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When Friends Ain't Friends...

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"Bo ya know Jesse will never allow it. Yer safer in the house than ya are out here anyway."

Luke spoke quietly but firmly knowing Jesse would have none of it. He might let them sleep in the barn when they needed some time alone to think or something like that but for the most part he put his foot down they were all to be inside in their own beds come bedtime. It had always been that way and Bo knew it as well as he and Daisy did.

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Luke nodded with a sheepish look he knew Bo's personality hadn't changed because of all this. He didn't know why they were trying to trick Bo except they thought he'd balk otherwise.

"I know buddy, I really don't know why we's tryin' ta be sneaky about it. I know ya wanna get better but this way is gonna be hard on ya and we wasn't sure you was up for it but somethin's gotta be done and soon before it goes to far."

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"It's alright Bo it's just a bucket nothin' else."

Just as Luke finishes speaking the barn door swings open banging against the side of the building again another occurance that would happen in high wind if the door wasn't latched good. Keeping a hand on Bo's shoulder Luke watched carefully prepared to take Bo inside if it became more than he could deal with but so far he was dealing with it pretty well.

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Bo yelped and nearly jumped a mile first as Luke's hand went to his shoulder, which he couldn't see coming and wasn't expecting, and then again as the doors banged loudly open, echoing like gun shots, like the gun shots that had gone after Luke.

He looked around, scared out of his wits even though he knew what the heck was going on, trembling.

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Bo ran even though he tried to tell his legs to stop. His breathing was starting to go again and his heart felt like it was beating a million miles an hour as cold sweat dripped down his face.

Suddenly he found that his feet were yanked out from underneath him as he tripped over a tree root, slamming down hard on his front and pausing for a moment to catch his breath as he was winded before clambouring to his feet again. It seemed like his legs were on a mind of their own and were determiend to keep him running.

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Luke kept running after Bo and almost caught him when he tripped and fell but the younger man's fear propelled him to his feet again before Luke could stop him. Breathing hard Luke finally got close enough to reach the back of Bo's shirt, grabbing hold he tackled Bo to the ground holding him there waiting for the blonde to calm down and carefully take stock of the things around him rationally without letting the fear overpower him.

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