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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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Bo only caught himself just in time to stop himself from frowning and being yelled at for not keeping still. He thought he had heard Luke...but that was impossible...Luke was a whole room and an x-rya machine away from him...still he had heard the frightened whisper and whispered back in his head.

"Don't be...ain't nothin' gonna happen...it'll be over before ya know it..."

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There it was again. A still small whisper but clearly comprehendable and clearly Bo. Luke didn't understand. He didn't know where Bo was, but in the room with him he certainly was not. He forgot to think about it however as the machine contnued taking pictures of his leg. He shivered wishing Bo was with him, clapig his hands together and closing his eyes as they finished up trying to imagine that the hand he was holding was Bo's.

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When Bo didn't get a reply, he assumed that what he had heard was his imagination running away with him. After all he knew how Luke would be feeling and so probably could imagine what he was saying.

When he opened his eyes again, the doctors where wheeling him out the room and down to a hospital room to await the results of the x-rays.

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The voice stopped and next thing Luke knew, he too as being wheeled to an exam room. He must have looked pretty pale because the attendant brought him a glass of water, telling him to drink it slowly and that a doctor would be with him shortly.

Luke was still so scared. "Bo...you always thought I was brave...if you could see me now you'd think different," he said softly sipping his water with a shaky hand.

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The doctor was really starting to get on Bo's nerves now and his well known, easy to flare temper was starting to creep into his sense.

"Yes Luke was trained to...he was a Marine and fought in Nam but he didn't do it on purpose and if that's what your insinuatin' I think you better get a different doctor to take care o'me or me an' you are gonna fall out right quick."

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"If I don't you could end up hurting yourself more...and you would e hurting more because of the pain especially at night."

Luke swallowed, fear sweeping over him, but not fear of close spaces...rather the fear that he was about to meet a needl, which didn't make sense as the doc had not even been in yet. Immediately he thought of Bo, hoping he was alright.

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The doctor frowned. "Whatever you say...but I'm telling you...should that shoulder get inflamed more...you'll have to have shots inside the muscle to make it essen so you can use it again...and trust me ... those are no fun," he said putting away the syringe. "I suggest your cousin receive a psychological evaluation. Accident or not, this is a serious matter."

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Bo scowled deeply and completly lost his temper, yelling at him.

"You can suggest all you like, but I know for a fact it ain't gonna happen because I ain't gonna let it. All he did was squeeze a bit too hard, so what? It's not like he grabbed me in a rage and did this on purpose and he never will so you can take your dang accusations, suggestions and crackpot evaluations and stick them where the sun don't shine!"

He was beyond all reason now, his defences falired instantly. He knew how sensitive Luke was about his time in 'Nam and he would be damned before he let some stupid doctor ruin the confidence it had taken years for Luke to rebuild in himself.

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Bo snapped and before he knew what had happened, had sent his fist cracking along the Doctor's jaw, sending him sprawling to the floor and standing over him, pointing.

"You suggest one thing to anyone about me or Luke and I swear you'll be regretting it faster than you can count to 3! Don't you come near him or me again!"

He roared before storming out the room and slamming the door behind him to go and find Luke.

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