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What does Everybody think of Mr. X and what happened to him?  

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  1. 1. What does Everybody think of Mr. X and what happened to him?

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Balladeer: It seems that Angelena and Bo are getting along and laughing about past experience's as well.

Luke looked at Angelena carefully as she talked and laughed with Bo and knew that something was a bit off. “Hey Angelena can we take a walk?†Luke asked.

“Sure, what’s going on Uncle Luke?†Angelena asked.

“Are you alright Angel?â€

“Yeah I’m fine.â€

“How much do you know about what happened twenty years ago?â€

“I know enough alright.†She snapped.

“How bout you tell me what you know?†Luke prodded gently leading her away from everyone else. While Angelena told Luke what she knew, Mike caught sight of what he thought was a car in the barn. He slowly wondered over to it and took a look at it.

“Wow, this is a nice car,†he said looking at the black car.

“That’s Uncle Jesse’s old shine runner Black Tillie.†Bo said.

“Was everyone down here involved in running shine?†Mike asked.

“At one time,†Bo answered. Soon they had prodded Uncle Jesse to tell them a few tales of his shine runnin’ days.

Luke looked down at his cousin’s niece when she finished talking about everything and smiled. “You’re a lot like your mom; you think you can handle everything when really you don’t have to. You can’t keep holding everything back, it’ll get to the point where it’ll all blow up in your face if you’re not careful. As for what happened twenty years ago, you can’t blame your mom. She was a victim of some unfortunate circumstances. Another thing about this Xavier guy, he will pay for everything he has done when they prove it was him, thanks to Lizzy, she’ll make sure of it.â€

“How’d you get so smart Uncle Luke?†Angelena asked.

“When I was about your age I realized that your Uncle Bo’s flappin’ jaw got us into more trouble than it got us out of so one of us had to smarten up, turns out it wasn’t going to be him.†Luke answered. “Another thing Angel, you can’t blame your mom for being overprotective of you. She just wants to make sure nothing bad happens to you like it did to her, and it’s part of her mother’s prerogative. She’s always going to worry about her baby no matter how old you are. Now how ‘bout we go see what Bo and Daisy are up to huh?â€

Back at the cabin Lizzy looked between Michael and Julie hoping they didn’t start talking. “So do you want to see what else we can find or do you want to go and leave the anonymous tip for Rosco or whoever is on duty today?†Lizzy asked.

Cue anyone.


P.S. this was posted with approval from Bo's Crush, Julieduke, and LizzyJackson-Davenport. Hope you all enjoyed.


"Or you guys want to stand around and talk 'cause I'm fine with that too. Really." Lizzy said.

Meanwhile back in Atlanta the Crenshaw's were seriously enamored with their new granddaughter rarely putting the baby down except for at night. Then they got a visit.

"Afternoon ma'am my name is Christine Webster and I'm from the department of child services here in Atlanta. We have received word that a Ms. Lizzy Davenport has filed for custody of your granddaughter Molly Crenshaw. Do you know Ms. Davenport by chance?" Christine asked.

"Afternoon to you as well. Please do come in." Mrs. Crenshaw said. When Christine was seated on the couch Mrs. Crenshaw picked up the baby again. "Yes I know Lizzy well, she was our daughter's best friend. Is it legal for her to file for custody?"

"Yes ma'am perfectly legal. She is allowed to file for custody but that doesn't necessarily mean the judge will grant it."

"What can we do to prevent her from gaining custody?"

"That is not for me to tell you. At this time it is my job to inform you that our department will be conducting random house calls to check up on the child and to determine whose house is better fit for the child in question."

"So you will be checking up on Elizabeth as well?"

"Yes ma'am, we stopped by her place of residence this morning but it seems as no one is home." Christine mentioned.

"Of course not. That girl is rarely at home. She is always running around with different guys and is totally unfit to raise our granddaughter." Mrs. Crenshaw said trying her hardest to discredit Lizzy. The pair talked for a bit longer before Molly started to cry from a dirty diaper. "Please do excuse me dear I need to take care of the young one." Christine nodded and Mrs. Crenshaw stood and walked away.

