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The Station West Warwick Rhode Island

February 20th 2003

Five years ago a little after 11pm, the fourth deadliest night club in United States history happened. Started by a band’s pyrotechnics being set off, as they began their first song. The band was not aware that the night club was using flammable soundproofing foam. The night club did not have a sprinkler system installed. The club had been inspected two months before the fire. No one got a permit for the pyrotechnics. The club said they had not been told, a band member claimed the club had been informed.

In twenty seconds, the lives over 400 people in that building changed.

96 died that night, 4 others in the hospital and over 200 people injured.

Children who lost one or both parents.

December 9th 2003

Club owners & brothers – Michael & Jeffery Derderian and the band’s former manager Daniel Biechele were charged with 200 counts of manslaughter each -criminal negiligence manslaughter and misdemeanor manslaughter. The three plead not guilty. The Derderians were also fined 1.07 million dollars for not having employee workers compensation insurance.

November 14th 2005

Lawyers tried to get all charges dropped for the Derderians. A company saleperson fax... That said American Foam Corp’s policy was not to tell customers about product flammablity or other hazards.

February 7th 2006

Daniel Biechele plead guilty to 100 counts in a plea baragin, instead of trial that was to start on May 1st 2006.

May 10th 2006

Daniel Biechele sentenced to 15 years in prison – 11 suspended and 4 to serve. And 3 years probation.

September 19th 2007

Rhode Island parole board announced Daniel Biechele would be released March 2008.

September 21st 2006

The Derderians changed their plea from not guilty to no contest.

Michael Derderian sentenced to 15 years in prison – 11 suspended and 4 to serve. And 3 years probation.

Jeffery Derderian sentenced to 10 years in prison – 10 years suspended, 3 years probation and 500 hours community service.

January 2008

Rhode Island parole board announced Michael Derderian will be released in September 2009.

February 2008

Providence television station WPRI made an out of court settlement for 30 million dollars. It is the largest law suit amount to be awarded so far and there are still law suits pending from survivors and victims families. The Station owner Jeffery Derderian was a reporter for WPRI and was doing a story about night club safety. WPRI camera man Brian Butler captured the fire on tape. He was also accused in a federal suit of blocking an exit while filming.

Clear Channel Broadcast made a tentative settlement for $22 million dollars. They owned WHJY-FM, rock station that promoted the Great White concert.

Those who lost hearing or vision, can no longer enjoy listening to music or reading a book. Some injured survivors still face life time medical treatement and or surguries.

Feburary 17th

The Station Fire Memorial Foundation unveiled plans for a permanent memorial at a ceremony to survivors, families and friends of those who died. The Foundation would like to build it where The Station, the land is tied up in lawsuits at this time. Make shift memorials for the last five years have marked where the nightclub was.


http://www.stationfirememorialfoundation.org/index.htm -

Station Fire Memorial Foundation “We will rememberâ€


What does one say to something like this?

I can't imagine the pain they have gone through.

I do remember that report on the news vaguly, but I didn't know about all of the details that you shared, Daney. Thank you for sharing them with all of us.

I cannot even begin to imagine how the lives of those people and their families were changed. That must be so devestating. 96 people... I can't even comprehend the pain that their families, friends, and neighbors, must have felt and are still feeling.

I hope that all of them are finding joy in the midst of all of the pain they are going through.

To all of the victims injured or killed and their loved ones: I wish you all the very best, and we are all here for you... I just don't know what to say. I wish you happiness in all of life.

  • 4 years later...

This thread just caught my eye when I was seeing who was online, and it sounded so similar to a story I'd read a few hours ago it was uncanny. In the early hours of this morning there was a fire at a nightclub in Santa Maria, Brazil. The source of the fire is believed to have been fireworks lit by the band. The death toll currently stands at 232, with a similar number of injuries. It's sad how history repeats itself.

Fire at Brazil club kills more than 230 ...

This thread just caught my eye when I was seeing who was online, and it sounded so similar to a story I'd read a few hours ago it was uncanny. In the early hours of this morning there was a fire at a nightclub in Santa Maria, Brazil. The source of the fire is believed to have been fireworks lit by the band. The death toll currently stands at 232, with a similar number of injuries. It's sad how history repeats itself.

Fire at Brazil club kills more than 230 ...

Wow what a horrorific story Hoss :( . Just so sad to hear stories like that. For everyone involved. I can't imagine being in that building when that happened and all the panic. It would be natural for the people to panic and get lost in the mess and then to add the fumes and all that other stuff they mentioned? So sad for everyone. The victims. Their family, friends. The people that survived -their lives are changed forever due to one night that was suppose to be fun.

And the band members. Setting fireworks off in a club...not a bright idea. Especially with only way out like that. Should have had it all checked out...and maybe they did and it was something else. I don't know. Either way they got to feel horrible and that night too will change their lives forever too.

It is horribly sad no matter how you look at it. I remember being at a concert where the group went off the stage to a back stage. I made the mistake of going with the crowd to get closer...and remember thinking at that moment if the place caught fire or something happened, everyone would be trampled to death.

My thoughts and prayers are with them all. :cry:

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