Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 The young woman named Chloe, and seen the Sheriff and she says "I don't know what kind of help I'm going to be Sheriff but it's just everything happened so fast and I didn't even know he put something in my drink. I feel so vulnerable right now like I'm in control of nothing right now."Her father says "It's Okay Chloe, we all know that your doing your best and everybody here in this little county knows what kind of lady of you are and that somebody took advantage of you."cue AnybodyJulie says "Angelena you know I'm expecting Lt. Morrison to come to Hazzard anytime now but you know what I'm not really looking forward to seeing him so after we visit with Mz. Tizdale I want you to meet the next nicest lady in the county Mrs. Lulu Hogg she is the wife of the County Commisioner."Mike says "Oh listen Julie, my dad wants to catch up with me for a while and besides he wants to compare cars as well and that sort of thing."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Lizzy looked up as she heard the door open again and hastily tried to wipe away her tears as a couple people came out. Unfortunately for her the tears wouldn't stop so she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs burrying her face back into her knees trying to hide the fact that she was crying.Julie walks up to Lizzy,and says " I think I know how my Grandma Tropicana felt when my mother died along my father. You know the hardest thing Lizzy was watching my Grandfather at my Grandmother's funeral it was like a part of him was gone. I cried for days after that funeral and it seemed that the one you don't think that will effect does the most. I don't know what I would do if my one of brothers was to pass on Bo has always been there for me and since I've got to know Jesse well he's so nice as well. Have you seen Lt. Morrison in town anywhere I been wandering when I would get a lecture from him about what about happened at the Boars Nest now."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Julie walks up to Lizzy,and says " I think I know how my Grandma Tropicana felt when my mother died along my father. You know the hardest thing Lizzy was watching my Grandfather at my Grandmother's funeral it was like a part of him was gone. I cried for days after that funeral and it seemed that the one you don't think that will effect does the most. I don't know what I would do if my one of brothers was to pass on Bo has always been there for me and since I've got to know Jesse well he's so nice as well. Have you seen Lt. Morrison in town anywhere I been wandering when I would get a lecture from him about what about happened at the Boars Nest now."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anyoneLizzy looked up as Julie spoke and wiped away a few tears. Her speech helped a little but it still felt like Lizzy's heart was torn into pieces. "Thanks and no I haven't seen no lieutenant anywhere. In fact the only type of cop I've seen all day that I know of is Rosco. I got to go." Lizzy bolted out of the courthouse and ran to her fathers garage up into her one safe place of the loft behind a couple of boxes knowing that only a few people would be able to find her.
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Lizzy looked up as Julie spoke and wiped away a few tears. Her speech helped a little but it still felt like Lizzy's heart was torn into pieces. "Thanks and no I haven't seen no lieutenant anywhere. In fact the only type of cop I've seen all day that I know of is Rosco. I got to go." Lizzy bolted out of the courthouse and ran to her fathers garage up into her one safe place of the loft behind a couple of boxes knowing that only a few people would be able to find her.Julie says "Angelena you know I think that Cooter should really go and talk to his daughter right now. Just think if you was to lose your best friend you be devasated just she is and that fact that she didn't have to die as well that is really bothering her right now. Do you remember what Angelena what I was like when your Great-Grandma Tropicana died and at her funeral I had a hard keeping back the tears even though my brothers and my cousins and Aunts and Uncles were there there was nothing that anybody could say that could smoothe my heartache. Angelena how would've you felt if I would've died back in that cabin and having image how your Uncle Bo would've felt like as well. That is what Lizzy is going through she just lost her best friend and unneccasaritly as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 "I don't think that she's just upset about losing her best friend. There really has to be more too it." Luke said. "There is...unfortunately I can't say much more about it. As for talking to her, nothing I'm gonna say is gonna be of any comfort to her. If I tried she'd still push me away. Besides I don't even know where she's at. I saw her head towards the garage but that doesn't mean she's going to be there." Cooter answered. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 "I don't think that she's just upset about losing her best friend. There really has to be more too it." Luke said. "There is...unfortunately I can't say much more about it. As for talking to her, nothing I'm gonna say is gonna be of any comfort to her. If I tried she'd still push me away. Besides I don't even know where she's at. I saw her head towards the garage but that doesn't mean she's going to be there." Cooter answered. Cue anyone.Julie says "You know I can talk to Luke, maybe he could talk to her and Cooter can do me a favor here if you see Lt. Morrison let him know I'm busy and on vacation to boot okay. "Julie went to where she had seen Bo, Luke, Daisy, Daney, and Shannon all talking and she says "Excuse me, does anybody know Lizzy really well it seems that she has walked over the Cooter's Garage he doesn't know if that's where she is really at and if anybody see's Lt. Morrison tell him I'm busy and on vacation I really don't feel like talking right now. I really upset about what happened to Cindy Crenshaw you she was a friend of miner as well and now this 21 year old Chloe just lastnight. This Xavier has me really ticked and I going to the post office to let Angelena meet Mz. Tizdale and later were going to see Lulu she is one the nicest people even though she is married to Boss."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Julie says "You know I can talk to Luke, maybe he could talk to her and Cooter can do me a favor here if you see Lt. Morrison let him know I'm busy and on vacation to boot okay. "Julie went to where she had seen Bo, Luke, Daisy, Daney, and Shannon all talking and she says "Excuse me, does anybody know Lizzy really well it seems that she has walked over the Cooter's Garage he doesn't know if that's where she is really at and if anybody see's Lt. Morrison tell him I'm busy and on vacation I really don't feel like talking right now. I really upset about what happened to Cindy Crenshaw you she was a friend of miner as well and now this 21 year old Chloe just lastnight. This Xavier has me really ticked and I going to the post office to let Angelena meet Mz. Tizdale and later were going to see Lulu she is one the nicest people even though she is married to Boss."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anybody"I guess I could go talk to her." Bo said. "Do you really want to get caught up in that again?" Daisy asked. "Yeah remember last time you tried to comfort an upset Lizzy?" Luke asked. The last time Bo had seen Lizzy upset and on the verge of tears was back when they first met her and one of the ways he had tried to calm her down was by kissing her to which she promptly smacked him hard. Bo didn't try it again and since then she's kinda resented him for it. "Yeah I remember, just..." "I'll go." Luke said cutting Bo off and walking to the garage. He smiled as he climbed the ladder to the loft and then smiled as he saw that Lizzy's normal hiding spot was still there. "You know both of us won't fit back here anymore." Lizzy looked up to see Luke standing there. He offered her a hand and pulled her out from behind the boxes to sit down on the lone piece of furniture, a couch. Lizzy was still wiping furiously at her tears in an effort not to cry again. "Why don't you tell me everything that's bothering you? You know it'll make you feel better at least a little bit." Luke prodded. Lizzy nodded and then spilled her guts to him ending up lying in his lap looking up at him and the ceiling. For a while after Lizzy finished Luke sat in silence.
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 "I guess I could go talk to her." Bo said. "Do you really want to get caught up in that again?" Daisy asked. "Yeah remember last time you tried to comfort an upset Lizzy?" Luke asked. The last time Bo had seen Lizzy upset and on the verge of tears was back when they first met her and one of the ways he had tried to calm her down was by kissing her to which she promptly smacked him hard. Bo didn't try it again and since then she's kinda resented him for it. "Yeah I remember, just..." "I'll go." Luke said cutting Bo off and walking to the garage. He smiled as he climbed the ladder to the loft and then smiled as he saw that Lizzy's normal hiding spot was still there. "You know both of us won't fit back here anymore." Lizzy looked up to see Luke standing there. He offered her a hand and pulled her out from behind the boxes to sit down on the lone piece of furniture, a couch. Lizzy was still wiping furiously at her tears in an effort not to cry again. "Why don't you tell me everything that's bothering you? You know it'll make you feel better at least a little bit." Luke prodded. Lizzy nodded and then spilled her guts to him ending up lying in his lap looking up at him and the ceiling. For a while after Lizzy finished Luke sat in silence.Julie says "Angelena, I know you want to know what is bothering Lizzy as well but your not going to a help. Why don't we go and talk to Mz. Tizdale besides this ought to be fun and besides I have a letter to be mailed she is the PostMistress after all."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybody
