dukesrule2000 Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Kathy was happy with all he help but she couldn't move wihout one of them telling her to sit back down. Kathy was getting pertty anoided. but she knew that they cared.. Aunt Kathy are you all right? Lois said. Ya Lois Im fine Just not use to siting around. Daisy walked up to her and said well get use to it. and get use to being waited on. Kathy just gave her a look.OUTSIDEBo,Jesse, Luke and Clark. where getting the hay in the barn. Luke looked at Clark and said Thanks for getting Kath to the hospital as fast as you did. Clark smiled and said You are welcome Uncle Luke. INSIDE THE HOUSEKathy started to read her Great grandmothers journal.Kathleen was in her new home and she was holding her newborn son Jacob Rayn Spencer. Brian was so Happy that Kathleen had made it threw child birth. and now he can concintrat on building the hotel in Hazzard. So him and George started to make plans on that.
Julieduke Posted September 15, 2007 Author Posted September 15, 2007 Kathy was happy with all he help but she couldn't move wihout one of them telling her to sit back down. Kathy was getting pertty anoided. but she knew that they cared.. Aunt Kathy are you all right? Lois said. Ya Lois Im fine Just not use to siting around. Daisy walked up to her and said well get use to it. and get use to being waited on. Kathy just gave her a look.OUTSIDEBo,Jesse, Luke and Clark. where getting the hay in the barn. Luke looked at Clark and said Thanks for getting Kath to the hospital as fast as you did. Clark smiled and said You are welcome Uncle Luke. INSIDE THE HOUSEKathy started to read her Great grandmothers journal.Kathleen was in her new home and she was holding her newborn son Jacob Rayn Spencer. Brian was so Happy that Kathleen had made it threw child birth. and now he can concintrat on building the hotel in Hazzard. So him and George started to make plans on that.Kathleen and Brian Spencer was in there new house and they had Marcus Allan and Jacob Rayn and now Marcus was walking it seems he was into everything. George was happy for his friend and his wife on their newborn son and he was glad that that there little town was growing it seemed like everybody was having babies lately.OutsideClark says "You know Uncle Luke, I haven't found the right moment and it seems like everybody is having babies in the family. You know what here comes Uncle Micheal and he not on my bumper, I got used to that Uncle Luke."Bo says "Oh Clark, your so much like your father and it seems like I missed out on teaching Chris and Charlie how to drive. But, I do think whoever taught Chad and Jeremy how to drive must've brought their Rolaids or Aspirin along with them."Jesse says "Hey dad, do you remember when I was learning to drive and I accidently went through through the Bojangles drive-thru so fast they didn't even have time to take my order."Cue Dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted September 17, 2007 Posted September 17, 2007 Luke just laughs and said Ya I do son. I also remember the diffulcut Pregency your mother had I almost lost her.Same thing when she was pregnet with Leventa. She was on bed rest with LEVENTA. i hope she will have a easer pregnecy with this one. Don't worry Luke she will if Daisy and Jessica has to tie her to the chair Michael said. and they all laugh.IN THE HOUSEKathy stopped reading and she though Jacob Ryan Duke. and she smiled and said I like that. and she felt the baby kick for the first time and she smiled. and she said Daisy can you get Luke Please. Daisy looked a her and said is everything all right? Kathy said everything is perfect. Daisy smiled and she went and got Luke. Luke ran in the house and to the recliner where Kathy was sitting and she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. and they waited for a minute.and the baby kiscked again. and Luke smiled. and Kathy said That's our Son. Luke looked at her and he said we are having another son. when did you find this out? Kathy smiled and said when I was in the hospital Beth did an Ultrasound to see if he was all right. and she asked me if I wanted to know it it was a boy or girl. and I though of a Name for him how about Jacob Ryan? Luke smiled and said I like it. It was my Grandfather's Name.Kathy Said. Luke kissed her. and said We need to tell Leventa and Jesse that they are having a brother. So Luke called a short family meeting and told them about the Baby and what his name is. and they where all happy well all excepy Leventa. Luke saw his baby girl wasn't happy. and he walked over to her and said Baby Girl whats the mater? I was hoping for a baby sister. So we could play dolls together but now I'm getting another stupit brother. and she ran off. Jesse looked at his parents and said I will go talk to her. and he left.OUTSIDE IN THE TREE HOUSELeventa was up there. Jesse climbed up and said May I come in. Leventa said I don't care It's your tree house anyway. Jesse came in and sat down and said No Leventa it was never Just mine it was ours.and it was wrone of me to say other whys yes dad and I made this together. and I will always remember the fun we had building it. Leventa let me tell you something. When Mom and Dad Told me that you where coming and you where a girl I wasn't happy eather. I wanted a baby brother. but when you where born and Dad put you in my arms. I said wow.and I made you a promise right there Do you remember it? Leventa said Bubba I was a baby. Jesse smiled and said My promise was and still is. That I would protect you no matter what and that I would be the best big brother ever. and if you every want to talk and you don't want to go to mom or dad with it I hope you know you can come to me. and you could be the same way with Jacob when he arrives.you are his big sister and he will look up to you like you look up to me. Jesse said. really Jesse.Leventa said Really Jesse Said. Leventa hugged him and said I will miss you Bubba when you leave. and she started to cry. Jesse just held her.
