DaneyDuke Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Back At The JailJulie says "Well Family and Friends I have the biggest news of my career ever and that is that I've been promoted to Lt. Julie Duke and me and Jack Morrison are equals now and nothing he says can bother me ever again."Cue anyoneDaisy stops thinking about how Xavier looks like Christopher Reeves and smiles at her cousin. "That's nice, Julie."(cue anyone)
Julieduke Posted March 17, 2008 Author Posted March 17, 2008 Daisy stops thinking about how Xavier looks like Christopher Reeves and smiles at her cousin. "That's nice, Julie."(cue anyone)Julie says "Hey Daney, did you notice Xavier look a little like Christoper Reeves and you know what goes with my promotion, more money and a city provided car as well. And not to brag but Angelena got a perfect score on her PSAT, SAT,PACT, and ACt test I'm so proud of my little girl everybody."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 17, 2008 Author Posted March 17, 2008 Julie says "Hey Daney, did you notice Xavier look a little like Christoper Reeves and you know what goes with my promotion, more money and a city provided car as well. And not to brag but Angelena got a perfect score on her PSAT, SAT,PACT, and ACt test I'm so proud of my little girl everybody."Cue AnyoneMicheal was on his way when he heard Cooter's message to Lizzy and he was going the speed limit and had the top down he wasn't really expecting trouble right now. He wanted to see his son and Julie again he was going to ask her if she wanted to go out with him they been friends for years now.Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 17, 2008 Author Posted March 17, 2008 Julie says "Hey Daney, did you notice Xavier look a little like Christoper Reeves and you know what goes with my promotion, more money and a city provided car as well. And not to brag but Angelena got a perfect score on her PSAT, SAT,PACT, and ACt test I'm so proud of my little girl everybody."Cue AnyoneBack In ColumbusCongressman Julien Tropicana is frantic to get ahold of his granddaughter and he wants the guy that did that to his granddaughter caught.Back at The JailJulie's cellphone rings and she says "Excuse me everybody but I got to take this call it's Grandpa Tropicana and he's probaly thinks I'm dead right now."Julien gets the answer and says "So your okay, and did you ever get over that crush on Brian Coltrane you know Bo thinks it was him."Julie says "Oh Grandpa, I'm okay and it wasn't Brian is was his cousin Xavier Coltrane and the Sheriff has him in jail and Brian hit with upside the head with a shovel from what the they tell me and Angelena got into Universtity of North Carolina and she got perfect test scores on the college extrance exams and now Xavier is trying to act like he don't remember anything at all."cue Anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Micheal says "You know I'm going down there as well because this guy wanted to see who I was that help out Julie before and seeing how she didn't meet here I'll just go and see her there. Nice meeting you Lizzy, don't try anything to crazy when you see this guy with the way your emotions are right now. You know what this means that your late friends Cindy Baby Girl is the half-sister to my friends daughter Angelena in which I haven't seen in Years."cue AnyoneLizzy nodded and then pulled out of the parking lot taking the long way to town. She really didn't want to get this girl Angelena or her mom involved in the custody case knowing it could make it even more complicated than it already was. Thanks to the evidence left at the scene of the crime ten months ago when they found Cindy, they knew that whoever had been in that bed with Cindy was indeed the father of her newborn and it had recently been matched to several other unsolved cases for which this Coltrane guy was the main suspect. Lizzy spent most of the time trying to calm her emotions and go back to being the cool headed whiskey runner she once was with her best friend Tom but soon she realized that she had been too closely affected by this to just let it slide. When she reached the jail she saw that she wasn't the only person there, there was also a Ford Mustang, two police cars, Boss Hogg's personal car and the General Lee, Daisy's jeep, and another few cars. Lizzy wasn't ready to face Daisy or Luke just yet so she walked across the town square to her father's garage and saw him bent under the hood of a car. "Hi Dad," she said softly. Cooter