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Julie says "Angelena, I know you want to know what is bothering Lizzy as well but your not going to a help. Why don't we go and talk to Mz. Tizdale besides this ought to be fun and besides I have a letter to be mailed she is the PostMistress after all."cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybodyMeanwhile it seems that Micheal is talking to his son and they are out by that cabin trying to figure out what happened as well.Micheal says "You know son, I don't know about you but Julie and her daughter look like there ready to cry the last time I seen them."Mike says "I know what you mean dad, and you know that I really took bad when Mom died and it's been getting over that especially the way I treated her."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Meanwhile it seems that Micheal is talking to his son and they are out by that cabin trying to figure out what happened as well.Micheal says "You know son, I don't know about you but Julie and her daughter look like there ready to cry the last time I seen them."Mike says "I know what you mean dad, and you know that I really took bad when Mom died and it's been getting over that especially the way I treated her."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybodyBalladeer: I wonder who is going to be crying first Julie or Angelena they could've lost each other. And everything that is going sure Angelena got into University of North Carolina she is really upset about everything go on.Julie and Angelena make it took the post office and walk in and Mz. Tizdale says "Take a number and I be right with ya."Julie says "She still runs this place like I remember from being here twenty years ago, I learned more than I thought I would know. You know Angelena your Uncle told me that Xavier tried to kidnap you back at your high school from what you told him, and that's where that bruise is from how can you keep from being upset. Your stronger than I thought you honey everything we've been through today it would be effecting me alot more that it's you."Mz. Tizdale sees that Julie and Angelena look upset and those couple of customers has been taken care of she has seen Julie that upset looking and the last time was when everybody found out what happened twenty years ago.Mz. Tizdale says "Listen Julie, and you must be Angelena her daughter why you've grown up alot since I seen you last. Oh Julie, please tell me what's bother don't keep to yourself for a month like the last time whatever this is you can tell me."Julie says "Oh Mz. Tizdale I'm happy for who I am and what I am from twenty years ago but when I was so vulnerable back at the cabin I'm starting to doubt If I cut out be a cop anymore. You know I should never gotten that close to Xavier, I know better and you know he took a my shot at my bother's car and almost got Angel here and that is really upsetting for me right now. I got a promotion right now and I'm wandering what if I freeze up again like what happen at the Boars Nest parking lot and seeing Brian and Micheal Knight just brought back old memories and things I hadn't thought about in years. When I am in Atlanta and on the job, I don't let the people I deal in a daily basis know what is bothering but maybe I should. But you know what I remembered today what exactly happened twenty years ago and it's was scarey as ever to me even now."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or Maryanne or JAMorrison or anybody else
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Balladeer: I wonder who is going to be crying first Julie or Angelena they could've lost each other. And everything that is going sure Angelena got into University of North Carolina she is really upset about everything go on.Julie and Angelena make it took the post office and walk in and Mz. Tizdale says "Take a number and I be right with ya."Julie says "She still runs this place like I remember from being here twenty years ago, I learned more than I thought I would know. You know Angelena your Uncle told me that Xavier tried to kidnap you back at your high school from what you told him, and that's where that bruise is from how can you keep from being upset. Your stronger than I thought you honey everything we've been through today it would be effecting me alot more that it's you."Mz. Tizdale sees that Julie and Angelena look upset and those couple of customers has been taken care of she has seen Julie that upset looking and the last time was when everybody found out what happened twenty years ago.Mz. Tizdale says "Listen Julie, and you must be Angelena her daughter why you've grown up alot since I seen you last. Oh Julie, please tell me what's bother don't keep to yourself for a month like the last time whatever this is you can tell me."Julie says "Oh Mz. Tizdale I'm happy for who I am and what I am from twenty years ago but when I was so vulnerable back at the cabin I'm starting to doubt If I cut out be a cop anymore. You know I should never gotten that close to Xavier, I know better and you know he took a my shot at my bother's car and almost got Angel here and that is really upsetting for me right now. I got a promotion right now and I'm wandering what if I freeze up again like what happen at the Boars Nest parking lot and seeing Brian and Micheal Knight just brought back old memories and things I hadn't thought about in years. When I am in Atlanta and on the job, I don't let the people I deal in a daily basis know what is bothering but maybe I should. But you know what I remembered today what exactly happened twenty years ago and it's was scarey as ever to me even now."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or Maryanne or JAMorrison or anybody elseHughie Hogg walks and see Julie crying and he says "Listen my Uncle informed me what happened and I'm sorry for what happened do you know who this girl that was latest victim personally right now. I went to school with that Xavier and that's not his real name and he had no luck with woman back in High School until somebody told him about something and I was there when he mention. He actually thought it was a good idea, you know when it happened to you twenty years ago I went looking for him but it didn't happen he actually bragged to me about. I called him what he was and didn't care what he thought of what I said."Cue Anybody
