Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Mike has something in his hands and says "Angelena there is a envelope of yours hers from the "University of North Carolina" and it's full to be anything but and acceptance letter maybe you might want this how come you didn't tell your Mama about this right here."Julie says "Oh come on Angel open it were all family here and I think were all anxious to see what it says. I know you've been wanting to go there since you found out that Micheal Jordan played for them and graduated from there as well. It's didn't take a CSI team to tell me that your a Micheal Jordan your Basketball jersey number is 23 and everything you ever have had you put that number on it."cue AnyoneBalladeer: I glad everything worked out I don't think Xavier will look too much like the other Coltranes and it seems that Angelena has finally met him not wonder Lt. Jack Morrison thought she was talking to him at her high school I wonder how Julie would've handled her daughter being taken by someone she didn't even remember. Imagine if Xavier would've told Angelena about what happen instead of Julie, and wait a minute her it seems that Julie wants to her family and friends something.Julie says "Everybody I got an annoucement I saved 15% percent on my car insurance. Ok really, I remembered everything has it was happening at the Boars Nest and I can tell you who had gave me a ride out of that ditch his name was Micheal Knight and he drove this talking Supercar and it said "Knight" on the license plate as well."Mike says "Uh Julie, do you realize that is my father and he never told me about this and he says that he is friends with you in Atlanta and there is something he wants to talk to you about after we get to the Hospital and everything else and ouch Brian I don't want to make you mad."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Balladeer: I glad everything worked out I don't think Xavier will look too much like the other Coltranes and it seems that Angelena has finally met him not wonder Lt. Jack Morrison thought she was talking to him at her high school I wonder how Julie would've handled her daughter being taken by someone she didn't even remember. Imagine if Xavier would've told Angelena about what happen instead of Julie, and wait a minute her it seems that Julie wants to her family and friends something.Julie says "Everybody I got an annoucement I saved 15% percent on my car insurance. Ok really, I remembered everything has it was happening at the Boars Nest and I can tell you who had gave me a ride out of that ditch his name was Micheal Knight and he drove this talking Supercar and it said "Knight" on the license plate as well."Mike says "Uh Julie, do you realize that is my father and he never told me about this and he says that he is friends with you in Atlanta and there is something he wants to talk to you about after we get to the Hospital and everything else and ouch Brian I don't want to make you mad."Cue AnyoneMeanwhile In Atlanta, there's a woman in Coma because of what Xavier Coltrane did to her Ten Months ago and her parents have told the docter to deliver her baby and they raise their Grandchild and cut off the life support to the mother.Cue Bo's Crush or Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Balladeer: I glad everything worked out I don't think Xavier will look too much like the other Coltranes and it seems that Angelena has finally met him not wonder Lt. Jack Morrison thought she was talking to him at her high school I wonder how Julie would've handled her daughter being taken by someone she didn't even remember. Imagine if Xavier would've told Angelena about what happen instead of Julie, and wait a minute her it seems that Julie wants to her family and friends something.Julie says "Everybody I got an annoucement I saved 15% percent on my car insurance. Ok really, I remembered everything has it was happening at the Boars Nest and I can tell you who had gave me a ride out of that ditch his name was Micheal Knight and he drove this talking Supercar and it said "Knight" on the license plate as well."Mike says "Uh Julie, do you realize that is my father and he never told me about this and he says that he is friends with you in Atlanta and there is something he wants to talk to you about after we get to the Hospital and everything else and ouch Brian I don't want to make you mad."Cue AnyoneJulie says "Excuse Me, did you just tell me he's your father and he also drove a talking car it must run in the family to talk to your car then."Mike says "Oh Very Funny, you know it seems that you was discussing weather or not a car could help be a C.S.I. Agent for the police eariler?"Cue Bo's Crush,Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone that wants to.
Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Julie says "Excuse Me, did you just tell me he's your father and he also drove a talking car it must run in the family to talk to your car then."Mike says "Oh Very Funny, you know it seems that you was discussing weather or not a car could help be a C.S.I. Agent for the police eariler?"Cue Bo's Crush,Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone that wants to.Xavier wakes up and finds himself handcuffed and with a huge heaache and he see's there is so many people and his accomplise's are handcuffed as well. And it seems that Julie is leaving with somebody as well and he looks at the Sheriff and says "Excuse, where am and who in world am I don't remember a thing right now. What could've I done that was so terrible today."Jason says "Oh no, the hit with shovel made him not a remember a thing Jaime this could be out ticket to make him sound worst than who he is now."Cue Bo's Crush, Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Xavier wakes up and finds himself handcuffed and with a huge heaache and he see's there is so many people and his accomplise's are handcuffed as well. And it seems that Julie is leaving with somebody as well and he looks at the Sheriff and says "Excuse, where am and who in world am I don't remember a thing right now. What could've I done that was so terrible today."Jason says "Oh no, the hit with shovel made him not a remember a thing Jaime this could be out ticket to make him sound worst than who he is now."Cue Bo's Crush, Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or AnyoneFlashback 18 years agoYoung Julie Duke, was finally alone with her infant Angelena Brianna and she swore that she would never talk to that man or many as matter of fact beside her brothers and cousin and close friend. She wasn't going to let her feeling or get drugged ever again the doc's tell her she still had some of it in her system and she has been taking something for the nervous and shaking.She was expecting her Uncle Jesse to come over and meet Baby Angelena for the very first time ever, she has said to herself "Maybe, I wasn't ready for motherhood but I am going to the very best for this little Angel that I can."Daisy, Daney, Dusty, Lori and Shannon all got together and gave her the best the baby shower and the Lori got mad because she won't walk into the Boars Nest yet. She loves staying with her Grandparents but she had came back to Hazzard and a little while later she had her baby girl as well. She asked Dusty and her husband to be Godparents and they said yes of course.End of FlashbackCue Anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 15, 2008 Posted March 15, 2008 Meanwhile In Atlanta, there's a woman in Coma because of what Xavier Coltrane did to her Ten Months ago and her parents have told the docter to deliver her baby and they raise their Grandchild and cut off the life support to the mother.Cue Bo's Crush or Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or AnyoneLizzy Davenport looked up from where she was sitting beside Cindy's bed as the doctor came in. The Doctor says "Ms. Davenport I'm going to have to ask you to leave."Lizzy answers "Why?" "Because I have to take her off life support and I don't think you want to be here to see that." "Sir do you have to?" "Her parents have the power of attorney. I have no choice." "Alright, what's going to happen to the baby?""For right now Ms. Crensaw's parents will get custody of her, but you can file for custody. If you can prove that you are better fit then the judge may grant it but it's highly unlikely." "Thanks." Lizzy walked out of the room holding back tears and down to the nursery to watch over her god-daughter. Cindy and Lizzy always spoke about what it would be like to have kids. Cindy had repeatedly said that Lizzy would be her first kid's god-mother but they never had a chance to make it official. After stopping by the nursery Lizzy walked back to the pay phone and called her father's garage in Hazzard.Cooter picked up his ringing phone and said "Hello Cooter's Garage, Cooter speaking." Lizzy answered still trying not to cry. "Hi Daddy." "Lizzy, are you alright?" "Yeah they just took Cindy off life support and her parents are going to get her baby." "I'm sorry Lizzy." "Yeah, the doctor says I can file for custody but he doesn't think I'll get it." Cooter told Lizzy what he had just heard from Bo about Xavier Coltrane being locked up in Hazzard jail. After describing him, Lizzy got really upset. Cooter noticed the change in his daughter tone and asked "Do you know him Lizzy?" Lizzy shook herself of everything she had been told by Cindy's parents before answering. "No, but I knew someone who did. I'll be down there in a little while after I talk to a guy about some paperwork.""Take care of yourself Lizzy." Lizzy and Cooter hung up and after saying good bye to Cindy's parents she raced to the courthouse and then down to Hazzard to have a few choice words with a certain criminal. Cue any one
