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Rebecca Said.. Thanks Mom Want to stay for supper and you can get to Know Luke. Kathy Said. Ya sure I would like that. and then they went back to the living room.


Kyle was thinking on how he could get Kathy to dump Luke Duke and then he got an idea. So he called a women that he had put in Jail for prosatution. and he asked her if she would come on to Luke Duke and to make Kathy think that they spent the night together. and she said she would do it for a price. and then he started to laugh.

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2 days Later..

Kathy was at the track with Bo and Luke They where getting ready for their last race in Chicago tomorrow.

When this tall blond walkes up to Luke and puts her arms around Luke and gives him a kiss and she said I just want to thank you for last night.

Luke looked at her and said I thing you got me mixed up with someone eles. Tamra Smiled and said No I don't.

Kathy Just looked at her and said Ya you do, you can go back to my father and tell him it didn't work cause I know Luke wasn't with you last night cause he was with me. so if i where you I would turn right around and leave before I do something that I Will regret later.

Tamra looked at her and then she turned around and went to her car and left.

Bo looked at them and said Wow your dad must not want you and Luke together.

Kathy didn't say a word all she did was walk over to Luke and gave him a kiss and said I will see you later. and then she turned around and walked to her car got in and headed for her Parents house.


Kathy walked in her parents house she slamed the door her mother and Tina walked out to meet her and said what's wronge? All Kathy Said Was where is Dad? He's in his office. Tina said. Thanks. Kathy said. as she headed for he father's office.


Kathy walked into her father's and slamed the door behimd her, Her father just looked at her Kathy walked up to her father's desk and said Dad I have some things to say to you. First of all Idon't apprate you bring Zack back into my Life. and I don't apprate it when you but in to my relationships I want you but out of them Oh Ya I have one more thing That Women you hired to break up Luke and I and you told her to say that her and Luke spent last night together. Well It didn't work Cause you see Father Luke spent last night with me. all night.

and then Kathy turned around and walked out of her father's office and all she hurd was Kathleen you get back in here.

but she didn't she Just walked out of the house. Rebecca and Tina followed her out the door. Kathy looked at her mother and said sorry mom. but I had to let him know where I stand. And I won't be coming here anymore. If you want to see me we could met some where or you can come to my house.


Kathy Said as he mother gave her a hug andsaid Ok . Then she looked at Tina and said want to go to the race with me tommorrow I have vip tickets and we can sit right with Luke and Bo.Kathy Said. Tina said Sure Man it's great when my sister is dating a race car driver I can get in the races free. and they all Laugh. Kathy looked at her mother and said Want to go to Luke will be driving cause Bo Ancle is still pothering him. Which he suppose to stay off of. I'am gonna have to talk to him about that.Kathy Said. Then she went to her Firebird. and as she got in her father came out of the house andhe yelled Kathleen this isn't over.


Luke was checking the engin of the car when Zack walked up to Luke and said you know she's mine. Luke stood up and looked at Zack right in the face and said Kath ain't a posation. She is a beautiful free women and she can be with who ever she wants to be with.

Just then Kathy pulled up and she saw Zack and she got out and she ran to Luke.

Kathy got in between Luke and Zack and she was facing Luke and she said Baby calm down this is what him and my father wants they want you to hit Zack and then that would give them a reason to put you in Jail. Kathy kissed Luke and said Now baby calm down. Then she turned to Zack and said Zack go now and stay the hell out of my life I don't love or want you any more. I don't know what my father told you and I don't care I have cut all ties with my father.Now Go. Then Kathy took Luke by the hand and they walked over to the race car. and Zack left.


Kathy walked over to Bo and said How's your ankal? Bo Looked at her and said it hurts a little but not bad, Kathy smiled and said don't worry Bo I won't yell at you I got my sassy ness out for tonight. and she walked over to Luke and said when you are done why don't you come over later so we could talk and he said Sure Why don't you stay with us.Luke said Ok if you want me to. Kathy Said.