Bo's Crush Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Angelena: Really, then what's name, Hughie, huh? My mom's told me about you? what are you up to?cue anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 "I guess I could go talk to her." Bo said. "Do you really want to get caught up in that again?" Daisy asked. "Yeah remember last time you tried to comfort an upset Lizzy?" Luke asked. The last time Bo had seen Lizzy upset and on the verge of tears was back when they first met her and one of the ways he had tried to calm her down was by kissing her to which she promptly smacked him hard. Bo didn't try it again and since then she's kinda resented him for it. "Yeah I remember, just..." "I'll go." Luke said cutting Bo off and walking to the garage. He smiled as he climbed the ladder to the loft and then smiled as he saw that Lizzy's normal hiding spot was still there. "You know both of us won't fit back here anymore." Lizzy looked up to see Luke standing there. He offered her a hand and pulled her out from behind the boxes to sit down on the lone piece of furniture, a couch. Lizzy was still wiping furiously at her tears in an effort not to cry again. "Why don't you tell me everything that's bothering you? You know it'll make you feel better at least a little bit." Luke prodded. Lizzy nodded and then spilled her guts to him ending up lying in his lap looking up at him and the ceiling. For a while after Lizzy finished Luke sat in silence."Lizzy look I know this kid means a lot to you and I will help in what ever way I can but you have to understand that things do have to be worked out a certain way. The law is a lot more strict in Atlanta than it has been in Hazzard. If you don't go about this all legal like you could get locked up and that will not do ya any good. You have to take it one day and one step at a time and if that includes waiting for the law to do it's business then so be it." Luke told her. "I don't want to wait Luke. What if Molly's grandparents start raising her immorally? I don't think I could ever undo most of the damage they'll be able to do." Lizzy confessed feeling a little bit better"Listen, it's only going to take a couple of weeks to work out the custody. Molly's still an infant and won't be learning much until she gets a bit older. The time when she starts learning what's right and wrong could very well be the time that she's in your custody. You know when she's about two or three. I know you're fit to be a guardian, but you just have to convince child services and the lawyers of that." "What about my criminal record?" "I know they'll try to use that against you but you have to show that you're better than that and you've learned from your mistakes. You should really talk to Cooter though. Maybe he can help you with this." "Do you think they'll grant custody to a single woman who's almost forty and has a criminal background?" "I think they'll grant custody to a single woman who's caring, smart, intelligent, and above all loves that little girl. How bout we go see what Cooter's up to?" "Luke..." Lizzy asked hesitantly."Yeah..." "Are you..." Lizzy stopped and changed her mind. "Yeah maybe he can do something he is a congressman." "Congressman not a lawyer, what else were you going to ask?" "He may not be a lawyer but he knows the law, and it's nothing." "It's got to be something." "Are you...involved with anyone?" Lizzy asked finally. "Involved?" "You know...dating, seeing, sleeping with, married to anyone?" Cue anyone,
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Angelena: Really' date=' then what's name, Hughie, huh? My mom's told me about you? what are you up to?cue anyone[/quote']Hughie says "I'm hurt you know Angelena you remind so much of your Jesse Duke, never trusting what I'm about to do. I know your father, is a real jerk and done somethings that might not be so right but at least you know who he is."Julie says "He don't deserve that title of Father, he is just a sperm donor okay Hughie you are up to something and for the longest time I've been trying to figure who she is like and your right she is just like my Uncle Jesse thanks alot. Why didn't you tell Lt. Morrison is wasn't Brian twenty years ago he's been the Lt's favorite person for the past twenty years to blame about what happened to me."Hughie says "Well, I don't know maybe because I didn't want to tell anybody that at the moment?"Julie says "You jerk, I mean that how can you be so mean and underhanded Hughie!"Hughie says "Well thanks you, I take that as a compliement now."Julie says "Ooh, I never want to talk to you ever again Hughie you know your the one person I didn't miss when I was at O.S.U. and that's pretty bad. I've lived in Atlanta for darn here fifteen years and I've never seen you there."Hughie says "Are you sure you looked everywhere, because I keep seeing you in town."Just then Congressman Tropicana is arriving at the Hazzard Square and he wanted to talk to the Sheriff and wanted to know where his Granddaughter and Great-Granddaughter was at but first he wanted to look at the guy that voilated his only Granddaughter.Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Hughie says "I'm hurt you know Angelena you remind so much of your Jesse Duke, never trusting what I'm about to do. I know your father, is a real jerk and done somethings that might not be so right but at least you know who he is."Julie says "He don't deserve that title of Father, he is just a sperm donor okay Hughie you are up to something and for the longest time I've been trying to figure who she is like and your right she is just like my Uncle Jesse thanks alot. Why didn't you tell Lt. Morrison is wasn't Brian twenty years ago he's been the Lt's favorite person for the past twenty years to blame about what happened to me."Hughie says "Well, I don't know maybe because I didn't want to tell anybody that at the moment?"Julie says "You jerk, I mean that how can you be so mean and underhanded Hughie!"Hughie says "Well thanks you, I take that as a compliement now."Julie says "Ooh, I never want to talk to you ever again Hughie you know your the one person I didn't miss when I was at O.S.U. and that's pretty bad. I've lived in Atlanta for darn here fifteen years and I've never seen you there."Hughie says "Are you sure you looked everywhere, because I keep seeing you in town."Just then Congressman Tropicana is arriving at the Hazzard Square and he wanted to talk to the Sheriff and wanted to know where his Granddaughter and Great-Granddaughter was at but first he wanted to look at the guy that voilated his only Granddaughter.Cue AnybodyJulie says "You know what Hughie your right I didn't quite look everywhere I forget about the Alley's and the Zoo as well. I don't know they might kick you out of the Zoo."Hughie says "Oh that's mean Julie, you was always had something smart right back at me so what is your family up to right now?"Julie says "That's none of your damm business Hughie if you don't mind okay, why are you going to try and frame Bo and Luke for something they didn't do again. Your really pretty predicatable you know that."Hughie says "I guess I just go and find out from somebody else and sorry about what happened to you today. And I really mean that as well."Hughie leaves the post office deciding that Julie Duke was worst than before of course this time he might not want to mess too much with her now. He did know that she was a C.S.I with the Atlanta Police Department as well. He wandered what was bothering her right now, he walked down to Cooter's garage he needed some gas and he wanted to see what her brother would say when he seen him in town again.Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Julie says "You know what Hughie your right I didn't quite look everywhere I forget about the Alley's and the Zoo as well. I don't know they might kick you out of the Zoo."Hughie says "Oh that's mean Julie, you was always had something smart right back at me so what is your family up to right now?"Julie says "That's none of your damm business Hughie if you don't mind okay, why are you going to try and frame Bo and Luke for something they didn't do again. Your really pretty predicatable you know that."Hughie says "I guess I just go and find out from somebody else and sorry about what happened to you today. And I really mean that as well."Hughie leaves the post office deciding that Julie Duke was worst than before of course this time he might not want to mess too much with her now. He did know that she was a C.S.I with the Atlanta Police Department as well. He wandered what was bothering her right now, he walked down to Cooter's garage he needed some gas and he wanted to see what her brother would say when he seen him in town again.Cue AnybodyIn the meantime he went over snuck into Cooter's garage and went to one place where he knew where Lizzy would be hiding out and he wanted to surprize her and whoever was with her at the time.Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 In the meantime he went over snuck into Cooter's garage and went to one place where he knew where Lizzy would be hiding out and he wanted to surprize her and whoever was with her at the time.Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anybody"Well isn't this the cutest sight I've ever seen." Hughie said when he reached the top of the ladder and saw Lizzy lying in Luke's lap. Lizzy saw red and let out a slow deep breath before standing. "You may want watch where you step there Hogg, you're awfully close to the ladder there. If you were smart you'd take your behind back down the stairs." Lizzy snapped. "But it's so cute to see how much you still like Luke." "I am in absolutely no mood to deal with you Hogg, so just take your behind back down that ladder and back to the pigsty where you belong." Hughie had to work hard not to let his jaw drop. "Still don't like me I take it?" "Hughie really don't start anything, I doubt she can restrain herself from kicking you out and that's a might big drop." Luke warned. "What's got the little girl so upset?" Hughie asked noticing for the first time Lizzy's bloodshot eyes. "It's none of your business so leave already." Lizzy snapped breathing hard on the verge of tears again. "You really are upset aren't you?" He asked softly. "Thanks for stating the obvious." Lizzy said taking a single step towards her most hated adversary. Hughie held his hands up before climbing back down the ladder and then going toward the courthouse across the square. "It'll all be ok Lizzy I promise." Luke said laying a hand on her shoulder. Lizzy nodded before climbing down the ladder herself and looking for Cooter. Luke followed still thinking about how to answer Lizzy's previous question about whether or not he was involved with someone.cue Julieduke or anyone.