Julieduke Posted September 17, 2007 Author Posted September 17, 2007 Luke just laughs and said Ya I do son. I also remember the diffulcut Pregency your mother had I almost lost her.Same thing when she was pregnet with Leventa. She was on bed rest with LEVENTA. i hope she will have a easer pregnecy with this one. Don't worry Luke she will if Daisy and Jessica has to tie her to the chair Michael said. and they all laugh.IN THE HOUSEKathy stopped reading and she though Jacob Ryan Duke. and she smiled and said I like that. and she felt the baby kick for the first time and she smiled. and she said Daisy can you get Luke Please. Daisy looked a her and said is everything all right? Kathy said everything is perfect. Daisy smiled and she went and got Luke. Luke ran in the house and to the recliner where Kathy was sitting and she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. and they waited for a minute.and the baby kiscked again. and Luke smiled. and Kathy said That's our Son. Luke looked at her and he said we are having another son. when did you find this out? Kathy smiled and said when I was in the hospital Beth did an Ultrasound to see if he was all right. and she asked me if I wanted to know it it was a boy or girl. and I though of a Name for him how about Jacob Ryan? Luke smiled and said I like it. It was my Grandfather's Name.Kathy Said. Luke kissed her. and said We need to tell Leventa and Jesse that they are having a brother. So Luke called a short family meeting and told them about the Baby and what his name is. and they where all happy well all excepy Leventa. Luke saw his baby girl wasn't happy. and he walked over to her and said Baby Girl whats the mater? I was hoping for a baby sister. So we could play dolls together but now I'm getting another stupit brother. and she ran off. Jesse looked at his parents and said I will go talk to her. and he left.OUTSIDE IN THE TREE HOUSELeventa was up there. Jesse climbed up and said May I come in. Leventa said I don't care It's your tree house anyway. Jesse came in and sat down and said No Leventa it was never Just mine it was ours.and it was wrone of me to say other whys yes dad and I made this together. and I will always remember the fun we had building it. Leventa let me tell you something. When Mom and Dad Told me that you where coming and you where a girl I wasn't happy eather. I wanted a baby brother. but when you where born and Dad put you in my arms. I said wow.and I made you a promise right there Do you remember it? Leventa said Bubba I was a baby. Jesse smiled and said My promise was and still is. That I would protect you no matter what and that I would be the best big brother ever. and if you every want to talk and you don't want to go to mom or dad with it I hope you know you can come to me. and you could be the same way with Jacob when he arrives.you are his big sister and he will look up to you like you look up to me. Jesse said. really Jesse.Leventa said Really Jesse Said. Leventa hugged him and said I will miss you Bubba when you leave. and she started to cry. Jesse just held her.Lana walked up to Micheal and Jessica and said "You know next week is my very first Ultrasound and it's great to really be pregant for the very first time. There was times I was sick but at least I knew it was one of Lex's tricks he was pulling and good luck on running for Sheriff. I can still remember when your cousin first told me that he was running for Senate, well you see Clark was around as well along will with Martha. And I told him good luck, and he just smiled and said that he didn't need luck, he had a beautiful wife and a handsome son and he was going with me and I just loved that right there. Jonathon was so positive that he could win that election againist Lex Luthor he even sold off his back forty so he could pay back Lionel Luthor he wouldn't be in anybody's pocket or bought. He had told me about how the commissioner had the Sheriff in his pocket and he didn't want what was going on in Hazzard to happen to him in the Senate."Micheal says "You know Lana, I didn't ever know my cousin but from what everybody tells me he sounds like he loved his family and wanted to be a honest politcan and do you think Clark would mind when I make my speech at the gazebo tomorrow if I would tell of my cousin's story."Lana says "I don't know, but you know Clark is right here and I can't wait to find out if I having two boys, two girls or one of each. I really in favor of one each because I told Ross if we had one of each that he was naming the girl and I was naming the boy."cue Dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 Jesse and Leventa walked into the house and Leventa walked over to her parents and said Mommy Daddy I'm sorry. Luke Picked her up and said We Understand. Brothers can be a pain some times(luke looks over at Michael) Just then the Phone rings Bo answers it and said Duke Farm Bo speaking. Oh Hi Judd you are good cause Your brother has some news for you too. yup ok see you in a few Bye. Bo put down the phone and said that was Judd and he is coming to Hazzard him and Beth and Little Hank. Well Bo Hank isn't little anymore he's 16 now.
