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Double Duke Trouble


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Luke pats Bo on the back grinning proud of the fact the Agent is so impressed with his youngest cousin's plan. Claps once as Bo asks is everyone ready

"Let's get the show on the road"

Jesse nods a brief flutter of anxiety goes through his stomach but he takes a deep breath getting it under control smiling at the youngsters around him.

"Let's teach those city boys a lesson they won't soon forget"

B.L. for the first time has a gleam of retribution in her eye. It really hitting home how they had almost destroyed Bo as she sees a glimmer of the old Bo behind the pale face and dark circles under the eyes.

"Ready as I'll ever be"

Cooter eyes flash with revenge, eager to get his hands on the goons taking a piece of their hide for his own.

"Ready Freddy"

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Daisy couldn't help but smile proudly as Alan gave Bo the boost he needed to be sure of what he was doing. She knew that Bo was having second thoughts even though he hadn't told anyone, she could see it in the way he was trembling, he was still nervous about his family getting hurt and she was sure Luke could see it too.

Bo smiled at Luke as he patted his back and grinned wider when everyone else began to get into the swing of things. Remembering what Luke used to do in these situations, when he was the leader of the plans.

"Alright....we need ta drive...in the order we're goin' in. Me and Luke'll....be leadin so we's can get up....the east road....Cooter and Alan'll be bringin' up the rear with you....Uncle Jesse and Daisy and you....B.L in the middle..... Cooter be sure ta show....them state guys where....teh best hidin' spots are....rounf there....we can't have them bein' seen."

He paused to catch his breath, giving a short sharp cough to get rid of the lump that had suddenly risen in his throat.

"Daisy, Uncle Jesse and B.L, make sure....yer cars are in exactly....the right positions across the road....if they try and get past ya....all they're gonna succeed in doin' is runnin' inta us or runnin' inta the pond..."

He smiled excitedly at everyone.

"Alright...let's get goin'....Yee haww!"

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Luke smiles proudly as Bo gives out everyone's orders. Even though he's trembling and fear can be detected ever so slightly in his eyes Bo isn't letting on making Luke all the prouder. Everyone nods or says something to let Bo know they understand their jobs. Still wanting to give Bo support but not seem overly protective Luke puts a steadying hand on Bo's shoulder as everyone goes to their vehicles. Not sure Bo can quite make it in the General without help Luke waits to see if Bo will ask for help.

Jesse climbs in his old pickup with a mixture of fear and the excitement of the younger folk. Although Bo seems to be ok Jesse still thinks he's much too sick to be participating,but realizing how important it is for Bo in order to get his life back together he doesn't say anything. Just waits for the General to pull out intending to be second in line so he's closest to Bo.

B.L. climbs in the window of Red Fury forgoing the use of the door as she usually does it being quicker this way. Starting the car she taps the gas pedal revving the motor slightly the closer it gets to the showdown the antsier she is getting. Looking at her cb she remembers suddenly that nothing was mentioned about keeping in touch so sliding back out of the car onto the window ledge to ask the boys

"We need to keep in touch so we know where these goons are what channel ya'll on?"

Cooter is drawing a quick map to show the troopers where all the best hiding places are as they wait for the others to get ready to go.

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At first, Bo reached up to the hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, watching as everyone moved to the cars. He knew everyone was worried about him, especially Uncle Jesse, and as much as he wanted to walk over there by himself, he moved Luke's hand down to his elbow so he could support him.

Bo walked steadily but shakily over to the General with Luke supporting him, leaning on it as B.L calls out. He responds with something that everyone would know, even B.L should in case they were actually being watched, something he hadn't thought about until now. He trusted Cooter would tell Alan because he was pretty sure Alan wouldn't have a clue.

"I suggest everyone listens to....some calming country music...while we're drivin'....might soothe...everyone a bit...."

Daisy grinned and nodded to him, looking over at B.L before they pulled away, questioning silently whether she remembered and understood what that meant.

Looking back to Luke, he smiled shakily and also a little sadly as he leant back and silently asked if Luke would lift his legs up so he could slide in the passenger seat. He didn't like this role reversal, its usually him making the getaway not Luke and its usually Luke thinking up the plans that never failed, not him. But has he heard the sounds of everyone revving up the engines and waiting for Bo and Luke to move out first, he knew he didn't have time to linger on it.

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Luke is slightly suprised when Bo moves the hand from shoulder to elbow, knowing how important doing things on his own is for Bo right now. But seeing the underlying tiredness beneath the excitement Luke understands. At Bo's words and Daisy's questioning look B.L. slides back in her window sticking an arm out giving a thumbs up that she remembers what it meant.

The sad look in Bo's eyes when he asks Luke to help him get in the car makes Luke's heart do a flip flop. That one quiet question had to have practically killed Bo but with a nod and shakey smile of his own Luke discreetly lifted Bo's legs helping him slide into the General. Scrambling across the hood and sliding in the driver's seat. Silently cursing the men once again,this isn't how it's supposed to be it should be Bo driving and him giving orders.

Cooter explained to Alan what Bo's signal meant before the agent and troopers got in their cars as he gets in the tow truck. Once everyone is ready to go Luke pulls out with Uncle Jesse not far behind leading the procession to the designated place and getting into position.

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As Luke pulled into the position, Bo waits a couple of minutes before picking up the CB and flipping the frequency to the Dukes private channel.

