Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy heard the comation and she walked outside and she renised Lucy right off. And she said Reba calm down and Reba Told her what had Just happened. Kathy smiled and said Reba That all happened yeard and Jr is paying of what he has done and Adam and Brittney are back in this family where they belong.and Reba don't let this come between you and Jason. Jason is a great guy and he loves you and the kids. and I know he loves you.Reba says "Ya, but his Mama I having a probelm with right now?"Lucy says "Hey J.R. drove my Mama and Daddy away I guess you forget that little fact and I do love you like a daughter and I wish you would just calm down. Are you forget about about the good that my Grandmother Ellie Southfork Ewing did you and heck you even named one of your daughters after her as well. I still remember when Bobby and Ray was teaching you how to rope and you got J.R.'s hat instead of a calf. He got his hat back and walked way mad as a hornet."Reba says "Ya, probaly one of his floozy's dumped him for Cliff Barnes that day but you know Aunt Kathy you should've seen that. I roped a Cowboy hat, now that takes talents."Cue dukesrule2000P.S. Is Reba going to talk with Jason or even think about helping her husband run Ewing oil at all.
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Acar pulled up and Then Leventa ran out. and Kathy said hay Leventa are you going to interduce your date to us. Levi smiled and Scott got out of his car and Live took him by the hand and said Mom Reba I would like you to met Scoot Bradford. and Scott said Hi Mrs. Duke. Kathy smiled and said Hi and then they got in the car and headed for the Board Nest Then Luke and Adam cam out of the house and Luke said we are heade for the Boars Nest we are driving the Carrage. Kathy looked at him and said does your daughter know this. Luke smiled and said No but she wil in about 15 minutes he kissed her and Adam said Bye Mom. and they got in the General Lee and left.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Acar pulled up and Then Leventa ran out. and Kathy said hay Leventa are you going to interduce your date to us. Levi smiled and Scott got out of his car and Live took him by the hand and said Mom Reba I would like you to met Scoot Bradford. and Scott said Hi Mrs. Duke. Kathy smiled and said Hi and then they got in the car and headed for the Board Nest Then Luke and Adam cam out of the house and Luke said we are heade for the Boars Nest we are driving the Carrage. Kathy looked at him and said does your daughter know this. Luke smiled and said No but she wil in about 15 minutes he kissed her and Adam said Bye Mom. and they got in the General Lee and left.Reba says "You know that boy seems real nice Levanta I still remember you being a little baby because I used to watch you along with Little Bo and my kids as well."Lucy looks at Reba says "You know, if you want me to leave just say that word but just keep in mind that Jason Jr, is my grandson and your carrying my future grandchild so my can't we be the way we was before you knew who I really was and I wasn't lying to you before. You just never asked and yes I did date your daddy but back then I did something that were less than perfect Reba."cue Dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 AT THE BOARS NESTTom and his football friends where there. and then he saw Leventa get out of a car with a nother guy he walked over to them and he grabbed Leventa by the arm and said What are you doing her with him. Levi pulled her arm away and said we are going on the hay ride together. and remember Tom we are no longer together and remember what my cousin and my brotheers told you. He went to hit Levi But Scott stopped him and then Tom went to hit Scott and Scott went down but he didn't stay down long. He went after Tom Levi was Yelling Scott.Just then Luke and Adam pulled up in the General Lee and he saw the boys fighting Luke said Holly smoke. and he got out of the General Lee with Adam right behind them. and Luke saw Levi crying and she ran to her Dad and she Said DADplease stop them. Luke and Adam walked over and Luke Grabbed Scott and Adam grabbed Tom.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 AT THE BOARS NESTTom and his football friends where there. and then he saw Leventa get out of a car with a nother guy he walked over to them and he grabbed Leventa by the arm and said What are you doing her with him. Levi pulled her arm away and said we are going on the hay ride together. and remember Tom we are no longer together and remember what my cousin and my brotheers told you. He went to hit Levi But Scott stopped him and then Tom went to hit Scott and Scott went down but he didn't stay down long. He went after Tom Levi was Yelling Scott.Just then Luke and Adam pulled up in the General Lee and he saw the boys fighting Luke said Holly smoke. and he got out of the General Lee with Adam right behind them. and Luke saw Levi crying and she ran to her Dad and she Said DADplease stop them. Luke and Adam walked over and Luke Grabbed Scott and Adam grabbed Tom.Clark had showed up as well and he looks around and says "Oh Tom, I seen you grab Leventa by the arm why are making trouble for Levi again?"Back In SmallvilleA man knocks on the door and it seems that Bo Darling opens it up and it was somebody from Western Union and a telegram for anybody at the Duke farm. Tabatha asks what is going on right now and he says " I don't know but it's a telegram from Texas Correction Institute and I got to sign for this right here. I'll be right in honey."Tabatha looks and says "Okay, honey but please hurry I want to see you again?"Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 At the farmKathy said Lucy you are welcome to come in the house. Reba looked at her Aunt. And then she said Ok I will talk this threw with Jason.and I don't want you to leave