Julieduke Posted September 18, 2007 Author Posted September 18, 2007 Jesse and Leventa walked into the house and Leventa walked over to her parents and said Mommy Daddy I'm sorry. Luke Picked her up and said We Understand. Brothers can be a pain some times(luke looks over at Michael) Just then the Phone rings Bo answers it and said Duke Farm Bo speaking. Oh Hi Judd you are good cause Your brother has some news for you too. yup ok see you in a few Bye. Bo put down the phone and said that was Judd and he is coming to Hazzard him and Beth and Little Hank. Well Bo Hank isn't little anymore he's 16 now.Lana says "Who is Little Hank and I agree sixteen ain't so little anymore why he's old enough to drive."Micheal says "Brothers sure can be a pain sometimes you know it seems that Bo knows exactly what we are talking about Leventa."Bo says "It's not easy being a triplet and half the time the teacher thought I did in in class when it was Jonathon or Garrett."Clark says "Uncle Bo, dad got in trouble at time I couldn't imagine that right there I would see where it would be confusing thow."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted September 18, 2007 Author Posted September 18, 2007 Lana says "Who is Little Hank and I agree sixteen ain't so little anymore why he's old enough to drive."Micheal says "Brothers sure can be a pain sometimes you know it seems that Bo knows exactly what we are talking about Leventa."Bo says "It's not easy being a triplet and half the time the teacher thought I did in in class when it was Jonathon or Garrett."Clark says "Uncle Bo, dad got in trouble at time I couldn't imagine that right there I would see where it would be confusing thow."Cue dukesrule2000Clark thinks a minute and says "You know, I didn't have that problem I was an only child it seems that if something went wrong at home and he knew it might've been he just went and talked to me."Lana says "I never forget that look your father shot at the two of us when he realized what was going on the very first time. You know, I think Clark was more nervous than I was."Clark says "I still remember that day that dad died we got home just in time for dad to die in Mom's arms and he simply said goodbye to us and he was gone."Micheal says "I wish I could've know my cousin he sounds like he was a good father and a good husband. But one thing Clark I wouldn't trade having brother for anything in the world."Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted September 18, 2007 Author Posted September 18, 2007 Lois says "Hey Clark, I just felt something come here I think our son or daugher is making his or her presence known allready you know I hope this keeps up it's nice feeling our baby like this."Clark comes over and feels his baby moving and it seems to move more for Clark than Lois."Micheal says " I remember that moment this everyone of our kids and it never gets old even after six kids. Mom once, told she wait till I first move to start talking about baby names she knew that once she felt that first kick that everything was going to be okay. Luke, Bo is it any different with your wifes you know it seems that I have the most experience, well you should've seen the silly grin I had when Jessica said that Henry moved for the very first time I think I looked even more like my Uncle at that very moment."Cue Anybody
dukesrule2000 Posted September 19, 2007 Posted September 19, 2007 Luke looked at michael and smiled and said No it hasn't change Kathhad just called me in cause she felt our second son move and it's still amazes me.Hank is my brother Judd's Son and Him and Jesse where close. Jesse said ya he my fravrote cousin besides Clark and Ross of course.But I think hank and I got into more trouble together. Luke and Michael looked at each other and said nope It was Ross. and they all laughed.Just then they hurd a car. and it was Judd and his Family.and Judd walked to the door and he was surprised to see that the whole family was there. and some new faces. Judd said Hello to everyone and then he interduced his daughter Renee Ann Duke and She was 6 months old. Luke welcomed Renee into the family and then he told him about the baby coming and he said congraulations brother. and Luke interduced Judd to the family he didin't know and Jesse interduced him to Sarah. Judd said wow the Duke clan is growing Uncle Jesse would be proud.
