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Take a better look at that picture folks.Obvious photoshop fake.Notice the Charger emblem in the grill,Wrong side and backwards. Also the lettering on the roof is backwards so everything was an afterthought.Amazing how easily you can fool people.Just because the flag is there on a fake picture doesn't mean it will be in the movie. Matt looks can be very deceiving.


I do have a problem with the casting...BOSS HOGG IS STILL F***IN SKINNY! Damn it!!! and so is LULU...

That is where the fun came in...Boss telling Rosco he married his fat sister and took her off his hands, so's Rosco wouldnt have to feed her no more.

Actually I do like the casting of Harland Williams as Rosco...I think he can pull it off...


All the backwards picture means is that in the original pic the car was facing the other direction. The pic is actually of the passenger side of the car instead of the drivers side.


Bubba I thought of that before I posted what I posted.The 01's are off too.It looks faked the whole way.Why wouldn't they take the time to put up the picture the correct direction when someone like me would notice it being way off? I suppose because they were lazy maybe? To me it looks like that pic of the General was a promo pic from the movie and they super-imposed the new people on there. If they are that sloppy at doing a picture imagine what the movie is going to be like. Believe what you want but don't say I didn't warn you.


I paid closer attention to the 01 after my post and I agree that the people and the number were added after the pic was reversed. But I still say that the General Lee and the emblem are from reversing the pic. I think this cast looks better over all, but we will have to wait and see.


I agree the car itself is a reverse image that they had to fix the numbers to attempt to make it look correct.My point has been confirmed by you who also noticed that the actors were added later.An attempt to fool or mislead most people who wouldn't notice a few small details.The question remains why didn't they do a promo shoot and not have to go through all that photoshop work? Maybe because there is no flag on the car as a sneak peak video showed us that indeed the flag is missing. My theory is that they were afraid to promote a movie showing a General with no flag in a promo shot knowing us fans woudn't buy it.So they created this fakery to fool us.

I agree the car itself is a reverse image that they had to fix the numbers to attempt to make it look correct.My point has been confirmed by you who also noticed that the actors were added later.An attempt to fool or mislead most people who wouldn't notice a few small details.The question remains why didn't they do a promo shoot and not have to go through all that photoshop work? Maybe because there is no flag on the car as a sneak peak video showed us that indeed the flag is missing. My theory is that they were afraid to promote a movie showing a General with no flag in a promo shot knowing us fans woudn't buy it.So they created this fakery to fool us.

I smell a conspiricy ...... :lol:

Proof that photo is fake on that website, take a look at this pic.This is the pic they reversed to make that fake photo.This is a promo shot from the 2005 movie.

Who gives a flying turkey ...Does it really matter that it was a "fake" or photoshopped? ....

Warner Bros OWNS it and can do whatever they see fit.....

I'm gone



Apparently I'm the only one who does give a flying turkey.I'm just pointing out that what lengths WB is going through to get us fans to buy more crap.Pointing out that a lot of people can be fooled by a simple picture.I'm just warning those easily fooled that not everything is as it appears to be.Caveat emptor,let the buyer beware.Apparently I'm also the only one who cares on what they do with this franchise.They want to run this franchise into the ground.I can't stop them.It's theirs. It's just a shame to see them ruin a good thing by making it politically correct and having to resort to foul language,drug references,and nudity to sell to todays society.I hope I'm proven wrong and this film does the original show justice.Everthing I've been told from fairly reliable sources doesn't indicate that. I know they are changing the origin of the car which is enough for me not to buy it anyway.


Hey tim

Now you are twisting it into your own personal views with the straight-to DVD movie. There are enough of those already and are mostly by you anyway.

WB can do whatever they want and promote it however they see fit. So they used an extra phot from and the original movie and imposed the new cast on it . So what. it's dang conspiricy ...LOL...

Have you seen the new movie yet? NO ..You are basing everything on your "reliable" sources. You know YOUR preconceieved notions that it will "ruin" the franchise. Most likely the movie will not be good since it is a low budget straight-to-DVD release. Then again maybe it will be OK. We shall see when the movie comes to DVD.

Take it for it is. Same as the first movie. You have the original series that you can't beat and a movie that was pure entertainment. Both are good ol' fun in their own way.

I'm gone



I said I hope I'm proven wrong didn't I? I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. The snippet video I did see(I assume most saw) clearly showed no flag on the car.Whether it's on there by the end of the movie is irrelevant.They changed the origin of the car in the big screen movie .Now they are doing it again in this movie.I totally disagree with this.Pure double D wrong.I don't care what argument you have.You are a General Lee fan by your avatar.You of all people should not support them doing this. The origin of General Lee had been established in Happy Birthday General Lee period. It is an insult to me especially since I built a General replica.In my opinion IF you think it's ok they changed the origin then you are not a true Dukes fan and should remove your avatar. End of discussion.


