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Double Duke Trouble


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Just as soon as the words leaves Bo's mouth Luke's jaw drops his chin nearly touching his chest with the shock and utter disbelief. Trying to recover Luke looks like a fish out of water his mouth opening and closing but no sounds comes out. Finally after about 5 minutes the shock passes enough he can speak in an incredulous tone

"Bo you ain't got the sense the good Lord promised a turkey."

B.L. raises up on one knee to peer out the window at the two cousin's lounging on the hood of General Lee. Turning back to sit beside Daisy giggling

"Never mind a heart attack I think Luke's gonna go straight for kicking the bucket........he looks like a fish outta water now. That must be a heckuva explanation Bo gave him."

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Daisy laughed.

"From what I could tell, Bo only mumbled a sentence to him. Hardly an explanation."

She looked back giggling again to see Luke finally shake his head, still looking uttery dumbfounded and manage to get a whole sentence out.

Bo sighed and rolled his eyes, still looking back up at the sky.

"I thought you'd be the one most likely to understand it Luke."

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B.L. laughs as she looks over as Daisy looks back out the window

"Only a sentence....hmm wouldn't ya like to be a fly on the general bout now and hear that conversation"

Luke shakes his head not understanding one bit where Bo's thinking is coming from.

"Maybe I'd understand if ya told me why ya don't care of Jesse warms ya britches or not? I just don't get it when we was kids the threat of a switchin was enough to make us shake in our boots. But now ya sayin ya don't care if he does knowin how close to reality it's gettin ta be."

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Daisy laughed and grinned.

"I sure would....where did Uncle Jesse get to?"

Bo sighed and sat up, crossing his legs and looking down at his lap frowning.

"Truth be told...I dont really understand it myself...its just that...well I's been pushed around, told what to do enough over the past week. The fear of....stepping a toe wrong around those guys....knowing all your lives hung in the balance seems insignificant..... to the fear of gettin'a switchin' from Uncle Jesse...."

He sighed, having to stop to get himself breathing properly again, signalling to Luke he hadn't finished but was just getting his breath back.

"The freedom....of not havin' that....of bein' able...ta make my own decisions....with fear of somethin' bad happenin'....cause of me.....its too nice ta give up....I just don't wanna....give that up Luke....wanna keep hold of that freedom....not ready to...."

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B.L. realizes for the first time since she and Daisy came inside they haven't seen nor heard Uncle Jesse.

"Maybe he went to his room to rest a while before tonight."

Luke too sat up bending his knees and wrapping his arms around them the right hand clasping the left wrist as he let Bo's words sink in.

"I understand your feelin's Bo really I do. I felt the same way when I was a POW in Nam. It was like we were slaves not allowed to think for ourselves just doing what the Vietnam soilders who'd captured us said do no choice in anything it was do it or be killed. I was afraid I'd not make it back home if I didn't do what they said so as much as it irked me I did."

Touching Bo's chest briefly where his heart is

"Ya got to think tho ya not only gonna get yourself hurt if Uncle Jesse switches ya but it hurts him too here. He's been worried sick moreso than the rest of us when you was so ill. We're goin after the guys that caused all this tonight and I can see it in his eyes he's worried,scared even that somethin will go wrong and he'll lose one of us. He's worried ya breathin will get bad or they'll go after you cos your weak still and not upto a fist fight."

Luke sighs,rubbing his tired eyes as he finishes his speech hoping Bo will think long and hard before he crosses the line to the point of not being able to talk Uncle Jesse out of giving him a switching.

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Daisy nodded and walked to Jesse's room, poking her head round the door.

"Uncle Jesse...you in here?"

Bo tensed a little when he heard Luke talking about 'Nam. Luke had told him long ago what had happened to him, although he never went into much detail, just saying that it wasn't a pleasent experience. Bo got the feeling though that it was more to do with Luke not wanting to hurt Bo than drag up old memories.

As he finsihed, he sat quietly for a moment, shifting so his back was leaning against the windscreen again.

"I know it hurts him Luke....but I can't just...I need ta make my...own decisions....s'my health and my...life that I came...close ta losin'....I know he's worried but....I just can't Luke there's....somethin' in me that just....just won't let me....I feel right guilty 'bout disobeyin' him though....but ya can see....why I did it....ya understand....