Kathy pulled her firebird in he drive way.and she shut it off and then they got out/ and went in the house Luke said Ok Kath what's the trouble. Kathy started to cry and she went into his arms and he held her and then after she had her cry she told Luke what hadhappend today and what her father had said when she was leaving. Luke my father knows a lot of people ithat does things that 's not leagle I Feel he's gettin desprit now


Luke looked at her and smiled and said I ain't worried about it. Sweetheart. Then he Kissed her.


Kathy woke up and there was Luke right next to her She looked at the time and she Kissed him and he woke up and said what a wounderful way to wake up

meanwhile at the Spencer house. Kyle was thinking of a way to get Luke Duke Out of his daughters Life. Then he came to him he's a race car driver and accidents happen to Race car drivers all the time.


Meanwhile at the track.

Two guys that Kyle had hired went to the track to sabatach The Dukes Race car.


Luke was getting ready for the race. Kathy was calling the hospotal to see if they needed her. and Mark said that they where fine. And Kathy Said Ok see you latter tonight then Bye. Kathy Said. and then there was a knock at the door Kathy put the phone down and went to the door. and it was Tina and her mother. They came in and ,at that moment Luke walked down the stairs in Just his Jeans and Socks and his hair was wet.He was carring his shirt and Boots. He looked at Tina and Rebecca and smiled and said howdy. Rebecca and Tina Just smiled and said Hi back. Luke sat on the couch and put his boots on. Tina walked over to Kathy and she smiled and Kathy looked at her and said Shut up Tina,


Tina smiled and said I didn't say anything. Luke just smiled. as he stood up and put on his shirt. Kathy said you where going to.

they got up and headed for the track.


Rebecca was keeping watch cause she felt that Kyle was going to try something. Rebecca realy like Luke she liked him cause he made Kathleen real happy and he was kind young man.

Luke was getting ready Bo wastalking to him and told him about the Phone call he had gotten last night. and Luke said we will talk about it after the race..

the pit crew started to push the car to the starting line . Luke walked behind it. all of the drivers got in their cars. and the anouncer said Gentalmen start your engains. and then the gun went off. Luke was in 5th possion.then he moved up to 3rd possion. and then Bo saw that Luke was serving. Luke you need to strainten out. Bo said. Kathy had this feeling that something was going to happen.


Luke was having a hard time keeping the car strait. he lost control and the car started to spin and then it rolled over.

Bo Yelled in the Mic Luke you ok Luke. But he didn't get no answer. Kathy was getting up but Rebecca stopped her. she said they will handle it.


The trucks rolled out to the car The yellow flag went up. and then they pulled Luke out of the car. and he stood up and waved his hands in the air so everyone knew he wasall right. They put Luke in the ambulance. Kathy Said Bo where are they bring the ambulance out and Bo told her and she ran down there.


Kathy walked up to the parmedic and said is Luke Duke all right. and then he got out of the way and there was Luke. Kathy smiled and went to him. and then the anouncer said Luke Duke is all right fokes. and the crowd cheered.

after the race..

Kathy and Tina stayed with Bo and Luke. and Rebecca took Tina's car and went home. Kathy looked at Luke and said are you sure you are all right.Luke smiled and he pulled her towards him and said Sweetheart I;am just fine.



Kyle was in his office Talking to Zack. When Rebecca walked in the house and she over hurd what Kyle was telling Zack. Man That Boy Has got more lives then a cat. I thought for sure that would work.

Rebecca was real mad and she stormed in to his office and said Kyle Adam Spencer How dare you You KNOW that Boy could have been Killed. and if he got killed that would have broken Kathleen's heart.Luke is a nice boy and he really loves Kathleen. Rebecca said. Well Becky it sounds like that you have met the boy. Kyle Said.

Ya I have and you better stop what you are doing before someone gets hurt. Rebecca said as she left the office.