Tim Suderow ..

Who gives a rat's tail that you built a GL replica. What does that have to do with anything anyway? just showing off that you have one Tim? Mine is bigger than yours kind of thing? :lol:

Who cares that they established the origin of the GL in an episode? This isn't about the series. WB and the people making the film can do hatever they want .What the hell does that have to do with me being a TRUE Dukes fan? ...I seem to get that since I enjoyed the movie more than most anyway .You know what I say about that anyway.

The series and the movie franchise are two different entities. Just like the Batman franchise with the original 50's show then the Adam West version then the Tim Burton movies to the Joel Schumacher ones to the more recent with animated ones thrown in. They all have different visions of things according to who is making them. Just like the Dukes... WE all don't have to like it.

Don't you ever say I am not a true Dukes fan or tell me to remove my avatar. You don't want to go there :wink:

Now get back on topic and what this thread is about instead of your assinine comments.

I'm gone



i for one like the fact that the cars begininngs are changed. if they did the same story as the show i wouldnt really wanna watch it.

i for one like seeing new dukes of hazzard stories...even if there wrong from the show. as long as its not full of plot holes or that it isnt realistic or there really dirty.

i hope bo and luke work summer jobs to pay for the general. it would make sense cause we the regular people have to do that.

and i dont really care if the flag is not on the car till the end. i dont think there going to just name it general lee right after they get it. id like a story as to why they named it that, and why the flags on the roof.

i was just wondering though. in "happy birthday general lee" why do they name it general lee??? ive seen all the episodes but i always miss this when its on tv and i forgot. could someone help me on that.


It was not my intent to show off. The differece betwen the Batman movies and the TV series(which was in the 60's by the way) is the movies are not based off that TV show so there is no comparison..The Dukes movies are supposed to be based off the TV show so there should be some similarities in the story lines.Not completely changing them. Agreed it's Warner Brothers property they can flush it down the toilet if they want. We all know the confederate flag issue is the reason for the origin of General Lee being changed. The Dukes stood for fighting against a system and do everthing in their power to protect what they believed in. It just amazes me how a lot of you are just willing to throw that philosophy out the window.You are going to support WB and buy anything they put out as long as it says Dukes of Hazzard on it. You don't care.It's just sad very sad.You notice I didn't resort to insults in my reply and I'm not afraid to go anywhere. Why don't we just change the car to the new Charger.I'm sure you would support that too.

It was not my intent to show off. The differece betwen the Batman movies and the TV series(which was in the 60's by the way) is the movies are not based off that TV show so there is no comparison..The Dukes movies are supposed to be based off the TV show so there should be some similarities in the story lines.Not completely changing them. Agreed it's Warner Brothers property they can flush it down the toilet if they want. We all know the confederate flag issue is the reason for the origin of General Lee being changed. The Dukes stood for fighting against a system and do everthing in their power to protect what they believed in. It just amazes me how a lot of you are just willing to throw that philosophy out the window.You are going to support WB and buy anything they put out as long as it says Dukes of Hazzard on it. You don't care.It's just sad very sad.You notice I didn't resort to insults in my reply and I'm not afraid to go anywhere. Why don't we just change the car to the new Charger.I'm sure you would support that too.

What is your problem? That people actually like something different? So what that there is NEW Dukes movies. You will always have the TV show.

Where the hell did I ever say I LIKED or even was supportive of this new direct-to-DVD movie? I have made sarcastic remarks about it all along.

Enough of the rhetoric you keep spewing. It isn't going to get you anywhere....

I'm gone



I'd like to add a point regarding the photo "fakery"... (and to get back on track a little bit)...

These days, it's quite a bit easier to assemble composites in Photoshop than it would be to set-up a complete shoot. What with digital photography's advances, it's sometimes quicker to snap the elements seperately to achieve the desired result (without having to worry about all the props being perfectly lit, positioning, etc., etc.). Even if they had shot everything at once, chances are better than 50/50 that they'd paint in a better pic of the car anyway. And I bet the actors in this promo piece were possibly nowhere near a WB movie General Lee to do it all at once. Shoot them in NY, LA, wherever, then plop 'em on a ready-to-go pic of the Charger. Yeah, the work's a little sloppy, but they wanna start a bit of a buzz now, I'm sure.

It's just a movie.


The worst thing is, that again a lot of old Chargers get crashed.

Just for a damn movie.

Just that dumb people can watch it.

That's real a shame.

Since the USA have just built crap cars after let's say '72 they need their old hereos everywhere, to make a dollar, or to tell the world, look what cool cars we used to built.


When I see movies of u'r Dukes fest, where a Charger gets killed, and everybody claps their hands, I just wanna clap or slap their ......


I am a classic car fan and I hate people who destroy old cars!

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