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*eyes Riddick suspiciously* Ya know what, man....that sounded like half of a threat. Now just 'cause I'm involved in another storyline over yonder, don't mean I can't keep an eye on ya right here.

*reaches for basket of peanuts on bar, munches on a few, cracking the shells open with hands* Ya see, Riddick...I'm used to characters like you breezin' in and thinkin' they're gonna kick somebody's posterior. Everybody always thinks it's easy to be a bad guy...*pauses for swallow of beer*

Well, maybe I make it LOOK easy...but it ain't! So take my advice. Settle down, get yerself an honest job, pay your taxes, and be a responsible citizen. You'd amaze yerself with how decent you could really be.


*smiles and then comes out from around counter. Leaves the room, stops at the sign that says No returns or complaints. Gives everyone a final look and whispers.* Good luck and good bye. I will miss you all. *Walks out of the Boar's Nest.*


8) 'Settle Down?' I have no intentions of doing that, its like tellin you not to drive fast cars or somethin like that. Dude man theres nothing honest about me or responsible, only person I take care of is me, me and me. :) And that suits me fine.

Oh an by the way about just breezing into Hazzard to kick someones posterior wasnt on my list of the top ten things to do but now that you mention it, it sounds like a good idea. [gets up from the bar to go check on some recent business] Catch ya later Brian. :lol: I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other real soon. [Leaves the Boars Nest peacefully]


*tosses a peanut at Riddick's departure* Yeah, you don't wanna be late for your piano lessons....

*sighs, turns back to bar, and looks at MaryAnne* Ya know, cousin....I remember when bad guys were BAD guys. But nowadays, people think all ya need is a lousy haircut and poor table manners. I tell ya, it's waterin' down the breed.

*takes a glug from beer* I suppose it could be worse, though. Remember when everybody wanted to come to Hazzard County and be a cop?? What the hell were they thinking?

*munches peanuts, shoves basket over towards MaryAnne* Khee, that reminds me of the time I put up that "Deputies Wanted" sign a couple of years ago...man alive, did you get the applicants, too! Makes me wonder....

What do ya think would happen if I put up a new sign, that said, "Bad Guys Wanted?" You think I could get any takers, put together a gang again, and become Lord Of The Outlaws?

*casually sips beer, holding back a grin*


*ponders Brian's question while sipping on her root beer*

You'd be the Lord o' something that's for sure. Yeah tho'...I remember them days. When good was good and evil was evil....before things got sooo fuzzy...." *stops, looks at you* "Sorry, lil' Don Henley there.

*takes a handful of peanuts from the bowl* Anyway, yeah, I remember when you put that sign up. Man alive that was quite a ride when we did that. But now tho'... *munches on a couple of peanuts* I dunno seems like nobody wants to play for fun anymore. What we need around here is a good battle of wits. No addendum for murder, no tryin' to kill off somebody. Just good ol' fashioned smarty pants dialouge, with some hijinx thrown in.

*chews for a moment, then looks at you*

Whatchya think?


*grins openly* "Addendum for Murder?" KHEE! Sounds like a good story title! I'm surprised we ain't used it already. *chuckles, swigs beer*

It don't phase me much to play for high stakes, onconna it goes with the territory when one's from the wrong side of the tracks. It's only natural that good guys wanna stop me from breakin the law, and other bad guys wanna see if they can knock me off the map. Sometimes things get rough, but I expect that. *gives a shrug* Besides, I can hold my own against 'em all.

*takes a peanut, sits it on bar, and playfully flicks it at MaryAnne* I know whatcha mean, tho', about playin' for somethin' other than blood. I mean, lookit us. *flicks another peanut, and this one ricochets off of MaryAnne's badge* We've had absolute riots without shootin' at each other. And knowin' that the other will be around tomorrow, for another adventure, takes some of the pressure off, and makes for a lot of fun. And it' s just as much of a challenge, to figure out how to annoy an opponent wthout just blowin' their head off.

*pauses, realizing something* I think it comes down to the difference of havin' an edgy friendship, a rivalry, or....an enemy. Maybe it's more about the people than the plot, MaryAnne. Hell, you and I started out as natural enemies, let's admit it. *raises beer to toast MaryAnne at the memories* But things changed between us, and I fer one, am grateful. *takes a drink* We been around a long time...we fought like hell with each other and got a lot of it out of our system. We've faced the choice of whether to destory or spare each other many times, and we'll probably face it again someday. But there's an honest kinship that we both earned in the process.

*smiles, then expression turns serious* Some other folk in Hazzard gotta sort things with each other, yet...maybe some of 'em gotta figure out where they match up, n' prove themselves. Includin' against us. Whether they figure on doin' it with bullets or babble is somethin' we can't control, cousin. We just have to be ready for whatever may happen.

I shouldn't drink. It makes me too damn philisophical. *suddenly flicks a peanut directly into MaryAnne's root beer, which lands with a tiny plunk*


*looks at peanut floating in glass of root beer*

You're right, we have to be read for anything. And yer right about our kinship. *grins* That's how we get away with doin' stuff like this *flicks a peanut into Brian's beer*


*Considers the peanut adrift in beer mug* Hmmm. *raises mug, drinks beer, along with peanut*

*sets down glass, and with exaggerated drawl, says....* Why, cousin...ah do bah-lieve you've improved the beer in this place. Khee!


Really??? Man, I've been tryin' to find a way to do that for awhile now! Just a lil' ol' peanut, I'll be darned. *looks at Brian's beer mug and then at Brian* Who woulda thunk? Khee!