Julieduke Posted September 20, 2007 Author Posted September 20, 2007 Luke looked at michael and smiled and said No it hasn't change Kathhad just called me in cause she felt our second son move and it's still amazes me.Hank is my brother Judd's Son and Him and Jesse where close. Jesse said ya he my fravrote cousin besides Clark and Ross of course.But I think hank and I got into more trouble together. Luke and Michael looked at each other and said nope It was Ross. and they all laughed.Just then they hurd a car. and it was Judd and his Family.and Judd walked to the door and he was surprised to see that the whole family was there. and some new faces. Judd said Hello to everyone and then he interduced his daughter Renee Ann Duke and She was 6 months old. Luke welcomed Renee into the family and then he told him about the baby coming and he said congraulations brother. and Luke interduced Judd to the family he didin't know and Jesse interduced him to Sarah. Judd said wow the Duke clan is growing Uncle Jesse would be proud.Clark says "You Know I remember Uncle Jesse coming to Smallville and watching me one night when my parents painted the town red one night and he was nice. He always said to dad, Jonny your son is either going to be a handful or change the world and make a difference in this world."Jesse says "Hey Clark, you remember the time me and Ross came out to Smallville and we all went out and you let me drive your truck and I decided to see how fast your truck could go and in the Backroads of Smallville and I accidently got the attention of Smallville."Clark says "How could I forget she he nearly threw all of us his jail but it seems that Jesse said that he was sorry and he didn't know he was going that fast."Jesse says "Ya, I can't believe he bought that line it never works on Sheriff Coltrane he knows me way too well."Clark says "Well Uncle Judd, Hank and congratulation on little Renee and the baby on their way. I guess I should tell since you don't know yet, did you hear about a my dad dying from a heart attack a couple of years back and he got elected Senator and Mom took over his seat and she's in Washington and she going to run for re-election and it seems that Lex Luthor is running againist her."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Lori Davenport
Julieduke Posted September 20, 2007 Author Posted September 20, 2007 Jesse says "Oh Clark, aren't you forgetting something cousin there?"Clark says "Oh ya, thanks for reminding Jesse washing my truck before Lois and I go back to Smallville and get ready to move to the apartment."Jesse says "I'm not washing your truck, you see that all wrong you keep forgeting this your washing my car."Clark says "Okay, enough joking now it's seems that Lois and I have some baby news as well and were excited as well."Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 20, 2007 Author Posted September 20, 2007 Jesse says "Oh Clark, aren't you forgetting something cousin there?"Clark says "Oh ya, thanks for reminding Jesse washing my truck before Lois and I go back to Smallville and get ready to move to the apartment."Jesse says "I'm not washing your truck, you see that all wrong you keep forgeting this your washing my car."Clark says "Okay, enough joking now it's seems that Lois and I have some baby news as well and were excited as well."Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportMicheal was meeting Lex Luthor at the Boar's Nest he was feeling better and it seems that Verconica or Dr.. Lexmark was going to back to Dallas to see their son. She had given him a open invite to come see their son and if he wanted to he could go and see her as well.Micheal was thinking about how Reba was having another baby and he thought the four they had was enough and that now he was a son by Angelena, a son with Verconica and a daughter with Kyra Hart in Houston and now another baby on the way.Micheal was waiting at the Boar's Nest when he was just sitting their thinking about everything going on in his life right now. Lex walks in and notices Micheal just sitting there and nobody is talking to and avoiding him as well. He walks in and sits down and says "What Micheal do you got the Bubonic Plague or something nobody is talking to you right now?"And Micheal says Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 21, 2007 Author Posted September 21, 2007 Micheal was meeting Lex Luthor at the Boar's Nest he was feeling better and it seems that Verconica or Dr.. Lexmark was going to back to Dallas to see their son. She had given him a open invite to come see their son and if he wanted to he could go and see her as well.Micheal was thinking about how Reba was having another baby and he thought the four they had was enough and that now he was a son by Angelena, a son with Verconica and a daughter with Kyra Hart in Houston and now another baby on the way.Micheal was waiting at the Boar's Nest when he was just sitting their