Julieduke Posted March 15, 2008 Author Posted March 15, 2008 Lizzy Davenport looked up from where she was sitting beside Cindy's bed as the doctor came in. The Doctor says "Ms. Davenport I'm going to have to ask you to leave."Lizzy answers "Why?" "Because I have to take her off life support and I don't think you want to be here to see that." "Sir do you have to?" "Her parents have the power of attorney. I have no choice." "Alright, what's going to happen to the baby?""For right now Ms. Crensaw's parents will get custody of her, but you can file for custody. If you can prove that you are better fit then the judge may grant it but it's highly unlikely." "Thanks." Lizzy walked out of the room holding back tears and down to the nursery to watch over her god-daughter. Cindy and Lizzy always spoke about what it would be like to have kids. Cindy had repeatedly said that Lizzy would be her first kid's god-mother but they never had a chance to make it official. After stopping by the nursery Lizzy walked back to the pay phone and called her father's garage in Hazzard.Cooter picked up his ringing phone and said "Hello Cooter's Garage, Cooter speaking." Lizzy answered still trying not to cry. "Hi Daddy." "Lizzy, are you alright?" "Yeah they just took Cindy off life support and her parents are going to get her baby." "I'm sorry Lizzy." "Yeah, the doctor says I can file for custody but he doesn't think I'll get it." Cooter told Lizzy what he had just heard from Bo about Xavier Coltrane being locked up in Hazzard jail. After describing him, Lizzy got really upset. Cooter noticed the change in his daughter tone and asked "Do you know him Lizzy?" Lizzy shook herself of everything she had been told by Cindy's parents before answering. "No, but I knew someone who did. I'll be down there in a little while after I talk to a guy about some paperwork.""Take care of yourself Lizzy." Lizzy and Cooter hung up and after saying good bye to Cindy's parents she raced to the courthouse and then down to Hazzard to have a few choice words with a certain criminal. Cue any oneXavier says "Excuse me Sheriff, I still don't why I'm here what did I do and why is the Blonde and the dark haired girl so mad at me as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 15, 2008 Posted March 15, 2008 Xavier says "Excuse me Sheriff, I still don't why I'm here what did I do and why is the Blonde and the dark haired girl so mad at me as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybodyWhen Lizzy reached Hazzard her mind was full but according to the huge growl her stomach let out she was still starving. Lizzy parked outside of the boars nest and ordered some food but when it came she found that she couldn't eat any of it. So she sat and picked at her food until someone came and sat down in front of her. cue anyone.
DaneyDuke Posted March 15, 2008 Posted March 15, 2008 Xavier says "Excuse me Sheriff, I still don't why I'm here what did I do and why is the Blonde and the dark haired girl so mad at me as well."Cue Lizzy Jackson-Davenport or anybodyThe stranger uttered those words at the same moment that Luke, Daisy and Daney arrived to the scene. They were glad to see everyone was allright. They waited quietly for the explanation to the suspect.
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 When Lizzy reached Hazzard her mind was full but according to the huge growl her stomach let out she was still starving. Lizzy parked outside of the boars nest and ordered some food but when it came she found that she couldn't eat any of it. So she sat and picked at her food until someone came and sat down in front of her. cue anyone.Julie was there as well and she says "You don't know what you did boy that hit that Brian did with that shovel must've been hard. Excuse Sheriff, I've seen this act before get them in custody and suddenly they don't know what happened. So you've never seen me before or anyone of us before not even Angelena what a Liar."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 When Lizzy reached Hazzard her mind was full but according to the huge growl her stomach let out she was still starving. Lizzy parked outside of the boars nest and ordered some food but when it came she found that she couldn't eat any of it. So she sat and picked at her food until someone came and sat down in front of her. cue anyone.Micheal Knight had called Julie and said that he would meet her at the Boars Nest he seen Lizzy sit down and she seen sort of sad about something was bothering her. He walks over to Lizzy and says "Excuse Me, I'm Micheal Knight and it looks like something is bothering you right now. You know the Sheriff got that Xavier Coltrane and now he claims he doesn't remember a thing about what he did to anybody that could put a damper on things."Cue Anyone