looked up and then scratched the back of his neck. "It'll be ok Lizzy, you know this." "I know, but I can't help but worry. I mean it's going to be so hard to win custody especially now that the baby has a half-sister who is right across the way if the guy I met at the Boars Nest was right." "You know you're gonna have to use the baby's name eventually." "It's Molly, Molly Jordan Crensaw." Cooter hugged his daughter close knowing what it was like to not be able to know your own kid, as Lizzy's mom had done that to him until Lizzy was four months shy of 17. When Lizzy had actually come to meet Cooter, Lizzy had been surprised at first as well as Cooter. From the time Lizzy was 14 and a half she had been selling her own brand of whiskey in three counties, better known as Firewhiskey. She and her best friend Tom Johnson were co-owners and founders until they got caught when Lizzy was almost 16. She was slapped with a probation that ran out when she turned 25 almost twelve years ago. Cooter did worry slightly that Lizzy's criminal record could get thrown in the custody fight but when he saw a black trans-am pull up outside the court house he knew he had to get Lizzy over there. Slowly he prodded her across the street telling her to put the custody hearing out of her mind until she could talk things over with Luke who had always been the one to calm her down for the most part. When they reached the jail they saw that it had become more like a three ring circus mainly focusing on the three men in the jail cell. Lizzy's eyes widened as it landed on the one in the middle. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted March 17, 2008 Author Posted March 17, 2008 Lizzy nodded and then pulled out of the parking lot taking the long way to town. She really didn't want to get this girl Angelena or her mom involved in the custody case knowing it could make it even more complicated than it already was. Thanks to the evidence left at the scene of the crime ten months ago when they found Cindy, they knew that whoever had been in that bed with Cindy was indeed the father of her newborn and it had recently been matched to several other unsolved cases for which this Coltrane guy was the main suspect. Lizzy spent most of the time trying to calm her emotions and go back to being the cool headed whiskey runner she once was with her best friend Tom but soon she realized that she had been too closely affected by this to just let it slide. When she reached the jail she saw that she wasn't the only person there, there was also a Ford Mustang, two police cars, Boss Hogg's personal car and the General Lee, Daisy's jeep, and another few cars. Lizzy wasn't ready to face Daisy or Luke just yet so she walked across the town square to her father's garage and saw him bent under the hood of a car. "Hi Dad," she said softly. Cooter looked up and then scratched the back of his neck. "It'll be ok Lizzy, you know this." "I know, but I can't help but worry. I mean it's going to be so hard to win custody especially now that the baby has a half-sister who is right across the way if the guy I met at the Boars Nest was right." "You know you're gonna have to use the baby's name eventually." "It's Molly, Molly Jordan Crensaw." Cooter hugged his daughter close knowing what it was like to not be able to know your own kid, as Lizzy's mom had done that to him until Lizzy was four months shy of 17. When Lizzy had actually come to meet Cooter, Lizzy had been surprised at first as well as Cooter. From the time Lizzy was 14 and a half she had been selling her own brand of whiskey in three counties, better known as Firewhiskey. She and her best friend Tom Johnson were co-owners and founders until they got caught when Lizzy was almost 16. She was slapped with a probation that ran out when she turned 25 almost twelve years ago. Cooter did worry slightly that Lizzy's criminal record could get thrown in the custody fight but when he saw a black trans-am pull up outside the court house he knew he had to get Lizzy over there. Slowly he prodded her across the street telling her to put the custody hearing out of her mind until she could talk things over with Luke who had always been the one to calm her down for the most part. When they reached the jail they saw that it had become more like a three ring circus mainly focusing on the three men in the jail cell. Lizzy's eyes widened as it landed on the one in the middle. Cue anyone.Micheal says "Buddy, keeps your ears on and I am going into to