Mr. Crenshaw walked into the room and looked at Christine. "Ms. Webster, you can not take everything my wife said seriously. Lizzy is a good girl at heart and does deserve a chance. She doesn't run around with different guys every night, in fact the only one I've every heard her run around with is Tom Johnson. He's a friend of hers and helps her out when he can. My wife believes too heavily in the past and doesn't like everything about Lizzy and what she supposedly did to our daughter. If you're looking for her you should try down in Hazzard County. Her father lives there and I believe she's working with him on something."

"Thank you Mr. Crenshaw. Tell your wife good day and look after the little one. I must be going now." Mr. Crenshaw nodded and the two said their farewells.

"What did you say to her David?" Mrs. Crenshaw snapped at her husband.

"I didn't say anything to her Michelle. We mainly talked about the weather." David answered before heading back to the barn.

Cue anyone.

"Or you guys want to stand around and talk 'cause I'm fine with that too. Really." Lizzy said.

Meanwhile back in Atlanta the Crenshaw's were seriously enamored with their new granddaughter rarely putting the baby down except for at night. Then they got a visit.

"Afternoon ma'am my name is Christine Webster and I'm from the department of child services here in Atlanta. We have received word that a Ms. Lizzy Davenport has filed for custody of your granddaughter Molly Crenshaw. Do you know Ms. Davenport by chance?" Christine asked.

"Afternoon to you as well. Please do come in." Mrs. Crenshaw said. When Christine was seated on the couch Mrs. Crenshaw picked up the baby again. "Yes I know Lizzy well, she was our daughter's best friend. Is it legal for her to file for custody?"

"Yes ma'am perfectly legal. She is allowed to file for custody but that doesn't necessarily mean the judge will grant it."

"What can we do to prevent her from gaining custody?"

"That is not for me to tell you. At this time it is my job to inform you that our department will be conducting random house calls to check up on the child and to determine whose house is better fit for the child in question."

"So you will be checking up on Elizabeth as well?"

"Yes ma'am, we stopped by her place of residence this morning but it seems as no one is home." Christine mentioned.

"Of course not. That girl is rarely at home. She is always running around with different guys and is totally unfit to raise our granddaughter." Mrs. Crenshaw said trying her hardest to discredit Lizzy. The pair talked for a bit longer before Molly started to cry from a dirty diaper. "Please do excuse me dear I need to take care of the young one." Christine nodded and Mrs. Crenshaw stood and walked away.

Mr. Crenshaw walked into the room and looked at Christine. "Ms. Webster, you can not take everything my wife said seriously. Lizzy is a good girl at heart and does deserve a chance. She doesn't run around with different guys every night, in fact the only one I've every heard her run around with is Tom Johnson. He's a friend of hers and helps her out when he can. My wife believes too heavily in the past and doesn't like everything about Lizzy and what she supposedly did to our daughter. If you're looking for her you should try down in Hazzard County. Her father lives there and I believe she's working with him on something."

"Thank you Mr. Crenshaw. Tell your wife good day and look after the little one. I must be going now." Mr. Crenshaw nodded and the two said their farewells.

"What did you say to her David?" Mrs. Crenshaw snapped at her husband.

"I didn't say anything to her Michelle. We mainly talked about the weather." David answered before heading back to the barn.

Cue anyone.

Julie and Micheal is still looking around and she is mulling something in her mind but she wants to seriously talk with Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane because she is thinking that she can't trust her judgement she doesn't think that Lt. Jack Morrison would understand what she is going thru right now.

Micheal sees that Julie is quiet and he says "Excuse me, but you seem quiet like something is bothering you right now Julie ?"

Julie says "Well, actually there is now in the past twenty years this Xavier or whatever his name has snatched me three times and that's way too many. Twice twenty years ago, and he was waiting for you to come back, you see Micheal he let me go but he told me that I told my family what happened their that I was a goner. And I'm so scared of him, and I'm cop and a CSI I just don't think I have it to be a cop anymore like I'm losing my edge. And eariler when I was the post office visiting with Mz. Tixdale I remember how much I loved working there before I left for college and I got to decide If I still want to keep my job or work at the post office. Well, the only bad experience I did have was Hughie Hogg came in there. Now Sure, I was talking tough but it just because he gets under my skin just like a itch you can't stratch."

