Julieduke Posted June 25, 2007 Author Posted June 25, 2007 Micheal was right behind Luke, he had joked that he wanted to get to the hosptial before the baby was born and hopefully the baby of the family.cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose DukeMicheal was thinking about when he had first met Jessica, she had car trouble and he was supposed to pick up his Uncle at the airport but he stopped to see what he could do about her car. He looked at her, and he couldn't anything so he called a tow truck and he waited with her and she needed a ride back home and he didn't have time so she went with him to the airport to pick up his Uncle Rosco and they had met. Neither him or Jessica had any idea that someday they would be married, but his Uncle told him to keep this girl and that she was his perfect match and he teased him to name the first child after him. Now it was twenty-four years later and Ross is engaged and the twins are seniors in high school, Mikey is in the fifth grade and pretty soon Rebecca will be going to Knidergarten and now there sixth child was on his or her's way. Jessica knew what she was having but she keeping it a secret because he missed her first Untrasound appointment and he didn't care. And now Ross was engaged to Lana and he just found out she was pregant with their first child and they was excited as well. Micheal couldn't believe all this was results of him stopping for a pretty girl with car trouble twenty-four years ago when he was on his way to pick up his Uncle Rosco. Micheal was listening to his patrol car's radio and Brad Paisley's song "Two People Fell In Love" came on he is singing along with it as he right on the General's bumper and he accidently tapped it while he singing along with Brad. But, he was thinking that when he first spotted Jessica is was love at first sight. Shoot he almost ran into her car because she was so pretty and the song that Tom Jone tape was at was "What's New Pussy Cat?" and him Jessica used that song for their song and their first dance at their wedding. He wandered what the next twenty some years are going to be like he's glad he still has his hair he dodged that bullet because his Grandpa Nicholas Andrew Coltrane had a nice full head of hair and so did his real dad as well. Luke and Judd was alway teasing him that drove just Rosco and he knew that he did at times, but he didn't care he was his nephew after all. He wished he could've met his Uncle Jesse and seen what he was like but he missed his chance he thought to himself Nicolas Jesse if this baby is a boy or Nicole Jessica if this baby is a girl.Balladeer: Wow, way to go Micheal now image if you wouldn't stopped for Jessica Twenty-four years ago. I hope they hurry up, and he just found out their first grandchild is on the way. Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose Duke or Anybody
Julieduke Posted June 27, 2007 Author Posted June 27, 2007 Micheal was thinking about when he had first met Jessica, she had car trouble and he was supposed to pick up his Uncle at the airport but he stopped to see what he could do about her car. He looked at her, and he couldn't anything so he called a tow truck and he waited with her and she needed a ride back home and he didn't have time so she went with him to the airport to pick up his Uncle Rosco and they had met. Neither him or Jessica had any idea that someday they would be married, but his Uncle told him to keep this girl and that she was his perfect match and he teased him to name the first child after him. Now it was twenty-four years later and Ross is engaged and the twins are seniors in high school, Mikey is in the fifth grade and pretty soon Rebecca will be going to Knidergarten and now there sixth child was on his or her's way. Jessica knew what she was having but she keeping it a secret because he missed her first Untrasound appointment and he didn't care. And now Ross was engaged to Lana and he just found out she was pregant with their first child and they was excited as well. Micheal couldn't believe all this was results of him stopping for a pretty girl with car trouble twenty-four years ago when he was on his way to pick up his Uncle Rosco. Micheal was listening to his patrol car's radio and Brad Paisley's song "Two People Fell In Love" came on he is singing along with it as he right on the General's bumper and he accidently tapped it while he singing along with Brad. But, he was thinking that when he first spotted Jessica is was love at first sight. Shoot he almost ran into her car because she was so pretty and the song that Tom Jone tape was at was "What's New Pussy Cat?" and him Jessica used that song for their song and their first dance at their wedding. He wandered what the next twenty some years are going to be like he's glad he still has his hair he dodged that bullet because his Grandpa Nicholas Andrew Coltrane had a nice full head of hair and so did his real dad as well. Luke and Judd was alway teasing him that drove just Rosco and he knew that he did at times, but he didn't care he was his nephew after all. He wished he could've met his Uncle Jesse and seen what he was like but he missed his chance he thought to himself Nicolas Jesse if this baby is a boy or Nicole Jessica if this baby is a girl.Balladeer: Wow, way to go Micheal now image if you wouldn't stopped for Jessica Twenty-four years ago. I hope they hurry up, and he just found out their first grandchild is on the way. Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose Duke or AnybodyMicheal just noticed that he hit the General in the back with the patrol car now the sheriff was going to notice this when he gets back. Micheal get on his cb and says "Lost Sheep 1, this is brother I'm sorry about that I wasn't paying attention I was thinking about when I had first met Jessica and that Ross and Lana was engaged and how they are expecting a baby now."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose Duke