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 At the farmKathy said Lucy you are welcome to come in the house. Reba looked at her Aunt. And then she said Ok I will talk this threw with Jason.and I don't want you to leaveLucy says "You know Reba, your Mama died in prison and her last breath the guards said that she asking for her little girl and she was sorry about everything that she ever did wrong to anybody. And Reba, I just found out yesterday from the docter that I have breast cancer and I'm so scared I remember when Grandma went through it I don't want to die."Reba says "Mama's gone, and she asking about her little girl. Funny she didn't seem to want me before. I wonder what the change of heart was all about Lucy."cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 At the boars nest. Luke said what is going on here? Adam and Clark looked at Luke. Clark said I though I handled it the last time.*(looking at Leventa)Levi you better tell your dad what was going on before you and tom broke up. Levi tells her father and Luke got real angery. and she couldn't calm him do and She looked at Adam and said call mom she is the only one who can talk Dad down when he s like this. Scott was mad aslso and he got away from Luke and he punched Tom a good on and he gave Tom a bloddy nose and Tom looked at him and said You broke my nose. Scott said You aught to be glad that that is the only thing i BROKE..Adam looked at scott and said I think I like you. You will fi in well with this family. Scott Just smiled.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 At the boars nest. Luke said what is going on here? Adam and Clark looked at Luke. Clark said I though I handled it the last time.*(looking at Leventa)Levi you better tell your dad what was going on before you and tom broke up. Levi tells her father and Luke got real angery. and she couldn't calm him do and She looked at Adam and said call mom she is the only one who can talk Dad down when he s like this. Scott was mad aslso and he got away from Luke and he punched Tom a good on and he gave Tom a bloddy nose and Tom looked at him and said You broke my nose. Scott said You aught to be glad that that is the only thing i BROKE..Adam looked at scott and said I think I like you. You will fi in well with this family. Scott Just smiled.Clark says "Well, I think if somebody had done that to my girlfriend I think I would've done the same as well Scott."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Clark says "Well, I think if somebody had done that to my girlfriend I think I would've done the same as well Scott."Cue dukesrule2000Back at the FarmLucy says "Hey Kathy, something is bothering your daughter there I can't put a finger but I think somebody is hitting her or maybe had been hitting but I don't think it was Scott doing it now."Reba says "Ya, your right Lucy and Aunt Kathy something seems to be bothering Levena right now she seems different almost scared and angry as well. You mean my Momma is finally it served her right to die all along in prison she didn't want and set it up for me to be kidnapped when I was two weeks old."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Back at the FarmLucy says "Hey Kathy, something is bothering your daughter there I can't put a finger but I think somebody is hitting her or maybe had been hitting but I don't think it was Scott doing it now."Reba says "Ya, your right Lucy and Aunt Kathy something seems to be bothering Levena right now she seems different almost scared and angry as well. You mean my Momma is finally it served her right to die all along in prison she didn't want and set it up for me to be kidnapped when I was two weeks old."Cue dukesrule2000Back In SmallvilleA Little while later, it seemed that somebody had came by and Little Bo and Tabatha didn't know who's car they was and they was getting concern it seems that Bo Darling was going for the old shotgun that his Late Uncle Jonathon had around the house still and he was prepared for anything right now.Tabatha looked out the window and she knew who it was and she says "Oh know, Daddy's old business associates have come looking for me forcing daddy to do business with them again. I thought this witness protection system worked and thought they wouldn't know my name right now."cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy was about to answer her when she hears. Super Adam to pretty lady come back. Kathy walked over to the CB AND sAID yOU HAVE pRETTY LADY HERe. Mom you need to get here to the Boars Nest Dad is really upset and Noone can calm him down. Kathy said I;m on my way. So she looked at Reba and said I'm going to the Boars Nest want to come with me?
