dukesrule2000 Posted April 21, 2008 Author Posted April 21, 2008 meanwhile in hazzard.Kathy had wrapped Scott's ribs. and as she was wrapind Scotts Ribs she had a smile on her face. Leventa looked at her mother and said Mom what's the matter? Kathy looked at her daughter and said this just reminded me of a memory about your father. Mom please tell me. I love to hear you talk about dad. Kathy smiled and said this happened before you and Jesse where born. You see I had an ex and he didn'y like it that I was with your father and him and your father got into a fight and after the fight your father walked away and Zack was got cold but when he got to the General Lee He collaped and I checked him and he had 3 broken ribs and his chest area was all black and blue. So I took him to the hospital and they confermit and they wrapped him up and I took him home and took care of him.Scott looked at her and said So Mr.Duke you had a Bad Ass ex too. Kathy smiled and said yes I did and Luke took care of him just like you took care of tom and Now Leventa will take care of you. Right Levinta. Levinta smiled and said yes mom.Levinta and Scott didn't go on the hayride.
Julieduke Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 meanwhile in hazzard.Kathy had wrapped Scott's ribs. and as she was wrapind Scotts Ribs she had a smile on her face. Leventa looked at her mother and said Mom what's the matter? Kathy looked at her daughter and said this just reminded me of a memory about your father. Mom please tell me. I love to hear you talk about dad. Kathy smiled and said this happened before you and Jesse where born. You see I had an ex and he didn'y like it that I was with your father and him and your father got into a fight and after the fight your father walked away and Zack was got cold but when he got to the General Lee He collaped and I checked him and he had 3 broken ribs and his chest area was all black and blue. So I took him to the hospital and they confermit and they wrapped him up and I took him home and took care of him.Scott looked at her and said So Mr.Duke you had a Bad Ass ex too. Kathy smiled and said yes I did and Luke took care of him just like you took care of tom and Now Leventa will take care of you. Right Levinta. Levinta smiled and said yes mom.Levinta and Scott didn't go on the hayride.Reba had seen where they were at the house and she looks at everybody and says "Mama, didn't care about me and I'm going to her funeral she never loved me or any of my brothers so why should I care is she is dead. How in the world could she ask for her little girl when she was dying she never wanted any of her kids. Miss Ellie was more of mother and Aunt Kathy was more of mother to me than she was and I'm not taking that back."Jason listens and says "Honey, your going to regret not going even if she didn't care she can't be nothing not and I'm be there by your side for her funeral."Reba says "Oh Jason, there is something else bothering me something awful my ex-husband Micheal Darling wants custody of the four younger kids and Marcus and Jamie don't even know him as Daddy even."cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Reba had seen where they were at the house and she looks at everybody and says "Mama, didn't care about me and I'm going to her funeral she never loved me or any of my brothers so why should I care is she is dead. How in the world could she ask for her little girl when she was dying she never wanted any of her kids. Miss Ellie was more of mother and Aunt Kathy was more of mother to me than she was and I'm not taking that back."Jason listens and says "Honey, your going to regret not going even if she didn't care she can't be nothing not and I'm be there by your side for her funeral."Reba says "Oh Jason, there is something else bothering me something awful my ex-husband Micheal Darling wants custody of the four younger kids and Marcus and Jamie don't even know him as Daddy even."cue dukesrule2000Reba says "My Mother doesn't deserve the title you know there is something she was up to, but I don't know what it is yet."There was a knock at the door and Emma's long thought mother that she told everybody was gone is waiting and she had found that she had grandkids and great-grandkids right here in Hazzard.Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Reba says "My Mother doesn't deserve the title you know there is something she was up to, but I don't know what it is yet."There was a knock at the door and Emma's long thought mother that she told everybody was gone is waiting and she had found that she had grandkids and great-grandkids right here in Hazzard.Cue dukesrule2000Lana and Ross pulled in and they had their ten year old triplets with them, and Lana had just found out she was three months pregant. She thought she was before now but she had thought from what the docter told her that the triplets were miracle and she never have another baby or get pregant she just thought it was a bad case of nerves.Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 23, 2008 Author Posted April 23, 2008 Kathy Smiled as she watched Scottand Leventa. and then she saw luke coming back. And Luke got off the carrage. Kathy walked over to him and she went into his arms and kissed him. and he looked at her and said wow, What did I DO TO DESERVE THAT? Kathy smiled. and said nothing. I Love you Luke Duke. MEANWHILE BY THE General Lee. Scott and Leventa was watching her parents. Scott said wow. Does your parents always do that? Levinta smiles and said ya they do. How long have they been married? Scott Said.Leventia smiled and said 29 years. Scott Said Wow, My parents have been married longer then that and I have never seen them do that. Leventa smiles and said My Parents have always showed their love for each other like that. and if they stopped all of us kids would start to get worried. Scott said because you are use to seeing your parents like that. I think it's awesome. Levinta said so do I . and I hope to find a love like theirs some day. Scott just smiles.