The youngest brunette Duke stood outside the door to the back room of the Boar’s Nest. The tune from the jukebox was perfect and ironic. Hazzard had brought her and everyone else times of joy and sorrow, days of sunshine and rain.

Seemed just like yesterday that a black leather jacketed city fella had walked into town and started Prelude To Mass Confusion.

Daney smiled and began to walk around the one level, gray cement building.

She stopped for a moment seeing Riddick. Her hazel eyes held a troubled expression. This was a person looking for trouble and out to destroy anyone he thought despised him.

Yet, she didn’t know of one person that did. He was still too new in the area. Maybe he’ll find his place around here without too much ruckus, she thought and went back into the tavern.

She heard the last bit of conversation between her two best friends... MaryAnne and Brian, walking back up to the bar. “I never thought the beer could be improved, thanks Deputy, Bri.†Daney meant that for everything. She grabbed her beer and took a sip with a grin.


Brian turned and looked at Daney. "The beer can be improved, but the clientel can't. KHEE!" With a grin, he dunked a peanut into Daney's beer.

Her slightly pensive mood, however, didn't go unnoticed. Dukes tended to come and go abruptly in Hazzard - and Brian couldn't blame them, given their usual gift for running into the wrong people - like himself - but there was something odd in her behavior. Then again, she was a Duke...but still.

Brian tried a joke to cheer her up. "Hey, Daney. This horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'Why the long face'?'


"Gah. Daney, that IS the joke....it's whatcha call a one-liner. Here, let's see if ya get the next one."

*takes two peanuts from basket, and stands them up on the bar*

"Two peanuts were walkin' down the street...one was a salted."

*pauses* "KHEE! Like 'assaulted', but they're peanuts, ya get it? Heh...."

*seeing that his punch lines weren't getting any better, Brian tossed the two peanuts into Daney's beer* "Hell, I dunno, maybe they drowned instead."

(character note: will be outta town till Monday night - MaryAnne can answer for me, or y'all can hold that thought, whichevah!)


A string walks into a bar and the bartender says "sorry we don't serves strings." So the string goes out side and jumps and rolls around until it's all tied up with itself and goes back inside the bar. The bartender says "hey, ain't you the string that was just in here?" And the string says, "No I'm a frayed knot."

*looks at Daney and Brian for reaction and promptly plops two peanuts into her root beer* We oughta git Rosco in here. What'd one casket say to the other? Heh!


just then Hilery Davenport strolls up and looks at them, unsure what the caskets were saying and shruggs her shoulders. "Ya know, there is another way to improve the soda sides adding peanuts, especially the rootbeer." She said, waiting for them to look at her. When their eyes were on her, she pulled her insulated lunch box onto the counter top, pulled out a small tub of briyerhills ice cream, and scoops some of it into the mug, then dunks some into maryannes and daneys. "Here ya go, Rootbeer floats, using vanilla ice cream!" she laughs. "Makes it creamier and it seems less watered down. Dunno what it'll do to the beer though, but i know it improves soda pop!"


*Brian looked at the root beer floats that MaryAnne and Daney had. He then looked down at his beer and back at the root beer floats. He put the mug down on the bar top with a thunk* To hell with the beer, I want one of those!

*MaryAnne sipped at her root beer* "Mmmm...much better than the peanuts. Khee! Thanks Hilery."


Hilery looks at brian sympathetically, knowing how bad hte beer was from how much Cooter ranted and raved about how bad it was at times, she ordered the young coltrane a rootbeer, and dunked some ice cream into it, then placed it infront of him. "There, a late Easter present," Hilery chuckled.


Khee! Thank ya! *Brian picks up root beer mug and takes a sip* Tasty! *looks at Hilery* What ya mean a late Easter present? What were you gonna give me instead? Lilies?


*Strolls into the bar with a smile on face. Takes a seat at one of the bar stools and slaps some cash on the counter.*

"Drinks on me! My treat!" *smiles big* "Hey, has anyone seen Min, Mac, Gill or any of them. I'd like to buy'em a round as well."

*orders a chocolate milk for self then looks to see what everyone else wants.*


"Min, Mac and Gillian are all back in L.A.," *squeezes Val's shoulder for a moment and clears throat* "Hey, Kristy! C'mon over and join us, Val is buyin' everyone drinks." *Goes back behind bar to server drinks again. Smiles as Kristy approaches*


Nods at Daney as she walks up to the bar taking everyone in that crowds around the bar.

"That is very thoughtful of you Val," Kristy smiles at Val and back to Daney, "I'll take a nice cold soda for now."

"Thank-you," Kristy says as the cup of iced soda is set in front of her, "so what all is goin' on with y'all?"


"Oh we've been having a typical Hazzard day, kidnappin's, blown up patrol cars, frame ups, bad dreams and too many chili dogs." *raises empty root beer mug to Daney, looking for another round* "It could be suggested that there's some paranoia runnin' rampant 'round here. I'll tell ya, if life were anymore crazier in Hazzard, I'd have to declare myself sane. " *smiles*


"You can say that again MA."*then takes down a gulp of chocolate milk*

"Oh! Sorry, I just thought I'd give'em a treat before they headed back home but that's ok." *turns and see's Kristy* "KRISTY!" *Gives Kristy a quick hug*

"How you been girl! I haven't seen ya in a while!"*smile* "Where you been hiding?"*Glances down the bar and takes a sip of chocolate milk. Then looks back at Kristy and giggles.*"Did that Brian Coltrane scare ya away?"

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