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Hey Y'all!

Rosco always treats Flash like Family, afterall, when he wrote his will he gave everything to Flash except of course those things his mamma would want!

Anyway, do you have any animals that you feel are just like family?

Okay, I'll start...

I have a Big Ol' Paint Quarter Horse, Frankie; a miniature, Boomer; a white cat, Ratty; another white cat, Adrian; and my favorite, a black cat KITT. Unfortunately they all live out in the barn. I'd keep them in the house if I could, though! The cats I mean, not the horses! I treat KITT like a king because he deserves it! Anyway, hope y'all don't think I am totally crazy! I get that look when Rosco and Flash come onscreen because it reminds my family of me and KITT. But I like to think KITT is a lot smarter, a lot more cute, and I don't think I act like Rosco... I hope. No offense to Flash or Rosco though, KHEE! KHEE!

Anyway, do any of you have your own little Velvet Ears? Oh, and if they hit a milestone, please share. For Example... if you gave them their first doggy num-num today, or if they took their first steps, anything, I'd be just delighted to celebrate that mile stone!! Or, if you can post pictures (providing the Moderators don't have a problem with it) of your little Velvet Ears! I'd be absolutely delighted!

General Grant


Well...I have a cat that is what they call a tortouis shell (I think) kinda like the calico, but no white to it. Her name is Daisy Mae Duke...though she goes by Daisy and lives with at my parents' house with their boxer and chihuaha-minpin mix dogs. I also have a corgi-bichon mix three year old dog that is named Lilly or Lillianna that does live with me. She didn't achieve any big milestones today but she did get her first summer hair cut (of this year-I only get her hair cut in the summer so she doesn't get too hot) last Wednesday...of course now that she got all her fur shaved off, it has been freezing cold here! Just my luck, oh well, she's got plenty of doggy sweatshirts and coats to wear until it does get warmer outside. ;)


I have a beagle named Shiloh, yes like in the movie only his coat is a lot blacker and he's fatter and shorter, who's like family to me and my little sister. Our other dog is really my brother's Husky named Dakota, she's the sweetest thing I've ever seen she's brown and white and my dad says she looks like a coyote. We're dog sitting her while my brother gets everything set up where he's moved to down south.


Once again, a great thread idea, General! I love reading about everybody's "babies."

Most people here know about Denny by now, but he is by no means an only kitty! Inside my house, I have a 13-year-old orange tabby named Mariah; Denny who is three; and Frankie and Teddy, my two-year-olds. Frankie is a little tuxedo cat - kind of like Sylvester - and Teddy is a large black and white cat with a stripe of black down her nose. Frankie tends to get most of the attention because she is a special needs cat. My vet says that her mental level will never progress beyond three months - so she will always be my little kitten, no matter how old she is.

Outside, I have a black lab-collie-springer spaniel mix named Oliver (Who thinks he is a cat.), two black cats named Abraham and Noel, another black and white cat named Johnnie, and a completely tailless Russian blue named Tatyana. They are our "yard cats," as my father calls them. Oh, and a beagle named Bo who was old enough to realize that he was a dog when he showed up and can't figure out what is wrong with Ollie.

As if that weren't enough, my three females outside have given birth to kittens! (They turned up pregnant.) So now, we have five from one litter, four from another, and two from the third. Yes, that is a lot of cats - fortunately, I live out in the middle of nowhere where they can chase mice and lizards all they want. Needless to say, they will be getting fixed as soon as the babies are weened - and the babies will be fixed as soon as they are old enough.:D


Speaking of cats, we had a healthy looking gray and white stray come by here about this time last year. After the third day of hanging around we started feeding it. It was wild acting but it was more than happy for a handout. I named it Flash (Khee Khee) because that's a good name for a boy or girl and it wouldn't let us pet it or get friendly enough to find out what it was. We fed it all spring, summer and fall and it never got tame despite all my patient attempts to get close. Anyway, the thing just disappered in early December and we never saw it again.....until last week. I stepped out the door and there it was just, looking at me from its usual feeding spot in the wide open garage, staring at me as if to say, "Hey buddy, ya haven't fed me in 4 months. I'm hungry" Anyway, we're happy to have Flash back even though we're somewhat suspicious that we're not the only place its getting fed.


Hey, that's cool, y'all!

Garrett Duke- That was funny to hear about the doggy sweaters and coats. I can picture Rosco putting one of those on Flash! How does Lilly like wearing the sweaters?

Lizzy Jackson-Davenport- It sounds like you have two very nice dogs! Even if you are only petsitting the one!

Denver C.- Actually I got the idea from you about this thread! Over in another thread you started talking about your cat, and That is how I got the idea about the thread, so really, you get the credit there! We also live out in the middle of nowhere, but I love it! We have a ton of cats, I only listed my "babies" though!