Julieduke Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 Reba says "My Mother doesn't deserve the title you know there is something she was up to, but I don't know what it is yet."There was a knock at the door and Emma's long thought mother that she told everybody was gone is waiting and she had found that she had grandkids and great-grandkids right here in Hazzard.Cue dukesrule2000Reba looked and says "Fine I'll get the door and she was surprized when the older lady asked if she could come and told her that she was her Grandma Davenport. And she had just heard on the news that daughter was gone and she didn't even know that she was involved with the Ewing's with their kidnapping of Reba."Mrs. Davenport says "Reba, well are you going to invite me in and sorry about the loss of your mother."Reba says "Well Mom, wasn't much of a mother Grandma Davenport and she told me years ago that you was gone."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 25, 2008 Author Posted April 25, 2008 AT THE BOARS NESTKathy looked at Leventa and scott from Luke's arms and said I think our baby girl had found the one. Luke looked at her and he smiled and said I don't know Kath, you know who his mother is. Kathy looked at him and said No . Luke smiled and said Lou-Ann. Kathy started to laugh.well he must take after his father then. Luke said Yay he does. BB was one of my best friends. What he saw in Lou-Ann Henderson I don't know. what BB sees in her.They walked over to scott and Leventa and Kathy asked how was his mother doing? Scott looked at her and said She has been sick Dad has tried to get her to go and see you but she won't. Kathy said there is alot of bad history between me and your mom. tell her to come into my office tommorrow at 1:30pm. Scott smiled and said Ok And I will make her go. Thanks Mrs Duke. And then they saw Mike and Jessica walked over and and they told Luke That Bylinda Just had her Baby it was a girl and she Named it Jessca Ann Mongermy. Her husband Jermery just called them.and Michael said Luke I wouldn't ask but can we use the Spencer plane to go to pENNSYLVANA to see our grandaughter. Luke didn't say anything but he did get his Cell Phone and called the piolat and told him the details and Then He closed the phone and said The plane will be in Capital City in an hour. then he would have to refuil and then you all can leave. Jessica hugged Luke and said Thanks. Luke said anything for family Kathy said How is Bonnie?
Julieduke Posted April 26, 2008 Posted April 26, 2008 AT THE BOARS NESTKathy looked at Leventa and scott from Luke's arms and said I think our baby girl had found the one. Luke looked at her and he smiled and said I don't know Kath, you know who his mother is. Kathy looked at him and said No . Luke smiled and said Lou-Ann. Kathy started to laugh.well he must take after his father then. Luke said Yay he does. BB was one of my best friends. What he saw in Lou-Ann Henderson I don't know. what BB sees in her.They walked over to scott and Leventa and Kathy asked how was his mother doing? Scott looked at her and said She has been sick Dad has tried to get her to go and see you but she won't. Kathy said there is alot of bad history between me and your mom. tell her to come into my office tommorrow at 1:30pm. Scott smiled and said Ok And I will make her go. Thanks Mrs Duke. And then they saw Mike and Jessica walked over and and they told Luke That Bylinda Just had her Baby it was a girl and she Named it Jessca Ann Mongermy. Her husband Jermery just called them.and Michael said Luke I wouldn't ask but can we use the Spencer plane to go to pENNSYLVANA to see our grandaughter. Luke didn't say anything but he did get his Cell Phone and called the piolat and told him the details and Then He closed the phone and said The plane will be in Capital City in an hour. then he would have to refuil and then you all can leave. Jessica hugged Luke and said Thanks. Luke said anything for family Kathy said How is Bonnie?Micheal says "Oh just great she just got engaged to Kevin her former Boss at the McDonald's that she now is the General Manager at now and they make such a cute couple as well."Just then Lana pulls up and says "Clark, I just at the Uncle Luke's farm and it seems that hey Lucy Jackson told me that somebody just kidnapped Lois and they want to exchange for me put if you ask me it sounds like a trap you should really call General Lane first before anything so he doesn't send the entire out looking for Lois in Hazzard now."