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So Bo drives the General Lee towards the farm; in the car nobody (Bo. Luke, Daisy and Julie) talks. Arthur Bandini is following them with his car. Since they left Hazzard he didn't say anything.

meanwhile Enos is at the police station, worried.

Ballader: Let me explain something about cute little Julie well you see that she was three months premature when she was born and by the time she about to go home her and Bo's parents died and Uncle Jesse got Bo and little Newborn Julie and she never really had the chance to get to know her parents properly.

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So Bo drives the General Lee towards the farm; in the car nobody (Bo. Luke, Daisy and Julie) talks. Arthur Bandini is following them with his car. Since they left Hazzard he didn't say anything.

meanwhile Enos is at the police station, worried.

Enos had heard about what happened and he wished he could've been there but these felons sound dangerous and he wished he could do more about than just sitting where he was right now.

Cue Anybody


Meanwhile the Dukes arrive at the farm, followed by Arthur.

They tell everything to uncle Jesse, who looks at that cop, not knowing if he can trust him or not. Anyway, Enos told Arthur to go at the farm, so uncle Jesse decides to trust him.

Meanwhile the Dukes arrive at the farm, followed by Arthur.

They tell everything to uncle Jesse, who looks at that cop, not knowing if he can trust him or not. Anyway, Enos told Arthur to go at the farm, so uncle Jesse decides to trust him.

Uncle Jesse says "Excuse me Mr. Bandini can I see your badge every cop I ever met has one and I would to see yours right now."

Julie looks at Uncle Jesse and everybody else and says "Wow, why didn't I think of that right there."

cue i1976


Arthur Bandini smiles "Yes, sir. You're right. It's better don't trust strangers" then he shows his badge to the Dukes. It's an italian badge, but it is clear that Arthur Bandini is really a cop.

Looking at the picture on the badge, Daisy shouts "Hey, now I remember where I saw you before. When those felons who took us hostage years ago were arrested, you were there. You were one of the cops who arrested them. At that time you had a goatee beard, whereas now you have no beard"

Ballader: So the mistery has been revealed. The Dukes was feeling they knew Bandini before 'cause they really met him, but they didn't recognize him immediatly because of his previous goatee beard.

Arthur Bandini smiles "Yes, sir. You're right. It's better don't trust strangers" then he shows his badge to the Dukes. It's an italian badge, but it is clear that Arthur Bandini is really a cop.

Looking at the picture on the badge, Daisy shouts "Hey, now I remember where I saw you before. When those felons who took us hostage years ago were arrested, you were there. You were one of the cops who arrested them. At that time you had a goatee beard, whereas now you have no beard"

Ballader: So the mistery has been revealed. The Dukes was feeling they knew Bandini before 'cause they really met him, but they didn't recognize him immediatly because of his previous goatee beard.

Julie says "Now, I don't feel so bad but why did you leave America for Italy and is it true that they drive on the wrong side of the road. Hey I know that look right there Bo you miss Shannon right now and your worried about what might happen but worry about me I can take care of myself."

Cue i1976 and Bo's Crush

Julie says "Now, I don't feel so bad but why did you leave America for Italy and is it true that they drive on the wrong side of the road. Hey I know that look right there Bo you miss Shannon right now and your worried about what might happen but worry about me I can take care of myself."

Cue i1976 and Bo's Crush

Julie says "One question everybody why was Boss and Rosco at the farm I don't understand how they got involved in the first place."

Balladeer: A Famalier car is coming right now I wonder who this could be right now.

Cue i1976 or Bo's Crush


(ok ya'll no one is familiar with Lori's character but Juli asked me to jump in so you'll get the hang of her character lets just hope Luke aint got no one right now..hehe)

That familiar car was the black 69' dodge charger known as Midnight Rider. Lori Davenport, Cooter's younger cousin came barrelling into town beatin 90. She was there mostly to see the Dukes, but more or less to see Luke. She alwyas had a thing for him. Lori spun dirt as she pulled up to the Duke Farm seeing everyone there she smiled and climbed out, her brunette hair flowing her side swepted bangs a mess,"Howdy ya'll Im back!" Lori had just gotten back from the marines..

cue one of ya'll working on the story lol Julie wanted me to join..


Arthur looks at that big family, smiling. He noticed that Lori likes Luke, and previously that Enos likes Daisy (and maybe Daisy likes Enos). And now he's noting that Julie likes him; in effect that young girl is looking at him continuously. What a mess. He's trying not to burst laughing in front of that strange family.

He looks at Julie, answering to her previuos question "No, in Italy we drive like you, on the right side of the road. In England it's the contrary. Anyway, I live in Italy. I'm here and I was here years ago only for work, 'cause there's a police investigation that involves both italian and american police. When everything will be OK, I'll return in Italy"

Arthur looks at that big family, smiling. He noticed that Lori likes Luke, and previously that Enos likes Daisy (and maybe Daisy likes Enos). And now he's noting that Julie likes him; in effect that young girl is looking at him continuously. What a mess. He's trying not to burst laughing in front of that strange family.

He looks at Julie, answering to her previuos question "No, in Italy we drive like you, on the right side of the road. In England it's the contrary. Anyway, I live in Italy. I'm here and I was here years ago only for work, 'cause there's a police investigation that involves both italian and american police. When everything will be OK, I'll return in Italy"

Julie says "Hey Lori, and okay but one thing before you got to check out the Boars Nest I'm too young to go in there but I always would love to try to."

Julie looks and Lori and says "You know what I mean oh shoot if you want to meet somebody that is the place you go to."

