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Bad news y'all,

My internet is down, i'm writting this at school with a teachers permission. DO not panic if I haven't been around for a few days. Also, be leery of my original aim screen name (i run under a name on here where it is the same as the screen name if you aren't sure which it is). I have not bene able to access it for email or anything, i cannot try getting onto it through AIM but that is because the computer here does not have it, and we aren't allowed on messengers at school.

I hope to be back in action soon.




I got grounded big time and I wont be online hardly at all inless im on a school computer. Hope to talk to ya sometime soon.

To Hazzardnet,

Sorry to all that have been looking for me online, I have been grounded from my computer, there no telling how long until I will be back on for good. Hope its soon, I miss everyone already. Sorry this messege is so short but im ona school computer. Got to go.


Well I miss you both.

It's not the same without Scoot's speeches and Dee's sense of humor.

We also take the time to miss Daney, Brain (Who are off currently), Maryanne (The busy bee) and anyone else who just hasn't been on.

HAZZARD IS A DRAG WITHOUT THE WHOLE FAMILY BEING HERE :oops: Had to get that out. :o Okay, we're good.



Yeah, it is pretty quiet when we're not here. But as long as Hazzardnet stays in yer heart, you'll find yer way back home. =)

I miss you guys too, but I'm glad you were able to send a message as to where y'all were at. We appreciate that and we hope you're back soon.



*Drops a pin* "PING"

Dang Deputy, you're right! It is quite around here. Like M.A. said, I'm glad you are able to get a message to us. I feel for you both. I know what it's like to go offline for a bit and not know what's going on. Take care both of you. I know we don't talk as much but you're still in my thoughts.

Take Care and Good Luck with your future endevors,



Well, i cleared up the problemwith my AIM name, but, My internet is down still, and I too have been using a school computer. I hope I can come back too and chat with everyone.

I can get to email on any and all email addresses you guys have for me now.



Not too much longer now, we start moving on Wednesday according to my dad, so i might be back really soon :) I can hardly wait, i miss talking to y'all. Riddick, I am looking forward to writing again, i miss our joint stuff soo much.


Head's up y'all, i'll be on a public computer able to access a messenger, yahoo messenger between 8:30 and 9:30; i might be on as early as 8. THis will be on 5/6. My phone is due on sometime this week also so i won't be away too much longer :D best wishes y'all, and good luck, hope to see the whole lot of ya tomorrow night.



I'm BACK! My dad siad yesterday he would be calling the service provider for our connection and he said he would do it today, so tomorrow i should be on... er atleast ishould be on on thursday... i got more moving to do tomorrow :-\

I am alittle dissappointed :( no one was on yahoo but Kristy, i know some of y'all don't have Yahoo, but i expected to see mroe than just her... seems like since i dissappeared, everyone else did too! :( booo hooo hooo!

See y'all again soon! :) I hope more people will be on when i'm officially back, using my home pc.


Great to be back MA, great to be back. I missed y'all somethin' terrable. I hope y'all missed me, I know a lot of ya did, that is, who i spoke to already. SO what all i miss?

oh, and please don't run for the hills. ;) it's too quiet though. I was wondering if y'all up and died for cryin' out loud. C'mon online and catch me and give me a pat ont he back sayin' wlecome back and you'll get a bone crunching hug in return!


*Finishes serving another customers. Gets a tray with four glasses filled amber liquid. Takes a few steps and places one of the beverages in front of MaryAnne, Brian and Riddick. Then picks up the last one and looks at Riddick*

Nice to see ya back in town, Riddick. Just remember this is a nice, peaceful community, with lots of places to put people who stir trouble up for no reason.



Trouble? Now who would go causing trouble in Hazzard? I dont know anyone who would go and do a thing like that. :D [being highly sarcastic] And as fare as peacefull...wow where've you been I read Brians wanted: fic, LOL that aint peacefull but I understand it could be worse...and COULD, im not saying anythings gonna happen :lol: just ya know MIGHT happen. 8)

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