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 26, 2008 Posted April 26, 2008 Micheal says "Oh just great she just got engaged to Kevin her former Boss at the McDonald's that she now is the General Manager at now and they make such a cute couple as well."Just then Lana pulls up and says "Clark, I just at the Uncle Luke's farm and it seems that hey Lucy Jackson told me that somebody just kidnapped Lois and they want to exchange for me put if you ask me it sounds like a trap you should really call General Lane first before anything so he doesn't send the entire out looking for Lois in Hazzard now."Cue dukesrule2000Clark says "Oh Lana, you look a bit pale or you okay yourself?"Lana says "Oh ya, just fine and since Ross know this as well were three months pregant and hoping not another set of triplets that is hard getting three babies to sleep all at the sametime."Reba says "Oh since everybody knows that Lois and Lana is pregant so am I as well and this will be my last. This baby will make my sixth pregancy and kid number seven I think that will be enough and I'm happy for you and Ross what does he think of this right now."cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 28, 2008 Posted April 28, 2008 Clark says "Oh Lana, you look a bit pale or you okay yourself?"Lana says "Oh ya, just fine and since Ross know this as well were three months pregant and hoping not another set of triplets that is hard getting three babies to sleep all at the sametime."Reba says "Oh since everybody knows that Lois and Lana is pregant so am I as well and this will be my last. This baby will make my sixth pregancy and kid number seven I think that will be enough and I'm happy for you and Ross what does he think of this right now."cue dukesrule2000Clark says "Oh My gosh, Lois is missing I sure hope that Kathleen and Jonathon are okay my whole world is the kids and my wife. I wouldn't care if I did lose my job at the daily planet just as long as a had my family to support me."Lana says "Oh ya, there fine and the rest of kids are fine it seems that Lucy is watching your kids she told them to run and hide when the men came around and not to come out until she told it was okay. Well actually she had all the kids go and hide so they wouldn't notice them around could you image if they would've got ahold of any of are kids."Clark says "Hey is this Lucy Jackson the same as Lucy Ewing from Ewing Oil out of Dallas, Texas from the Ewing Family?"Lana says "Ya why, and she's is nothing like the rest of her family I've met her she is nice and also Reba's mother-in-law as well."Clark says "Oh I got to go the Duke Farm and make sure that my kids know that everything is going to be just fine and that there mother is coming home."Reba says "Shouldn't you first talk to the Sheriff and report your wife's kidnapping since there is some law here in Hazzard!"Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 30, 2008 Author Posted April 30, 2008 Ya i WILL call Uncle Michael.Clark said. and he picked up the phone and called Michael and Michael said He will put his depudies on it. But he couldn't handle it personaly because he was leaving town. But he will check in with his depudys and see how things where coming.IN HazzardLuke looked at MIchael and said what's going on and He told Luke what had happened and Luke said oK AND then he said Ok (looking at Kathy and Leventa. and said come on and Leventa said Dad I will drive scott 's car to the farm LUKE sAID nO lEVENITA you have no lience. and Scott agreed. Adam said Dad I will drive them to the Farm and Luke said Ok. Met us there and we can get serch parties out looking for Lois. Until Ckark gets here.
Julieduke Posted April 30, 2008 Posted April 30, 2008 Ya i WILL call Uncle Michael.Clark said. and he picked up the phone and called Michael and Michael said He will put his depudies on it. But he couldn't handle it personaly because he was leaving town. But he will check in with his depudys and see how things where coming.IN HazzardLuke looked at MIchael and said what's going on and He told Luke what had happened and Luke said oK AND then he said Ok (looking at Kathy and Leventa. and said come on and Leventa said Dad I will drive scott 's car to the farm LUKE sAID nO lEVENITA you have no lience. and Scott agreed. Adam said Dad I will drive them to the Farm and Luke said Ok. Met us there and we can get serch parties out looking for Lois. Until Ckark gets here.Clark says "I will look to as well, but shouldn't somebody with the kids and Leventa that wouldn't work with my father either."Lana says "Hey did you remember when we came down together and your dad realized what happened I know it's been a long since then but, I will never forget that look he gave you and me and he wanted to talk to you as well."Clark says "Did you regret not giving us a chance to work things out, but it seems that you and Ross get along great."Lana says "Just because I'm the Sheriff's daughter-in-law I don't get away with anything especially if Enos is patrolly the county."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 30, 2008 Posted April 30, 2008 Ya i WILL call Uncle Michael.Clark said. and he picked up the phone and called Michael and Michael said He will put his depudies on it. But he couldn't handle it personaly because he was leaving town. But he will check in with his depudys and see how things where coming.IN HazzardLuke looked at MIchael and said what's going on and He told Luke what had happened and Luke said oK AND then he said Ok (looking at Kathy and Leventa. and said come on and Leventa said Dad I will drive scott 's car to the farm LUKE sAID nO lEVENITA you have no lience. and Scott agreed. Adam said Dad I will drive them to the Farm and Luke said Ok. Met us there and we can get serch parties out looking for Lois. Until Ckark gets here.Meanwhile in a desserted cabin, it seems that Lex Luthor had