Roger- I hope Flash sticks around! Have you ever tried playing with it? I don't know if it works on all cats, but we had a real fiesty MEAN cat and the way I tamed it to actually like humans was by playing. It turned out to be a very sweet cat. But, I'd sit on the floor (or ground!!) and have a piece of string and play with him every day. Each day I'd shorten the string until it got to the point where I'd have him running across my legs, and eventually he let me pet him. But don't try petting 'em until they are good and ready. I did that a couple of times and it scared the poor cat to death! It also set back the "training" a couple weeks!! Did that make any sense?? Anyway, I hope that Flash will stick around! It must like you if he/she came back!!

Thanks Y'all for chiming in! I really enjoy hearing about your "Velvet Ears"!! Again, if you know how and if it is okay with the moderators, I'd love to see pictures of you little pals!!

General Grant


What a great idea, General-and it's cool that you had General think up this idea, Denver!

I loved everyone's stories, they are so neat! I loved the one about Flash, Roger! I was so happy to hear that he returned!

As for General, now we all now one person who's crazy!:) Treating a cat as a king, really. (For those of you not aware, I'm just teasing General since we're good friends and I know General really well) Only you would treat KITT as a king! :)

Well, I have a 30-something year old pony named Champ. He's a Pony of the America's. Plus, he's a brown and white paint. I've had him for a long time, and could never part with him. I don't ride him anymore, but I'm going to teach him how to pull a cart. But, if that doesn't work out, he would make an awesome trick horse. I just love him to pieces.

Then, there's my cat, Yoda. I prefer to call him Yoda Bear (because he's a big-emphasis on big-cat and he likes to snuggle like a teddy bear) and Ol' Crinkle Ear (one of his ear is bent over kind of funny). He is solid white and loves to follow me everywhere and "talk" to me.

So, those are the two Velvet Ears in my life.

Laura Duke:-P

  • 2 weeks later...

General Grant - Actually, I have several other animals, too. The ones I listed are the ones that I spend most of my time with (espaecially Denver and Frankie).

I guess that Frankie would be considered more my "Velvet Ears," since she is a special needs baby and needs more attention than the others.


Ok.... so...as you can see I have three pets... Zoe, Phoebe and Boo!

I have included an extra picture of Boo! and Zoe sleeping. they are best buddies and kind of like Bo and Luke. If I take Zoe outside, Boo! cries at the door until I bring her back, she lets Zoe harrass her, dragging her around by the neck and all sorts of things...and they sleep as close to each other as they can get...never let it be said that cats and dogs don't get along!

Boo! is my white calico cat sitting by my keyboard... her name started off as Bailey...which then got switched to Bailey Boo...but now is just Boo! (spelled with the exclamation point)...because she loves it when she is called and you say Booooooooooo! She'll come running. She knows how to fetch and will stand on her hind legs to reach your hand if she wants to be petted. And as I said...she is Zoe's best bud.

Phoebe is my gray calico...never seen a cat with quite her colors...and her hair is as soft as a rabbit. Phoebe loves to ride on my shoulder and cuddle, which since she is no longer a kitten can get awkward... She is definately the sweetest cat I have ever had though...

Zoe...my cocker spaniel...She is the spittin' image of the dog used to distract the doberman in Repomen... and I admit...she owns me more than I own her. She will not let me out of her sight a lot of which might stem from the fact that since the day she learned my voice the day she was born. My hubby had long promised that someday we'd get a dog. Now...broke as we were, it was taking a lot to save up to even buy a little mutt much less a pedigree dog like Zoe who's bros and sis's sold for about $500 a piece. All that to say, the people that owned Zoe's parents are friends of ours and we had stareted scrimping and saving. I would go over as often as I could once they were born and just stare longingly at them...then one day they asked me to hold the runt of the litter which I did happily cause that was my favorite... and they told me I could hold her all the way home...that she was mine...just like that... I admit I cried... and if ever a dog was sppoiled Zoe is...

she runs to her dish when I ask if she'd like doggy num nums...and when I say FREEEZE! (like Rosco) she freezes...usually...She loves "babies and has a teddy bear and stuffed dog (seen in the pic) that she carries with her everywhere...also though you cant really see it...she sucks on her tongue as she sleeps much like a baby with a pacifier....as you can tell I love her to pieces...


Aww....What a bunch of wonderful animals you have DaisyMae! I loved your story about all of your animals!

The same is true with everyone else-I just love all the stories everyone has been telling about their animals. They are so great! Thanks General for coming up with this idea!

Laura Duke:D

Aww....What a bunch of wonderful animals you have DaisyMae! I loved your story about all of your animals!

The same is true with everyone else-I just love all the stories everyone has been telling about their animals. They are so great! Thanks General for coming up with this idea!

Laura Duke:D

My younger brother has a Calico Maine Coon Cat named Brittany Jean and a Rabbit named Roger. The cat doesn't like it when he goes and gives Roger attention and not her.

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