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It was actually a yellow and black Plymouth Road Runner. In the first 5 episodes in Georgia it was a 1973-1974 Road Runner but when the shooting began at Warner Bros. for the rest of the series they used a 1971-1972 Plymouth Road Runner. Then in season 2's "The Runaway" the brakes gave away as Bo and Luke aproached Rainbow Canyon and had to dive out to save their lives. Unfortanutely the Road Runner met its demise while Daisy was given her CJ5 or CJ7 Jeep which she had for the rest of the series. Well anyway my favorite is the Road Runner because I am a muscle car lover. Although 4WD is good for offroading I just prefer the General Lee for offroading.

It was actually a yellow and black Plymouth Road Runner. In the first 5 episodes in Georgia it was a 1973-1974 Road Runner but when the shooting began at Warner Bros. for the rest of the series they used a 1971-1972 Plymouth Road Runner.

I stand corrected. Thanks. :D I still liked Daisy's CAR more than her JEEP.

By the way, in one episode, I saw, what was supposed to be, a speedometer for the General Lee could '69 Charger actually reach 150 mph? I also recall Starsky & Hutch's Torino's speedometer with a speed of 120 mph.

Only in Hazzard County could you drive 150 mph and not be noticed! :D


Hmmm this is a hard question for me to answer. I really liked them both, and I think that they both fitted her.

Her car fit her strength. It was a muscle car, and she was a strong person physically and conviction wise. Her strenght of belief.

Dixie fit her spirit. I was more of a fun, spunky car. It was bouncy as it went off road. She was a spirited, spunky person. She was always laughing and fun loving.

I think that the jeep had more impressive style rescues of Bo and Luke. They could just jump in as it was driving by. Made for quicker and easier enterances and exits.

See my problem. So I really can't choose. Color wise though I liked the car better.

  • 1 month later...

I have to say that i like her yellow and black Plymouth Road Runner, probably because if it rains, you have a roof over your head while driving, where as you don't on a jeep like Dixie.

Both cars are cool, but i prefere the yellow and black Plymouth Road Runner. :)

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