gotten Lois hidden there and he playing it coy about what he had planned. But he knew that Clark would come looking for his wife but he didn't know that she was pregant right now. Lois was worried because it was so early in the pregancy right now and she didn't want to lose the baby that would be bad on Clark.Lex came walking in, he was happy that his two buddies didn't have any troubles with Lana, it almost seemed to easy to him. He looks at her and says "Who was that lady at Clark's Uncle's house she seemed familier and she didn't seem to like very well. And you know what Adam is my brother-in-law and Katalyn is my little sister even thow we don't get along very well."Lois says "I wonder why Lex, maybe because she found out about all your schemes in the past and in the present. You still pushed your own father out a window and had the picture destroyed, that must haunt how do you do you explain that to your niece that you was resiponsible for her Grandfather's death."Lex says "You know, I could've had you kidnapped in Metropolis but I picked Hazzard because the Sheriff's department will take longer and you know this is sort of a trap for Clark."Lois says "Why would you do that my husband why don't you like him so much, he keeps saying your mortal enemies what does he mean by that?"Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 30, 2008 Posted April 30, 2008 Meanwhile in a desserted cabin, it seems that Lex Luthor had gotten Lois hidden there and he playing it coy about what he had planned. But he knew that Clark would come looking for his wife but he didn't know that she was pregant right now. Lois was worried because it was so early in the pregancy right now and she didn't want to lose the baby that would be bad on Clark.Lex came walking in, he was happy that his two buddies didn't have any troubles with Lana, it almost seemed to easy to him. He looks at her and says "Who was that lady at Clark's Uncle's house she seemed familier and she didn't seem to like very well. And you know what Adam is my brother-in-law and Katalyn is my little sister even thow we don't get along very well."Lois says "I wonder why Lex, maybe because she found out about all your schemes in the past and in the present. You still pushed your own father out a window and had the picture destroyed, that must haunt how do you do you explain that to your niece that you was resiponsible for her Grandfather's death."Lex says "You know, I could've had you kidnapped in Metropolis but I picked Hazzard because the Sheriff's department will take longer and you know this is sort of a trap for Clark."Lois says "Why would you do that my husband why don't you like him so much, he keeps saying your mortal enemies what does he mean by that?"Cue dukesrule2000Lex says "Yes, but she has to understand I had my reason for what I did to my father, I'm not even going to explain them to you."Lois says "I bet Clark as contacted the Sheriff, and my father General Lane by now you know they will looking for me by now. I bet you don't like that Adam's parents don't like you not one bit especially Luke he really see's through you."Lex says "Well, I'm worried about the Sheriff or his brother right now besides I have you and that's all I need right now. I still can't figure out why your kids went. Your associates said all the kids went and hid and they couldn't even get hear them as well."Lois says "My kids are smart, they know when not to be seen besides this isn't going to work as well. I wish Jonathon Kent was still alive right now to see you pulling this and I wish he was around when you pushed your father right out a window so far up. You know, he always told me not to trust you Lex and he's right I sure don't trust you now I sure wish he could see you now.Think about what his grandkids had seen when your men took me out of what used to be his family home you know that reminds me of song that Jonathon used to love called "What Would Grandpa Say?" and for once I think if we once in Smallville and he was still around I think we would've tried to stop your men."Lex says "Well, he's gone and he can't do anything about this right now?"Lois says "You do you know he has a twin brother that look exactly like that's a Texas Ranger Lex right? How did your sister take the news that you pushed her father right out a window? You know if your wandering how she found out I had told her and at first she didn't believe me but I showed her a picture that I had left it would be a pity it that picture got to the Metropolis Police they still do something about even after all these years."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted May 1, 2008 Author Posted May 1, 2008 Meanwhile at the farm. Luke was having a meeting with the family. Bo was there also. Clark wanted to go after Lois himselfBut Luke said Clark you know it might be a trap. Uncle Luke that is a Chance I have to take. If Aunt Kathy was taken you would do everything in your power to get her back. Clark said. Luke said Sure I would . and at that moment Clark took off. Bo looked at Luke and said I feel that its a trap. we need to find Lois before clark does. and then they all got in their cars and started the hunt.