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Uncle Jesse raised his head from the pillow propping on one elbow as he heard Daisy call softly from the door.

"Yes I'm here,just tryin ta figure out what's goin on with ma little boy this just ain't like Bo"

Luke stays in the same position as Bo leans back again. Nodding as Bo seems to be pleading with him almost to understand. Luke hears the sincerity in Bo's voice when he says he feels guilty about disobeying their Uncle and hurting him.

"I understand Bo but Uncle Jesse don't he thinks your just being stubborn and defying him. You might try explainin to him just like you did me you'd be surprised how he understands when we need him too most."

Luke sincerely hopes Bo will make peace with Uncle Jesse he can see this rift between them at the moment is hurting them both.

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Bo swallowed and looked to Luke for the first time since they had started talking.

"But what...if he don't understand....when he's riled he....he don't listen to reason....I don't mind gettin'....a switchin'.... iain't afraid and hack...I probably deserve it....but I don't....want him ta....think I's hurtin' him....on purpose....I just can't help....I need this to help me....move on..."

Daisy sighed and sat on the bed next to Jesse.

"Uncle Jesse....he is a grown man now...."

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Luke rubs his hands down his face taking in another deep breath blowing it out.

"Bo all I can tell ya is to try and if Uncle Jesse still don't see it as nothin but defiance and switches ya, then ya will just have ta try again once it's outta his system and his temper's cooled enough he'll listen. Ya know he's always made peace with us after a punishment and this time won't be any different. I know ya ain't afraid of a switchin, none of us has ever been afraid of one really we's just had a healthy dose of worry and if none of us has ever liked disappointin Uncle Jesse. *nods with a humorless chuckle* oh yeah you deserve it a'right".

Uncle Jesse closes his eyes briefly it's been a long day and nowhere near over and his nerves are frayed.

"I know baby......but just cos ya'll are grown don't stop me from worryin' "

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Daisy nodded and wrapped loving arms around her Uncle.

"There has ta be a good reason for this Uncle Jesse, Luke's out there talkin' to Bo right now....maybe he'll find out what's goin' on with him. He sure has had a shock though over the past few days."

Bo nodded and swallowed.

"I hope...I ain't disappointed....him. I ain't disappointed in myself....and i'm not goin' ta say....i'm sorry for....what I did cause....it was the best feelin'....ta know I accomplished that....but I love him....I don't ever want ta hurt him bac..."

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Uncle Jesse wraps his arms around Daisy thanking the lord again for his kids all three of them.

"I hope ya right Daisy and Luke can get ta the bottom of all this. It's just not like Bo and I could just chew nails and spit horseshoes ever time I think of what them polecats has done to him."

Luke can understand Bo's feelings but still winces inside when Bo admits to not being sorry for disobeying Uncle Jesse.

"I don't think ya disappointed him just cos ya wanna get back to normal that he can understand. He's most likely disappointed in ya defiance but no matter what there ain't nothin Bo that ya can't make right with Uncle Jesse."

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Daisy nodded and looked to him.

"Yeah me too....so if you and me feel like this...then how you think Bo is feelin'?"

Bo nodded but also frowned.

"Yeah but....how could I do....what I needed ta....and not be defiant? I thought for....a moment that...you'd all understand....what i needed ta do....but Uncle Jesse just....I ain't never seen him so mad....a part of me....wanted ta give up when....he was tpwerin' over me....dunno how I didn't...."

He sighed and looked back over to Luke.

"I hope I can....smooth things over....will you be there....when I try and explain....I's afriad he might....hit me there and then if.....it gets too bad...."

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Uncle Jesse smiles sadly

"He no doubt feels three times worse than anyone else."

Luke leans back against the windshield again next to Bo ruffling the blonde curls.

"Ya coulda tried explainin I guess" *grins trying to make Bo feel better* "wouldn't have been near as excitin' as the show you put on"

Luke laughs then says with a tone of admiration in his voice although he still doesn't approve of Bo's difiance

"I don't know how you pulled it off either. It wasn't even me he was towering over and I was quaking in my boots. He's not been that mad in a very long time."

Luke smiles reassuringly at Bo

"You bet cousin....You ain't got nothin to worry about he won't hit ya least not anywhere but your backside and you's already got that coming."