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy was about to answer her when she hears. Super Adam to pretty lady come back. Kathy walked over to the CB AND sAID yOU HAVE pRETTY LADY HERe. Mom you need to get here to the Boars Nest Dad is really upset and Noone can calm him down. Kathy said I;m on my way. So she looked at Reba and said I'm going to the Boars Nest want to come with me?Reba says "Sure, oh Mama Jackson will watch Jason Jr. for me it seems that Uncle Luke need needs me and Aunt Kathy right now thank you."Lucy says "That's nice your called me Mama Jackson again, I guess your not so mad and we can talk when you get back then."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy and Reba got in the Jeep and headed for the Boars Nest. and they left
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy and Reba got in the Jeep and headed for the Boars Nest. and they leftReba says "Wow Aunt Kathy, Mama is finally gone and my mother-in-law has breast cancer I sure hope she gets to see this new baby I'm pregant with you know I really not racing Clark and Lois besides I got the lead right now. I don't know if I want to go to my own Mama's funernal it's going to be tough telling Grandpa that his daughter didn't die when he thought she did how do I break this to him."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy said I don't know Rosco is Pretty tuff and stronge. Kathy pulled the Jeep up by the General Lee and She ran over to Luke and she said Hay Baby calm down
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Kathy said I don't know Rosco is Pretty tuff and stronge. Kathy pulled the Jeep up by the General Lee and She ran over to Luke and she said Hay Baby calm downReba looked and said "One question who broke that other guy's nose he must've done something to deserve that right there. Anybody know where my Grandpa is right now I got to tell him the hardest news that Granddaughter can tell and Grandfather and besides if anybody else didn't know yet I'm pregant again."cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Leventa told Reba what was going on. and Adam told her where Rosco was he was in the Boars Nest in the office.She went to find him.Kathy said Luke calm down and then Luke smiled and said Sweetheart I'm fine now(looking at Adam) come on let's get this Hay ride going.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Leventa told Reba what was going on. and Adam told her where Rosco was he was in the Boars Nest in the office.She went to find him.Kathy said Luke calm down and then Luke smiled and said Sweetheart I'm fine now(looking at Adam) come on let's get this Hay ride going.Reba says "Excuse Uncle Luke, I've got to tell Grandpa Coltrane the hardest thing in my life and the best news I could have. But one thing, the thing about Jason being a Ewing I think I leave that little fact out of the conversation. I see the way he gets mad when you even say the name Ewing, I think I got the Coltrane temper at time did you hear the way I went off on my mother-in-law."Reba walks in the Boars Nest and see's a familier face, and she tells her to knock first and say who it was first thow.Reba is talking with her grandfather, and he says "What is Reba, something is bothering you and looked like your going to faint and what is the good news that you have for me right now?"Reba says "Well Grandpa, it seems that Mama is finally gone and I'm three months pregant and no I'm not racing Clark and Lois but I must admit I do got the lead."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Reba says "Excuse Uncle Luke, I've got to tell Grandpa Coltrane the hardest thing in my life and the best news I could have. But one thing, the thing about Jason being a Ewing I think I leave that little fact out of the conversation. I see the way he gets mad when you even say the name Ewing, I think I got the Coltrane temper at time did you hear the way I went off on my mother-in-law."Reba walks in the Boars Nest and see's a familier face, and she tells her to knock first and say who it was first thow.Reba is talking with her grandfather, and he says "What is Reba, something is bothering you and looked like your going to faint and what is the good news that you have for me right now?"Reba says "Well Grandpa, it seems that Mama is finally gone and I'm three months pregant and no I'm not racing Clark and Lois but I must admit I do got the lead."Cue dukesrule2000Rosco says "Well that's wonderful news I little shocked so are you going to your Mama's funeral after she was your mother? And have you told your brothers and their family's yet and your kids and that's wonderful news but what is going with your oldest lately. Is he hear I wanted to see that strong Great-Grandson of mine and see how he is taking all of this right here."Reba says "Well ten years ago, when Dad told Mom was still alive I never did tell my kids that their Grandmother was still alive on Southfork. It was simpler and they never asked any questions in fact Dad never said one word to them about the trial or anything like that and they said that my son was too young to remember anything that happened and I was too little too remember anything about it as well. I just wish that Micheal would be more a part of his kids life that just a child support check every month. It's sad but Marcus and Jamie doesn't even know him as their dad at all and Ellie