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Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Turkey day with all your loved ones.....

I hope everyone here at H-Net enjoys their Thanksgiving , just remember not to eat too much turkey and fixin's..

By the way , what is everyone having for Thanksgiving?

Turkey -Maple and bacon glazed ( my wife saw a recipe and wants to try it)

Homemade stuffing, yams, homemade cranberry sauce, Dallas Cowboys football....I guess the usual Thanksgiving meal..

Happy Thanksgiving.



The whole family is coming so we're gonna have it all. Baked turkey, smoked turkey, smoked ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc and etc. I'm lookin forward to my mom's hickory nut pie. It's kinda like a pecan pie but sooooooo much tastier.


We're having Turkey(Smoked), mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, coleslaw, candied sweet potatoes, apple pies, pumpkin pies and probably a few other things as well. We're having our big get together on Sunday instead of Thanksgiving because that's the only day the rest of the family can have it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of y'all. Hope y'all enjoy it. I know I will

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