Luke grins teasingly as he says the last unable to help himself.

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Luke hugs Bo best he can with the two of them laying on the General's hood.

"Your welcome cuz....I'll be glad when this is all over and things can get back to normal....well what passes for normal in Hazzard anyway."

Luke looks at his watch to see how long it is before things get going.

"Won't be long now till things get underway. Cooter and the troopers should be here soon."

Uncle Jesse smiles a real smile this time

"I know Dais, I ain't never doubted a day in you kids lives that ya didn't love me as much as I love ya'll."

In the meantime while alone B.L. has dozed off truly being relaxed for the first time in a week.

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Luke hugs Bo best he can with the two of them laying on the General's hood.

"Your welcome cuz....I'll be glad when this is all over and things can get back to normal....well what passes for normal in Hazzard anyway."

Luke looks at his watch to see how long it is before things get going.

"Won't be long now till things get underway. Cooter and the troopers should be here soon."

Uncle Jesse smiles a real smile this time

"I know Dais, I ain't never doubted a day in you kids lives that ya didn't love me as much as I love ya'll."

In the meantime while alone B.L. has dozed off truly being relaxed for the first time in a week.

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Bo leant into Luke's hug, wrapping his own arms round Luke's waist as much as he could without the threat of him falling off the General. He nodded as Luke told him they needed to get ready and held out his arms as Luke slipped off the hood, singalling he needed a hand getting into the barn.

Daisy smiled and looked at the clock.

"We better get ready, Cooter and the troopers should be here soon....just dont be too hard on Bo Uncle Jesse."

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Swinging Bo's legs off the General, Luke gives his hands a gentle tug to get him on his feet. Laying an arm across Bo's shoulders the two make their way slowly to the barn.

Jesse returned the smile as he got to his feet

"Girl if you don't beat all first ya so mad at Bo for his defiance ya walk on him now ya tellin me not to be too hard on him."

Kisses Daisy's forehead before wrapping an arm around her waist as they leave the room going to get ready for the night's events

"Don't worry I'm hopin after everythin is said and done I can just scare him good tomorra without resortin to actually switchin him."

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Bo walked contenedly to the barn with Luke, keeping his breathing the same as he had when walking down the hospital corridor, matching it with each step he took, feeling immensly pleased that he could do this on his own now, realising he didnt really lean on Luke that much anymore.

She smiled gently as her Uncle led her out and saw B.L sleeping on the couch. She put her fingers to her lips and scribbled a note to B.L, leaving it on her stomach as she saw Bo and Luke heading towards the barn. She wrapped her arm back round Uncle Jesse's waist and headed outside with him again.

"I know I walked out on Bo...but it was mainly cause I was scared for you..."

She decided not to comment on the last part, having a horrible feeling that if Bo wasn;t scared of Jesse in the hospital, he might just end up getting that switching from Jesse instead of the lecture Jesse was planning.

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Once inside the barn Luke guides Bo to a bail of hay gently but firmly depositing him there,although Bo won't say it the day has been long and beginning to catch up with him,but there's still things to do so Luke is bound and determined to make sure Bo at least takes it easy before things get underway pointing a warning finger at Bo before issuing an order in his best Marine tone of voice.

"Stay put"

After issuing the order Luke gathers arrows,a box of dynamite and a roll of duct tape bringing them back to Bo to construct the dynamite arrows.

Jesse drawing in a deep breath as they exit into the yard lets it out slowly and some of the day's frustrations with it. Then giving Daisy a quizzical look asks

"Scared for me?"

They meander across the yard really in no hurry entering the barn after Luke has set Bo to work on the arrows. Jesse is at least relieved to see Luke has gotten Bo something to do that he can do sitting still instead of being up moving around.

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Bo smiled as Luke used his Marine voice, knowing there was no messing with that, but to be honest he didn't have the energy to disobey him anyway. He grinned as Luke brought out the box of arrows and dynamite, smiling, the adrenaline starting to flow as he thought about what they were going to do.

Daisy nodded and huddled a bit more into Jesse as they walked, as pleased as Jesse that Luke had found something Bo could do sitting down.

"Yeah....I could see how much Bo doin' that hurt ya...I didn't want ya to be alone..."

