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Hello Everyone!

I've been re-watching the first and second season of The Dukes of Hazzard. And, I've been noticing something-the opening teasers that start the show (you know, when they say, "Tonight on the Dukes...........) and then they play the "Good ol' Boy" song. Well, on that teaser, I don't think that is Waylon Jenning's voice. But, other Hazzard people tell me it is. What do all of you think?


Laura Duke


Wow Laura, after being a fan since 1979, I thought I've analyzed everything there is to analyze on the Dukes...but you hit me with a new one. I agree, that is not Waylon but now I'm wondering what the story is behind the voice. I'm trying to think if the same guy did it all 7 years. I hope someone can give us some info about this...breaker 1, breaker 1, we might be crazy (and this time we're also dumb) anybody home on the Hazzardnet?...hopefully someone can shed some light on this. Tim Duke might know this one. He's good with those toughies. I'm gone.


Thank you! I'm not crazy (well, not as crazy as I thought I was!:p ) After arguing for 1 year, that it was not Waylon Jennings voice, I finally have someone to back me up on this. Thank you! Now, you confused me Uncle Jesse, I thought that they stopped the teaser talks after the first couple of seasons, and just showed clips and then went to the song right away? Well, this just gives us an excuse to watch more Dukes of Hazzard!

Okay, hopefully TimDuke will see that we need help!

Was that BrianColtrane or TimDuke that had the Big Bird Turkey for Thanksgiving? Well, whichever one it was, we'll have to restrain whoever it was from RogerDuke, otherwise we'll be talking about Ruldolph on the table for Christmas Dinner! :D

Laura Duke


After further thought, I have to do more thinking.

I'm not really sure. It seems like they always did have a voice there and it was never Waylon but there was at least two different guys. We sure need rescued here. Either that or we'll have to get out the DVDs and figure it out for ourselves. I'm gone.


I knwo im a little late in the thread but I listen to Waylon as much as the next guy and them two voices they have at times, just doesnt sound like good ole waylon to me. I thought I might have been hearing things wrong or something..but I guess theres more people out there that was hearing two different voices too.


Hey y'all!

Not to go throwin' a wrench in things, but I have always figured it this way: Waylon is a country star, right? Correct me if I'm wrong about that, because to be honest, I have only heard about two of his songs! Anyway, he probably did a lot of touring across the country and other business and could not sit in some studio all of the time to do the Dukes. Is it possible that maybe while on tour or something, he could have recorded the teasers in another part of the country and so what you are hearing on the teasers is a recording of a recording, so his voice sounds distroted. I can't imagine that the Dukes crew would drag someone in to do the teasers, not recognize him on the credits, and put Waylon's name on it. I do not know though. I am only guessing.

General Grant


That could very well be, General Grant. It's funny, everytime we write, we always have the opposite opinions on everything!:p

I don't know, I really think that it is someone else on the teasers. But, I could be wrong. I'm really stuck on this one!

Laura Duke


The way I see it, ya both got good arguments here. I mean, It does sound like two different voices...but then again it could be Waylon's voice distorted...but is there such a thing as being too distorted...now what I mean by that is, is it really possible for them to get his voice distorted that much?? I mean if you listen closely, You may hear some cloesness to his voice. Ya'll got great arguements though and Im stuck between both of ya'lls answers cause either one sounds logical!!


Hey Y'all!

I know what you mean Laura Duke... you'd think we were cousins the way we carry on so, and always argue over who's idear is right and who's is wrong! Khee! Thank you for the compliment, LoriDavenport, I like to logically think things through!!!! Anyway, they may have let his voice go distorted like that because after all of those cars they had to supply, I am sure the budget must have been lacking somewhere! If if did, though, I certainly didn't know!

General Grant


I've been watching season 4 episodes and that's definitely not Waylon's voice. I don't think there would be a practical reason to distort it even if they did have that technololgy in the early 80s. Keep up the creative thoughts though....


Thanks, Uncle Jesse!:)

Well, cousin Grant, I think that we've got you over a barrel!:)

So, really, does anyone know why they have a different man talking for the teasers? It would be SO interesting to know!

Laura Duke


Hey Y'all!

HA HA HA!!!! Very funny Laura Duke. I 'aint over a barrel, yet! Anyway, I really must be confusing. I was saying that they probably didn't have the technology to fix the distortion. Waylon would most likely pursue his musical career and he probably could not sit around for 7 years to do the Dukes, No offense to the Dukes! But, I was saying that because of being a musician, he probably traveled a lot and may have done some of the Dukes work while on tour. So they probably could not clear up the distortion.

