she wasn't one to take too kindly to being demanded an order when someone she loved was in need of help.

Slowly, she walked into his room, seeing him once more. Letting out a deep sigh, a shaky sigh, she forced her feet to move towards the bed, looking at him and his feverish face. Going to the bathroom she got a wash cloth and dampened it, going back to him trying to bring his fever down once more. She sat there by his side all night, continuing the process, singing a soft sweet song to him trying to get him to wake up from his deep slumber.


" Oh ... Hello JJ I'm so happy you called listen JJ tell Jesse that Luke is sick ".

He spiked a fever of 101 he is not doing well I came by the hospital to check

on him but unfortunetely when I arrived here he was unconcious ".

The doctor said " before he tries to find out why Luke got sick ", he wants

to talk to Uncle Jesse about Luke's progress and to tell him about the fever.

Cue Lori , Jessi


Lori replied " i'm here because i missed Luke sadly when I arrived here i got some bad news.

I found out that after me , Jesse , and JJ left Luke suffered a convulsion ", now he's in a

coma due to his fever being high and so far I've been trying to bring his fever down .

Cue Jessi or Lori


JJ put the phone back. "Uncle Jesse" JJ yelled.

Jesse came out of his bedroom "JJ why are you yelling" asked Jesse.

"I just got the phone the off phone with Lori. She said that Luke spiked

another fever. Uncle Jesse can we please go see him?" asked JJ.

"All right kido. Let's go." said Jesse as he walked towards his hat picked it up and headed towards the door.


By the time though, that Jesse and JJ had arrived, Lori was passed out dead asleep in the seat by Luke, curled up into a ball. The past events that had unfolded with Luke getting put in the hospital, her breaking her hand, and constant visits to the hospital in case the worse, like his fever shooting through the roof and him going unconcious, should happen, had really set in on Lori. It caused her to stay tired constantly and want to do nothing but sleep.


JJ and Jesse got out of the truck and hurried towards Luke's room. Uncle Jesse walked in first. He noticed Lori curled in a ball, he motioned for JJ to get Lori a blanket and then went over to Luke he felt his fore head. He was hot there was no doubt about it. He figure it was up to him to get Luke's tempature down.


So Jesse went into the bathroom got cloth wet it with cold came back out",

put it on Luke's forehead and prayed that this would break the fever.

Meanwhle out in the hallway Luke's doctor was just coming into Luke's room.

he said " hey Jesse how you doing ?", Jesse replied " well .. I'm very worried

about my boy here he ain't be doing so well so far and how did he get sick?

Then the doctor said " well um.. I don't really know why his tempurature

went up again he may have picked up some kind of virus yesterday,

I would have to run some blood work , tests hopefully it ain't fatal or worse.

Cue Lori or Jessi


Jesse looked down at his ill nephew. Letting out a long heavy sigh he nodded to Doc, if he had caught a virus then they'd have to stay away til he was better. Which was a whole lot easier said than done. Trying to keep Lori and Bo especially away was like trying to put socks on a rooster, it was impossible. He couldn't have the two of them getting sick though, as they are the two who do the outside chores, helping him.


Jesse hated this it seem like Luke was getting better. So how did this happen. Now that Luke was getting worse it look like he was going need

more help at the farm. He knew that Lori would stay at the hospital no matter what. There was only one thing he could do and that was call Vance, Coy or Jeb. He knew one them would if not all of them.

"Uncle Jesse, What are we going to do?" asked JJ as she came up on the other side of Luke's bed.

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