Julieduke Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Meanwhile at the farm. Luke was having a meeting with the family. Bo was there also. Clark wanted to go after Lois himselfBut Luke said Clark you know it might be a trap. Uncle Luke that is a Chance I have to take. If Aunt Kathy was taken you would do everything in your power to get her back. Clark said. Luke said Sure I would . and at that moment Clark took off. Bo looked at Luke and said I feel that its a trap. we need to find Lois before clark does. and then they all got in their cars and started the hunt.Lana hopped back in her car holding back the tears she had seen Ross out with another woman right at his Momma's place but they didn't see her and she was going to ask him about this without leading in what she allreadry knew. She drove to her the Former Sheriff's house she knew that he would give her a listen to what she had found out about Ross. She felt so betrayed about what was going on and right now the kids were in school, and her in-laws were on their to Chicago to see their brand new grandchild and to see what Bonnie was up and they took the two younger one with them. She missed her Aunt at times like this, no matter who she talked they was going turned related to her husband somehow and it stinks. Then, she thought the hell I'm going to talk to the Former Sheriff he'll just take Ross's side or defend his great-nephew for what he was doing. Besides he had enough to deal with the final loss of his daughter Emma and she headed over to Cooter's to get some friendly advice and shoot Ross wasn't related to him in no way.A Little while later Lana pulled into Cooter's gas station and he comes up to her and says "Need Gas, or repair or advice so how is Ross and the triplets doing lately."Lana looks at Cooter and says "I hate to say I could use the gas and If I didn't have three kids I head south out of Hazzard and never come back again. I'm three months pregant and the kids are ten years old and I spotted Ross with some fluzzy at his Mom's place allthough they didn't see me I too scared to tell his Uncle Rosco he allreadry dealing with Emma is really dead and I don't know how much more he can take right now. Ross, is accusing me of cheating on him with Clark or Lex Luthor that is the crazyest thing I've ever heard. Sure Lex, is the ex-husband but the way he treated me why would I come back to him and sure I lived with Clark before me and Ross met but that's in the past when he told this last night I wanted to snack him so hard that is wasn't even funny. But I didn't raise my voice the kids were asleep and they had to get up for school and I didn't want to cause a scheme and besides Clark is Ross's cousin why would I do something like that at least I observed my wedding vows I could've called him on what I knew about him but I didn't Cooter. I didn't want to seem petty right now, you know I'm so emotional right now and I'm scared what if i lose the baby he think that I wanted to lose the baby."Cooter says "Oh Lana, did you tell anybody about this or am I the first person you this to you're right you out to head south out of Hazzard and never come back but first take the kids with you and get a lawyer it sounds like you might need one. You know our very own attorney is in right now maybe you could go and talk to her right now."Lana says "That's who he's cheating with on me!"Cooter says "Oh you got to talk to a Ross, and see what's going on between the two of right now with the baby coming and everything you can't keep wanting to feel like you want to hit him a good one. Maybe I could talk to his father when he gets back from Chicago for ya, better yet get his Uncle Luke he could help you out and tell him everything you told me here okay Lana."Lana says "Thanks Cooter, I apprecaite and how much I owe you for the gas here."Cooter says "Oh it's on the house but don't tell anybody about this okay they might think I'm getting soft on here at the gas station here."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Lana hopped back in her car holding back the tears she had seen Ross out with another woman right at his Momma's place but they didn't see her and she was going to ask him about this without leading in what she allreadry knew. She drove to her the Former Sheriff's house she knew that he would give her a listen to what she had found out about Ross. She felt so betrayed about what was going on and right now the kids were in school, and her in-laws were on their to Chicago to see their brand new grandchild and to see what Bonnie was up and they took the two younger one with them. She missed her Aunt at times like this, no matter who she talked they was going turned related to her husband somehow and it stinks. Then, she thought the hell I'm going to talk to the Former Sheriff he'll just take Ross's side or defend his great-nephew for what he was doing. Besides he had enough to deal with the final loss of his daughter Emma and she headed over to Cooter's to get some friendly advice and shoot Ross wasn't related to him in no way.A Little while later Lana pulled into Cooter's gas station and he comes up to her and says "Need Gas, or repair or advice so how is Ross and the triplets doing lately."Lana looks at Cooter and says "I hate to say I could use the gas and If I didn't have three kids I head south out of Hazzard and never come back again. I'm three months pregant and the kids are ten years old and I spotted Ross with some fluzzy at his Mom's place allthough they didn't see me I too scared to tell his Uncle Rosco he allreadry dealing with Emma is really dead and I don't know how much more he can take right now. Ross, is accusing me of cheating on him with Clark or Lex Luthor that is the crazyest thing I've ever heard. Sure Lex, is the ex-husband but the way he treated me why would I come back to him and sure I lived with Clark before me