see the guys that kidnapped Julie twice and date-raped and who knows what else to how many other woman. You know I what you are thinking that maybe she wouldn't but I haven't seen her in the longest time."Kitt says "Oh Micheal, the lady with Green Dodge Charger is coming up as well and she is watching you to talk to me as well as long is a certain Brian Coltrane as well. Were getting a quite a audience they probaly all think your crazy right now I'll talk to you later."Just then a Black Impala pulls up to where the Courthouse is at as well and he is watching this guy having a conversation with his car.At the JailJulie see's Lizzy and she is looks visibly upset seeing the three guys in jail and she says "Listen excuse it okay they will pay for what they did I'm Julie Duke and this is my daughter Angelena and who are you again."Balladeer: I don't know about y'll but does everybody have conversations with their cars out in California or is just me now.cue Anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Micheal says "Buddy, keeps your ears on and I am going into to see the guys that kidnapped Julie twice and date-raped and who knows what else to how many other woman. You know I what you are thinking that maybe she wouldn't but I haven't seen her in the longest time."Kitt says "Oh Micheal, the lady with Green Dodge Charger is coming up as well and she is watching you to talk to me as well as long is a certain Brian Coltrane as well. Were getting a quite a audience they probaly all think your crazy right now I'll talk to you later."Just then a Black Impala pulls up to where the Courthouse is at as well and he is watching this guy having a conversation with his car.At the JailJulie see's Lizzy and she is looks visibly upset seeing the three guys in jail and she says "Listen excuse it okay they will pay for what they did I'm Julie Duke and this is my daughter Angelena and who are you again."Balladeer: I don't know about y'll but does everybody have conversations with their cars out in California or is just me now.cue AnyoneBefore Lizzy and Cooter went inside"Hey Dad did that guy just talk to his car?" Lizzy asked watching Micheal, the same guy she had met at the Boars nest."Better question is did his car just answer?" Cooter said. "Wow where ever he came from I don't want to go there. It's almost bad enough when people name their cars, now talking cars. I'm not even going there." "Right, let's go in shall we?" Cooter suggested. "Ok, talking cars wow not even going to go there." She answered shaking her head sadly. "Let me get the door for you." A guy said. Lizzy looked up and saw a handsome guy standing in front of her but just nodded. "Thanks Brian, this is my daughter Lizzy Jackson-Davenport. Lizzy this is Brian Coltrane." Cooter said. Brain's eyes clouded with confusion at the hyphenated last name. "Jackson is my step-dad's last name. When I found out Cooter was my real dad 20 years ago I hyphenated it." Lizzy looked back at the Trans-am and then to Brian. "Talking cars, another Coltrane, maybe it is a good thing I stayed out of Hazzard for so long." They walked inside where Lizzy's eyes narrowed at the guy sitting in the middle of the jail cell. Julie spoke up and Lizzy looked at her. "Ain't no way I'll excuse what they've done. I'm Lizzy Jackson-Davenport. Cooter's daughter and yes Luke I have grown up since the last time you and Daisy saw me twenty years ago. Don't know what your cousin was thinking when we ran into him at the boars nest. I guess he didn't recognize me. Anyway Julie, he'll pay alright. I'm thinking a life sentence will fit just fine." "Life?" One of the guys asked. "Yeah that's the usual sentence for murder isn't?" Lizzy answered. "What are you talking about Lizzy?" Luke asked. "About ten months ago he met my friend Cindy Crensaw at Ted's tavern where he took advantage of her and left her in a coma from a reaction to the drug he used. You're a dirty little jerk who's going to rot behind bars." Lizzy spat at the jerk.Cue anyone.
Bo's Crush Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Julie says "Honey, you know the North Carolina retired the number 23 so what number are trying to get and honey please be careful at party's we don't want to hear about the samething about you okay."Cue Bo's Crush or AnybodyAngelena: well, mom I was thinking about get uncle Luke's and Bo's number off of the General Lee 01. any mom, quit braging about me. why does it occur to that Xavier looks Like Christopher Reeve aka "Superman"?
