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The movie from what i saw looked good

Bo blond :)

Daisy not :)

they showed Bo and Luke getting the general

and them jumping into the car from what i saw they need to work on the jump into the window

from the look of what they showed it's sad they don't put it into movie house it could work


No Flag at all? .Won't buy it, hope it fails miserably. Sorry folks I'm not even gonna give it chance. WB has already ruined this franchise once now it's too sissy to put the damn flag on the roof. In the TV series the General had the flag from the first time it was orange it wasn't added later.I'm sick and tired of them trying to change the origin of the car just to be politically correct fearing the confederate flag is too controversial.


See that is what I fail to comprehend. WB keeps putting this crap out and expects us fans to buy it . Then most of us do and then they think this is what we want,which it isn't.Then they just keep making more crap. We really need to send a message to WB and stop buying it!!! I can understand that a lot of you will buy it just because it's Dukes and you'll want it as part of your collection. We have got to stop doing this. If we stop supporting this stuff they will stop producing it. I say No flag,No buy. I know boycotts don't usually work but I say boycott.Even IF they have changed their ways and make it like the original series.(which I doubt cause I heard they are making Cooter gay). The flag on the General should not be compromised, it has to be there before I even think about buying it.


Oh I fully realise that my "preaching " will have no effect on them producing this movie but if enough people stop buying into this crap they will think twice about doing another and possibly put out a Dukes movie that we can all enjoy with no foul language,no drug use,and have some decent values. At least you didn't disagree with me. Cause if you think it is perfectly fine to have a General without the flag,you are not a true Dukes fan in my book.

  • 2 weeks later...

I agree...don't buy it! Why do they insist on changing what was already great? Also, why do they have to keep getting these pretty boys to play country boys? Another question, how can this be a prequel and Willie Nelson play uncle Jesse again? He looks even older than he did in the first crappy movie they made! It wouldn't surprise me if they did make Cooter gay in the new movie, after all they aren't putting the flag on the car and thats about as gay as it gets.


My computer finnally let me view the dang thing. The car looks kinda silly with just the numbers on the side. You would think if they were taking it off completely they would have put like an 01 on the roof to make it look more like a stock car. Like I said before, I'll reserve judement until I've seen it. I'm not just gonna boycott it because they're taking a different take on the show but if by the end they don't have it on there I'm gonna be pissed.


I"ll see if I can download it or not.

But I had a thought. I remember the dukes getting the general lee later...or were they young teens when they got it? I dont remember the episode.


The episode is called "Happy Birthday General Lee" season 7. Yes when they first get the car it is all black then they take it to Cooters and they build the General FLAG and all.The flag was there from the first time it was orange NOT added later.


Yes, I know all that. But when did they get the General Lee.

How old were they? Was it before of after they were put on probation? I always assumed they were older?

Besides, this whole flag thing is a bit much. I mean how many people do you honestly believe will see this movie? Its a direct to DVD. Maybe it will appear later. Maybe there is a reason it isnt on in the shots we saw.


It's been a while since I saw that episode but I believe it does say when in the episode and how old they were at the time. Guess we'll have to wait till season 7 comes out on DVD to know for sure or happen to catch it on CMT. The flag may not be a big deal to you but for those of us that have a General Lee replicas or that believe in principles do. It doesn't matter how many people see this film .The point is the flag should have never been removed in the first place and the reason it is because of all the political correctness and people thinking the flag is a racist symbol which it isn't.


Are you saying I do not have principles? I hope not.

Anyway, one day I will also have a G. Lee and I have every intention of having it like the original flag and all.

As for it not being in this movie, it maybe later, or it may not be at all. I dunno what is happening with this. Its a wait and see thing.

Do I wish to see it on there? Yes. Will I throw a hissy fit if it is not? Nope. I need to see what the story is behind no flag before I do anything.


But you should throw a hissy fit if it's not there, thats what Bo and Luke would do.Fight the system.There shoudn't be a story behind it not being on there.The story of the origin of the General Lee has already been told in the episode mentioned above.As I said in a previous post I can't believe so many of you are just so willing to throw up the white flag and surrender and accept this political correctness they are pushing on us just to keep the Dukes franchise alive.If the Dukes are going politically correct I say let the franchise die. I'll keep fighting the Hollywood system and not buy this crap.


I have other hissy fits to throw.

But the thing is we do not know why its not on there. Could it come later? We do not know. No sense in fighting an enemy if they are not the enemy.


I told you why it's not there because of all the controversy over the confederate flag.They are the enemy by removing it in the first place. That's my whole point. Why are you willing to accept an explanation of why it's missing and possibly being added by the end of the movie? You know it should be there from the get go.The origin of the car had already been established.You don't think changing the origin is wrong? Just to be politically correct? I don't care if the flag is on there by the end,it's still wrong. See that proves my point about some of you willing to accept all these changes just to keep the Dukes alive. Well you can keep the so-called new Dukes with the foul language,drug use, a flagless General Lee and a gay Cooter. I'll stick to the original the way it's supposed to be.I'll never surrender like some of you are.I'll keep on fighting the system like a true modern day Robin Hood.


First, avatar regulations would be spectacular. Its getting quite tiresome to scroll over so that I may read everyones posts. Its just not you, but others.

Second, all I said was maybe the flag will appear later. Maybe they have a reason it wasnt on in the first place...they didnt want it and then there was another orange car so they wanted the Gen Lee to stand out. I dunno. I'm just throwing it out there.

Third, You're right I don't care if its on or not. If this was the movie I may be a little more upset about it, but its not. I doubt anyone will see this movie to begin with. It's important to pick the right battles, and I don't think that throwing a fit over the flag not being on the Gen. Lee in a direct to DVD movie is the right fight. If we have a movie 5 years from now and its not on the car then yes I will fight that battle. But not this one.

People can like or dislike whatever they choose. If you want to hold firm to the Dukes as you remember them in the 80s so be it. There is nothing wrong with that. Personally, I like the TV show better than the movie. I did not like the drugs and whatnot. However, that being said, I often wonder what would have happened if Dukes had stayed a little more hardcore like in the first couple of episodes. If people want an updated Dukes well so be it. Its personal taste.

Besides, I do not recall a lot of protest about the flag on the Gen Lee in the movie. There were some grumblings but no protests like the last Temptation of Christ...nothing like that. Were there even boycotts?

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