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I'm not sure if he ever did or not...I always thought it was really cute the way he did it....though there were a few times when someone had a gun and Bo kicked the gun out of their hands instead of elbowing them in the stomachs.


ye, hes so cute when he does all his fight scenes, and the good part is that John and Tom loved doing the fight scenes, ao much that they did some stunts too, and its good cause the director said they didnt need to make it look fake by adding in stunt doubles, that they could just write the script and let John and Tom fight the scenes them selves. Now the dangerous ones they didnt. but i woudlnt want them to get hurt now, would u....:D

I actually remember hearing that and I bet it didn't feel very good being thrown into a table. I know I wouldn't like it!!

haha. Probally not, he like did a flip almost and landed on the table... ouch

Yeah but Bo was cute when he faught!! te he. I hated to see him or Luke get hurt though!! Always felt so bad!! :cry:


I just thought of something else. Everytime Bo punched somebody he'd sahke his hand after, cause it hurt so bad. Do you know what I'm talking about?? His little hand shake. Or after he got hit, he'd shake his head back and forth a couple of times. His hair goin' all over the place. LOL


*giggles* I love the head shakey thing! It's so funny! It's sorts like whoa! He tries to shake his confusion away...but he can't cause he's Bo and he's always confused! LOL but that's what makes him so darn cute!


That's just wishful thinking!! :lol: But Bo was the better driver...the only person who could have a chance to beat him would be Jesse and Daisy...But even then Bo was a better driver thatn Luke...but Luke was sneakier!!


Hee Hee!! That's for sure!! It did seem like Bo had some kind of psychic connection with the General!! I'd sure love to learn to drive from him!! Though I already know how to drive!! He could teach me defensive driving!!

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