Julieduke Posted June 27, 2007 Author Posted June 27, 2007 Back to to the 1700's and it seems that the Dukes were doing okay, and the new minister had everything at the church going okay. Reverend Straight was going to the Spencer House to see how they was doing he heard it getting close about the new baby he was excited he was going to get a chance to baptize another baby.Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose Duke
Julieduke Posted June 28, 2007 Author Posted June 28, 2007 Back to to the 1700's and it seems that the Dukes were doing okay, and the new minister had everything at the church going okay. Reverend Straight was going to the Spencer House to see how they was doing he heard it getting close about the new baby he was excited he was going to get a chance to baptize another baby.Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose DukeMicheal says "Hey do you remember when I annonced to everybody that I was taking Jessica to fanfare as sort of a second honeymoon and she just looked at me with certain look. I still remembered Reba McEntire perform "I' Gonna Take That Mountain" and she had talked to us later and Jessica says that we had five kids and that it was no big deal having five kids. You know, I think she told her that she had one and he was plenty enough for her."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose Duke
Julieduke Posted July 26, 2007 Author Posted July 26, 2007 Micheal says "Hey do you remember when I annonced to everybody that I was taking Jessica to fanfare as sort of a second honeymoon and she just looked at me with certain look. I still remembered Reba McEntire perform "I' Gonna Take That Mountain" and she had talked to us later and Jessica says that we had five kids and that it was no big deal having five kids. You know, I think she told her that she had one and he was plenty enough for her."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Dusty Rose DukeJessica couldn't believe these contraction was coming so close and if Micheal didn't get here pretty soon he was going to miss the birth of last child and she meant this time around. Just at that time Dusty Coltrane came in to see her and Jessica is just glad to have more people there for her and she asks her "So Dusty, how close our you to having babie number seven right now you know I think Micheal and his Uncle or racing on how many kids they can have and did you hear that Luke's wife want's another baby but she hasn't found the time to tell him just yet."cue AnybodyP.S. It's getting close to Jessica having her baby she needs Micheal by her side.
dukesrule2000 Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 Kathy Showed up at the hospital and walked in to Jesica's room. Dusty smiles and said I hear youwould like to have another baby. Kathy smiles and said Ya I do But I don't know how I'm going to tell Luke and How he's going to take it.
dukesrule2000 Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 Cause Jesse is 17 and Leventa is 4.I will have to talk to Luke.and then Kathy delivered a new baby.
Julieduke Posted August 7, 2007 Author Posted August 7, 2007 Cause Jesse is 17 and Leventa is 4.I will have to talk to Luke.and then Kathy delivered a new baby.Micheal and Jessica finally got to meet there brand new son which they named Henry Ford(right after the founder of the Ford Motor company.) Ross and Lana, and the twins and rest of the kids came as well and it seems that everybody loved the baby's name and everybody kept saying how cute he was and how her looked just Micheal.Cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 9, 2007 Author Posted August 9, 2007 Micheal and Jessica finally got to meet there brand new son which they named Henry Ford(right after the founder of the Ford Motor company.) Ross and Lana, and the twins and rest of the kids came as well and it seems that everybody loved the baby's name and everybody kept saying how cute he was and how her looked just Micheal.Cue Dukesrule2000Ross says "Well it's offical he's the youngest he is so cute he's going to have his own phone number."Bonnie and Bylinda loved there new little brother they had been through this before with Mikey and the baby who his about to start school in September."P.S. Sorry about that I forget what named Micheal and Jessica's youngest girl I have to look it up.cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 9, 2007 Author Posted August 9, 2007 Balladeer: Well it's offical there Ross, Bonnie, Bylinda, Mikey, Rebecca and Baby Henry Ford and it make six. You I think Micheal and Jessica was watching the Brady Bunch a little too much don't you. And now Ross is engaged to be married to Lana and they got a baby on the way. I don't think Micheal thought all this was going to happen when he had given a hand in the rain on the way to the Airport to pick up his Uncle Rosco and it seems that Rosco and Dusty are expecting another baby pretty soon. And Rosco and Dusty just love their nine great-grandchildren between Chris, Charlie and Reba. And I don't know but Chad and Jeremy are High School Seniors now. I think the Coltrane household is pretty busy house in Hazzard County right now. Bo and Tracy just love their two kids and they both call the Reba, Chris and Charlie kids their Grandkids. It seems that Emma Davenport has blessed Bo with three kids he didn't know about until a year ago and five grandkids that Rosco didn't even know about as well.