Kathy was checking on mrs Hopper. she is an 80 year old women who won't let any other look at her but Kathy. Mrs Hopper looked at Kathy and said Dr what's prothing you. Well Mrs Hopper I shouldn't bother you with noncence I here to take care of you. So How are you feeling today?Kathy Said. Now I'am just an old Lady and I know my time on this earth isn't for to much longer. Now you tell me what's prothing you.Mrs Hopper Said. Ok Well my boyfriend is leaving for Alabama Tomorrow. and I don't know when I will see him again.Kathy Said. So what are you doing here? Mrs Hopper Said. Kathy smiled and said Mrs Hopper I have to come to work. Noncents you belong with him Where is Carrie?Mrs Hopper. Said Carrie came into Mrs Hoppers room and said what;s going on Mr Hopper?

I want this young Lady to have the night off and be with her Boyfriend tonight cause he's leaving in the morning.Mrs Hopper Said. Mrs Hopper I Need her here tonight.


No you don't need her There is nothing going on most of the staff you got here is just standing around.and you can have her on call that way if an emerency doese come up you can call her in.Mrs Hopper Said, OkKathy go and be with your guy but keep your beeper on.Kathy thank you and she left.

Kathy went to her office and called the hotel and she talked to Luke and she said to met her at her house and he said he will be right there.


3 WEEKS Latter.

Kathy was at her house cause she had the day off.when she hurd a knock on the door She went to answer it and it was her sister Tina. Kat I'am worried about you. all you do is work and come home.you have been like this ever sence Luke left.

I know but I miss him so much even talking to him on the phone every day doesn't help.and with Dadand Zack watching every move I make.You know Zack Had the gall to come over her and invite himself in and he stayed her here AND i TOLD ABOUT 4times to leave. but finily he got the hint and left.Kathy Said. Just then the phone rang Kathy went to the phone and said Hello Oh hi Baby.

What's up?Luke asked Nothing much I off today and I miss you very much. So what's it like being back in Hazzard?

It feel great to be home again. Hay why done you come to Hazzard I know Uncle Jesse and Daisy would love to meet you. I talk about you all the time.Luke said Luke I would love to come to Hazzard but The hospital is short staffed cause everyone is out sick or so they say. and pluse my father is keeping a close eye on me.Kathy Said.


Why is your father so againest us? Luke asked. Luke I really don't know. Maybe it;s because your family is not rich,or maybe he's afraid of losing me.Kathy Said. Bo says hi Kath.Luke said Kathy smiles and said aske him has he steped in any pot holes latley. Luke laughed and he relaied the message and she hurd bo say haha very funny Kathy. We Sweet heart I gotta get off here I have chores to do Love you bye. Luke said. Ya Love you too bye. Kathy said as she put the phone down.and she walked over to the couch and sat down and said Boy I really do Miss him.Kathy said Tina smiled and said come on lets got out to Lunch .Kathy smiled and said ok.and then she got up and they went out the door.


Kathy and Tina walked in and they sat down and they ordered their meal.and then they saw Zack walk in. And Kathy said Oh great, then he walked over. and said so what are you two ladies doing? We are tring to eat our lunch in peace Tina said. Zack sat down next to Kath with out being asked. and he put his hand on her leg, and Kathy said get your hand off my leg before it gets broken. Zack Just laughs he didn't move his hand so Kathy grabbed his hand and bent it back Zack yelled and Kathy pushed him out of the buth and she left,Tina was right behind her.


Kathy stopped.and she just stood there.and she looked at her sister and said Sis I can't take this anymore. Go to the police.Tina said Kathy looked at her and said Tina they won't do anything I think It's time I leave Chicago.


Sis You can't where will you go? Tina said.Well sis I'am going to Georgia. Hazzard County Georgia. Kathy Said. Tina smiled and said Luke and Bo I said Hi. and then they went to Kathy's house.and Kathy Packed.


Kathy came into Hazzard .and she thought well I'am here now where to I go.Then she remembered Luke told her about a place called the Boars Nest. So Kathy decided to go to the Boars Nest she spotsa sind that tells her how to get to the Boars Nest.