thinking about everything going on in his life right now. Lex walks in and notices Micheal just sitting there and nobody is talking to and avoiding him as well. He walks in and sits down and says "What Micheal do you got the Bubonic Plague or something nobody is talking to you right now?"And Micheal says Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportAnd Micheal says "Well, first of all Reba kicked me out remember my wife and you had followed her and she showed you the Hazzard Car Wash. This was after Angelena brought our son to her Uncle's farm in front of the whole dang family and then I moved out. Second I choose Angelena over my wife and moved in with her well my wife in related to half the county. She related to the Davenport's, Duke's and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane he's her Grandfather and also my boss and everybody in town took her side of the story. And then I accidently gave Little Bo a copy of email you sent to me about last year and now everybody knows that I had a part of it. Angelena shot when I was thinking about going back to Reba and left me in my car. Well, right now my Texas Ranger Father-in-law has a copy of the damming email and proof to my involvement. Oh did I mention my cousin Van told my wife on the phone that I've never been faithful and that I have daughter by his sister-in-law Kyra. And just found out the girl in high school that Angelena stole me from was pregant when we broke up and ya Reba is pregant again for the fourth time and our fifth time."Lex says "Wow, you got alot of problems there but you know what you should leave the country if you don't the cops catching up with ya. But please don't come to Smallville Clark is your wife's cousin as well and it seems I having a problem with him and his Uncle Garrett they won't sell the Kent Farm too me and it seems that Clark's later father is haunting the barn."Charlie and Chris walk in the Boars Nest and they see Micheal and Lex sitting there and Chris says "Charlie do you see who I see and that weasel of a brother-in-law as well."Charlie says "Yes, I do little brother you want to go and talk to him right now I want to see what he has to say to what he did to our sister and her kids as well."Chris says "Wait Charlie, you look and sound exactly like dad right now cool down let's use our head first."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportP.S. What is Charlie and Chris going to do now that they know Micheal and Lex is there in the Boars Nest talking.
Julieduke Posted September 21, 2007 Author Posted September 21, 2007 Balladeer: I wonder what Charlie and Chris are up to right now?
Julieduke Posted September 23, 2007 Author Posted September 23, 2007 And Micheal says "Well, first of all Reba kicked me out remember my wife and you had followed her and she showed you the Hazzard Car Wash. This was after Angelena brought our son to her Uncle's farm in front of the whole dang family and then I moved out. Second I choose Angelena over my wife and moved in with her well my wife in related to half the county. She related to the Davenport's, Duke's and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane he's her Grandfather and also my boss and everybody in town took her side of the story. And then I accidently gave Little Bo a copy of email you sent to me about last year and now everybody knows that I had a part of it. Angelena shot when I was thinking about going back to Reba and left me in my car. Well, right now my Texas Ranger Father-in-law has a copy of the damming email and proof to my involvement. Oh did I mention my cousin Van told my wife on the phone that I've never been faithful and that I have daughter by his sister-in-law Kyra. And just found out the girl in high school that Angelena stole me from was pregant when we broke up and ya Reba is pregant again for the fourth time and our fifth time."Lex says "Wow, you got alot of problems there but you know what you should leave the country if you don't the cops catching up with ya. But please don't come to Smallville Clark is your wife's cousin as well and it seems I having a problem with him and his Uncle Garrett they won't sell the Kent Farm too me and it seems that Clark's later father is haunting the barn."Charlie and Chris walk in the Boars Nest and they see Micheal and Lex sitting there and Chris says "Charlie do you see who I see and that weasel of a brother-in-law as well."Charlie says "Yes, I do little brother you want to go and talk to him right now I want to see what he has to say to what he did to our sister and her kids as well."Chris says "Wait Charlie, you look and sound exactly like dad right now cool down let's use our head first."