dukesrule2000 Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 Kathy went back to the farm and she started to read the Diary.The Spencer where finily in their home. Kathleen was 9 months pregnet Shewas Due any day now
Julieduke Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 Back In The 1700's The Duke Family had came over to visit and it seems that Abigial had this hunch she was pregant as well. And it seems that little Ellie Mae was starting to become a handful she always wanted to follow her brothers and her Mama was alway picking her up just in time.Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 Ross says "Well it's offical he's the youngest he is so cute he's going to have his own phone number."Bonnie and Bylinda loved there new little brother they had been through this before with Mikey and the baby who his about to start school in September."P.S. Sorry about that I forget what named Micheal and Jessica's youngest girl I have to look it up.cue Dukesrule2000Ross and Lana look at everybody and Ross says "Excume me everybody I have something to say and that's is you are looking the newest married couple in Hazzard County. Let's just say before we got the hosptial to see Baby Henry well he went to see the Judge and we had us a civil cermony and don't worry we are planning a big church wedding next year. And Lana found out we are having twins last week."Jessica says "That's wonderful I had my youngest son and my oldest son went and got married by a judge and I have twin grandchildren on the way and you got to let me and your father help with Church Wedding as well."Micheal says "I guess your wandering where the name Henry came well it's just not because of the auto maker and that's because we decided to have one more when we went on family vacation there. Well, I was looking at Duke family bible and it seems that a Henry Hogg help the Dukes early on and I just like the name but ya I wanted to name my son after the man that got the whole automobile thing going in Detroit and we decided that Henry will be the baby."Jessica says "Kids, I making it permanet and tomorrow I'm my tubes typed I don't want to always be the oldest parent at the first day of knidergarten it you get what I mean."Rebecca says "I'm blessed Mommy, I got a baby brother and a Sister-in-law all in the same day."Micheal says "Rebecca where did you learn that from now?"Rebecca says "Bonnie and Bylinda told me and Mikey about it when Ross and Lana got engaged and I was puzzled and they explained that was what you called your brother's wife."CCue DukesRule2000
Julieduke Posted August 13, 2007 Author Posted August 13, 2007 Ross and Lana look at everybody and Ross says "Excume me everybody I have something to say and that's is you are looking the newest married couple in Hazzard County. Let's just say before we got the hosptial to see Baby Henry well he went to see the Judge and we had us a civil cermony and don't worry we are planning a big church wedding next year. And Lana found out we are having twins last week."Jessica says "That's wonderful I had my youngest son and my oldest son went and got married by a judge and I have twin grandchildren on the way and you got to let me and your father help with Church Wedding as well."Micheal says "I guess your wandering where the name Henry came well it's just not because of the auto maker and that's because we decided to have one more when we went on family vacation there. Well, I was looking at Duke family bible and it seems that a Henry Hogg help the Dukes early on and I just like the name but ya I wanted to name my son after the man that got the whole automobile thing going in Detroit and we decided that Henry will be the baby."Jessica says "Kids, I making it permanet and tomorrow I'm my tubes typed I don't want to always be the oldest parent at the first day of knidergarten it you get what I mean."Rebecca says "I'm blessed Mommy, I got a baby brother and a Sister-in-law all in the same day."Micheal says "Rebecca where did you learn that from now?"Rebecca says "Bonnie and Bylinda told me and Mikey about it when Ross and Lana got engaged and I was puzzled and they explained that was what you called your brother's wife."CCue DukesRule2000Just then Micheal tells Bonnie and Bylinda to go and tell everybody in the waiting room about baby Henry and that he is very healthy and that if her and Bylinda could take Mikey and Rebecca with them as well.Bonnie and Bylinda walk into the waiting and it's was a who's of who of relatives everybody was there and she felt like the speaker of honor annoucing the newest Duke to the Family and Bonnie says "Excuse me, I would to like to annoce something with me and sisters and little brother here and that is well there is a new baby in our family again. And the new addition to the family is Baby Henry Ford and he is cute he looks like Daddy and Ross and Lana just got married today and they are expecting Twins they just found out last week."Bylinda says "I think Bonnie should run for County Commissioner with that speach right there? Well anyways it just a joke sis and I see everybody is here and it seems that our Mom and Dad have had two sources of joy. They just a brand new baby boy and a sister-in-law and they got twin Grandchildren on the way."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted August 14, 2007 Posted August 14, 2007 Meanwhile bexk at the FARM. Kathy was reading the diary.Kathleen was in the house and she was cleaning it when she started to get Pains she called Brian. and he came a running and he helped her to their room. and he went to get George and his wife. to help Kathleen cause the Doctor is a long ways away.
