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i know they've influenced me alot! not only the driving part but whenever my mom now asks me to do something i actually do it!!!! and i dont get mad and start running my mouth any more lol. and i say,"Yes ma'am," And i've actually got better manners too, lol. I just want to say thanks John and Tom and Denver who are slowly but surely changing me. John and Tom have been my hero since i was 5 years old so thanks guys. I look up to Uncle Jesse because he reminds soo much of my grandpa, but my grandpa looks like Rosco lol. he talks to his dog too like Rosco, ill never understand him sometimes lol.


Wow, luke fan07, what an awesome post!!! I was 19 when the Dukes first came out (I was actually born the exact same week John Schneider was). I've been influenced greatly by the Dukes ever since then and all of it has made me a better person. That may sound egotistical yet it's no credit to me but it's a tribute to Gy Waldron and all of the writers who gave the folks of Hazzard so much integrity. At a time in television when so much immorality had set in, the writers made fans from all walks of life see that The Good Book, respecting your elders, doing the right thing, working hard, putting values above money and taking chances to help others is cool. Sure people weren't perfect on the show (well, except Enos and Boss's twin Abe) but that just made it more real and easier to relate to them. I encourage you to continue to soak in all the good lessons that the Dukes teach. It's awesome that you look up to Uncle Jesse. I do to. He's my mentor and if I'm half as good of a man as him when I'm that age, I'll be doing alright!! I'm gone

Wow, luke fan07, what an awesome post!!! I was 19 when the Dukes first came out (I was actually born the exact same week John Schneider was). I've been influenced greatly by the Dukes ever since then and all of it has made me a better person. That may sound egotistical yet it's no credit to me but it's a tribute to Gy Waldron and all of the writers who gave the folks of Hazzard so much integrity. At a time in television when so much immorality had set in, the writers made fans from all walks of life see that The Good Book, respecting your elders, doing the right thing, working hard, putting values above money and taking chances to help others is cool. Sure people weren't perfect on the show (well, except Enos and Boss's twin Abe) but that just made it more real and easier to relate to them. I encourage you to continue to soak in all the good lessons that the Dukes teach. It's awesome that you look up to Uncle Jesse. I do to. He's my mentor and if I'm half as good of a man as him when I'm that age, I'll be doing alright!! I'm gone

i agree, i give all of my credits are given were credits are do, i believe is how it goes lol, to Gy Waldron and the people who gave the people of Hazzard soo much integrity. I know now that whenever i go to say something i aint s'pose to, i catch myself and say pardon me or excuse me for sayin that. I mean i do know what its like to work hard, were ive got three horses, now no i aint sayin ive worked harder than anyone else but, i do know what hard work is not to mention al lthe major work like building dog lots and things like that, my friends all laugh at the word work, i knwo i sure don't if i was like them my mama'd tan MY hide lol and so would my grandpa(the patriarch of my family lol). My mom raised me the same way she was raised, which was Dukes of Hazzard of course. I now am more respectful than what i was and i do have good manners now lol. And you know what really amazes me is, kids and teens says its soo hard to say no to drinking or drugs or sex even, no its not all you need is a strong sense of values and some self-respect and dignity. And I know it aint hard for me to say no. I'm the cleanest one out of me and my cousins. Yes, I will continue to soak up all the good lessons from the Dukes because its every bit worth it!!! I hope that if i do have kids in the future that i know ill raise them, not only the same way my mom raised me but, the same way theat Uncle Jesse raised Bo, Luke, and Daisy. With all of this said, ya'll take care now!


Another post that put a big smile on my face..... I guess that your quote at the bottom of your posts sums it all up. That's my all-time favorite quote from the show in the entire 7 seasons. Keep up the good attitude!! Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.

  • 3 years later...

I have to say, only being around the show for the past few years, it has helped me to be a better person. I think it has helped me to be a more honest person and one who listens to others and is very polite. I feel that I am so much better as a person with this show in my life.

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