Micheal says " I felt that way when my Stevie was shot and died in arms at our wedding they aiming for me Julie. I almost quit the foundation at that time but it very rough and emotional for me and it took me a real long time to good over the loss of her."

Julie says "That is very rough, I don't know what I would've done if I was in the same situation and it was my new husband shot in my arms right after we got married. How in the world did you get through that right there?"

Micheal says "Julie let's getting going and let Lizzy know oh do you want to ride in my car for old times sake. I can understand why you never got real close to me now. You was probaly thinking I had something up my sleeve. One question and I won't get mad at what you say about but What are feeling towards Brian Coltrane do you like him as a friend or it more?"

Julie says "What a question Micheal, and yes I think we should get going and I don't mind riding in Kitt and you know that get me thinking what was his reasons for helping me out did he do has a friend or does he have more feelings towards me than he is saying as well?"

Julie walks out of the cabine and says "Hey Lizzy, were going to the Duke Farm why don't you meet us there okay?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

"Sure I'll just meet you there. And Julie don't worry everything will turn out fine. There's no reason to be scared." Lizzy answered heading for her car.

Cue anyone.

Julie and Micheal headed for Kitt, but she was still scared that feeling of her will never go away not until that guy was in prison for good.

At the Duke Farm, Alexander Hogg who is Angelena's ex-boyfriend and son of Hughie Hogg as well and he was the High School Star Quaterback and number one player on the basketball team, but the University of North Carolina didn't think he was that hot and he got turned for a schloraship all expense paid and he's steamed.

Alexander goes down Ol Mill Road almost by accident and he see's that his ex is talking to somebody but he didn't know who it was at this point. He puts his brand new Sportser car in park and gets out and wonders why anybody would want this life, their ain't nothing here.

He walks to where Angelena is at and he says "Hey Angel honey, do you know who your Daddy is yet and thanks for dumping me I got the hottest girl in school and she is willing?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie and Micheal headed for Kitt, but she was still scared that feeling of her will never go away not until that guy was in prison for good.

At the Duke Farm, Alexander Hogg who is Angelena's ex-boyfriend and son of Hughie Hogg as well and he was the High School Star Quaterback and number one player on the basketball team, but the University of North Carolina didn't think he was that hot and he got turned for a schloraship all expense paid and he's steamed.

Alexander goes down Ol Mill Road almost by accident and he see's that his ex is talking to somebody but he didn't know who it was at this point. He puts his brand new Sportser car in park and gets out and wonders why anybody would want this life, their ain't nothing here.

He walks to where Angelena is at and he says "Hey Angel honey, do you know who your Daddy is yet and thanks for dumping me I got the hottest girl in school and she is willing?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Bo, Mike and Uncle Jesse over hear Alexander giving Angelena a hard time and Bo looks at Uncle Jesse I think that guy should leave did you see the way he looked at the farm like it was beneath him.

Bo walks to where Angelena, Luke and Alexander are at and he says "Excuse me, but I think your a bit too disrespectfull to my niece so please leave."

Alexander says "Oh my father Hughie Hogg told me not to date her that you Dukes were nothing but trouble I guess I deserved it when the Gym teacher had us taking Boxing and he had me spar with Angel the day after we broke up. You Know I think she finally got it when the gym teacher was trying to show her for the longest time,who claims he used to be a professional boxer at one time. I was sore for a week and I'll leave a make sure I stay of out Angel's way she's not Angel that's for sure."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Bo, Mike and Uncle Jesse over hear Alexander giving Angelena a hard time and Bo looks at Uncle Jesse I think that guy should leave did you see the way he looked at the farm like it was beneath him.

Bo walks to where Angelena, Luke and Alexander are at and he says "Excuse me, but I think your a bit too disrespectfull to my niece so please leave."