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 "Well isn't this the cutest sight I've ever seen." Hughie said when he reached the top of the ladder and saw Lizzy lying in Luke's lap. Lizzy saw red and let out a slow deep breath before standing. "You may want watch where you step there Hogg, you're awfully close to the ladder there. If you were smart you'd take your behind back down the stairs." Lizzy snapped. "But it's so cute to see how much you still like Luke." "I am in absolutely no mood to deal with you Hogg, so just take your behind back down that ladder and back to the pigsty where you belong." Hughie had to work hard not to let his jaw drop. "Still don't like me I take it?" "Hughie really don't start anything, I doubt she can restrain herself from kicking you out and that's a might big drop." Luke warned. "What's got the little girl so upset?" Hughie asked noticing for the first time Lizzy's bloodshot eyes. "It's none of your business so leave already." Lizzy snapped breathing hard on the verge of tears again. "You really are upset aren't you?" He asked softly. "Thanks for stating the obvious." Lizzy said taking a single step towards her most hated adversary. Hughie held his hands up before climbing back down the ladder and then going toward the courthouse across the square. "It'll all be ok Lizzy I promise." Luke said laying a hand on her shoulder. Lizzy nodded before climbing down the ladder herself and looking for Cooter. Luke followed still thinking about how to answer Lizzy's previous question about whether or not he was involved with someone.cue Julieduke or anyone.Julie says "Oh Angelena you know you handle Hughie exactly the way I would've wanted you to and you never even met until today."Mz. Tizdale says "Listen Julie I know what you are thinking right now and you feel like you want to throw away your career and run and hide under the biggest rock you can find but please don't do that you don't know what you would be missing if you did."Julie says "But Mz. Tizdale I frooze back around the Boars Nest I did something no cop is supposed to let happened and I know better?"Mz. Tizdale says "You know I just seen two dark hair guys leave in a Trans Am headed out of town and in a hurry as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anybody
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Julie says "Oh Angelena you know you handle Hughie exactly the way I would've wanted you to and you never even met until today."Mz. Tizdale says "Listen Julie I know what you are thinking right now and you feel like you want to throw away your career and run and hide under the biggest rock you can find but please don't do that you don't know what you would be missing if you did."Julie says "But Mz. Tizdale I frooze back around the Boars Nest I did something no cop is supposed to let happened and I know better?"Mz. Tizdale says "You know I just seen two dark hair guys leave in a Trans Am headed out of town and in a hurry as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or AnybodyJulie says "Thanks Mz. Tizdale I heard about that Micheal Knight back twenty some years ago could get in the away of the local authorites but I don't think the Sheriff will appreciate this right here. Angelena I've got to get to Cooter's garage seeing how I don't have my car with me right now I was thinking I going to ask Lizzy for a ride to see what there up to right now."Julie walked over to Cooter's Garage and was noticing that Hughie Hogg leaving and Angelena was with her as well and she says "Angelena please go home with your Uncle Bo and Uncle Luke this is grown folks business I got to deal with and you know it's kind of risky as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybody
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Julie says "Thanks Mz. Tizdale I heard about that Micheal Knight back twenty some years ago could get in the away of the local authorites but I don't think the Sheriff will appreciate this right here. Angelena I've got to get to Cooter's garage seeing how I don't have my car with me right now I was thinking I going to ask Lizzy for a ride to see what there up to right now."Julie walked over to Cooter's Garage and was noticing that Hughie Hogg leaving and Angelena was with her as well and she says "Angelena please go home with your Uncle Bo and Uncle Luke this is grown folks business I got to deal with and you know it's kind of risky as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybodyBalladeer: And you thought Julie was going to tell the Sheriff her suspicions about what was going right now. Oh I guess you don't know her that well as you thought you did then.