"Howdy, this here's Bo....they should be comin' along in a few minutes....as soon as they pass mine and Luke's hiding spot....I need Cooter and Troopers to cut off the rear exit....keep pushin' em along the road....Luke's gonna drive alone east road to cut off the escape....that way. Daisy, Uncle Jesse, B.L sit tight....make sure yer headlights is switched off, but turn....em back on when ya's see the truck comin'...that should spook em....and get 'em to stop....everyone understand?"

Daisy smiled at the strength that her cousin now had in his voice. It was still slow and steady, breaths being taken in the middle of sentences but it was stronger as the adrenaline surged through more.

"Read ya loud and clear Bo hunny. Me and Jesse got this road blocked and B.L's movin' in position now. You make sure ya take care ya hear."

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Cooter and the troopers hideout along the road waiting for the truck to come along so they can fence them in from their end. Cooter picks up his cb and tells Bo

"Me and the troopers are ready to slam the backdoor when they come in."

B.L. parks where Bo told her,shutting off the headlights tapping a nervous rythmn on the steeringwheel as she checks in with Bo

"10-4 Bo ready and waitin here too"

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Luke raises his own arm gripping Bo's hand for a few minutes smiling reassuringly although he's not quite as calm as he appears to be. If they weren't in the General he'd be pacing or trotting nervously by now.

"No goin back.....let's show these city dudes what happens when ya mess with Hazzard County folk, Dukes in particular."

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For the first time since this all started, Bo grinned his boyish, lopsided grin, nodding strongly and gripping Luke's hand.

"We'll get 'em...."

But as he said the words, he remembered everything that Luke had been saying in the hospital. As much as he himself would like to knock the seven bells out of the guys, he knew that it would only end up in a possible prison sentence, which would account towards a violation of probation. He breathed in and knew that what he was about to say would probably not be very well reveived by his older cousin, but he had to try.

"Luke....when we stop these guys...swear you'll let the....state troopers deal with 'em....please..."

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Now it's Luke's turn to get the stubborn defiant look Bo had worn all day. Shaking his head he looks back at Bo his blue eyes having sparks in them even in the dark car. In the silence of the car his breath can be heard coming and going in angry puffs now that the worry he's felt all week has given way to pure and unconcealed hatred.

"I can't promise that Bo not after what they've put you through,they almost killed you. I know they weren't there and they didn't shoot ya or nothin but they nearly killed ya just the same as if they had and I can't let that go so easy. I owe these guys at least a broken nose. I'd really love to break their necks."

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Bo stared definatly back, his own eyes now starting to blaze. After everything that had happened to him just to keep his family safe, to make sure they could stay with him, Luke was planning to go and get himself hauled away. He didn't know exactly how to get across just how much he needed his cousin, just how much he needed him to be there with him as he carried on down the long long road of recovery. There was only one way his frustrated mind could no think of....and that was to give Luke a shock.

Eyes blazing he said in a sharp voice.

"Do you want to kill me too then Luke?....'Cause if you go hittin and near killin'....them guys and I have ta....stand and watch ya get....carted off ta jail then....I's might as well have....a heart attack here and now...."

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For the second time that day Luke's mouth opens and closes like a fish at Bo's words. The fire dies in his eyes being replaced by defeat

"No Bo that's not what I want at all I just......damn it Bo they had you so scared you couldn't tell me what was going on and then I was being a jackass and on your case which wasn't a real good way to get you to tell me what was wrong even if ya wanted to. I just wanna hurt them as bad as they hurt you and the rest of the family. But mostly you"

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Bo nodded, glancing at the time and seeing they were quickly running out of it. He refused to let this go ahead with Luke thinking like he was though.

"I know....but won't ya....get more satisfaction....knowing that they's...gonna loose their lives....when they get....put away for a....good few years..."

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Luke half smiles it's usually him trying to talk Bo into reason when he's in a temper. Only half joking knowing they don't have time to get into a big discussion over this and Bo needs him to be sensible and not let his emotions run his actions.

"I'd feel alot better if I bashed their heads THEN they got put away for a good part if not the rest of their lives."

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"That's an affirmative Bo" as the vehicle passes his hiding spot Cooter pulls out onto the road blocking it not bothering to turn on the lights to do so figuring the element of surpise if they try to escape that direction. Picking up the cb once again after getting into position

"The backdoor is closed the rest is upto ya'll now"

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Bo grins grimly as the first part of the plan goes off without a hitch.

"That's great, Alan...take it easy until they start nearing mine....and Luke's position. Then move in and as soon as they try to get away our side....we'll start up and heard them....towards Daisy and B.L and Jesse."

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Jesse tenses in his seat as the headlights approach heading for Bo and Luke's position. Just as the truck gets even with the pickup the headlights of the troopers come on and sirens blare. The truck speeds up heading straight for the General. Luke pulls out blocking the road the approaching truck slams on the brakes,backs up and tries to get around the General but Luke quickly counter acts their move forcing them to turn back the way they came. Seeing a little sideroad the truck veers in that direction only to be met with more bright lights as Uncle Jesse and B.L. cut their lights on bright blinding the driver who stops as the troopers surround the truck jumping from their cars and pulling their weapons.

Luke looks over at Bo grinning triumphantly

"Looks like we did it"

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