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Author Posted March 18, 2008 Angelena: well' date=' mom I was thinking about get uncle Luke's and Bo's number off of the General Lee 01. any mom, quit braging about me. why does it occur to that Xavier looks Like Christopher Reeve aka "Superman"?[/quote']Julie says "Oh Honey, I can't help your my only daughter and doing so good and yes i noticed this as well."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Author Posted March 18, 2008 Before Lizzy and Cooter went inside"Hey Dad did that guy just talk to his car?" Lizzy asked watching Micheal, the same guy she had met at the Boars nest."Better question is did his car just answer?" Cooter said. "Wow where ever he came from I don't want to go there. It's almost bad enough when people name their cars, now talking cars. I'm not even going there." "Right, let's go in shall we?" Cooter suggested. "Ok, talking cars wow not even going to go there." She answered shaking her head sadly. "Let me get the door for you." A guy said. Lizzy looked up and saw a handsome guy standing in front of her but just nodded. "Thanks Brian, this is my daughter Lizzy Jackson-Davenport. Lizzy this is Brian Coltrane." Cooter said. Brain's eyes clouded with confusion at the hyphenated last name. "Jackson is my step-dad's last name. When I found out Cooter was my real dad 20 years ago I hyphenated it." Lizzy looked back at the Trans-am and then to Brian. "Talking cars, another Coltrane, maybe it is a good thing I stayed out of Hazzard for so long." They walked inside where Lizzy's eyes narrowed at the guy sitting in the middle of the jail cell. Julie spoke up and Lizzy looked at her. "Ain't no way I'll excuse what they've done. I'm Lizzy Jackson-Davenport. Cooter's daughter and yes Luke I have grown up since the last time you and Daisy saw me twenty years ago. Don't know what your cousin was thinking when we ran into him at the boars nest. I guess he didn't recognize me. Anyway Julie, he'll pay alright. I'm thinking a life sentence will fit just fine." "Life?" One of the guys asked. "Yeah that's the usual sentence for murder isn't?" Lizzy answered. "What are you talking about Lizzy?" Luke asked. "About ten months ago he met my friend Cindy Crensaw at Ted's tavern where he took advantage of her and left her in a coma from a reaction to the drug he used. You're a dirty little jerk who's going to rot behind bars." Lizzy spat at the jerk.Cue anyone.Julie says "Well Lizzy, you know doesn't it scare that he could get away with doing that so many woman and did you say that a woman died. Hey I remember Cindy Crenshaw she was one of the popular girls at school she was a Cheerleader and on the yearbook staff as well. In fact, she gave he a great big hug when she found out what happened twenty years ago."Xavier says "Excuse Ms. but I don't remember nothing not even ten months ago and not even names like you just said."Jason says "Hey Sheriff is you want Xavier's real name why don't you check out his old Mercedes his real name is on the regristation and there's all kind of stuff in the trunk you might want to check out now."Jamie says "Oh he's gonna kill you when he remembers what he did and that you just said that right there."Julie says "Hello Brian, thanks you for taking care of Xavier for me and thank you to everybody that help me out as well."Micheal walks in a little behind Cooter, Lizzy and Brian and he hears what happened to Cindy Crenshaw and he remembers that he had seen somebody did that Bonnie one night, but it was good thing he was with her because he gave her a ride home in Kitt that night and the guy never came around he never catch to her. He had to get back right away, and Devon called a docter and he found out what happened. Julie sees Micheal and says "Hey there, how's is everything I just heard what happened to Cindy and you know what she was there for me and now she is gone. We was both by the same guy it's so sad and now his buddy just ratted him out."Micheal says "Somebody dropped something my friend Bonnie's drink but I was at the bar with her and that guy never did get very far, but I never did catch up with him as well. She sure was lucky that I could do something. Come to think about Julie how's is your life going and is this little