and Ross met but that's in the past when he told this last night I wanted to snack him so hard that is wasn't even funny. But I didn't raise my voice the kids were asleep and they had to get up for school and I didn't want to cause a scheme and besides Clark is Ross's cousin why would I do something like that at least I observed my wedding vows I could've called him on what I knew about him but I didn't Cooter. I didn't want to seem petty right now, you know I'm so emotional right now and I'm scared what if i lose the baby he think that I wanted to lose the baby."Cooter says "Oh Lana, did you tell anybody about this or am I the first person you this to you're right you out to head south out of Hazzard and never come back but first take the kids with you and get a lawyer it sounds like you might need one. You know our very own attorney is in right now maybe you could go and talk to her right now."Lana says "That's who he's cheating with on me!"Cooter says "Oh you got to talk to a Ross, and see what's going on between the two of right now with the baby coming and everything you can't keep wanting to feel like you want to hit him a good one. Maybe I could talk to his father when he gets back from Chicago for ya, better yet get his Uncle Luke he could help you out and tell him everything you told me here okay Lana."Lana says "Thanks Cooter, I apprecaite and how much I owe you for the gas here."Cooter says "Oh it's on the house but don't tell anybody about this okay they might think I'm getting soft on here at the gas station here."Cue dukesrule2000Author's Note: I had meant that Lana would never come back to Lex it just didn't come out that way.
Julieduke Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Meanwhile at the farm. Luke was having a meeting with the family. Bo was there also. Clark wanted to go after Lois himselfBut Luke said Clark you know it might be a trap. Uncle Luke that is a Chance I have to take. If Aunt Kathy was taken you would do everything in your power to get her back. Clark said. Luke said Sure I would . and at that moment Clark took off. Bo looked at Luke and said I feel that its a trap. we need to find Lois before clark does. and then they all got in their cars and started the hunt.Luke's cellphone rings as he is looking with Bo and it's Ross and he says "Uncle Luke, I darn messed up I accused Lana of cheating on me with Clark or Lex Luthor and a few days ago she seen me out with another woman at Boars Nest what am I going to do. I don't want to lose Lana especially since she's pregant again the triplets I love her and the kids with all my heart what if she takes off and goes right back to Smallville to where he dad is at right now. You know, is she leaves I don't know what I'm going to do right now how could I say that about my own cousin that was the stupid a thing I did. How do I make for this right here I wouldn't blame her for leaving me right now, you should've seen her face when I told her what I had thought she about wanted to slap me and If she would've I think I deserved it. But she didn't we just went to bed and she didn't even kiss me goodnight if fact when we got up this morning she told the kids good morning and we haven't spoken all day."Bo says "Luke, what's wrong that was Ross you know we was out with lawyer that's what Charlie told he had seen her with a few days ago. And you know Lana, looks like she wants to breakdown and cry how bad is their problem right now. Oh Uncle Jesse, would know how to get Ross and Lana to talk with starting a agruement between them."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Luke's cellphone rings as he is looking with Bo and it's Ross and he says "Uncle Luke, I darn messed up I accused Lana of cheating on me with Clark or Lex Luthor and a few days ago she seen me out with another woman at Boars Nest what am I going to do. I don't want to lose Lana especially since she's pregant again the triplets I love her and the kids with all my heart what if she takes off and goes right back to Smallville to where he dad is at right now. You know, is she leaves I don't know what I'm going to do right now how could I say that about my own cousin that was the stupid a thing I did. How do I make for this right here I wouldn't blame her for leaving me right now, you should've seen her face when I told her what I had thought she about wanted to slap me and If she would've I think I deserved it. But she didn't we just went to bed and she didn't even kiss me goodnight if fact when we got up this morning she told the kids good morning and we haven't spoken all day."Bo says "Luke, what's wrong that was Ross you know we was out with lawyer that's what Charlie told he had seen her with a few days ago. And you know Lana, looks like she wants to breakdown and cry how bad is their problem right now. Oh Uncle Jesse, would know how to get Ross and Lana to talk with starting a agruement between them."Cue dukesrule2000Clark is getting frustrated that he couldn't find out Lois right now and he thought something was bothering Lana right now. He didn't know what but he thinks it has something to do with Ross, and she seemed like she wanted to cry. He had feeling that whoever snatched Lois that it was trap but it seems that Mrs. Lucy Jackson was looking out the window and seen Kansas plates on the car of the two men that two Lois out of the house and she didn't even want to go with them at all.Clark was getting near the house and he pulls out his cellphone and calls his Uncle Luke and says "Uncle Luke, I'm at the house and I know the guy that arranged to have Lois kidnapped it's Lex Luthor from Smallville, Kansas and he can be trouble trust me on this right here you might remember him from being in Hazzard in the past."