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When Friends Ain't Friends...

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Luke sighed and nodded miserably dropping a light kiss on Daisy's head.

"yeah we should have, B.L. at least had the guts to stay out there but she couldn't even bring herself to stick around while they put Bo in that danged straight jacket and carted him off. I saw her take off on foot through the woods, no idea where though."

His voice hardens a little on the next sentence.

"Jesse just stood there and let 'em put that jacket on Bo."

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Daisy heard the steel arise in his voice and quickly sat up, shaking her head.

"No! No Luke you can't be mad at Uncle Jesse...Luke he's so confused and upset....he wanted to help Bo even more than you did but he just doesn't know how to anymore...he's.....Luke we're all getting older now and problems are arising that can't just be healed with love and kisses anymore...he doesn't know how to handle that....god Luke please....you should have seen him the other night...."

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Luke sighed his eyes dropping to the bed deep down he knew Jesse was doing what he thought was right and that Bo really did need the help he knew that too.

"I know Daisy, I know...I just....gawd did they hafta take him off in a straight jacket chained to the wall though? They treated him like he was some crazed lunatic that was gonna jump 'em any minute and go balistic on 'em. Bo's not out of control his sense of fear is and treatin' him that way ain't gonna help none."

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Daisy swallowed gently and nodded.

"I know...you and I and Uncle Jesse and B.L...everyone knows Bo aint like that except them guys....they have to take precautions Luke its their job....and I aint sayin' I agree with what they did to him or nothing either before ya say so! Its just...I can understand why they did it...."

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"I know Daisy, but he wasn't even actin' like he was gonna give 'em any trouble. He was meek as a lamb. I know they got proceedures they hafta follow but they should be able ta alter those proceedures when it's someone like Bo."

Luke agreed with Daisy but it still didn't make him feel any better about it all, Bo hadn't deserved that he'd been as calm as could be when they led him away. B.L. had been the one standing there with fire in her eyes he knew without being able to see her face clearly but her stance had told him volumes about her facial expression. He smiled a little imagining her staring the two men with the straight jacket down.

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Nearly a week later, the call had come through to the Duke Farm that Bo was allowed to have visitors. At first they hadn't allowed it because they had wanted to get Bo settled into routine and start his treatment undistracted by anything.

But now, the three Dukes were all sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the nurse that would take them to Bo's room to see them. Daisy was cuddled softly into Uncle Jesse, hearing screams coming from somewhere and moans and crazed mumblings coming from elsewhere, hating to think that this was what Bo was hearing everyday.

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Jesse hugged Daisy tight as Luke sat on the edge of his chair all three anxiously waiting for the nurse to come take them to Bo's room. Finally about ten minutes later an older woman with graying red hair came.

"Bo Duke family?"

She asked and the three Dukes stood following her down a long hall. Jesse still holding tight to Daisy as she huddled closer into him each time they heard a moan, scream or crazy mutterings coming from the other rooms they passed. They reached Bo's room and were told to go on in.

Luke and Jesse both put on big smiles for Bo's sake as they walked in. Luke greeted him normally.

"Hey Bo, any pretty nurses caught yer eye?"

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Daisy swallowed gently, biting her lip as Bo didn't even look up from where he was sitting.

He was sat on his bed in the corner of his room, his knees hugged up to his chest as he stared down at his feet. It looked like he hadn't slpet since he had arrived and his hands had now undertaken a premanant tremble as they were clutched tightly together.

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Luke called again as he crossed the room and put a hand on Bo's shoulder when he didn't respond. He looked so fragile in the bed hugging his knees to his chest so unlike the self confident Bo they were all used to seeing.

Jesse looked at Bo and then the stark white surroundings of the room and he wondered if this was the right place for Bo.

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Bo jumped a little at the hand on his shoulder and his trembling increased as he looked up, slowing a little when he saw Luke even though his blank facial expression didn't change.

He felt so low, he had done ever since he had been taken away from the farm and dumped in this place that nothing really mattered to him anymore. He responded to what the doctors here were telling him and followed what they made him do....but really he just didn't care.

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Luke smiled a little as Bo looked up at him and the trembling seemed to lessen. He didn't move his hand but he didn't want to startle Bo more by engulfing him in a hug no matter how much he'd like to do just that.

Jesse stepped closer to the bed wondering just what in the name of heaven he'd done to his boy, Bo looked much worse off now than he had been back at the farm. Placing a hand on one of Bo's knees he squeezed it gently with a soft smile.

"Hey Bo, how are ya?"

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"Well where else would we be? They told us we could see ya now and here we are."

Jesse informed rather puzzled by the question he thought Bo would have known his family would have been there all along if they had been permitted to see him.

Luke sighed and wrapped his free arm around Daisy he should have pushed Jesse harder to keep Bo at home. This was getting them nowhere he was worse if anything.

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Bo whispered out before looking back to his bare feet again.They didn't let him wear his noramal everyday clothes anymore, they put him in the hospital approved clothing that made him just the same as everyone else.

Suddenly there was a loud noise that sounded like the clanging of pots and pans, cars backfiring and people screaming and shouting. Daisy jumped and huddled more into Luke, covering her ears with her hands.

Bo however....Bo didn't even move, frozen in place with his hands still shaking as he just stared listlessly at his feet. Inside he was quacking but he had long since learned that he shouldn't show that around here....he shouldn't show his fear because he would be punished.

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Luke held Daisy against him tightly stroking her hair comfortingly in an effort to calm her down this was hard on all of them but seemed to be affecting her the most. Bo didn't seem bothered as much as Luke had expected him to be by the sounds but maybe that was a sign he was getting better although Luke doubted it from Bo's listless reaction to everything so far it was as if he had just give up and didn't care anymore about anything.

Jesse watched Bo's reaction closely and was as surprised as Luke to see that Bo had a minimal reaction of only his hands shaking violently.

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Bo didn't even really notice when the sound stopped. He was too used to that kind of thing happening now, even though his head still screamed with fear when they came on, his body just didn't react to it anymore. There wasn't a lot that he did react to anymore..not even his punishments for doing something wrong.

Daisy eventually took her hands away from her ears.

"What...what was that?!"

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