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That is the problem it is OUR business as Dukes fans.

Tom is human like all of us. He made a mistake and because of his celebrity , it is is the spotlight, especially here and on other Dukes sites. That is what these forums are all about, to talk about things good or bad.

I'm gone



I'm curious as to how he got Drunk in the first place maybe he was at a party for Saint Patrick 's Day ? Plus he is from the beer state so maybe this is something people from Wisconsin do for fun ? anyway i bet he is feeling pretty low now and hopefully has learned his lesson.


You know... I can see both sides of the issue here. Which this subject opens a huge ethical can o'worms here...

Just how much should the press really know when it comes to celebrities? Another question that could be asked is because celebrities are in the public eye all the time should they be held to a higher standard?

I do kind of agree that it's Tom's business and nobody else's. However, he's in the public eye all the time. He probably can't go to the bathroom without being spied on by somebody, (I'm exaggerating here but you get the point). If he knows that he's being watched all the time you think he'd be a little more careful? However Capt is right. Tom's human. No matter how much we'd like to think he's not, he is.

I don't care for the idea of drinking and driving. It is wrong, but if he wasn't Tom Wopat the actor who played Luke Duke, everyone would dismiss this issue. Kind of sad how we over look things in society unless a celebrity is doing it. Isn't it? Which raises the two issues I brought up earlier.... Gives one much to ponder about.


Kitty, for the love of God, Wisconsin is the "Dairy State", not the "Beer State."

Granted, WI has it's share of party shindigs and it's not unusual for taverns to outnumber everything else in a small town. Despite that, I don't think the state has the market cornered on drinking.

That being said, Tom's had a long and successful career - without any such incident like this, until recently. Unless we find out otherwise, I'm chalking it up to a single event and a bad decision on his part.

Ask anybody why they were driving drunk, and they'll tell you stuff like this:

"I felt ok."

"I wasn't going that far."

"I called for a ride but I couldn't get ahold of anybody."

"I was being careful and going slow."

The worst thing about having your judgment impaired by alcohol, is that you don't think your judgment is impaired.

I said it in another post and I'll repeat it here. I'm just glad there was a cop around who noticed Tom's driving and stopped him. This coulda been worse news, had Tom hurt himself or hurt somebody else in the process.

Tom made a mistake, and a serious one, but thank God it wasn't worse.


Granted, WI has it's share of party shindigs and it's not unusual for taverns to outnumber everything else in a small town. Despite that, I don't think the state has the market cornered on drinking.

Yes, Wisconsin is not the only state where people drink beer.

Except maybe whatever state Kitty is in. :p


My BIG point is......

He is 54 years old. An adult who knows better than to drive while intoxicated. I almost 15 years old and I know better and I probably would know better if I was drunk.

Everybody is human, yes that much is true but he has children. 5 of them to be exact. He is setting a bad example not only for them but for me too.

He is a responsible adult who is half a century old, who I sincerely hope, knows the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

I will never drink because of something in my liver, and I'm not quite sure how it would react to alcohol.

]Im tired of hearing about this. Being a celebrity does not make you immune to mistakes and yes what he did was wrong and he will pay for it gah lee.

Nobody said being a celebrity makes you immune to mistakes. Being a celebrity also doesn't make you immune to being human and making mistakes either.

But in some way being a celebrity sort of puts you in the spotlight most of the time. So in a way he has to live up to bigger expectations and also be more scrutinized for certain things as is the case here. If it wasn't Tom Wopat would the news have been all over this? Probably not since it was caught before any other serious action occurred.

I'm gone



When you go into the performing arts buisness, you are always on the spot.

In life we have consequences may they be good or bad. Tom made a bad decision and now he has a consequence and that is: Fans will be talking about this for the next month or two.


Oh Brian,

Wisconsin and I think a good majority of the midwest has ALOT of pubs, bars, taverns, lounges ect

I think it's because we have more accesess to barley.

My dad, my sister and myself were driving through Wisconsin, I asked him why there were so many bars and he said something like that Wisconsin has ALOT of bars and accsess to alcohol

I do have a life but I also have some problems up here

*points to her own head*

That make me worry about these things. I like only a few things at a time and then I move on. I'm still getting over poke'mon and that was almost 9 years ago.

Ok...are you saying you like this? What? lol Im sorry Im confused?


I see that a lot of people are disapointed that Tom was drinking and driving. I undertand this, it is disapointing. However, I believe that most of us are not as upset about Tom's DUI charge as we are about what the charge does for Tom's image, or more accurately what it does for the image we have of Tom.

What I mean is, no one should drink and drive, but we would find it less upsetting if anyone other than one of the "Duke boys" had been caught doing it. For example, if Steven Segal or some other celebrity had been charged with DUI, sure there would be talk about it but there probably wouldn't be a big deal made of it.

A lot of people, myself included, respect the Dukes and look up to them. What's not to respect? They have good moral character, integrity, respect for themselves and others; and they always do the right thing. Of course we look up to them and respect them.

We all love Tom as Luke Duke. We all respect Tom as Luke Duke. In many ways, rather we realize it or not, rather we mean to or not, we often see and think of Tom as we would Luke. However, we need to remember that Tom is Tom and Luke is a character that he played. No one is perfect, not even Tom and we can't expect him to be perfect just because he's Luke. He made a mistake, and that's all. It should not be blown out of porportion just because it was Tom.


we must look at tom as tom. not luke. luke is a ficnal chartor. tom is a real breathin human. he made a mistake yes. but alot o folk are abashin the heck out ol him.donot bash him pray fre em he needs the soport of his family freiend and fans right now. we donot know what may be goin on in his persnal life.he may or may not have a drinkin problem ifin he dose he needs help not bashin

we must look at tom as tom. not luke. luke is a ficnal chartor. tom is a real breathin human. he made a mistake yes. but alot o folk are abashin the heck out ol him.donot bash him pray fre em he needs the soport of his family freiend and fans right now. we donot know what may be goin on in his persnal life.he may or may not have a drinkin problem ifin he dose he needs help not bashin

Exactly. That's what I am saying.

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