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted May 5, 2008 Author Posted May 5, 2008 Meanwhile at Scott's houseLeventa and Scott walks in and Lou-Ann gives her a dirty look. and Scott said Now mom just because you have issuses with Mrs. Duke please don't take it out on Levi. I really don't understand why you have issuses with her. Then his father walked in and said The reason she has a problem with Kathy is because Kathy got Luke and she wanted him she tried everything to break them up but it never worked. Cause when a couple is ment for each other there is nothing in this world that can break them up. and He looked at Levinta and said wilth a smile and said if you are anything like your mother I know you will fight for the man you love and if Scott is the one for you I will be proud to call you my daughter. Scott looked at him and said Dad we just started to date. you might scare her off. BB looked at his son and said no I won't scare her off. The Dukes are strait forward also. Then Levinta told his dad about his brusied ribs. and that her mother showed her how to take care of him. and she wrote out a percription for pain. BB just smiled and said well if your mother showed you how then we will leave his tending to you. and then he walked off.Scott said Levi I want to appolise for my father. Leventa said No you don't have to he's right. Us Dukes are strait forward. and I'm glad he said what he did. Now I'm not nervice anymore. Scott just smiled.Mean while in the cabimClark had found Lois and Lex and Lex was ready for him he had placed Kriponite around Lois and Clark couldn't get close to her. and then Lex walked out and Clark fell to the ground.Meanwhile Adam and Jesse find the Cabin but they call in and Luke said stay where you are at we are almost there. And Jesse said Dad Clark can handle anything. Bo said Jesse Clark has a weekness and Lex knows what it is. and that weekness could kill him if he is expose to it for to long. Then Luke got an idea and said Bo you look like Johnathan . and Bo said oh No Luke Luke Just smiles.
Julieduke Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Meanwhile at Scott's houseLeventa and Scott walks in and Lou-Ann gives her a dirty look. and Scott said Now mom just because you have issuses with Mrs. Duke please don't take it out on Levi. I really don't understand why you have issuses with her. Then his father walked in and said The reason she has a problem with Kathy is because Kathy got Luke and she wanted him she tried everything to break them up but it never worked. Cause when a couple is ment for each other there is nothing in this world that can break them up. and He looked at Levinta and said wilth a smile and said if you are anything like your mother I know you will fight for the man you love and if Scott is the one for you I will be proud to call you my daughter. Scott looked at him and said Dad we just started to date. you might scare her off. BB looked at his son and said no I won't scare her off. The Dukes are strait forward also. Then Levinta told his dad about his brusied ribs. and that her mother showed her how to take care of him. and she wrote out a percription for pain. BB just smiled and said well if your mother showed you how then we will leave his tending to you. and then he walked off.Scott said Levi I want to appolise for my father. Leventa said No you don't have to he's right. Us Dukes are strait forward. and I'm glad he said what he did. Now I'm not nervice anymore. Scott just smiled.Mean while in the cabimClark had found Lois and Lex and Lex was ready for him he had placed Kriponite around Lois and Clark couldn't get close to her. and then Lex walked out and Clark fell to the ground.Meanwhile Adam and Jesse find the Cabin but they call in and Luke said stay where you are at we are almost there. And Jesse said Dad Clark can handle anything. Bo said Jesse Clark has a weekness and Lex knows what it is. and that weekness could kill him if he is expose to it for to long. Then Luke got an idea and said Bo you look like Johnathan . and Bo said oh No Luke Luke Just smiles.Bo says "Okay, I have a great idea what if I just sneak up and pop in through the window."Clark has seen his Uncle standing outside the window like he was his Jonathon's ghost and Lois had seen this as well and she was smiling. She had heard stories how they had faked out Rosco with making the General look haunted and how they managed to trick Boss Hogg into doing the right thing when he was alive as well.Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Bo says "Okay, I have a great idea what if I just sneak up and pop in through the window."Clark has seen his Uncle standing outside the window like he was his Jonathon's ghost and Lois had seen this as well and she was smiling. She had heard stories how they had faked out Rosco with making the General look haunted and how they managed to trick Boss Hogg into doing the right thing when he was alive as well.Cue dukesrule2000Lois looks down, and she knew there something up but she didn't know what she had gotten very to know Jonathon Kent very well. And he was serious and didn't joke around too much and all the times she had been his twin brother if nothing was bothering he was always had a joke for ya.Lois says "Don't worry Clark, it will be okay your family is here and you know what I was thinking that maybe I should stay clear of situations like this right here."Charlie had arrived and the cabin and he had seen his dad, Uncle and Cousin was there and he gets out of his car. And Charlie says "Uncle Luke, where's dad and I heard about Lois and is Clark in there right now what is the problem why isn't he rescueing his wife in in there and I was thinking that Ross has really blew it with Lana she's ready to take the kids to Smallville, Kansas and never come back. You know her father Henry Small lives there and he might lose his wife over the woman he's at the Boars Nest with it's all over Hazzard about Ross extra Martial behavior and it doesn't look very good."