Julieduke Posted August 14, 2007 Author Posted August 14, 2007 George and Abby was there quicker than greased lightening when they heard what was going with Kathleen. George was starting to become and old pro at this right here after delivering so many babies in Hazzard and the livestock young as well.cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 14, 2007 Author Posted August 14, 2007 George and Abby was there quicker than greased lightening when they heard what was going with Kathleen. George was starting to become and old pro at this right here after delivering so many babies in Hazzard and the livestock young as well.cue Dukesrule2000Back in the Present Day HazzardTheir is a knock at Kathy and Luke's door and it was somebody they hadn't seen if quite a long time now and it seems that they was happy about this right here.Cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 14, 2007 Author Posted August 14, 2007 Clark and Lois are on the other side of the door and they are anxious to say hey to Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy.Clark says "Relax Lois, i'm sure they'll be glad to see you besides we left your cousin and your sister back in Smallville."Lois says "I'm sure am glad about that but please remember to watch your speed when your in Hazzard. Your Uncle Micheal sure is sneaking right now."Clark says "I wonder if Aunt Jessica and Uncle Micheal had their baby yet they tell me it's going to be the last."Lois says "Oh, what about your Cousin Reba and her husband Micheal Darling from what the letters you get from Hazzard he's a Hazzard County Deputy still."cue Dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 Kathy saw Clark and Lois and she hugged them both and said your Uncle is in back 40 fixing fences. Clark asked is anyone helping him. Kathy smiled and said Ya Jesse is out there. you know he will be off to Collage here in a couple of weeks. I'm going to miss that Boy. He said He's going to go to collage in Chicago.and he will be staying with my father Sence mom died he's been lonely.Clark said That's great I'm going to go and see if they need any help. and then he left. Lois came in and she started to help Kathy Put Leventa saw her and said Lois. Lois looked at her and said this isn't Leventa and she hugged her. Kathy said Yup. she will be 7 next month.
Julieduke Posted August 16, 2007 Author Posted August 16, 2007 Kathy saw Clark and Lois and she hugged them both and said your Uncle is in back 40 fixing fences. Clark asked is anyone helping him. Kathy smiled and said Ya Jesse is out there. you know he will be off to Collage here in a couple of weeks. I'm going to miss that Boy. He said He's going to go to collage in Chicago.and he will be staying with my father Sence mom died he's been lonely.Clark said That's great I'm going to go and see if they need any help. and then he left. Lois came in and she started to help Kathy Put Leventa saw her and said Lois. Lois looked at her and said this isn't Leventa and she hugged her. Kathy said Yup. she will be 7 next month.Lois says "From what I hear Reba is due and so is Aunt Jessica as well and you I hear that Ross and Lana got married and there expecting twins as well. How is Dusty and Rosco doing it must be tough for Rosco to lose his firstborn duagjhter he was just getting to know and all of sudden his twin grandsons move and then find out that she had five kids all to together and find out that Bo was the father of three of them. Oh, by the way I wonder what Clark, Jesse and Luke is up to right now and he thrives on that kind of work he was raised on the Kent Farm which is where we live at right now, but deep down inside Aunt Kathy I know that he wants to move to Metropolis and give up the Kent Farm. But, It's like he made this promise to his father that he would take care of it for him but he has to live his own life. I sorry to hear about your father's loss I can related to that when my mother died she was my father's everything and then he couldn't related to me and Lucy. By the way what's dusty book here and it seems old as well Aunt Kathy."Cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 16, 2007 Author Posted August 16, 2007 Reba and Micheal was happy with Little Bo, Ellie and Savannah and Baby Marcus Allen as well. But ever since she Visit Clark and Lois at the Kent Farm in Kansas she always dreamed of a place of her own and it seems that she loved her life in Hazzard. Micheal was a deputy of her Grandpa's and she seen her father from time to time but she wanted something different.Reba says "Hey Honey, it seems that when we visited Clark he was happy takig care of farm but his heart isn't into like Uncle Luke's is with the Duke farm I think we should buy it from and him and keep it going."Micheal says "But Reba, I'm happy here we got four great kids now I'm a deputy Sheriff of Hazzard County and you know this is a great job I got right now."Reba says "That's great for you but what about me I want to have something that totally mine and I see how happy Uncle Luke is taking care of the farm. Besides Aunt Jessica has the Boars Nest