Anyway, with Laura and Roger havin' a good time with this, I'll just have to go think up another funny idea about why the voice sounds different, but I still think it is Waylon!

General Grant


I'm trying to remember what the opening voice was like on "One Armed Bandits" I know they used more than one person in the 7 years, the question is, how many? If you two keep this thread going long enough, I'm going to end up being so curious, I'll have to pop in all of the first episodes from all 7 seasons...unless of course, Laura or General Grant beat me to it. I'm gone.


Hate to bust in here, y'all, but I was watching the first season the other day and I could just about swear that is Waylon's voice on the teasers. There's one particular tone in his voice when he says "Dukes" that I've never heard from anyone else - even when they're trying to imitate him for some reason.

I can't think of any reason for it not to be him. Maybe the teasers were just recorded at a different time or place, causing it to sound a little different - like when you hear a band play on a stage with bad acoustics, you know it's them, but it just doesn't really sound like it, because you know they can do so much better.

Okay, I just read back over that, and I realize that I'm not explaining what I mean real well, but I just can't seem to clarify it any more right now! I think I'm gonna just give up and head for bed - Good night, all!


Thank You Denver C!!!!

That is kind of what I was saying, so everyone was givin' me the business (very politely, of course!) I am glad I have someone else who thought the same thing! I understand completely what you were saying. You said it much better than I was sayin' it! Well, Laura Duke, so much for that barrel, I think Denver C just put you in a pickle! Thank you Denver C. I, and the other good folks here, were beginning to think I was crazy! Thank you for proving otherwise. I thought maybe I was just hearin' things. (General Grant... turn yer hearin' aid up!)

I'll catch y'all later!

General Grant

Oh, Roger and Laura, keep up yer creative thoughts, Khee!! No, I'm just kiddin' I guess someone agreein' with me has gone to my head, I best skedaddle before I get goin' too much!


This is kinda fun. I'm so confused I think I'm in the middle of a Dukes episode. I guess I have to pop "One Armed Bandits" in and hear for myself. If it was Waylon that did the teasers, I wonder how many episodes he did them for?


Hey Everyone!

What's wrong, are there more twists and turns than there is on Old Mill Pond Road?:p

"One Armed Bandits" had Waylon's voice on the teaser. On the teaser you see pictures of the show and then the General Lee flying and Waylon says, "Welcome...... to Hazzard County." But, as the series goes on, about half way into it the voice sounds different for the teaser. And, now I'm in Season 2, and the voice sounds different than Waylons!

Here's an idea: If anyone plans to go to Dukesfest 2008, and get an autograph from John Schneider, could someone ask him if that was Waylon's voice? :p That would definately solve it! :p

Laura Duke


Hey y'all!

Not to sound like the balladeer, but I think everyone is tryin' to understand everyone else, and no one understands what anyone is sayin'. That is usually what will happen when you get a bunch of Hazzardites together! That is a good idea to ask John. If y'all get to Dukefest, or get any autographes, I would love to hear about it!

General Grant


You are right, General Grant! This is getting so confusing, I had to look back to see what my original question was!:)

I'm really suprised that no one knows if it is Waylon's voice or not! I would have thought someone would know.

Is there someway we could find out?

Laura Duke


Well I popped two season 1 episodes in last night. "One Armed Bandits" definitely IS Waylon but a late season 1 episode was someone else. I'm not sure how many season 1 episodes Waylon did. Hmmm, another mystery. How many was it?


I still say that it is Waylon's voice! I hope that I didn't scare Denver C. away, he agreed with me! Anyway, I am not sure how we could find out for sure. Maybe we should go on John, Tom, and Catherine's websites and demand that they tell us! That would probably be about the weirdest question they ever got!

General Grant


Yes, Roger, I think that General Grant is saying that ALL of the 7 season teasers are by Waylon Jennings. But, please don't get upset because you don't understand General Grant, that's often how it is. I never understand General Grant anytime!

Well, General Grant, I really think that you are in a barrel. No escaping this time!:p

Laura Duke


Hey Y'all!

Yes, I am saying that I think Waylon does the teasers for all 7 seasons. Don't worry, Roger, Laura has a way of trippin' people up by answerin' other folks mail! Khee! I just escaped from that barrel you had me over! Khee Khee! I love it, I just love it!

General Grant


No, General Grant, you didn't scare me away - I just haven't had time to get online, since people seem to expect me to go to work for some reason. I still say there has to be an alternative somewheere, but I can't seem to find it.:D (By the way, even though the cat my name comes from is a male, the one doing the actual writing is female.)

I still think that is Walon's voice on the teasers, but I agree with Laura, the easiest way to solve this mystery would be to ask one of the stars.

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