Bo's Crush Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 angelena: Hey mom, its about that university I applied for. and you Mr. coltrane need to remeber something before youre history?cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 angelena: Hey mom' date=' its about that university I applied for. and you Mr. coltrane need to remeber something before youre history?cue anyone.[/quote']Julie says "Honey, does that mean you got accepted oh my baby is growing up on me so what's is your Major going to be oh sorry for going to fast on you. This so exciting it seems like yesterday I was taking you to Knidergarten and the teacher was complaining that you didn't want to stay after I left."cue anyone
Bo's Crush Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Angelena: Mom, It's not like im leaving tomorrow!Bo: Congradualtions, Angie.Angelena: thanks uncle bo, I love you and mom more than anthing.cue anyone.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Micheal Knight had called Julie and said that he would meet her at the Boars Nest he seen Lizzy sit down and she seen sort of sad about something was bothering her. He walks over to Lizzy and says "Excuse Me, I'm Micheal Knight and it looks like something is bothering you right now. You know the Sheriff got that Xavier Coltrane and now he claims he doesn't remember a thing about what he did to anybody that could put a damper on things."Cue AnyoneLizzy looked up a Micheal and tried to smile. "My best friend is dead because of him. They met about ten months ago and he took advantage of her. The drug he put in her drink caused her to slip into a coma and today after her baby was born her parents pulled the plug on her life support. I guess that means he's wanted for murder now doesn't it?" Then Lizzy realized she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh I'm Lizzy Jackson-Davenport by the way." Then she looked back down at her plate trying to decide whether or not she should tell this guy the other thing that was bothering her. cue Julieduke
Bo's Crush Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Bo: wait a srecond are you realted to Cooter Davenport?Shannon: Bo, that was a stupid question to ask. are you?cue anyone.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Bo: wait a srecond are you realted to Cooter Davenport?Shannon: Bo' date=' that was a stupid question to ask. are you?cue anyone.[/quote']Lizzy rolled her eyes and smiled a bit more. "I'm his daughter, hello where have you been? Don't you remember when I came around here a while ago. Must have been when I was about 17. I met both you and Luke, and Daisy and everyone else too. I drive that green charger out front. 'The Mouse' or 'Mouse Mobile'. " cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Lizzy looked up a Micheal and tried to smile. "My best friend is dead because of him. They met about ten months ago and he took advantage of her. The drug he put in her drink caused her to slip into a coma and today after her baby was born her parents pulled the plug on her life support. I guess that means he's wanted for murder now doesn't it?" Then Lizzy realized she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh I'm Lizzy Jackson-Davenport by the way." Then she looked back down at her plate trying to decide whether or not she should tell this guy the other thing that was bothering her. cue JuliedukeMicheal says "I understand what is bothering you now, you know a friend of mine a Ms. Julie Duke says that he took advantage of her as well. For eighteen plus years she never told her daughter about it."Cue Anyone
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Micheal says "I understand what is bothering you now, you know a friend of mine a Ms. Julie Duke says that he took advantage of her as well. For eighteen plus years she never told her daughter about it."Cue Anyone"Yeah I guess it's sorta the same, but at least Ms. Duke lived." Lizzy answered. Lizzy was still having a hard time coping with the death of her best friend and the fact that she may never see her god-daughter again. "Poor little girl, she'll never know her real mother." Lizzy muttered before dumping her food in the nearest trash bin and heading outside. She was stopped outside next to her car by a hand on her arm.cue anyone
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Lizzy rolled her eyes and smiled a bit more. "I'm his daughter, hello where have you been? Don't you remember when I came around here a while ago. Must have been when I was about 17. I met both you and Luke, and Daisy and everyone else too. I drive that green charger out front. 'The Mouse' or 'Mouse Mobile'. " cue anyone.Xavier says "Excuse Ma'am I don't you or anybody here but they say my name is Xavier Coltrane and that's all I know right now."Julie says "Welcome to what you did to me twenty years ago, I had no memory of that night and finding out your pregant when you don't even know how that came up well it's a little scary."Xavier says "Sheriff, I don't even know who these guys in the cell next to me are at all they keep saying they worked with me but doesn't anybody believe me right now."