Daisy was waiting tables. when Kathy walked in she looked around but she didn't see Boand Luke any where. Soshe walked up to the Bar and said excuse me. Daisy turned around. and she smiled and said Kathy. Kathy Looked at her and said dO I know you? Oh Sorry no you don't but it seemsLike I know You Luke has been talking about you ever sence him and Bocame home. Oh I'm his Cousin Daisy. Daisy Said. Daisy went to the cb and said BoPeep to Lost Sheep come back. Daisy Said. Afew minutes Later Kathy hears Luke's voice come over the cb. And Said you have Lost Sheep here What's you need Bo Peep? Well Lost Sheep there is some one here at the Boars Nest looking for you? Daisy Said Well who is it Bo Peep? Luke Said Why don't you come to the Boars Nest and find out. Daisy Said. Ok we are on our way. See ya in 10 minutes. I'm gone Luke said. Daisy put the cb down and went back to work .



Bo and Luke walk into the Boars Nest. and they see Daisy and they walkd up to her and said Daisy Who is looking for me.Luke said. Daisy pointed towards the Bar and Luke said thank you. Kathy hurd Luke's voice andshe tried not to turn around till he got to her.

Luke walked up to her and he said You are looking for me. Kathy turned around and said Ya. Luke Looked at her and said Kath he took her in his arms and swung her around and he kissed her. and then Bo walked up to her and said Hay doc AND HE GAVE HER A HUG. Luke Said Kath are you all right .kathy said Now I'am. Kathy just feel into his arms. he looked at her and said Now Sweetheart what's going on? come on let's go somewhere where we can talk. and then he took Kathy by the hand and they went out side Bo was right be hind them. Bo Said Luke Take the General I will Just wait for Daisy. Kathy said o you don't take my care and Kathy threw him the Key to her firebird. Bo says Thanks Kathy. Luke picked Kathy up she gave hima strange look he looked at her and smiled andsaid the doors are welded. and Kathy said oh ok. she slide in the General Lee. and Luke got in and he started up the General and he headed for Hazzard Pond.



Luke got out of the Generaland then he helped Kathy get out.and then he put his arm around her and walked to the waters edge andthen he asked Sweetheart what's going on? Kathy told Luke wat has been going on. and she also told him what her mother had told her about his accident. Luke took her in his arms and said don't worry you are with me now.



Zack was mad that Kathy had made him look like a fool in front of everyone and he decided that if he couldn't have her noone could. So he called up some old friends he had and he told him what he wanted ten to do. and they told him that it would cost him and Zack said he didn't care.



Kathy was getting to know Uncle Jesse. Kathy Said Mr.Duke. This Farm is Just beautiful. I Love it here. Thank ya, and you are more then welcome here. and everyone here calls me Uncle Jesse. Uncle Jesse Said. Kathy Just smiled.


Tina went to County and told Carrie that Kathy won't be back for a while and then Zack walked into the hospital. Zack walked up to carrie and Tina and said where is Kathleen I want to talk to her.

Tina looked at him and said Well she don't want to talk to you. and she told you I don't know how many times to leave her alone. and it's none of your bussness where she is.

Well all I'am going to say is If I can't have her no one eles can eather.Zack Said. Zack What do you mean?Tina Said. Just what I said. Zack said as he walked away. Tina got this strange feeling. So she left the hospital and went to her parents house



Tina walked into the house and she went into her mother's office Her mother was on the phone to her sectery.She looked up and saw Tina and said Sheri I will call you back. Then she hung up the phone. Ok Tina What's wronge?Rebecca Said. Mom I think that Zack went and done something stupid and it may cause Kathy or even Luke their lives.Tina said. Rebecca looked at Tina What makes you say that. Isn't Luke gone?

Ya mom he is. But I ran into Zack at County cause I was telling Carrie something for Kathy. and he made acoment like If I can't have her No one can. I asked him what it ment and he said Just as it sounds.Tina Said. Rebecca had a worried look on her face and she picked up the Phone. Tina said Mom What are you doing? I'am calling Kathy at home and tell her what's going on so she can becareful.Rebecca Said. Mom That Won't do any good cause Kathy isn't there. She is in Hazzard with Luke. Tina Said. Well do you have Luke's number.Rebecca Said. Tina said Yes I do she gave it to me before she left. Tina Said Well give it to me Kathleen needs to Know.Rebecca said. So Tina gave her mother the Dukes number and then Rebecca picked up the Phone and called the Duke Farm.