Alexander says "Oh my father Hughie Hogg told me not to date her that you Dukes were nothing but trouble I guess I deserved it when the Gym teacher had us taking Boxing and he had me spar with Angel the day after we broke up. You Know I think she finally got it when the gym teacher was trying to show her for the longest time,who claims he used to be a professional boxer at one time. I was sore for a week and I'll leave a make sure I stay of out Angel's way she's not Angel that's for sure."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "Micheal let me tell you the best short cut that you can beat out Lizzy getting back to my Uncle's farm it's pretty fun when you know the county?"

Micheal says "Well all right Julie, why don't you direct me on which way to go and please let me know of any speed traps along the way."

Julie says "Okay, sounds you don't feel like talking to the cops here then from that right there and I'm going to show you the Hazzard Car Wash a.k.a. the Hazzard Lake and you might get to see why we call it that right there."

Micheal says "Okay, I'm afraid to ask you what you mean by that right there now Julie."

Julie says "Oh it's pretty simple really you see when we pick the Sheriff of a Deputy, well any one of our family just looks for the Hazzard Lake. And we jump or go cross-country like Bo says at times."

Micheal says "Is that what the Hazzard Car Wash is then you know I was wandering how you had a car wash in this county with any adversiting billboards here."

Julie says "We would but that wouldn't be any fun now!"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "Micheal let me tell you the best short cut that you can beat out Lizzy getting back to my Uncle's farm it's pretty fun when you know the county?"

Micheal says "Well all right Julie, why don't you direct me on which way to go and please let me know of any speed traps along the way."

Julie says "Okay, sounds you don't feel like talking to the cops here then from that right there and I'm going to show you the Hazzard Car Wash a.k.a. the Hazzard Lake and you might get to see why we call it that right there."

Micheal says "Okay, I'm afraid to ask you what you mean by that right there now Julie."

Julie says "Oh it's pretty simple really you see when we pick the Sheriff of a Deputy, well any one of our family just looks for the Hazzard Lake. And we jump or go cross-country like Bo says at times."

Micheal says "Is that what the Hazzard Car Wash is then you know I was wandering how you had a car wash in this county with any adversiting billboards here."

Julie says "We would but that wouldn't be any fun now!"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Balladeer: Let's see here Angelena dumped Hughie's son Alexander Hogg, and he say's she is trouble. I wonder if the gym teacher knew that Angelena dumped him the day before when he picked the sparring partners. Julie is about to show Micheal some of the famous Duke shortcuts to beat Lizzy back to the Duke Farm.

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody


Angelena: Look Alex what do you want , I thought I dumped you years ago? I guess what I can take care of myself thank you, you just act like your father.

cue anyone

Angelena: Look Alex what do you want ' date=' I thought I dumped you years ago? I guess what I can take care of myself thank you, you just act like your father.

cue anyone[/quote']

Bo says "Hey Alex, is your father Hughie and excuse what was that the Gym teacher was trying to teach you that finally got that day."

Alex says "Right cross, and you know Angelena you almost didn't get away from that guy trying to snatch at school you could've used my help at the time."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Bo says "Hey Alex, is your father Hughie and excuse what was that the Gym teacher was trying to teach you that finally got that day."

Alex says "Right cross, and you know Angelena you almost didn't get away from that guy trying to snatch at school you could've used my help at the time."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Bo says "Wait a minute you didn't tell me that Angel, that would've helped alot now."

Alex says "Ya, my father is Hughie and he was very mad when he heard what happened he almost embarssed by the whole incident. The teasing from the guys went on for a whole month about it. You know the Tarheels didn't want me but I go accepted and scholarship O.S.U."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Bo says "Wait a minute you didn't tell me that Angel, that would've helped alot now."

Alex says "Ya, my father is Hughie and he was very mad when he heard what happened he almost embarssed by the whole incident. The teasing from the guys went on for a whole month about it. You know the Tarheels didn't want me but I go accepted and scholarship O.S.U."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Just then Micheal pulls into the drive and Julie see's Alex's car and she remembered that Angel used to date him and after Kitt was parked she gets out and see's her brother, cousins and Uncle Jesse there and the Duke Farm the place she grew up at allthough she always felt that she was different from the other three kids. But first she goes and see's her Uncle Jesse who is talking with Mike and she says "Hey Uncle Jesse don't I get hug I haven't seen you in years and I'm just fine as well."

