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Double Duke Trouble


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Daisy gave B.L a hug before following Jesse into the pickup, sliding up close to him and resting her head on his shoulder, releieved this is finally over and now Bo can begin to heal.

Bo sighed and rested his head against the head rest of the General, closing his eyes as he heard the gentle comforting growl of the engine, then opened them again looking out at the stars.

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Jesse puts a comforting hand on Daisy's hand before pulling the pickup into gear and heading home with B.L. close behind.

Luke pulled out behind B.L. driving toward home listening to the rumble of the engine. Flexing his shoulders as they drive trying to release the knot of tension that is sitting right between them causing a dull ach to start in the center of his back between the shoulders and creep up his neck. Sighing with relief with the thought that things can get back to normal. Thinking on the week's events as the road stretches before him Luke purses his lips as he recalls Bo's leap from the moving General onto the truck below them,promising himself to get answers from Bo tomorrow as they pull into the yard as the others are just stepping up onto the porch.

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Bo sighed and took in a breath as he pulled himself out the General, the adrenaline rush beginning to wear off a little quicker than he would have liked. He managed to get enough strength to pull his legs out the window and lean against the General to wait for Luke or someone to come and help him.

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Pulling himself out of the General Luke stops to sit on the window ledge for a few moments breathing deeply the scents of the farm and listening to the sounds of the night creatures before swinging his legs out and going around to where Bo stands. Placing an arm around Bo as they walk toward the house

"c'mon lets get you to bed before ya fall over,ya've had enough excitement for one day"

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Wearily Bo nods and leans more against Luke, but still walks, though slowly, pretty well. He mumbles, his eyes drifting closed even further as the comforting warmth of the house hits him.

"Thanks Luke....love ya cousin...."

Daisy smiled as the two boys passes her and Jesse, looking gratefully over to B.L. She crosses over and hugged her friend and then hugged Cooter too.

"You guys can go home if ya like. I think they'll be alright now. Thanks so much for all your help."

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As they walk in the house Bo leans heavier and heavier on Luke as he's about to be asleep on his feet literally. Calling to the others

" 'night ya'll "

getting the same bidding from the group as the two pass.

Readjusting his grip on Bo answers back to the almost sleeping form

"love ya too Bo"

Once in the bedroom Luke gently lets Bo fall to the bed before taking off his boots,shirt and pants then covering the young man up and underssing himself before climbing into bed for the first good night's sleep either of them has had in sometime.

Cooter shakes Uncle Jesse's hand and hugs Daisy then giving B.L. a hug and kiss on the forehead

"You're more than welcome Daisy I'll see ya'll around holler if ya need me. See ya later B.L. drive home careful"

with that said Cooter walks out the door and the tow truck engine can be heard pulling away from the house.

B.L. nods at Cooter that she'll be careful. Hugging Uncle Jesse and Daisy,a mighty yawn escaping,shaking her head to clear away the cobwebs of approaching sleep.

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Uncle Jesse smiles at the two sleepy faces before him

"That's more than alright you both know that you're welcome anytime B.L."

B.L. kisses Uncle Jesse on the cheek smiling greatfully at Daisy

"Thanks Uncle Jesse thanks Daisy I just don't think I could make it home it's been a long day."

Jesse hugs them each again bidding them goodnight before heading to his own bed sleeping soundly just seconds after getting into bed.

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Daisy guided B.L gently to her room, peeking in on her cousins as she did, sighing happily as she sees Bo and Luke sleeping as though nothing had ever happened, even though the rasp in Bo's chest did kinda give it away.

She tossed B.L a nightgown and slid hers on before climbing inbetween the soft luxury of the familiar sheets, snuggling into her pillow and saying a quick prayer of thanks before falling quickly into sleep.

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B.L. catches the nightgown easily,slipping it on saying her own quick before sleep overtakes her almost immdeiately.

After a goodnight's rest B.L. wakes up looking over to see Daisy still sound asleep. Creeping quietly from the bed B.L. slips on an extra bathrobe of Daisy's slipping silently from the room, easing open the boys door just a crack to see them both still sleeping soundly. Pulling the door closed once more she pads softly to the kitchen starting a pot of coffee and some breakfast deciding after the week's events it's the least she can do while her friends get a little extra sleep.

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It was a long time after B.L left that Daisy finally awoke, sitting up in bed and looking around before rushing quietly to the boy's bedroom, sighing as she saw that last night really wasn't a dream and that everybody really was safe and sound.

She padded into the kitchen and smiled gratefully at B.L, seeing the breakfast already started and the coffee all set out. She walked over to the stove and patted her friend's shoulder.

"Thanks B.L, i'll take over from here. You sit down, your the guest."

