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Should newer movie Dukes actors be invited or allowed at Dukesfest?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should newer movie Dukes actors be invited or allowed at Dukesfest?

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Hey Y'all!

I am sure that the fans would want nothing less than the car, crew, and actors from the series. Now, y'all, don't get me wrong here, but the movie actors get their time to shine almost every day. Dukefest should be the time for the series to shine! I agree about what you are sayin' about Byron and Christopher being able to come. I don't think we should ban the movie actors from coming, but I think that is not really their place to come. I don't know, I think that if they were to come, we should welcome them, but in the meantime, we should stand for what we believe in, and I believe in the series! I really think that the movie took out all moral that the Dukes had in it, and it would be a shame for everyone to think that the movie is a very fair representation of the series.

Hope y'all don't get all upset over any of this!

I'll catch y'all later

General Grant

...as long as Willie Nelson didn't start smoking pot in the Dukesfest outhouse and come out so high that he really did think he was Uncle Jesse.

(Sorry Darrell, I'm only being a smart aleck 'cause I know you're the toughest redneck on the Hazzardnet and can handle my sarcasim without crying)

That one I 1000% agree with ya on. Had no place in teh orignal movie or the unrated one either.

Drugs are the one thing I against big time.


Whoa! Take it easy there, Capt_Redneck, I can feel your blood pressure rising from here!:)

There has been a lot of discussion on this since I left. There is so much back-and-forth, I'm kind of having a hard time about what all of this is about! But, I've been known to be confused often! So forgive me if I'm talking about something that you weren't even talking about-get it?:)

Okay, another opinion to add. First of all, I am really in no way happy about Coy and Vance coming onto the show. Now, Byron and Christopher are probably wonderful people, but I don't feel a connections when they portray Coy and Vance. So, to be honest, I wouldn't even bother to stand in line at Dukesfest to meet them. Poor Duke behavior, I know. But, to me, it was like in the show, "Duke of Duke" when a prison inmate was imitating Gaylord Duke. I feel like Coy and Vance are imitations of Bo and Luke.

But, if Coy and Vance were to come to Dukesfest, it would make others happy, and they never were bad for the show-like they didn't swear or anything, so for that reason, I have no problem.

This is where I get confused at myself: letting the 2005 cast members in. Part of me says that they should be more than welcomed. They probably saw the series as a kid, and how many of us would leap at the chance to play our favorite character on the Dukes of Hazzard?

But, what kind of role models are we bringing to Dukesfest? If we allow them to come, it almost seems like a slap in the face. We want Dukes to be remembered as the "good ol' boys." Uncle Jesse NEVER allowed swearing, he got very upset whenever Bo, Luke, or Daisy swore. And, to hear Wille Nelson AS Jesse Duke swear, that was a HUGE shock!

Plus, I feel that if the cast can't come, I wouldn't want the crew to come. They are the ones that made up the script. So, the cast shouldn't be the only ones on the burner, it's the crew, too. They are also the ones that made it possible. Obviously the crew has no clue what the Dukes is about.

Also, I feel that there is no shame when there were people who said that they wouldn't go to Dukesfest. Some of the best things got changed in the world because people boycotted things, that is the best way to get people to listen. There's a lot of people in the world (especially producers) who listen to an empty paycheck like Boss Hogg. So, I don't look down on people who wouldn't go to Dukesfest.

Well, enough said, I think that you get the idea.

All of you have a wonderful Christmas!:wink:

Laura Duke


Said perfectly Laura Duke! I love the way you stated everything. I don't think that even Jesse could have done that better! You said a couple of things that I never thougt of, about Jesse not allowing swearing and such.

I totally agree with you about boycotting. I believe in resolving things peacefully and not resorting to violence. So, I think that boycotting an event that you love so dearly, like Dukefest, is a very noble thing for a person to do. That is absolutely NOT a sign of immaturity. So, to all of you who would boycott Dukefest if the new cast/crew came on... I say, that if it is truly what you believe in, and that is your principles that you are backing up, then I would say good for you. I know that would be so hard to pass up going to Dukefest, but if you believed that it would really show what us Dukes are all about it is a very noble gesture. But, then again, I also think that you shouldn't ruin a great time!

For Example:

Rosa Parks boycotted the bus system. She was standing firm on her priciples, does that mean that she was just immature. Not at all. I think that was a great thing for her to do. (Sorry Laura Duke, but I had to borrow your idea there!)

But, I would like to thank the lot of you who actually care about people, and their principles and beliefs. I really do appreciate that kind of attitude. It makes everything run a whole lot smoother!

I also understand that this is a hypothetical. Duke fans, myself included, have a tendency to speak on a question, feeling what they would if it were to actually happen. So, I am sorry TimDuke, that this is getting so out of proportion! But, I am sure you know how it is with us Duke fans!

Anyway, I hope that you keep up the good work, Laura Duke. I really enjoyed what you posted below, and would like to thank you for getting your point(s) across in such a great, positive way.

General Grant


I have skimmed through the responses here and figured that I'd give my two cents worth on the question.

I have gone to Dukefest for the last four years and in my experience, Dukefest has always been about the television show...I think they should keep it that way. Dukefest has always been family friendly and I think by welcoming the movie crew or cast into Dukefest, you will be taking all that away. Why ruin a good thing?

Well, there is my two cents!


Garrett Duke,

I like how you put all of that. How come you can put how you feel in a sentence or two, and it takes me forever to write just about the same thing that you put in a paragraph?!?:p

But, thanks for your input! I am definately open to how everyone else feels about this, even though this is just a hypothetical.

Keep in 'tween the ditches, ya'll!

Laura Duke


Well Said Garrett Duke!

You really know how to get your point across in a short amount of space, and you are really respectful of the other opinions.

You said that wonderfully! Keep it up!

General Grant

If this is how much uproar was caused by a hypothetical, I'd hate to see what would happen if it was announced that it was really going to happen!


It is interesting to see people's reactions to hypothetical situations.

I say bring it on - let em' announce Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott will be at DukesFest 2008 . Just kidding. :-P

Ya'll know my opinion on the movie and if not go over to the movie section and read some of my posts.

It wouldn't matter to me one way or another if they were there or not. But I wouldn't cause such an uproar about it if they were.

I'm back



I'll say this much - if Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott did end up at DukesFest, you'd have at least 2 short lines for autographs. Heh heh.

Jessica Simpson would be the one person from the 2005 movie who would probably want to "star" at Dukesfest. She's desperate for media attention. I doubt Knoxville and Scott would go anywhere near it.

Heck, once the football season is over and Jessica's photo-op chances dry up because her quarterback boyfriend, Tony Romo, is finally out of the news for awhile....she'll have nothing better to do.

Maybe we should ring up Jessica's people and tell 'em to get in touch with John's people, and get her Dukesfest appearance lined up. Sound good?

Welcome back, Darrell!

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