Angelena why she's all grown up and such a lady now."cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Author Posted March 18, 2008 Julie smiles and looks at Brian and Micheal and she realize that the only reason she liked Micheal was because he reminded her of Brian when she was in Hazzard growing he was always there to talk when she didn't want to talk to somebody in the family.Micheal says "You know, did it ever occur that maybe something slipped Xavier something from the way he's acting he's reminds me of when it happened to Bonnie. She was my mechanic and also a very good friend and real good with cars as well."Julie says "Micheal, what on earth on you talking about and that never entered my mind as well but you know you have a point there and if it's true what a funny way of revenge on somebody I wonder who which accomplise did that to him now."Jason says "And yes it was me, well I only did that to him because he did the samething to my little sister and she was never the same afterwards actually she got to be in wheelchair the rest of her life."Julie says "How come you didn't go the law about it Jason?"Jason says "Oh ya, me go the cops I'm a career criminal myself there going to believe about this but I took care it myself and I'm ready to testify about Xavier in Court when his trial comes up."Jamie says "Oh man, I thought You had some kind of agenda when you was with us and one question was you was planning on letting Julie go when he passed out as well."Jason says "Well yes, it was terrible what he did twenty years ago and she had been through alot and I wanted to help as well."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Author Posted March 18, 2008 Julie smiles and looks at Brian and Micheal and she realize that the only reason she liked Micheal was because he reminded her of Brian when she was in Hazzard growing he was always there to talk when she didn't want to talk to somebody in the family.Micheal says "You know, did it ever occur that maybe something slipped Xavier something from the way he's acting he's reminds me of when it happened to Bonnie. She was my mechanic and also a very good friend and real good with cars as well."Julie says "Micheal, what on earth on you talking about and that never entered my mind as well but you know you have a point there and if it's true what a funny way of revenge on somebody I wonder who which accomplise did that to him now."Jason says "And yes it was me, well I only did that to him because he did the samething to my little sister and she was never the same afterwards actually she got to be in wheelchair the rest of her life."Julie says "How come you didn't go the law about it Jason?"Jason says "Oh ya, me go the cops I'm a career criminal myself there going to believe about this but I took care it myself and I'm ready to testify about Xavier in Court when his trial comes up."Jamie says "Oh man, I thought You had some kind of agenda when you was with us and one question was you was planning on letting Julie go when he passed out as well."Jason says "Well yes, it was terrible what he did twenty years ago and she had been through alot and I wanted to help as well."Cue AnyoneMicheal says "Well Julie, I missed you too but what was that you liked about it couldn't been just had been my car there had been something else you once said you would tell me but you never did."Cue Anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 "Are we forgetting something? The darn jerk is wanted for murder, in case you've forgotten what that means it means he has killed someone." Lizzy snapped. She was tired of seeing everyone just stand around and do nothing but chat and catch up. There would be time for that later. Right now it was time for something to happen to this dirty little lying piece of scum. "Take his DNA, see if it matches the DNA they found when they found Cindy, since it will send his behind straight to prison and stop catching up already." "Take it easy Lizzy, we will, just relax." Luke said putting an arm around her. "I don't want to relax I want to see the sucker get what he deserves," she spat harshly. To say that Lizzy was angry would have been an understatement. She was beyond angry. She was furious and upset and for Lizzy those two didn't mix very well. cue anyone.