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportP.S. What is Charlie and Chris going to do now that they know Micheal and Lex is there in the Boars Nest talking.Chris went and walked out of the Boars Nest and he located his brother-in-law's car and he gets the hood open and lucky thing he liked Muscle Cars because their easy to make sure it don't run. A while later the starter was missing and he closes the hood and walks back and in and walk over to Micheal and Lex and says "Mikey, here I found this outside I thought you might like to have this back to goes to your car after all."Micheal says "Chris, you son-of-a ***** you took this off didn't you can just leave enough alone can you. You know, I'm going to have reattach this back to my engine. And stop calling me Mikey I can't stand that is for little kids."Chris says "Oh your welcome, and you really broke my sisters heart so I thought I would break your car for ya. And you know what Mikey, Reba can do way better than you and your cheating ways. And Lex, you try messing with Lana your going to deal with our cousin Ross and you don't really like you well."Lex says "Who in the hell do you think you are Chris, doing that to Micheal's car that ain't your property."Chris says "I kinda of glad it ain't it should really be in the junkyard or the boneyard. And for one thing I'm a Duke and proud of it and you know what the Sheriff is my Grandfather as well. And can't leave this out I'm also a Davenport as well so please don't bug me too much."In The meantime Charlie was on the phone with his father telling him what was going on maybe he could help him out of this right now.At the Duke Farm, it seems that Bo's phone rang and he was talking to somebody at the moment and it seemed that he was about ready to go but Clark had him blocked him.Balladeer: I think Chris is trying to start a fight don't you think so?Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 Chris went and walked out of the Boars Nest and he located his brother-in-law's car and he gets the hood open and lucky thing he liked Muscle Cars because their easy to make sure it don't run. A while later the starter was missing and he closes the hood and walks back and in and walk over to Micheal and Lex and says "Mikey, here I found this outside I thought you might like to have this back to goes to your car after all."Micheal says "Chris, you son-of-a ***** you took this off didn't you can just leave enough alone can you. You know, I'm going to have reattach this back to my engine. And stop calling me Mikey I can't stand that is for little kids."Chris says "Oh your welcome, and you really broke my sisters heart so I thought I would break your car for ya. And you know what Mikey, Reba can do way better than you and your cheating ways. And Lex, you try messing with Lana your going to deal with our cousin Ross and you don't really like you well."Lex says "Who in the hell do you think you are Chris, doing that to Micheal's car that ain't your property."Chris says "I kinda of glad it ain't it should really be in the junkyard or the boneyard. And for one thing I'm a Duke and proud of it and you know what the Sheriff is my Grandfather as well. And can't leave this out I'm also a Davenport as well so please don't bug me too much."In The meantime Charlie was on the phone with his father telling him what was going on maybe he could help him out of this right now.At the Duke Farm, it seems that Bo's phone rang and he was talking to somebody at the moment and it seemed that he was about ready to go but Clark had him blocked him.Balladeer: I think Chris is trying to start a fight don't you think so?Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportCharlie finally figured out what in the world his brother was doing and it was he trying to get Micheal and Lex to fight each other. All he needed for Lex's to say something negative about his brother-in-law's car and then it came.Lex says "You would think with all the money I paid you to get me out of Hazzard last year away from the cops you could get a new car."Micheal says "I thought you said that my car didn't bother you and how your saying it's junk Lex Luthor."Lex says "You know, Micheal I just saying it wouldn't hurt because if you got 2006 0r 2007 and if somebody tampered with your car your alarm would go off."Lex and Micheal was standing by the jukebox and talking when out of nowhere Micheal hit Lex and he down so fast.Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 Balladeer: Oh boy there's a fight at the Boars Nest, shame on you Micheal your a deputy and you started. Oh by the way nobody talks about but what does Charlie do for a living.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 26, 2007 Posted September 26, 2007 MEANWHILE AT THE FARMLuke hears someone on the CB saying Lost Sheep Dad Uncle Luke you out there. Bo went to pick it up. and it was Charlie and he said that Michael and Lex where fighting at the Boaes Nest. and Bo said I'm on my way.and Bo looked at Luke and said are you coming. Luke smiled and said Your dirving and he threw him the Keys to the General Lee. Luke kissed Kathy. and Bo Kissed Tracy and They left.