and Savannah won't even talk about it themselves I tried to get the twins to talk about it. And Little Bo keeps telling me that his natural father is dead and he firmly believes this right here."Rosco says "Well Reba, I don't blame your oldest three for their stand about their father look what he put them through I sure am glad that you got Jason. He's the best thing that has come into your life and little Jason Jr. why he's so cute and such a willful child but so sweet as well."Reba says "I know he Jason reminds me of what Little Bo was like when he was little hey do you remember when he decided to jump the swimming pool like he had seen his Granddaddy do so many times in the past and land right in."Rosco says "I don't know how your brothers would take that their mother was really alive when they thought she was dead."Reba says "I know what you mean, and how is the kids doing right now?"Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 OUTSIDELeventa saw that scott was in pain she said Mom something is wronge with Scott. Kathy walked over to him and said where do you hurt? Scott looked at her and said I'm fine Mrs Duke. Kathy smiled and said Now Scott I'm a doctor and I know when someone is in pain let me take a look. So Scott showed her where he hurt. and SHE SMILED AND SAID YOU HAVE A couple of broused ribs. but you should be fine in a few days.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Rosco says "Well that's wonderful news I little shocked so are you going to your Mama's funeral after she was your mother? And have you told your brothers and their family's yet and your kids and that's wonderful news but what is going with your oldest lately. Is he hear I wanted to see that strong Great-Grandson of mine and see how he is taking all of this right here."Reba says "Well ten years ago, when Dad told Mom was still alive I never did tell my kids that their Grandmother was still alive on Southfork. It was simpler and they never asked any questions in fact Dad never said one word to them about the trial or anything like that and they said that my son was too young to remember anything that happened and I was too little too remember anything about it as well. I just wish that Micheal would be more a part of his kids life that just a child support check every month. It's sad but Marcus and Jamie doesn't even know him as their dad at all and Ellie and Savannah won't even talk about it themselves I tried to get the twins to talk about it. And Little Bo keeps telling me that his natural father is dead and he firmly believes this right here."Rosco says "Well Reba, I don't blame your oldest three for their stand about their father look what he put them through I sure am glad that you got Jason. He's the best thing that has come into your life and little Jason Jr. why he's so cute and such a willful child but so sweet as well."Reba says "I know he Jason reminds me of what Little Bo was like when he was little hey do you remember when he decided to jump the swimming pool like he had seen his Granddaddy do so many times in the past and land right in."Rosco says "I don't know how your brothers would take that their mother was really alive when they thought she was dead."Reba says "I know what you mean, and how is the kids doing right now?"Cue dukesrule2000Balladeer: I don't know how Emma could've been thinking about Reba before she died, at least she cared at the end.
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 OUTSIDELeventa saw that scott was in pain she said Mom something is wronge with Scott. Kathy walked over to him and said where do you hurt? Scott looked at her and said I'm fine Mrs Duke. Kathy smiled and said Now Scott I'm a doctor and I know when someone is in pain let me take a look. So Scott showed her where he hurt. and SHE SMILED AND SAID YOU HAVE A couple of broused ribs. but you should be fine in a few days.OutsideReba came out and says "You know Grandpa seems a little upset about losing his daughter but we talked and he's doesn't know if he wants to go to her funeral and what is wrong with Scott right now."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 OutsideReba came out and says "You know Grandpa seems a little upset about losing his daughter but we talked and he's doesn't know if he wants to go to her funeral and what is wrong with Scott right now."Cue dukesrule2000Back In SmallvilleTabatha see's that Bo is looking for something and she says "Honey, I haven't been all that honest with you. You see Tabatha Jenkins is a new name and I'm with the Witness Protection and my dad has a new name as well. And he was witnessed and so do as I a mob hit and that why we went from Chicago to Smallville. I don't blame you if never want to see me ever again but those men outside are trying to stop me and my father from going to court at any costs."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 OutsideReba came out and says "You know Grandpa seems a little upset about losing his daughter but we talked and he's doesn't know if he wants to go to her funeral and what is wrong with Scott right now."Cue dukesrule2000Rosco walks out and says "Emma is really gone, I don't believe how could she put her kids through so much especially Reba. She was a wreck when she found out that her Mama was involved in her kidnapping as a baby."cue dukesrule2000
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