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Luke noticed it too. Especially now, that he was closer to the age his father had been. He bit his lip realizing forthe first time, how hard it must have been on Jesse to raise a boy who was a constant reminder of the brother he lost.


Rebecca looked over with a small, tired smile to Lavinia, nodding softly.

"Yeah they sure do..."

Jesse smiled too as he finished clearing up, leaving the room to wash his hands, smiling as he saw Kevin making proud telephone calls to all of his brothers and friends.


Rebecca nodded as she looked over her newborn son again, running a hand through the dark curls that already adorned his tiny head, rocking him gently in her arms as she moved to stroke the tiny fists that clutched the blankets he was wrapped in.

"He's gonna look just like his dad when he's older...though hopefully he'll have a bit more common sense..."


Thunder boomed outside and as if on cue Luke whimpered a little.

"He knows he don't like thunder," put in Lavinia.

Kevin's voice could be heard from the other room yelling, " I'm a daddy!"

Lavinia chuckled. "Guess we know where he gets his mouth from...."


Rebecca chuckled a little, nodding and soothing Luke softly.

"I don't think he doesn't like the thunder...its just not somethin' he's used to is all...otherwise he'd be back to screamin' again..."

Jesse shook his head as he went to Kevin, tapping his shoulder.

"Your wife's just got your son to stop his cryin', unless you wanna be the one to try it next i'd keep it down..."


Jesse smiled and patted his shoulder


Rebecca smiled and just watched her baby boy, before looking to Lavinia.

"You got any ideas for names? I'm completly stuck since they told us they thought Luke was a girl..."


Lavinia looked at the baby. "Well...I suppose you could always name him after his father...though one Kevin is enough for any family..." she added teasingly so her younger brother-in-law could hear.

"Hey now..." said Kevin smiling.

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