Bo's Crush Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 Julie says "Oh Honey, I can't help your my only daughter and doing so good and yes i noticed this as well."Cue AnyoneAngelena: Noticed what? Oh, Xavier? yeah, well what did they say about him?Is he lying?cue anyone
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 "Are we forgetting something? The darn jerk is wanted for murder, in case you've forgotten what that means it means he has killed someone." Lizzy snapped. She was tired of seeing everyone just stand around and do nothing but chat and catch up. There would be time for that later. Right now it was time for something to happen to this dirty little lying piece of scum. "Take his DNA, see if it matches the DNA they found when they found Cindy, since it will send his behind straight to prison and stop catching up already." "Take it easy Lizzy, we will, just relax." Luke said putting an arm around her. "I don't want to relax I want to see the sucker get what he deserves," she spat harshly. To say that Lizzy was angry would have been an understatement. She was beyond angry. She was furious and upset and for Lizzy those two didn't mix very well. cue anyone.Julie says "Listen, I can't exactly just do something without checking with Lt. Morrison he is my boss in Atlanta and this is Hazzard in case you have forgotten. I'm kind of out of my jurisidication right now. What would the Sheriff say if I just barged in and took over his investigation it's just not right Lizzy? Do you how much trouble I would be from the Altanta Police department you need a warrent to get DNA I guess you didn't know that as well. And I don't want IAB investigating now and what if I was to lose my job over not following protocal. You know, that Atlanta will probaly want the DNA of my daughter as well if they want to back anything up now."cue anyone
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 Angelena: Noticed what? Oh' date=' Xavier? yeah, well what did they say about him?Is he lying?cue anyone[/quote']Julie says "Honey, there's drug on the street called roofie's and let's just say if anybody is slipped one these you act like your drunk and later you can't move and it usually a guy that wants to take advantage of you. There are plently of side effects to them as your hearing about and sometimes they make it where your in the a bar and you don't even notice it. It's really dangerous I've heard of them Killing a girl, that's was on the news and I got really scared because that didn't happen to anybody that I knew. And Jason slipped of them to Xavier or whatever his name is and pretty soon he's will pass out it just a question of when. Oh and also you have a little short-term memory loss and he doesn't know who he is and who anyone of us it wait till he wakes up tomorrow now."cue anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 20, 2008 Posted March 20, 2008 Julie says "Listen, I can't exactly just do something without checking with Lt. Morrison he is my boss in Atlanta and this is Hazzard in case you have forgotten. I'm kind of out of my jurisidication right now. What would the Sheriff say if I just barged in and took over his investigation it's just not right Lizzy? Do you how much trouble I would be from the Altanta Police department you need a warrent to get DNA I guess you didn't know that as well. And I don't want IAB investigating now and what if I was to lose my job over not following protocal. You know, that Atlanta will probaly want the DNA of my daughter as well if they want to back anything up now."cue anyone"OK I get that you're out of your jurisdiction but if he willingly gives his DNA then you don't need a warrant. But go right ahead and ask the sheriff if he minds you taking over the case. I mean if he's wanted by the feds doesn't that mean this is a federal case?" Lizzy was just getting to frustrated to care about the legality of everything. "Lizzy..." Cooter warned. "You know what? I'm tried of caring let me know when everything is settled here." Lizzy swallowed before huffing in frustration and then storming out of the room and sliding down the wall in the hallway where she promptly broke down into tears.
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 "OK I get that you're out of your jurisdiction but if he willingly gives his DNA then you don't need a warrant. But go right ahead and ask the sheriff if he minds you taking over the case. I mean if he's wanted by the feds doesn't that mean this is a federal case?" Lizzy was just getting to frustrated to care about the legality of everything. "Lizzy..." Cooter warned. "You know what? I'm tried of caring let me know when everything is settled here." Lizzy swallowed before huffing in frustration and then storming out of the room and sliding down the wall in the hallway where she promptly broke down into tears.Julie says "Cooter is Lizzy going to be okay, I was just explaining everything you know does anybody know where Lt. Morrison is at right now. Cooter I'm on vacation right now I not exactly on the job to begin with and all this happens you know what this reminds of days of old in Hazzard. When everything was going peacefully and something happens, oh still remember when Daisy was kidnapped by the Beaudry's and before she had the fight with Bo and Luke after they was snooping after her date. I guess I'm not the only that they was being protective of then."