And then Julie walks over to where Bo, Luke, Angel and Alex are talking and she says "Hey everybody don't I get a hug excluding you Alex what in the world are you doing here. I still laugh about how my daughter K.O. you in Boxing Sparring during gym classes."

Alex says "Ms. Duke that wasn't very funny and you know it as well and I'm leaving here it's apparent one thing I'm too good for a Duke girl and that's not me talking that's what my father said."

Julie says "Well please don't disgrace yourself and come back again now Alex because your not welcome here and stay away from my daughter as well."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Just then Micheal pulls into the drive and Julie see's Alex's car and she remembered that Angel used to date him and after Kitt was parked she gets out and see's her brother, cousins and Uncle Jesse there and the Duke Farm the place she grew up at allthough she always felt that she was different from the other three kids. But first she goes and see's her Uncle Jesse who is talking with Mike and she says "Hey Uncle Jesse don't I get hug I haven't seen you in years and I'm just fine as well."

And then Julie walks over to where Bo, Luke, Angel and Alex are talking and she says "Hey everybody don't I get a hug excluding you Alex what in the world are you doing here. I still laugh about how my daughter K.O. you in Boxing Sparring during gym classes."

Alex says "Ms. Duke that wasn't very funny and you know it as well and I'm leaving here it's apparent one thing I'm too good for a Duke girl and that's not me talking that's what my father said."

Julie says "Well please don't disgrace yourself and come back again now Alex because your not welcome here and stay away from my daughter as well."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Alex says "Hey Delta Dawn, who's your Daddy I wish you would tell me everybody wants to know his name? If your Daddy even wants to see you because he would've came around by now."

Julie says "Alex, I'm warning please leave your upsetting Angel right now and were going through something as well so please don't keep this up okay."

Alex says "But, I just want to know who her daddy is now Mz. Duke do you remember who her daddy is the only time a woman forgets who her kid's father is when she had too much to drink or she has too many partners!"

Julie says "Okay ALEXANDER JETHRO HOGG, leave right now your or you might be sorry for saying that to me and in my opinion you don't know what respect is that is the trashest thing anybody ever said to me now."

Alex says "I guess it's true about the rumors there were too many for you to be sure!"

Julie says "Okay please leave, and I'm not responding to that right there as well."

Alex says "So tell me when are you and Angel going to be on Montel looking who her father is and is Angel going to follow in your footsteps."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody


Lizzy pulls up at the Duke farm wondering how Julie and Micheal beat her there before spotting a kid and his car that didn't look too friendly. Upon approaching the group she over hears Angelena's statement and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Lizzy asks sighing. "If you ain't here for a reason then you oughta leave before I have your car towed." Lizzy smirked as the guy turned around. For a brief moment the guy looked familiar to Lizzy but she just shrugged it off.

Cue anyone.

Lizzy pulls up at the Duke farm wondering how Julie and Micheal beat her there before spotting a kid and his car that didn't look too friendly. Upon approaching the group she over hears Angelena's statement and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Lizzy asks sighing. "If you ain't here for a reason then you oughta leave before I have your car towed." Lizzy smirked as the guy turned around. For a brief moment the guy looked familiar to Lizzy but she just shrugged it off.

Cue anyone.

Alex says "You Will do no such thing, I'm Alex Hogg and my dad is Hughie Hogg and he was right Angelena is nothing but trouble."

Julie says "Oh him, he's just leaving and I don't think you want Cooter to tow his car it might fall apart from being towed. My daughter finally got the right cross and knocked him out during Boxing sparring after they broke up."

Micheal says "You know, I think your rude Alex how can you say those things about Julie and her daughter when you don't even know the whole story."

cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

Alex says "You Will do no such thing, I'm Alex Hogg and my dad is Hughie Hogg and he was right Angelena is nothing but trouble."