Bo's Crush Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Julie says "Thanks Mz. Tizdale I heard about that Micheal Knight back twenty some years ago could get in the away of the local authorites but I don't think the Sheriff will appreciate this right here. Angelena I've got to get to Cooter's garage seeing how I don't have my car with me right now I was thinking I going to ask Lizzy for a ride to see what there up to right now."Julie walked over to Cooter's Garage and was noticing that Hughie Hogg leaving and Angelena was with her as well and she says "Angelena please go home with your Uncle Bo and Uncle Luke this is grown folks business I got to deal with and you know it's kind of risky as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybodyAngelena: but, Mom, Why? am I old enough to help you? I can fight the system as well as any of Dukes can so why cant I?cue anyone
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Angelena: but' date=' Mom, Why? am I old enough to help you? I can fight the system as well as any of Dukes can so why cant I?cue anyone[/quote']Julie says "Listen Angelena I don't want you in trouble so just stay here and besides what can you into around town."With that remark Bo and Luke looked at here with a knowing glance and they both smiled as well.Cue Bo's Crush
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Julie says "Listen Angelena I don't want you in trouble so just stay here and besides what can you into around town."With that remark Bo and Luke looked at here with a knowing glance and they both smiled as well.Cue Bo's CrushMichael Knight and his son found their way back to the cabin where Xavier had held Julie hostage. “What exactly are we looking for?†Mike asked his dad.“Anything to prove what happened here today and put the guy behind bars.†Michael answered. Mike nodded and looked around the outside of the cabin as his dad went inside. Inside the cabin Michael was looking around and spotted something shiny on the floor. When he picked it up carefully he saw that it was a pocket knife that had the initials J.D. on them. He realized that it looked a lot like the one Julie always had on her. Michael also saw the ropes that had been used to tie Julie up next to the chair along with her cell phone that had several missed calls. Back at Cooter’s garage Lizzy looked up at Luke and Cooter and decided to do something other than stand around. “Guys I think I’m going to go see what I can dig up around that cabin.†Lizzy said. “That may not be a smart idea.†Cooter said. “I need to know if there’s anything I can find to further incriminate this jerk. Maybe if I do that then I won’t be so upset by everything.†Lizzy explained. “Well alright just be careful.†Cooter said. “I’m always careful.†Lizzy said with a smirk. Cooter rolled his eyes and muttered something about ‘shine runners’. Lizzy choked down a chuckle and headed for her car. “Don’t you think someone should go with you?†Luke asked. “What do you think?†Lizzy answered raising her eyebrow. “But still I’d feel better if you weren’t by yourself out at that cabin.†Luke argued. “Oh come on Luke I’ll be fine, I can take care of myself you know.†“I know that but...†“Look Lukas K. Duke, I can take care of myself just leave me alone.†Lizzy snapped. “I’ll go with you.†Julie said. “See there, now I even have a cop with me. We’ll be fine, just go home and don’t worry about it alright?†Lizzy asked softening a bit. “I guess.†Luke said. “Good. Now take care of yourself, I don’t want to come back and find you in more trouble than you are now.†Lizzy and Julie walked to Lizzy car. “That door does open just for your information.†They talked a little on the way out to the cabin mainly about everything Lizzy had done in the past twenty years and how she knew Bo and Luke so well. When they got to the cabin they noticed a black car sitting there. “Hey ain’t that the talking car?†Lizzy asked. “Which one?†Julie asked. “That Michael guy’s car. It’s a Trans-Am.†“I am Knight Industries Two Thousand but you can call me KITT.†The car answered. “Wow, it still creeps me out to hear a car actually talk. I mean it’s one thing to hear a guy talk to his car, that’s kinda normal but when you hear a car answer...yeah sorta creepy. Wait that means Michael’s here.†“Probably Mike, his son as well.†“Shall we get to it then? Maybe there’s something here they’ll overlook.†After a bit of looking around Lizzy noticed that a black car pulled up and it’s driver stepped out. cue Julieduke, Bo's Crush, or anyone.P.S. this was posted with full approval from Julieduke and LizzyJackson-Davenport.