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 Julie says "Cooter is Lizzy going to be okay, I was just explaining everything you know does anybody know where Lt. Morrison is at right now. Cooter I'm on vacation right now I not exactly on the job to begin with and all this happens you know what this reminds of days of old in Hazzard. When everything was going peacefully and something happens, oh still remember when Daisy was kidnapped by the Beaudry's and before she had the fight with Bo and Luke after they was snooping after her date. I guess I'm not the only that they was being protective of then."Cue Lizzy Jackson-DavenportJust then, a woman comes in the police station and she is visibly shaken and her father is right there with her for support.And she says "Excuse me, can I talk to the Sheriff please I think somebody slipped something in my drink last night and took advantage of me because the last thing I remember was going into the Boar's Nest and that's it."Julie says "Wow, last night it happened I'm sorry about that happening but you know they got a suspect that did that very samething to other woman including me twenty years ago."cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 Just then, a woman comes in the police station and she is visibly shaken and her father is right there with her for support.And she says "Excuse me, can I talk to the Sheriff please I think somebody slipped something in my drink last night and took advantage of me because the last thing I remember was going into the Boar's Nest and that's it."Julie says "Wow, last night it happened I'm sorry about that happening but you know they got a suspect that did that very samething to other woman including me twenty years ago."cue AnyoneBalladeer: She is a pretty little thing, how could anybody do that do her and her father don't look to happy about what just happened to his daughter now.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 20, 2008 Posted March 20, 2008 Julie says "Cooter is Lizzy going to be okay, I was just explaining everything you know does anybody know where Lt. Morrison is at right now. Cooter I'm on vacation right now I not exactly on the job to begin with and all this happens you know what this reminds of days of old in Hazzard. When everything was going peacefully and something happens, oh still remember when Daisy was kidnapped by the Beaudry's and before she had the fight with Bo and Luke after they was snooping after her date. I guess I'm not the only that they was being protective of then."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone"Lizzy will be ok eventually, I mean her best friend did just pass on this morning, but some one should go talk to her." Cooter replied looking around the room wondering who would be brave enough to go talk to a visibly upset Lizzy. "Maybe Bo or Luke should go. She seems to really trust them." Daisy suggested.
MaryAnne Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 With the arrival of another possible victim, and half of the county already in the booking room, Rosco certainly had his hands full. Finally he asked for everyone to leave, except for the young woman and her father. He had them wait in his office while he cleared out the booking room. "Awright everybody git goin' now, I gotta lot of stuff to sort through here. It's gonna take some time to determine who this Xavier dude really is and everything. So y'all get on and let me do what I gotta do here..."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Lizzy looked up as she heard the door open again and hastily tried to wipe away her tears as a couple people came out. Unfortunately for her the tears wouldn't stop so she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs burrying her face back into her knees trying to hide the fact that she was crying.
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Lizzy looked up as she heard the door open again and hastily tried to wipe away her tears as a couple people came out. Unfortunately for her the tears wouldn't stop so she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs burrying her face back into her knees trying to hide the fact that she was crying.Julie says "Angelena we ought to do what the Sheriff says and don't worry she'll Be okay eventually and Lizzy just lost her best friend and it's finally hit her now. Kind of like the way I felt when I lost my Grandma Tropicana, honey she was the closest the thing to a mother I ever had you know that Mz. Tizdale was so nice. I was thinking do you want to go and meet her she is so nice and she taught me everything she knew about the post office in one summer as I working for her. And honey after that I think I will show you the Hazzard Car Wash if Mike, would give the two of us a ride but I was thinking I might want to explain the correct things to say around here and to whom okay."cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Julie says "Angelena we ought to do what the Sheriff says and don't worry she'll okay eventually and Lizzy just lost her best friend and it's finally hit her now. Kind of like the way I felt when I lost my Grandma Tropicana, honey she was the closest the thing to a mother I ever had you know that Mz. Tizdale was so nice. I was thinking do you want to go and meet her she is so nice and she taught me everything she knew about the post office in one summer as I working for her."cue AnybodyThe young woman named Chloe, and seen the Sheriff and she says "I don't know what kind of help I'm going to be Sheriff but it's just everything happened so fast and I didn't even know he put something in my drink. I feel so vulnerable right now like I'm in control of nothing right now."Her father says "It's Okay Chloe, we all know that your doing your best and everybody here in this little county knows what kind of lady of you are and that somebody took advantage of you."cue Anybody
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