Julieduke Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Lois looks down, and she knew there something up but she didn't know what she had gotten very to know Jonathon Kent very well. And he was serious and didn't joke around too much and all the times she had been his twin brother if nothing was bothering he was always had a joke for ya.Lois says "Don't worry Clark, it will be okay your family is here and you know what I was thinking that maybe I should stay clear of situations like this right here."Charlie had arrived and the cabin and he had seen his dad, Uncle and Cousin was there and he gets out of his car. And Charlie says "Uncle Luke, where's dad and I heard about Lois and is Clark in there right now what is the problem why isn't he rescueing his wife in in there and I was thinking that Ross has really blew it with Lana she's ready to take the kids to Smallville, Kansas and never come back. You know her father Henry Small lives there and he might lose his wife over the woman he's at the Boars Nest with it's all over Hazzard about Ross extra Martial behavior and it doesn't look very good."Clark was in danger, and yet still worried about Lois right now he was wandering how this was going to turn out.Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted May 6, 2008 Author Posted May 6, 2008 Luke looks at Charle and says not now Charlie I have to lisen for your father. (looking at Jesse and Adam) I want you both to be ready to go into action when I give the singale and they both said Ok Dad.MEAN WHILE in the cabin. Bo was Doing his best to be Johnathan's Ghost.he had Lex convenced he was Johnathan. Bo saw Clark and he was getting weeker by the moment.he had to do something. Lex why are you doing this to My son? Lex looked at him in a strange face and said Mr. Kent things have changed between your son and I. and then Luke snuck in and he snuck over to Ckark and he moved the kriponite and threw it away. and then Clark got his strenth and then he got up and he loked at Bo and said Thanks Uncle Bo Lex looked at him and that's when Luke gave the single and in came Jesse and Adam. and Lex looked at Adam and said you wouldn't want to hurt your btoyjer-in-law we are family. Adam looked at him and said Well Clark and Lois are my cousins So where does that leave you?
Julieduke Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Luke looks at Charle and says not now Charlie I have to lisen for your father. (looking at Jesse and Adam) I want you both to be ready to go into action when I give the singale and they both said Ok Dad.MEAN WHILE in the cabin. Bo was Doing his best to be Johnathan's Ghost.he had Lex convenced he was Johnathan. Bo saw Clark and he was getting weeker by the moment.he had to do something. Lex why are you doing this to My son? Lex looked at him in a strange face and said Mr. Kent things have changed between your son and I. and then Luke snuck in and he snuck over to Ckark and he moved the kriponite and threw it away. and then Clark got his strenth and then he got up and he loked at Bo and said Thanks Uncle Bo Lex looked at him and that's when Luke gave the single and in came Jesse and Adam. and Lex looked at Adam and said you wouldn't want to hurt your btoyjer-in-law we are family. Adam looked at him and said Well Clark and Lois are my cousins So where does that leave you?Lex says "Come on Adam, I am your daughter's Uncle and true she hardly knows me but that's because the three of you haven't visit since Dad's Funeral."Clark says "Oh Because you pushed him out a window, you Lex the last person my father was with is Lionel and according to people they got into a fight and he pushed over a table in fact I know this happened because my father died from Cardiac Arrest in the yard with me and my Mom."Lex says "Now come on Clark, you count keep blaming my father now it was his turn to die and that is all their is too it. Someday it will yours as well and Adam why can't we be friends and family. I feel like a stranger to little Kathleen and she's nine years old allreadry you should know what is like to come from Money I know all about your connection to Bobby Ewing."Cue dukesrule2000
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