Kathy and Uncle Jesse was outside talking and taking care of the Amimals. Bo and Luke was putting the Hay in the Barn. Daisy was at the Baors Nest.

Uncle Jesse hurd the Phone Rang He got up and went into the house. and answerd the Phone and he saidDuke Farm Jesse Speaking Oh Ya she is. Hold on, Uncle Jesse put the phone down and he walked out and Said Kathy Phone it's your mother.and she sounds worried. Uncle Jesse Said. Luke Looked at Bo and said I wounder what's going on?

Kathy walked into the house and she picked up the phone and said Hay mom Kathy here. Kathleen I have something to tell you. Zack is up to something and Tina and I both think you are in danger.Rebecca Said. Mom he doesn't even know I'm in Hazzard. Kathy Said .Ya I know but he can allways find out he knows Lukes name all he has to do is do a back ground check on him. and he will know where Luke Lives.Rebecca said. Ok Ok Mom I will keep an eye out.Kathy Said. Ok Kathleen , Tina and I are on our way to Hazzard and I will let your father know what's going on Maybe he can Talk to Zack.Rebecca Said. I wouldn't count on dad to help.Kathy Said Kathleen he is still your father, Rebecca Said.


Yup Ok Mom. If it wasn't for him Iwouldn't be in this switchaing. Now would I. Well I gotta go I have to tell the man That I Love and his family that we are in danger. I love you mom Bye. Kathy said as she put the phone down. and she walked outside.


Luke saw Kathy come out of the house. and he could tell something was wronge. Luke put the bail of hay down and he grabbed his shirt and he started to walk to her and he said sweetheart.What's the matter. Luke Mom Just told me that Zack might be on his way here to Hazzard and Tina said that he told her that if he can't have me then no one can.


Zack had found out that Luke was from Hazzard. cause he looked at the papers that Kyle had given him on Luke. So He was packing. and he called up his men and told them to met him at the airport cause they are on their way to Hazzard County Georgia.





Zake and hes Men Peter and Mark got off the plain. Zack looked around and said good griff if the city is like this I can imagaine what Hazzard looks like. Now to rent a car.



Luke and Kathy was talking a walk. Kath don't worry we will get threw this. Luke said as he put his arms around her,



Rebecca I don't want you to go to Hazzard.Kyle Said.

Kyle Sence when have you ordered me around. and our daughter's life is in danger.Rebecca Said. Zack said he wasn't going to hurt her.Kyle Said. YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS. Kyle he's going to hurt our daughter. Well i guess Kathleen was right.Rebecca Said. What was she right about. Kyle Said. She said that you don't care about her and that you wouldn't help. Bye Kyle Tina and Iare leaving. Rebecca said as she wnd Tina went out the door.



Zack and his men where watching the farm . From the hill above the farm. Everytime Zack saw Luke Kiss Kathy he got a little mader. Then he saw the old man go in the house.

Down on the Farm. Uncle Jesse went into the house to answer the phone He said Hello Duke Frm Jesse Duke Speaking. Oh Hi Rebecca, you are ok I will tell her Oh they will probly take the General Lee Hes Orange with and 01 on the doors. Ok See Ya Bye. Then Uncle Jesse put down the phone and he went back outside and he said Kathy Luke. Kathy's Mother and sister are in Capital City at the Airport and they need a ride. Kathy SaidOkIwill go get them. Luke looked at her and said I'm going with you and wecan take the General. Kathy smiledand said ok and then they got in the General Lee and headed for the Airport.

Zack saw them get in the General and drive away and he woundered what was going on.



Luke parked the General Lee By Dixie. and they all Got out Luke Helped Rebecca out of the General. and She looked at Luke and said I can tell this isa young mans car. Luke just smiled. and then Kathy interduced them to Uncle Jesse and Daisy.

Kathleen your father knows what Zack is up to. We have been married for 38 years and I thought I knew him. but I guess I never knew him. Rebecca Said.

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