Julieduke Posted September 26, 2007 Author Posted September 26, 2007 MEANWHILE AT THE FARMLuke hears someone on the CB saying Lost Sheep Dad Uncle Luke you out there. Bo went to pick it up. and it was Charlie and he said that Michael and Lex where fighting at the Boaes Nest. and Bo said I'm on my way.and Bo looked at Luke and said are you coming. Luke smiled and said Your dirving and he threw him the Keys to the General Lee. Luke kissed Kathy. and Bo Kissed Tracy and They left.Clark was asking if they wanted him to follow them.Meanwhile at the Boars Nest, Chloe Sullivan shows at the worst possible time and she walk right in the middle of a fight between Lex and Micheal Darling(Reba's husband). She had to be careful with everything going on and she spotted her cousins Chris and Charlie and it seems that they was watching something.Chloe says "Hey, aren't you glad to see me again in Hazzard what's going on right now and how come nobody has called the Sheriff yet?"Charlie says "Listen Chloe, you came here at the worst possible time you could and they was fighting from something that Chris has started and he had the idea the whole time."Chris says "Listen Chloe, you know all of your questions and everything else going and besides Charlie called our Uncle Luke and our dad and hopefully they get the cops out here."Chloe says "What did you do Chris, call Lex a chicken or Micheal one?"Chris says "Nothing like that, I spoke my mind and look what happened Chloe!"Chloe says "What did you say then, I just go to know this a besides our Grandfather will love this right here."Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 27, 2007 Author Posted September 27, 2007 Clark was asking if they wanted him to follow them.Meanwhile at the Boars Nest, Chloe Sullivan shows at the worst possible time and she walk right in the middle of a fight between Lex and Micheal Darling(Reba's husband). She had to be careful with everything going on and she spotted her cousins Chris and Charlie and it seems that they was watching something.Chloe says "Hey, aren't you glad to see me again in Hazzard what's going on right now and how come nobody has called the Sheriff yet?"Charlie says "Listen Chloe, you came here at the worst possible time you could and they was fighting from something that Chris has started and he had the idea the whole time."Chris says "Listen Chloe, you know all of your questions and everything else going and besides Charlie called our Uncle Luke and our dad and hopefully they get the cops out here."Chloe says "What did you do Chris, call Lex a chicken or Micheal one?"Chris says "Nothing like that, I spoke my mind and look what happened Chloe!"Chloe says "What did you say then, I just go to know this a besides our Grandfather will love this right here."Cue dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenportChloe says "Who's cute little yellow car outside the Boars Nest is that what is that anyways I never seen anything like that before in my life until eariler today it's a very long story guys."Chris says "That cute little yellow car is a 1974 Plymouth Arrow, and why did you see that car eariler Chloe."Chloe says "Because I've been following him and Lex around all over Hazzard."Cue dukesrule2000
dukesrule2000 Posted September 27, 2007 Posted September 27, 2007 Bo and Luke showed up at the Boars NEST and they saw what was going on and Bo said Oh great. Well Bo lets go break it up before they distroy the place. So Bo Grabbed Michael and Luke Grabbed Lex. But the fists where still flying and Michael hit Luke and Lex Hit Luke AND lLuke turned around and Hit Lex and Lex went down and Bo did the same with Michael. Bo looked at Luke and said I have been waiting a long time to do that. and Luke Just smiled.
