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Double Duke Trouble


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Jesse nodded with a heavy heart, and remained looking over the land before turning back and going back into the barn. He would talk with Bo once Luke and Daisy were done, the cousins needed each other now more than ever, it was probably the last time they would ever get to spend together.

Bo looked over weakly at Luke as he knelt beside him and smiled slightly, hurting a little at how upset he could see he had made Luke...

Daisy looked over at him too and reached out with one hand to take his, squeezing it gently.

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Luke shakes his head squeezing Bo's hand gently

"No.....shhh ya ain't got nothin' ta be sorry for it's us who should be sorry fer makin ya hang on this long........me especially Uncle Jesse and me had us a talk and I still don't like it none o' us do but it's ok Bo we're gonna let ya go so's ya don't suffer nomore"

coughs to hide how choked up saying that made him

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Bo blinked a couple of times at Luke, making sure he was hearing right. Luke said that he was....letting Bo go....permission to carry on with what he was planning on doing....something he hated to think about because it hurt Luke so bad....

He squeezed Luke's hand slightly and whimpered a little.

"I'm sorry Luke...I'm sorry I just can't hang on anymore....I can't its too hard....it's too hard."

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Bo could do nothing in response to Luke's tight hold but smiled gratefully as Daisy lifted his arms and wrapped them around Luke so he could hold onto his cousin. The malaria had already started consuming his body and made him weaker than ever before although the yellow colour was starting to fade a little from his skin.

"Luke....don't go after them guys....they'll go down fer.....fer murder now.....fer life.....Luke I love ya so much ya gotta know that I ain't doin' this cause I don't love ya, any of ya, I just can't cope with all this no more."

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Luke drew a shuddering breath when Daisy had to move Bo's arms for him it was just another painful reminder how bad off he really was and that death was a reality most likely sooner than any of the expected as the malaria consumed Bo's body.

"I promise cuz I ain't gonna go after them......but they will go down fer what they did to you."

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Bo looked out the window at the sunset he could see starting to appear. Looking back over at Luke he asked quietly.

"Luke....would ya take me outside? One last time....let me sit with the General and on the proch swing...and in the barn....please...."

At this Daisy couldn't hold back the sobs, they shook her small frame and she had to squeeze her eyes shut.

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Luke sat up hugging Daisy tightly rubbing her back soothingly for a few moments trying desperately to hold back his own tears.

"shhh baby don't cry.....please Daisy don't cry"

Turns back to Bo smiling as best he can

"sure Bo I'll take ya outside......we'll even take the General for a drive if ya want to and think yer upto it."

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"Ya ain't hooked ta nothin' so it'll be alright"

Get's Bo sitting up on the bed between the two of them giving him a few minutes to rest and his equalibrium to return from lying down so long.

"K Daisy I'm gonna need ya to help me it's gonna take us both ta keep 'im from fallin' or feelin' like he's gonna fall.......Don't you worry though Bo we's not gonna let ya fall."

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Daisy strengthened herself and nodded, making the same promise to Bo.

Bo nodded, he trusted Luke and Daisy with what was left of his life and he was determined that he would make sure they knew that. But, he was also determined to at least enjoy these last moments he would ever get. So, drawing whatever inner strength he could, he helped push himself to his feet, swaying just a little but standing on his shaky legs, still needing their support but also not leaning on them as bad as he could have been.

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The three of them slowly leave the room letting Bo take his time so as not to tire himself out too quickly before he got to do all the things he wanted to do. Outside the Doctor was sitting on the porch swing. Looks up as the kids came out.

"S'alright Doc if we let Bo have some time doing the things he'll never get ta do again?"

Doc nods smiling these kids were special he'd never seen another bunch of kids with the same closeness as these three.

"Sure Luke that'd be fine.....just watch him close."

Luke nods he'd never thought of doing anything less......Doc rises going inside the house to help himself to a cup of coffee.

Luke instructs Daisy to help get Bo on the swing then the two of them sit on either side their arms across the back of the swing supporting Bo but also surrounding him with love.

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Bo smiled gratefully at the pair before looking out over the sunset, always amazed and awed at the beautiful colours it always created and how the breeze around them seemed to just intensify that beauty.

He breathed in as deep as he could and closed his eyes, just listening to all the farmyard sounds and the sounds of the wild life, snuggling into Luke and Daisy's hold gently.

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Luke looks out over the farmyard gulping this would be the last time the three of them sat like this watching the sunset. It was something they did often Bo usually snagging himself or Daisy more often than not both of them to sit and watch. There would be so many little things like this now that they'd all done together and taken for granted that they'd never do again.

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Daisy knew what Luke was thinking and gently squeezed is arm behind Bo's back, nodding softly. she would be there for Luke when all this was over as much as he would allow her.

jesse stepped out the barn and looked over at the porch, swallowing softly as he saw the three on the swing, Bo looking for the first time in a long time at peace with himself and everything around him. He looked that little bit stronger, but jesse knew it would be short lived.

He crossed over and stood beside the three, gently making small gestures of immense love at each of them and resting his hand on Bo's frail shoulder, enjoying with them the peace and tranquility of the evening.

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Luke returned the gentle squeeze to Daisy's arm they would be there for each other. It was going to be that way from now on they were going to have to pull together and look out for each other once it was just the two of them. He knew that Bo's passing would be just as hard for Daisy to bear as it was going to be for him he hoped she was going to be able to deal with it better than he had so far. He smiled slightly as he thought about how odd it had been lately he was the one that seemed to be breaking down the most when it had always been Bo and Daisy in that role and him picking up the pieces.

Leans into Jesse's touch something he'd rarely done except when he felt really helpless like he did now. He knew Jesse was worried about him and Daisy but at the same time grieving himself at the realization of losing Bo,looks up smiling faintly hoping to relieve some of Jesse's worry.

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***Next morning****

Luke wakes up as the sun shines brightly through the curtain.....last night had been a good night despite the circumstances. Bo had,had fun doing the things he loved most and in a way Luke thought it had helped both him and Daisy as well. A new thought crossed his mind it was race day a pang goes through his heart, Bo wouldn't be at this one but listening at home from the cb he'd been awfully tired last night when they'd went to bed so needed to rest today.

Getting out of bed Luke quickly dresses to go do his and Bo's*shakes his head* no they were his chores now and his alone. Slipping from the room he heads to the barn quickly doing them and going back inside sitting at the table with a cup of coffee.

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Doc emerged from the guest room making his way to the kitchen he was afraid it would have been a rough night last night for the youngest Duke especially afte his excusions but the night had been peaceful. Going into the boys room Amos makes a quick check on Bo satisfied he was sleeping well enough and there were no complications goes to the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee joining Luke at the table.

"Morning Luke"

Luke looks up when Doc spoke not having noticed anyone else in the room.

"Morning Doc"

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Bo slept peacefully on as the Doc examined him, the yellow colour now having almost completly disappeared.

Daisy eventually padded out of her room and so did Jesse, joining the party at the table.


Jesse sat at the head and allowed silence for a moment before speaking.

"About the race today....Bo wants all of us to come and cheer you on Luke....but I would rather, if ya don't mind Amos, that the Doc stay here with Bo...."

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