P.S. Thanks Lori for jumping in.

cue i1976 or LoriDavenport or anybody


Balladeer: I wonder if Luke is going to tell Lori about what is going on right now and how worried everybody is right now and Julie sure does like Arthur even he's too old for her.


Lori smiled and nodded,"Alright ya'll....but first..mind tellin me whats going on?" Lori had that dazed and confused Davenport look about her face. She looked at each and everyone one of the family members smiling to each, winking to Luke a little. She plopped onto of Midnight Rider, her black 69 dodge charger, the brother to the General Lee. She sighed and looked at everyone,"Now why yall needin me to go to the baors nest....when I go....I get into trouble..."

Lori smiled and nodded,"Alright ya'll....but first..mind tellin me whats going on?" Lori had that dazed and confused Davenport look about her face. She looked at each and everyone one of the family members smiling to each, winking to Luke a little. She plopped onto of Midnight Rider, her black 69 dodge charger, the brother to the General Lee. She sighed and looked at everyone,"Now why yall needin me to go to the baors nest....when I go....I get into trouble..."

Julie says "Hey Lori, do you mind If I come they won't care If I'm not quite 21 yet they never besides I snuck in last week and didn't tell anybody about until now."

Bo, Luke, Jesse, Daisy all look at Julie with disappointed and they was a little upset about that she had done that.

Cue LoriDavenport(Lori might have something to say about that right there)


Lori hopped off the car and pointed her finger at Julie,"Now listen and listen good....yer too young to drink and too young to be goin to the Boar's Nest Id do much better with Bo or Jesse or Daisy or Luke to go with me.... Uncle Jesse raised me by the good book and thats the same way hes tryin to raise you and sneaking off to go to bars aint one of em."

Lori was stern with her words as she looked at Julie.

Lori hopped off the car and pointed her finger at Julie,"Now listen and listen good....yer too young to drink and too young to be goin to the Boar's Nest Id do much better with Bo or Jesse or Daisy or Luke to go with me.... Uncle Jesse raised me by the good book and thats the same way hes tryin to raise you and sneaking off to go to bars aint one of em."

Lori was stern with her words as she looked at Julie.

Julie says "You know, I didn't even like what Beer tasted like it smells like something spoiled inside so I don't think I'll ever be a beer drinker Lori so what do you think of me taking up smoking then?

As Soon as these escaped felons thing is over with I'm leaving for Ohio State University anyways unless you plan on following me there Lori?

Cue anybody


Lori sighed and looked at her,"Yer still underaged to smoke too!!! and if ya do go ahead and rot yer lungs away!!!" Lori shook her head,"Escaped felons?????" Lori sighed and sat on the hood,"Lord Hazzard County aint changed much in 7 years...." Lori sighed and looked at Julie,"Im here to stay in Hazzard...I aint leavin no more less Boss makes me run shine fer him again!"

Lori sighed and looked at her,"Yer still underaged to smoke too!!! and if ya do go ahead and rot yer lungs away!!!" Lori shook her head,"Escaped felons?????" Lori sighed and sat on the hood,"Lord Hazzard County aint changed much in 7 years...." Lori sighed and looked at Julie,"Im here to stay in Hazzard...I aint leavin no more less Boss makes me run shine fer him again!"

Julie says "You know Bo and Luke wouldn't even tell me about what happened it was Daisy that told me all about it, but what Boss and Rosco doing there. Go ahead Luke, why don't you tell Lori what happened she looks worried about everything and what Lori what do you think of the Trans Am I call Blackie over there."


Julie says "Hey Lori, if you see Rosco tell him that Julie says Hello and I'll miss him when I leave for OSU in a day or two. If your he's curious what I'm taking tell him space."

Cue LoriDavenport


Julie says "Okay, If you really want to know what I'm taking than it's Criminal Justice I want to be a Crime Scene Investigator there the ones that solve all the big crimes you know."

Cue Lori Davenport

Lori growled,"Well I know what a CSI is!! dont ya know ya gotta go to Tenesse for 10 weeks to the national forensics academy too?"

Julie says "Well, I'm going to take Criminal Justice and then go to Tennesse later you know it's pretty good job they can tell you what kind of car you were driving just by your tire tracks and even by the paint job. Sometimes I feel that I got cheated that my parents died when I was only three months old."

Uncle Jesse says "Julie, you get done with all that I think the police would love having you around doesn't everybody think so as well."

Cue LoriDavenport or Anybody


Meanwhile Arthur is listening everything, silently.

When he hears 'bout cigarettes he remembers he hasn't smoked since he's in Hazzard. He sighs thinking of his pack of cigarettes in his pocket. All that women chat is increasing his wish of smoking. Anyway, it isn't polite to smoke in a stranger house, so he tries to reach the door and to go out.

When he sees a patrol car approaching (it's Enos, his excuse to go out), he thinks "Oh my Lord, thanks to let me go out this house of strange americans and to manage to smoke a cigarette"

Ballader: Well, Arthur Bandini obviously was thinking in italian, in a colourful italian language, and precisely in a colourful sicilian language, but, folks, it's better to translate in english his thoughts in a soft manner.


Meanwhile , a young girl named Shannon enters Hazzard but gets lost and rosco catches her and let's hope someone comes to her rescue. Enos comes up"hey arthur watcha doing?" Arthur says" Oh nothing, enos I was just getting some fresh air."

Balladeer: hopes Enos sees that Arthur lied and realizes something is up?

cue Juileduke or i1976or Lori Daveport

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