Julieduke Posted September 29, 2007 Author Posted September 29, 2007 Bo and Luke showed up at the Boars NEST and they saw what was going on and Bo said Oh great. Well Bo lets go break it up before they distroy the place. So Bo Grabbed Michael and Luke Grabbed Lex. But the fists where still flying and Michael hit Luke and Lex Hit Luke AND lLuke turned around and Hit Lex and Lex went down and Bo did the same with Michael. Bo looked at Luke and said I have been waiting a long time to do that. and Luke Just smiled.In the meantime Chloe asked you know I think Jonathon would think the samething right at the moment guys.Chris says "It should've been me guys, I'm jealous Micheal was always catching me speeding but never catching up with me."Charlie says "Now, Chris you're just like dad and you know what I agree with you as well. But it seems Grandpa is always mad at you."Chris says "It's not my fault I'm good."Charlie says "Yes Brother, but I prove it on the track for Budweiser and no there is now beer in my at any time."cue Dukesrule
Julieduke Posted September 29, 2007 Author Posted September 29, 2007 In the meantime Chloe asked you know I think Jonathon would think the samething right at the moment guys.Chris says "It should've been me guys, I'm jealous Micheal was always catching me speeding but never catching up with me."Charlie says "Now, Chris you're just like dad and you know what I agree with you as well. But it seems Grandpa is always mad at you."Chris says "It's not my fault I'm good."Charlie says "Yes Brother, but I prove it on the track for Budweiser and no there is now beer in my at any time."cue DukesruleChloe says "Owe, excuse me I mean Mr. Kent he never did like Lex and I doubt he would've like Micheal either."Charlie says "Ya, two peas in a pod."Chris says "That's pretty funny Charlie!"Cue dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted October 2, 2007 Author Posted October 2, 2007 Chloe says "Owe, excuse me I mean Mr. Kent he never did like Lex and I doubt he would've like Micheal either."Charlie says "Ya, two peas in a pod."Chris says "That's pretty funny Charlie!"Cue dukesrule2000Micheal had seen the Sheriff coming and he knew he was in trouble now but he also had seen Chloe over by his brother-in-laws and it seems Lex seen worn out as well. Micheal says "You snoop, you took pictures of me and Lex Luthor with your camera and you followed me around all day long what is up with that and I want your roll of film."Chloe says "Shows what you know, my camera is digital it don't take film and your not getting the media that it's on either. And your pretty easy to keep up with your cute little yellow car and I don't know what my cousin ever seen in you."Micheal says "Wait a minute you drive a Orange Vw Bug with Kansas plates, why that was wrong with what you did eariler. And besides aren't you a reporter with "The Daily Planet" along with Clark Kent as well. I can't stand reporters there too nosy I had one follow me around here demanding why I was with Angelena and not my wife."Chloe says "Now that wasn't me I live Kansas and I might've done that to you but I'm not that bold now."Micheal says "For one thing, I was a fine catch for Reba and we was young and that is what happens over the years."Chloe says "Well Mikey, it looks like your in a heap of trouble now and there is nothing that can get you out of it now."Micheal says "Oh no, just watch and learn Chloe Sullivan I get out of this bar. But I'm not telling you how I'm going to do thow."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport or Anybody
Julieduke Posted October 2, 2007 Author Posted October 2, 2007 Micheal had seen the Sheriff coming and he knew he was in trouble now but he also had seen Chloe over by his brother-in-laws and it seems Lex seen worn out as well. Micheal says "You snoop, you took pictures of me and Lex Luthor with your camera and you followed me around all day long what is up with that and I want your roll of film."Chloe says "Shows what you know, my camera is digital it don't take film and your not getting the media that it's on either. And your pretty easy to keep up with your cute little yellow car and I don't know what my cousin ever seen in you."Micheal says "Wait a minute you drive a Orange Vw Bug with Kansas plates, why that was wrong with what you did eariler. And besides aren't you a reporter with "The Daily Planet" along with Clark Kent as well. I can't stand reporters there too nosy I had one follow me around here demanding why I was with Angelena and not my wife."Chloe says "Now that wasn't me I live Kansas and I might've done that to you but I'm not that bold now."Micheal says "For one thing, I was a fine catch for Reba and we was young and that is what happens over the years."Chloe says "Well Mikey, it looks like your in a heap of trouble now and there is nothing that can get you out of it now."Micheal says "Oh no, just watch and learn Chloe Sullivan I get out of this bar. But I'm not telling you how I'm going to do thow."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport or AnybodyMicheal walks right up to Chloe and says "Mamacita Chloe, I didn't know my wife had a such a hot cousin before I think I should've married you instead of Reba."Chloe says "No Way, Mikey I would've seen through you in a month I very perceptive about people. But thanks for complienement thow."Chris says "Hey Dad, Micheal is going towards Chloe's camera right now."Right at that moment Chloe flips Micheal and he lands on a table and him and the table go down and she looking at Rosco and says "Sorry, that weasel was going after my camera you know Daisy Duke taught me that right there I never knew I would have to use againist my own in-laws."Charlie says "Hey Dad, you don't got to worry about Chloe she just flipped Micheal on the table. I don't think I going to get you mad Chloe you're sneaky you know that."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
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