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 "Yeah I guess it's sorta the same, but at least Ms. Duke lived." Lizzy answered. Lizzy was still having a hard time coping with the death of her best friend and the fact that she may never see her god-daughter again. "Poor little girl, she'll never know her real mother." Lizzy muttered before dumping her food in the nearest trash bin and heading outside. She was stopped outside next to her car by a hand on her arm.cue anyoneMicheal says "Oh Lizzy I'm sorry about that you know I had lost my wife at the alter right after we was married and my boss said I shouldn't go after the man that did that do me but I wanted to check up to him. The hardest thing, was going to her funeral when we should've been going on our honeymoon."Cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Angelena: Mom' date=' It's not like im leaving tomorrow!Bo: Congradualtions, Angie.Angelena: thanks uncle bo, I love you and mom more than anthing.cue anyone.[/quote']Julie says "Honey, you know the North Carolina retired the number 23 so what number are trying to get and honey please be careful at party's we don't want to hear about the samething about you okay."Cue Bo's Crush or Anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Micheal says "Oh Lizzy I'm sorry about that you know I had lost my wife at the alter right after we was married and my boss said I shouldn't go after the man that did that do me but I wanted to check up to him. The hardest thing, was going to her funeral when we should've been going on our honeymoon."Cue Anyone"That's great and all Micheal and I do feel for you but it's different. You see it's a little more than what I told you. Three months after it happened my best friend Cindy's parents were ready to put an end to her suffering but right as they made the decision the doctor told them Cindy was pregnant so they decided not to pull the plug until after the baby was born. So yesterday was the day. The only darn reason they kept her alive was so they could have the baby they were denied when Cindy was two. It ticks me off so much. My best friend was used for her baby and now thanks to some stupid law I may not even get custody although that's what Cindy would have wanted." Lizzy's anger was coming to the surface again right as her CB crackled. "Breaker one Breaker one, I may be crazy but I ain't dumb, Crazy Cooter coming at ya, Little Red you out there on the Hazzard Net?" Cooter called. "Red here Dad what's happening?" "I think it's about time you got yourself down to the jail and let everyone know what happened to Cindy." "That's a big ten-for. Red out." Lizzy answered. She looked back at Micheal before sliding into her car. As she started her engine Micheal spoke. cue Julieduke
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 "That's great and all Micheal and I do feel for you but it's different. You see it's a little more than what I told you. Three months after it happened my best friend Cindy's parents were ready to put an end to her suffering but right as they made the decision the doctor told them Cindy was pregnant so they decided not to pull the plug until after the baby was born. So yesterday was the day. The only darn reason they kept her alive was so they could have the baby they were denied when Cindy was two. It ticks me off so much. My best friend was used for her baby and now thanks to some stupid law I may not even get custody although that's what Cindy would have wanted." Lizzy's anger was coming to the surface again right as her CB crackled. "Breaker one Breaker one, I may be crazy but I ain't dumb, Crazy Cooter coming at ya, Little Red you out there on the Hazzard Net?" Cooter called. "Red here Dad what's happening?" "I think it's about time you got yourself down to the jail and let everyone know what happened to Cindy." "That's a big ten-for. Red out." Lizzy answered. She looked back at Micheal before sliding into her car. As she started her engine Micheal spoke. cue JuliedukeMicheal says "You know I'm going down there as well because this guy wanted to see who I was that help out Julie before and seeing how she didn't meet here I'll just go and see her there. Nice meeting you Lizzy, don't try anything to crazy when you see this guy with the way your emotions are right now. You know what this means that your late friends Cindy Baby Girl is the half-sister to my friends daughter Angelena in which I haven't seen in Years."cue Anyone
Julieduke Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Micheal says "You know I'm going down there as well because this guy wanted to see who I was that help out Julie before and seeing how she didn't meet here I'll just go and see her there. Nice meeting you Lizzy, don't try anything to crazy when you see this guy with the way your emotions are right now. You know what this means that your late friends Cindy Baby Girl is the half-sister to my friends daughter Angelena in which I haven't seen in Years."cue AnyoneBack At The JailJulie says "Well Family and Friends I have the biggest news of my career ever and that is that I've been promoted to Lt. Julie Duke and me and Jack Morrison are equals now and nothing he says can bother me ever again."Cue anyone
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