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Well I Guess its about time i introduced myself, well im mini hogg ( Richard ) im a big fan of tom and johns music, got all there albums exsept johns mysterious small one but i got eyes like a hawk hehe, other than that i love the show and i plan to love it more and more with every year that i live, ive been around here for a while but i havernt really started posting till now, so hope to see y'all around in the chat or ya can add me to MSN or Yahoo. Thanks again and i look forward to posting more on hazzardnet, YEEHHAW and im down and gone!




Hi MiniHogg!

I don't know if you remember, but I chatted with you once, I believe. And I remeber I had a great time getting to chat a little. So, I'm really happy that you finally introduced yourself! Good for you. Since you already have been here, you probably have already met a number of great Hazzard fans on this website.

Hope that you keep on posting, it wouldn't be the same without you. And welcome just the same!

Khee! Khee! I'm gone!

Laura Duke


Aww! thank you so much Laura!! yeah it was a great chat, may have been short but it was fun, i love meeting new people, its great to hear there stories and how they got into the show, im usally hanging around in the chat so feel free to come in and have a chat :)


Hey mini hogg!

Yeah, if I see that you're in the chat room, I will definately give a shout to you! I look forward to doing that sometime.

I agree, it's really great to meet new people-especially great Duke fans such as yourself. I also agree how neat it is to see how other people have gotten the Dukes of Hazzard into their lives.

Again, welcome and stay for a long time! It's so great to chat with you!

Laura Duke

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