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Luke smiles greatfully as Bo obeys without protest, he just hopes that Bo's in a cooperative mood tonight if things get ugly and there's a chase on foot and ensuing fist fight because there is no way he will let Bo out of the car to participate. That was the agreement that Bo got to go along was he stayed in the car and Luke intends to hold him to that promise. After making sure they have everything needed to make the arrows, Luke takes a seat on a bale of hay opposite Bo. Picking up an arrow and stick of dynamite.

Uncle Jesse kisses Daisy's temple in silent thanks but lets the conversation drop as they are in earshot of the boys now.

"You boys got things ready to go?"

Luke looks up smiling as he nods

"Yes sir, I just thought we might need a few more dynamite arrows."

Jesse nods approvingly

"Good idea"

Inside the house as the cb crackles to life B.L. rolls off the couch to her knees startled at the sudden sound interrupting her sleep.

"Craaaazy Cooter comin atcha any you Duke's home on the hazzardnet come on"

Seeing and picking up the note B.L. reads it before getting to her feet and rushing over to the cb in the kitchen picking up the mic.

"Crazy C ya got tinkerbell here what's up"

The cb crackles again as Cooter keys his mic answering

"Hey cousin, I was just wonderin how the lost sheep was and if things are all set for the rendesvous tonight."

B.L. keys the mic answering not wanting to give too much information over the hazzardnet in case the theifs are listening

"That's a big 10-4 we're just waiting on you and the other contestants of tonights game. The lost sheep is doing better than expected he's feeling his oats today."

Cooter can be heard laughing before he answers

"Can't keep that boy down for long.....I'll be there in 5, Crazy C down and gone"

B.L. laughs at Cooter's assessment of Bo's ability to bounce back

"10-4 Crazy C, Tinkerbell over and out"

After hanging up the cb mic B.L. goes out the back door wandering over to the barn where the note said everyone was.

"Hey ya'll Cooter just hollered on the cb and said he'd be here in 5 minutes"

Uncle Jesse nods relieved things are about to get underway soon so this whole mess can be over. Luke looks up as he finishes another arrow.

"Thanks for the info B.L."

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Bo made quick work of the arrows he had been working on, excitement and adrenaline building up as B.L came out and told them about Cooter. He grinned and his posture became stronger, more positive and a determined gleam sprang to his eyes. He couldn't wait for this thing to start.

Daisy saw how Bo looked even happier at B.L's call and even she couldn't deny that she was looking forward to what was going to transpire. She turned as several horns sounded and she grinned.

"Hey, State Police are here."

Bo grinned even further and moved to stand up.

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Luke grins catching the excitement of both his cousins he's just itching to teach the thugs a lesson they won't soon forget. Noticing Bo preparing to stand he holds out his hand to help same as any other time not intending to do more than give Bo's arm a gentle but firm jerk to assist him to his feet. Suddenly mindful that Bo needs to appear in good health from this point on especially if the men who put him in this weakened state get a look at him so that they can see they didn't succeed in getting Bo down. Mutters to himself more than the others

"Let's get this show on the road"

Uncle Jesse walks out to greet his friend Alan Dredson from the state police. Shaking the agents hand

"Alan it's goot ta see ya again, thanks for helpin us"

Cooter pulls up a fraction of a second after the state police quickly jumping out of the tow truck striding toward the barn where everyone is congregated. Giving Daisy and B.L. both a hug and shaking the boys hands.

"Lookin good Bo, sorry I didn't make it to the hospital but I was swamped at the Garage. Lucas lookin a little peaked there buddy"

"I'm ok Coot be alot better when this is all over."

Cooter and the girls nod knowing exactly what Luke means.

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Alan took Jesse's hand warmly and then pulled him into a brief hug.

"No thanks needed Jesse, this is our job but of course I owe you a lot already so..."

He turns and looks to Luke and Bo, the two he had not met since they were youngsters, amazed at how much they had grown.

"And this much be Luke and Bo...my havent you two grown. Well Bo I have to say you have a well formulated plan here, and as long as everything goes as planned then we should have them fella's behind bars in no time."

Bo nodded and shook Alan's hand in thanks watching as he shook Luke's and headed back to his troopers, running through last minute checks. Bo smiled at Cooter and shook his head, showing he needed no apology he understood. With a quivering breath as Alan gave the thumbs up, he looked over his family and friends.

"Y'all ready?"

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