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B.L. doesn't sit down just scoots over making more room at the stove as she giggles

"Daisy I been comin here so long I ain't a guest not expected to do anything nomore. I can go visit somebody else if I wanna be a guest when I'm here I like to think I'm one of tha family and I want to pull my weight. Besides all that you and the rest of the family should be the one's taking it easy I've had a full week's sleep that ya'll aint"

Pouring them each a cup of coffee sitting one by Daisy's elbow on the counter as she sips her own.

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Daisy chuckles softly as she takes over part of the cooking.

"That's true B.L....and we wouldn't have it any other way."

She smiled gratefully and took a long sip of her coffee, looking towards Jesse's room.

"Is Uncle Jesse up yet? He's usually up to do the chores no matter what's happened."

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B.L. shrugs her shoulders as she follows Daisy's gaze with her own

"Dunno if he's up I ain't seen hide nor hair of him yet"

At that precise moment Jesse comes out of his room and into the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Mornin girls,smells good"

B.L. takes the bacon out of the skillet before sitting the hot pan in the sink

"Mornin Uncle Jesse,sleep well?"

Jesse nods having just taken a long swallow of coffee.

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Daisy smiled at her Uncle, pleased he seemed to be in such a good mood, remembering the threats he had made yesterday. She took the eggs out of the pan and the beans out the pot and served them up on plates, putting a plate for Bo and Luke in the oven to keep it hot.

"Mornin' Uncle Jesse."

Places a plate in front of him and then puts one down for B.L and herself before taking her place at the table.

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Daisy smiled and said Amen at the end with everyone else before starting her food, thankful for some since she hadn't eaten a proper meal for a good few days.

"They did look real beat last night...Bo looked like he was gonna drop asleep on his feet 'afore they even reached their room.....Luke didn't look much better."

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Jesse takes a few bites of his meal relishing in the good homecooked food as opposed to the hospital cafeteria food what little of it they'd been eating.

"Well let 'em sleep for a while longer but then Luke's gotta get up and help with the chores since there's his and Bo's to do."

B.L. grins at Daisy's assessment of Bo

"Are ya real sure he wasn't asleep 'afore they made it to their room? I ain't so sure Luke was awake anymore than Bo I think maybe they's both sleepwalkin' "

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B.L. nods eagerly as she chews then swallows

"Yeah Uncle Jesse couldn't me and Daisy take care 'o tha chores? Luke's not slept but a couple hours all week."

Uncle Jesse seems to ponder Daisy's question with coffee cup poised halfway to his mouth for a couple of minutes. Sitting the cup down on the table

"Alright but I want Luke up by lunch. I won't have him lazin in bed the whole day."

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Daisy nodded, thinking it would be kinder to just let Luke sleep in, but after what had happened between him and Bo she wasn't about to debate it with him.

"Yes sir.."

She quietly finished the rest of her breakfast before putting the plate in the sink, leaving the washing for Luke to do when he got up.

"I'm just goin' ta take a shower before I go out and do the chores Uncle Jesse."

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Uncle Jesse finishes his coffee standing and putting his own dishes in the sink.

"Ok I'm gonna go get started on the chores then"

B.L. finishing her own breakfast and putting the dishes in the sink,picks up the bag of dirty clothes from the hospital

"Jesse why don't you just sit down in your chair,read your paper and drink some more coffee let us do all the chores."

Uncle Jesse looks at her with a dangerous glint

"Are you saying I'm too old ta sit up with the sick and still work a full day"

B.L. gulps after seeing the encounter with Bo yesterday she's in no hurry to tangle with an angry Jesse Duke

"No sir just thought it might be nice to rest a while is all"

Uncle Jesse's expression softens

"Thank ya kindly dear but I ain't one to sit around idle"

With that said he picks up his red cap from the nail by the door and heads out into the yard to start the chores.

B.L. turns back to Daisy smiling

"I'll just get some laundry started while you shower before we get started helpin with the other chores."

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As Daisy makes her retreat for the shower B.L. gathers other dirty items of clothes and puts them in the wash while waiting her turn for the shower. Going into Daisy's room and making the bed after the laundry is started B.L. then picks out another outfit of jeans and a black tanktop from Daisy's closet. Checking on the boys as she passes their room going back to the livingroom.

Luke rolls over as she cracks the door but doesn't wake,sighing contentedly in his sleep before going perfectly still again.

Jesse is milking Bonnie May as he tries to forget the week's events simultaneously thanking the good lord for the fact his family is safe and sound inside the house.

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Bo stirred slightly as B.L cracked the door and looked over sleepily as Luke shifted in his sleep. But for some reason, he felt too weak to do or say anything, so instead he just let his eyes drift back to closed.

Daisy stepped out the bathroom in her trademark shorts and red halterneck top, roughly towelling her hair dry before smiling at B.L, throwing the towel on the washing pile for later.

"I'll meet you outside B.L. If the boys wake up, tell them their breakfasts in the oven if they want it."

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