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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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It was then that Bo's ice cold voice came over the line again.

"I didn't give you any permission to take my DNA and have it tested against Troy's...and I know you did it so don't even try and pretend you didn't. You did that without my consent and that is against your policy so I am taking this down to my lawyers and I am going to sue."

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"Oh so now your asking?! Now your asking me to do something, well you've changed your tune haven't you! I don't want him, you understand me! I don't want him here, I don't want him in my life, I don't even want to know he exists! Get off my back, leave me the hell alone, and i'll see you in court."

With that Bo threw down the reciever and stormed back outside, heading for the General Lee.

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Bo yelled at her, right up close to her.

"You don't understand me Jaime, don't even try and pretend you do. Now get lost and find something useful to do other than stand around and try and make everyone see to your way of thinking!"

He knew he was being unreasonable somewhere in his head....somewhere deep down he felt really guilty for what he had just said and what he was doing to Troy...but also at that moment in time, Bo Duke was completly and utterly lost and he didn't have a clue what to do about anything. So his answer to problems was to just push them away and carry on with his intended course of action.

He side-stepped Jaime, still in a fury and strode more towards the General, wrenching the keys out his pocket.

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Bo swung back round and faced her, yelling right back.

"I am not your Daddy! I never will be as good as Luke or Uncle Jesse alright! In fact, i'm plumb scared to death of taking on what they have over the years! I have never pretended to be as good as them, but lord knows I've tried! I can't handle this right now, so just keep your nose out of it!"

With that, he swung his legs into the General and powered away from the farm, speeding towards the town to start the court case against the hospital.

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Jaime stopped just outside of her room, swallowing a little as she looked to the phone, still unable to believe Bo had done what he had. That was just a little boy of about 7 that Bo was blowing off as if he was nothing...after everything the little boy had been through...Bo still refused to acknowledge him...even after the proof that the little boy was his son...

Slowly, the tears stopped and she stepped towards the phone, biting her lip as she picked it up and started to dial in the number of the hospital....

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