Julie says "Oh him, he's just leaving and I don't think you want Cooter to tow his car it might fall apart from being towed. My daughter finally got the right cross and knocked him out during Boxing sparring after they broke up."

Micheal says "You know, I think your rude Alex how can you say those things about Julie and her daughter when you don't even know the whole story."

cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

"Ah another Hogg, just who I didn't want to deal with today. Why don't you do me a favor and go ask your dear old dad who beat him in Capital City's annual derby for three years running until he got the guts to quit trying. Oh wait a minute that was me. Don't believe it? Then go ahead and ask him. Ask him who Lizzy Davenport or Lizzy Jackson is. I can guarantee you won't like his answer. Now stop bothering me and the Duke's before I do call my dear old dad and have him tow your dirty little car to the dump or better yet the bottom of Hazzard Lake. Now scram." Lizzy demanded. "If you don't I'm likely to hit you."

"Don't hit him Lizzy it's a waste of your energy." Luke said.

"Come on pretty please with a cherry on top? I can tell Bo and Mike want to do the same thing." Lizzy said.


"Fine." Lizzy pouted for a split second before turning to glare at Alex who now that she thought about it did look a lot like his father."

Cue anyone.

"Ah another Hogg, just who I didn't want to deal with today. Why don't you do me a favor and go ask your dear old dad who beat him in Capital City's annual derby for three years running until he got the guts to quit trying. Oh wait a minute that was me. Don't believe it? Then go ahead and ask him. Ask him who Lizzy Davenport or Lizzy Jackson is. I can guarantee you won't like his answer. Now stop bothering me and the Duke's before I do call my dear old dad and have him tow your dirty little car to the dump or better yet the bottom of Hazzard Lake. Now scram." Lizzy demanded. "If you don't I'm likely to hit you."

"Don't hit him Lizzy it's a waste of your energy." Luke said.

"Come on pretty please with a cherry on top? I can tell Bo and Mike want to do the same thing." Lizzy said.


"Fine." Lizzy pouted for a split second before turning to glare at Alex who now that she thought about it did look a lot like his father."

Cue anyone.

Alex says "Well Fine, Goodbye Delta Dawn and where did you accepted at the Local Community college now."

Alex finally walks over to his car and drives off, and thinking about what Lizzy said and he is thinking that she wouldn't dar put his car in the dump or at the bottom of the Hazzard Lake or would she.

A Little while later Alex found his way to town and seen that his father's car was at his Uncle Boss's House and he knocks on the door and his Aunt Lulu let's him in. And they are talking and he says "Dad who is Lizzy Jackson or Lizzy Davenport she just insulted me and threatened to dump my car at the bottom of the Hazzard Lake and insulted my Car as well.

At the Duke Farm, Julie says "Hey anybody want to hear a joke I know here and here it goes. Why did the Father have the son sell the German sportscar? Because he didn't want his son to live in the fastlane."

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or Anybody

P.S. What kind of car should Alex have that Lizzy just insulted right in front of her.

Alex says "Well Fine, Goodbye Delta Dawn and where did you accepted at the Local Community college now."

Alex finally walks over to his car and drives off, and thinking about what Lizzy said and he is thinking that she wouldn't dar put his car in the dump or at the bottom of the Hazzard Lake or would she.

A Little while later Alex found his way to town and seen that his father's car was at his Uncle Boss's House and he knocks on the door and his Aunt Lulu let's him in. And they are talking and he says "Dad who is Lizzy Jackson or Lizzy Davenport she just insulted me and threatened to dump my car at the bottom of the Hazzard Lake and insulted my Car as well."

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or Anybody

P.S. What kind of car should Alex have that Lizzy just insulted right in front of her.

Balladeer: Well, I guess the Dukes need a Rat Trap now with that varmint that just left now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Bo's Crush or anybody

Angelena: OK' date=' what are we gonna do, I know by dating Alex he's just like Hughie, how are we gonna get those weasels out?

cue anyone[/quote']

Julie says "Honey, what we need is some weasel traps does anybody got any? Honey did have anything to do with that tuner he drove around Atlanta is that why you want out with Alex?"

