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I've always wondered just how much older Luke is than Bo? It can't be too many years because there are several references to them playing football in school in which one or the other passes the ball to his cousin. Luke fought in the Vietnam war at probably 18 it's just not clear about the age difference between any of them.....is Daisy in the middle? or younger than Bo?

Miz Smarteepantz

I've always wondered just how much older Luke is than Bo? It can't be too many years because there are several references to them playing football in school in which one or the other passes the ball to his cousin. Luke fought in the Vietnam war at probably 18 it's just not clear about the age difference between any of them.....is Daisy in the middle? or younger than Bo?

Miz Smarteepantz

Daisy is in the middle =)

From Happy Birhday General Lee, we learn that Luke got outta the Marines and came home around the same time that Bo graduted from high school. Based on that at least 4 to 6 years since Luke was a Sgt.



Thanks,that cleared up some of the mystery. It would seem that the approximate right age for Luke to have also been able to play football at the same time as Bo in Highschool would be 4 years. Which could have put Bo in 9th grade and Luke a senior. Is it even hinted as to how many years is between Daisy and each of the boys?

Miz Smarteepantz


I remember John talking about this , sort of, he was talking about how he was only eighteen when the show started, and was supposed to be twenty-four. From that I always gathered that Luke was probably twenty-eight and daisy in the middle at twenty-six. But that's what I think. I'll I can say for sure is that Bo was supposed to be 24!! It's just another mystery left up to the imagination!

  • 2 weeks later...

I Recall reading in some article that Luke was 23 , Bo i don't recall but i know Luke's age is 23 .

  • 9 months later...

I think I heard somewhere that the boys (Tom and John that is) is ten years apart. John was eighteen, but told everyone he was twenty-four because that was the age the producers or whoever was looking for. Tom at the time was twenty-eight.

That is what I read some time ago and had always thought. But then again, I've been known to be wrong from time to time. ;) As for the ages on the show...I don't know what the character's ages were. All I knew was that Bo was the youngest and Luke was the oldest...placing Daisy in the middle.

Take care and keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


I always thought that Daisy was the youngest. I know that Bo was 24, and Luke was slightly older. But then Daisy was the baby, because the boys were always so protective. And all of this is ironic because John Schneider was the "baby" of the group in reality, being only 18 at the time.

Then again, I could be totally wrong! (It's been known to happen. :lol: )


  • 2 weeks later...

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