and Six great kids now and Ross and Lana got married and they are expecting twins. Chris and Angie has the orphanage and three great kids of there own, and they love taking care of all those special needs kids. Charlie and Aretha have their two kids and it seems that their happy and Chad and Jeremy are sign-up to go to OSU and their both have a football scholarship as well I sure hope they play the same position you know that could lead to a career with NFL for both of them. I was wondering what if we was to talk to Clark about this and see what he says. And Besides Uncle Micheal is a Deputy and from what I hear he wants to run for Sheriff next election."Cue Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 16, 2007 Author Posted August 16, 2007 Reba got on the phone with Aunt Kathy and she has said that Clark and Lois was here and Lois had told her that he was happy taking care of the farm but his heart wasn't into like before.Reba says "Micheal and I and the kids are coming over there and we are going to visit for a while and you know I want to talk to Clark as well."Micheal says "Okay Honey, I'm almost ready and I'll right out why don't we take your car it seems that Little Bo is with his Grandpa and there at Cooter's right now and the twins are with your Dusty and her kids and we just got the Baby right now. I installed the baby seat in your car for ya, it's was tough putting one in a GTO though."Cue Dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 BACK AT THE DUKE FARMLuke was talking to Jesse and Clark. and Clark said Uncle Luke I really want to go and be a reporter for the newspaper. But I have the Kent Farm. My heart Just isn't into taking care of it like it was when dad was alive.I wish it was. Luke looked at Clark and said I know your father would want what you want. Do what you feel is best. Clark said Thanks Uncle Luke. and he helped Jesse and Luke with the fence. Clark said Hay Jesse How are you and Sarah doing? Jesse smiled and said We are great. I haven't told mom yet but Sarah and I are going to move in the guest house at Grandpa's. I all ready talked to Grandpa and he said it was all right. I think he's excited to have us there. BACK AT THE HOUSEKathy was cooking Lunch. and she got dizzy. Lois saw her. and she said Aunt Kathy are you are right. Kathy looked at her and said nothing 8 months can help. Lois said your pregnet. Kathy said SHHH I haven't told Luke yet. I don't know how he will react.Just then Reba walked in.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2007 Author Posted August 18, 2007 BACK AT THE DUKE FARMLuke was talking to Jesse and Clark. and Clark said Uncle Luke I really want to go and be a reporter for the newspaper. But I have the Kent Farm. My heart Just isn't into taking care of it like it was when dad was alive.I wish it was. Luke looked at Clark and said I know your father would want what you want. Do what you feel is best. Clark said Thanks Uncle Luke. and he helped Jesse and Luke with the fence. Clark said Hay Jesse How are you and Sarah doing? Jesse smiled and said We are great. I haven't told mom yet but Sarah and I are going to move in the guest house at Grandpa's. I all ready talked to Grandpa and he said it was all right. I think he's excited to have us there. BACK AT THE HOUSEKathy was cooking Lunch. and she got dizzy. Lois saw her. and she said Aunt Kathy are you are right. Kathy looked at her and said nothing 8 months can help. Lois said your pregnet. Kathy said SHHH I haven't told Luke yet. I don't know how he will react.Just then Reba walked in.Reba walked in carrying the baby carrier with baby Marcus Allen inside and he was fuzzing and Lois was looking over and says "Well, if that don't beat all in Seven months Clark is going to be a daddy for the very first time."Reba says "Well congratulations to you and Clark. Have you told Clark and I was wondering my husband and I was interested in buying The Kent farm where is that slippery cousin of mine at anyways."Lois says "Well, Clark would be delighted and yes he knows and he's very excited as well. He can't wait to spoil the baby and he wants to either name the baby Jonathon and or Martha after his parents."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2007 Author Posted August 18, 2007 Reba walked in carrying the baby carrier with baby Marcus Allen inside and he was fuzzing and Lois was looking over and says "Well, if that don't beat all in Seven months Clark is going to be a daddy for the very first time."Reba says "Well congratulations to you and Clark. Have you told Clark and I was wondering my husband and I was interested in buying The Kent farm where is that slippery cousin of mine at anyways."Lois says "Well, Clark would be delighted and yes he knows and he's very excited as well. He can't wait to spoil the baby and he wants to either name the baby Jonathon and or Martha after his parents."Cue dukesrule2000Micheal says "Honey, I'm going to see what Jesse, Clark and Uncle Luke are up to right not."Reba says "Not Trouble that's for sure."Cue Dukesrule2000
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