Cue Anybody

Julie says "Honey, what we need is some weasel traps does anybody got any? Honey did have anything to do with that tuner he drove around Atlanta is that why you want out with Alex?"

Cue Anybody

Micheal says "It looks like Alex, has his father's pride If I'm not mistaken that's a Porsche he's driving right? Well Julie and Angelena you see I had this case where I these weathly racers was involved and I had race Kitt on Pink Slip to Pink Slip and lost. Boy was that embrassing I was thinking he doesn't know anything about my car, and it's a late model Pontiac on the outside of it so if I was to challenge him to a race he would take me up on it. Hey Julie, remember how fast Kitt can go when I have to and there another cool feature you haven't even seen yet. That C button inside my car means "Convertible" and I was thinking maybe sometime we could go for a ride just you and me?"

Julie says "I kind of like that idea, but how did you lose your car in a race that is embrassing and wow it seems that you didn't really have to mention that right there. Well you see have my brother and my cousin seeing that your not so perfect of a driver. but come on what did you have a sip of Uncle Jesse's finast now that you mentioned your car is a convertible. It definitly a hardtop take another look at your car again with your glasses on this time."

Micheal says "No really that is the truth and I not bull****ting you about that C button inside my car and I see you don't believe so just hold a minute and I'll show this feature to everybody now."

Micheal goes and walks over to his car and shows everybody what he is talking about it seems that his son is a envious about this feature that his dad has.

Micheal looks at everybody and says "Oh this curtousy of RC3, he did this he thought I needed a little something for me in the car?"

Julie says "Hey do you think, that RC3 could add a C button on my Trans Am it's a 1969 that would one cool feature and I think you just outclassed Boss Hogg's White Caddy he always has his top down."

Micheal says "Oh you mean that White Caddy outside when he was at the jail/courthouse that was real nice any connections to Hughie Hogg and Alex as well?"

Julie says "Oh ya, big connection that his Nephew and Great-Nephew Micheal and he loves that car you know that the one thing he does get mad about don't park too close to his car."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or Anybody

Micheal says "It looks like Alex, has his father's pride If I'm not mistaken that's a Porsche he's driving right? Well Julie and Angelena you see I had this case where I these weathly racers was involved and I had race Kitt on Pink Slip to Pink Slip and lost. Boy was that embrassing I was thinking he doesn't know anything about my car, and it's a late model Pontiac on the outside of it so if I was to challenge him to a race he would take me up on it. Hey Julie, remember how fast Kitt can go when I have to and there another cool feature you haven't even seen yet. That C button inside my car means "Convertible" and I was thinking maybe sometime we could go for a ride just you and me?"

Julie says "I kind of like that idea, but how did you lose your car in a race that is embrassing and wow it seems that you didn't really have to mention that right there. Well you see have my brother and my cousin seeing that your not so perfect of a driver. but come on what did you have a sip of Uncle Jesse's finast now that you mentioned your car is a convertible. It definitly a hardtop take another look at your car again with your glasses on this time."

Micheal says "No really that is the truth and I not bull****ting you about that C button inside my car and I see you don't believe so just hold a minute and I'll show this feature to everybody now."

Micheal goes and walks over to his car and shows everybody what he is talking about it seems that his son is a envious about this feature that his dad has.

Micheal looks at everybody and says "Oh this curtousy of RC3, he did this he thought I needed a little something for me in the car?"

Julie says "Hey do you think, that RC3 could add a C button on my Trans Am it's a 1969 that would one cool feature and I think you just outclassed Boss Hogg's White Caddy he always has his top down."

Micheal says "Oh you mean that White Caddy outside when he was at the jail/courthouse that was real nice any connections to Hughie Hogg and Alex as well?"

Julie says "Oh ya, big connection that his Nephew and Great-Nephew Micheal and he loves that car you know that the one thing he does get mad about don't park too close to his car."

Cue Bo's Crush or LizzyJackson-Davenport or Anybody

Balladeer: I think everybody is impressed with Micheal's car now, Julie is looking at something other than the car thow.

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