Julieduke Posted March 22, 2008 Author Posted March 22, 2008 Michael Knight and his son found their way back to the cabin where Xavier had held Julie hostage. “What exactly are we looking for?†Mike asked his dad.“Anything to prove what happened here today and put the guy behind bars.†Michael answered. Mike nodded and looked around the outside of the cabin as his dad went inside. Inside the cabin Michael was looking around and spotted something shiny on the floor. When he picked it up carefully he saw that it was a pocket knife that had the initials J.D. on them. He realized that it looked a lot like the one Julie always had on her. Michael also saw the ropes that had been used to tie Julie up next to the chair along with her cell phone that had several missed calls. Back at Cooter’s garage Lizzy looked up at Luke and Cooter and decided to do something other than stand around. “Guys I think I’m going to go see what I can dig up around that cabin.†Lizzy said. “That may not be a smart idea.†Cooter said. “I need to know if there’s anything I can find to further incriminate this jerk. Maybe if I do that then I won’t be so upset by everything.†Lizzy explained. “Well alright just be careful.†Cooter said. “I’m always careful.†Lizzy said with a smirk. Cooter rolled his eyes and muttered something about ‘shine runners’. Lizzy choked down a chuckle and headed for her car. “Don’t you think someone should go with you?†Luke asked. “What do you think?†Lizzy answered raising her eyebrow. “But still I’d feel better if you weren’t by yourself out at that cabin.†Luke argued. “Oh come on Luke I’ll be fine, I can take care of myself you know.†“I know that but...†“Look Lukas K. Duke, I can take care of myself just leave me alone.†Lizzy snapped. “I’ll go with you.†Julie said. “See there, now I even have a cop with me. We’ll be fine, just go home and don’t worry about it alright?†Lizzy asked softening a bit. “I guess.†Luke said. “Good. Now take care of yourself, I don’t want to come back and find you in more trouble than you are now.†Lizzy and Julie walked to Lizzy car. “That door does open just for your information.†They talked a little on the way out to the cabin mainly about everything Lizzy had done in the past twenty years and how she knew Bo and Luke so well. When they got to the cabin they noticed a black car sitting there. “Hey ain’t that the talking car?†Lizzy asked. “Which one?†Julie asked. “That Michael guy’s car. It’s a Trans-Am.†“I am Knight Industries Two Thousand but you can call me KITT.†The car answered. “Wow, it still creeps me out to hear a car actually talk. I mean it’s one thing to hear a guy talk to his car, that’s kinda normal but when you hear a car answer...yeah sorta creepy. Wait that means Michael’s here.†“Probably Mike, his son as well.†“Shall we get to it then? Maybe there’s something here they’ll overlook.†After a bit of looking around Lizzy noticed that a black car pulled up and it’s driver stepped out. cue Julieduke, Bo's Crush, or anyone.P.S. this was posted with full approval from Julieduke and LizzyJackson-Davenport.Julie says "Oh Damm, I know that guy let's hide behind your car first I don't want to blow anything? It's Angelena she couldn't stay out of this I swear that girl is 100 percent Duke now, do you know how much trouble were in if any of the cops come up and see us. Let me clarify something okay, anybody from the Hazzard County Sheriff Department and I know that look that your giving me from twenty years ago, and I know I'm a cop but you it's just not right going behind Rosco's back like this okay.cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport"
Bo's Crush Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Angelena: OK, uncle Luke do you need any help with Lizzy?cue LizzyJackson davenport or Julieduke
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